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Old 13-08-2013, 07:35 PM
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Tseng Tseng
My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

I see people asking about it occasionally (including myself in the past) so I thought I should share my experience. I have been living with it for years until I had it removed recently. Before I had it removed I had few burning questions, of which little answers could be found here. So I thought it would be good for me to say something.

Firstly it's not harmful and it's not warts so by right you don't need to remove it. However if it's presence is disturbing to you, laser treatment is the option. At least that was the option I took, though you can find lots of bogus DIY at home remedies online.

I had mine removed at Dr Tan and partners. Dr Tan has been mentioned quite a few times in the forum, known for his attempts to rise awareness about HIV/STD etc. We always write FRs for WLs so why not I write one for Dr Tan.

I went to his clinic, walk in, for a consultation. He checked that those were pearls and not warts and he explained to be the process of removal. Once I decided on going ahead with it, he started with the treatment. I was told to lie on the bed and he started by applying numbing cream over my bro. He did up a simple dressing and I was told to "hang around" for an hour or so to wait for the cream to set in. His clinic was a bit small so I went out for a walk and came back after an hour plus. Once the cream sets in, he would then commence the laser treatment. For me, I didn't feel a thing until right at the end. He himself was quite amazed by my body's reaction to the cream. He explained that most people will feel a slight discomfort. Luckily for me, it was more of my mind playing tricks than physical pain. The laser treatment itself takes around 10-15mins so once it's done, he was just do up a simple dressing with cream and you are good to go. It was only then that I felt a bit of "feeling" like my dick's been tempered with.

location: Dr tan and partners
price: 300+ (best to check with him on this yourself)
pain: A very slight discomfort (wouldn't say pain) at the very end
recovery: No pain just need to wait for the skin to heal. Sex after a week.
Old 13-08-2013, 07:37 PM
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Tseng Tseng
Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

and by the way, I'm not sure if ppp removal is rare in Singapore but I couldn't find another doctor who does it. Checked with National Skin Centre and was told they don't. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Will try to answer as per my experience.
Old 18-08-2013, 09:36 PM
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Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal


may i know... after so long le... hows the condition of your 'below' now... cos i have this problem too =/

tempted to try also
Old 19-08-2013, 05:41 PM
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Tseng Tseng
Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by 3838438 View Post

may i know... after so long le... hows the condition of your 'below' now... cos i have this problem too =/

tempted to try also
Condition as in? If you are referring to it's performance, it remains the same, still can erect still can shoot. No recurrence as of yet and dr tan told me he has yet to have patients coming back due to recurrence though he did mention to me recurrence is possible. Skin colour wise the new skin looks good.
Old 19-08-2013, 09:00 PM
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Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Hello Mr Tseng

i think i need to rephrase haha...

1) how long ago did u do the process?

2) i just received from another bro that he had to do the laser treatment a few times before satisfied with the results... what about u?

3) what you mean by new skin? the 'treated' area looks different from the other places?

4) how dangerous is the treatment ah? i mean... afterall the below very sensitive... later... OOPS.. then the below gone case.. i scared LOL..

5) the condition.. i mean... after the healing period from treatment till now... is it good like new (without the white dots but still good as ever) or got side effects?

6) can i have Dr Tan contacts/address e.g.?
Old 20-08-2013, 08:14 AM
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Tseng Tseng
Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by 3838438 View Post
Hello Mr Tseng

i think i need to rephrase haha...

1) how long ago did u do the process?
last december
2) i just received from another bro that he had to do the laser treatment a few times before satisfied with the results... what about u?
I did it only once. Doc mentioned that he may occasionally miss out some so can return to finish up the remaining ones.

3) what you mean by new skin? the 'treated' area looks different from the other places?
It's like you know that part used to have something so you will somehow notice until like it's different. No big deal I think you can ignore this.

4) how dangerous is the treatment ah? i mean... afterall the below very sensitive... later... OOPS.. then the below gone case.. i scared LOL..
To me it didn't look dangerous at all. But of course the doc did give a list of possible problems as of all surgeries and treatment. So if this is a huge concern for you then I suggest you go speak to a doctor or forget about the removal.

