An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Roy Ngerng and his concerned Singaporean friends held a protest at Hong Lim Park to demand for more transparency and accountability on the people’s savings in the CPF. Other than demanding the return of the CPF savings, they also demanded for better interest rate, how the CPF savings are being invested, abolishing minimum sums, and a list of other things.
This is the first time the people are initiating the conversation, a public conversation on a very important issue affecting every Singaporean. Would the Govt make an effort to respond to the issues and demands raised by the speakers at Hong Lim? Or would this be another monologue, the people talking to themselves just like the Natcon initiated by the Govt, talking only to the convert? In the Natcon it was like the Govt telling the people these would the things they would do to the CPF. The people mumbled and grumbled and that was it. Last Saturday was like the people rising up to tell the Govt what they wanted, what they agreed and disagreed. It is so funny that we have two national conversations but there were no meeting of minds, like two people talking talking but not wanting to talk to each other.
Did the Govt invite critical views like those from the opposition parties or Govt critics to join in the Natcon? Did Roy Ngerng and Hui Hui invite the Govt to Hong Lim Park to speak as well? Apparently up till last Saturday, both sides are keeping each other at a distance or at arm’s length. There was supposed to be a press conference at the end of the rally. When the media were invited to speak, none spoke as if the media were not even there to cover the event. Were the local media present? The foreign media were there.
Hri Kumar is holding a public dialogue with residents of Thomson and Toa Payoh next Saturday to talk about the CPF. Hri Kumar called his public dialogue ‘CPF, An honest conversation’ and invited his residents to register their attendance.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Roy Ngerng and Ariffin Sha were reported to have registered for the public dialogue. It would be an interesting dialogue when the two camps met to have a serious and in dept discussion on this very important matter. I think many people from other constituencies would also like to attend. Maybe I should also register my attendance to get enlightened by the two very informed parties on the CPF issues. This initiative by Kenneth and Roy, to make an effort to talk to the other camp, could address a lot of issues and misconceptions about the CPF. It would definitely benefit all Singaporeans.
The avoidance to meet and discuss cannot go on while keeping on a wayang of talking and listening. A healthy exchange in a constructive manner would be a good start to a real dialogue. Now many have doubts whether such a dialogue would be possible, would really take place. Would Hri Kumar welcome Kenneth, Roy and his friends to this dialogue? Or would they be ruled out of order, not qualified to attend?
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