An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
1,044 graduate as SAF Specialists
SINGAPORE - A total of 1,044 Specialist Cadets (SCTs) from the Singapore Army and the Republic of Singapore Air Force graduated Thursday evening as specialists of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).
Minister of State, Ministry of National Development, Mr Desmond Lee reviewed the 19th Specialist Cadet Graduation Parade at Pasir Laba Camp this evening.
Addressing the graduands, senior SAF officers, and their families and friends, Mr Lee highlighted the expanding threats to the nation's security.
He said that the security challenges that Singapore faces in the region are also increasingly "transnational and non-traditional", ranging from terrorism, weapons proliferation, natural disasters and biological pandemics.
In such an uncertain environment, Mr Lee said having a strong and credible defence will allow Singapore to steer a steady course.
In his speech, Mr Lee also spoke about the recommendations the Committee to Strengthen National Service made to increase recognition and expand community support for Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen).
The graduation parade marked the completion of the 22-week Specialist Cadet Course, where the SCTs underwent rigorous and realistic training to develop leadership and combat skills, and deepen their understanding of the other vocations in the SAF.
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