5) the condition.. i mean... after the healing period from treatment till now... is it good like new (without the white dots but still good as ever) or got side effects?
No it's just skin instead of pearls.

6) can i have Dr Tan contacts/address e.g.?
He is quite popular you can google for dr tan and partners
Left my answers above. I suggest you see a real doctor to clarify. My own experience and the other bro's experience may differ from yours.
Old 20-08-2013, 08:19 PM
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Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

many many thanks for your patience~ i will up u in return too!
Old 21-08-2013, 10:19 AM
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Tseng Tseng
Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by 3838438 View Post
many many thanks for your patience~ i will up u in return too!
Hey don't mention it. I understand there's very little help on this issue. Feel free to ask me if you have other questions regarding this.

Forget to mention, dr tan has a forum and an online question form on his website as well. You might want to pose some questions to him directly first before going down for a consultation. Private doctors consultation fees not exactly cheap.
Old 19-10-2013, 09:41 AM
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Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Hi does pearly penile itch sometimes?
Old 19-10-2013, 01:02 PM
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Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by Tseng View Post
Hey don't mention it. I understand there's very little help on this issue. Feel free to ask me if you have other questions regarding this.

Forget to mention, dr tan has a forum and an online question form on his website as well. You might want to pose some questions to him directly first before going down for a consultation. Private doctors consultation fees not exactly cheap.
Hi TS,
I know is quiet out of topic,
But since is something related I men health so I decided to ask u,
I'm actually having PE nowadays,
Wanted to go for a checkup but clinic and all those specialist is so expensive,
I'm just a student can't really afford it,
Do you think dr tan can help me out?
Btw can I know how much is the consultation fees ?
Old 19-10-2013, 03:37 PM
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Tseng Tseng
Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by lawla View Post
Hi does pearly penile itch sometimes?
No, at least not for me. If yours does, do see a doctor and get it checked asap.
Old 19-10-2013, 03:41 PM
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Tseng Tseng
Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by Aka052 View Post
Hi TS,
I know is quiet out of topic,
But since is something related I men health so I decided to ask u,
I'm actually having PE nowadays,
Wanted to go for a checkup but clinic and all those specialist is so expensive,
I'm just a student can't really afford it,
Do you think dr tan can help me out?
Btw can I know how much is the consultation fees ?
Are you sure you really have PE or is it just the excitement of having sex with a particular girl for the first time? Private clinics are definitely more expensive. I don't think there is a need to go to Dr Tan in specific as I would recommend him only for ppp removal since it's rare in Singapore. Other than that he is really just another GP who specialises in men's health. I'm not sure if we can call him a specialist.

For starters, why don't you consult your regular GP to diagnose if it really is indeed PE.
Old 02-11-2013, 03:57 PM
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Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Did a search.. instead of going for surgery you might want to try applying Castor oil on the PPP. Do a search in google and you'll understand.
Old 09-12-2013, 05:14 PM
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Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by Tseng View Post
I see people asking about it occasionally (including myself in the past) so I thought I should share my experience. I have been living with it for years until I had it removed recently. Before I had it removed I had few burning questions, of which little answers could be found here. So I thought it would be good for me to say something.

Firstly it's not harmful and it's not warts so by right you don't need to remove it. However if it's presence is disturbing to you, laser treatment is the option. At least that was the option I took, though you can find lots of bogus DIY at home remedies online.

I had mine removed at Dr Tan and partners. Dr Tan has been mentioned quite a few times in the forum, known for his attempts to rise awareness about HIV/STD etc. We always write FRs for WLs so why not I write one for Dr Tan.

I went to his clinic, walk in, for a consultation. He checked that those were pearls and not warts and he explained to be the process of removal. Once I decided on going ahead with it, he started with the treatment. I was told to lie on the bed and he started by applying numbing cream over my bro. He did up a simple dressing and I was told to "hang around" for an hour or so to wait for the cream to set in. His clinic was a bit small so I went out for a walk and came back after an hour plus. Once the cream sets in, he would then commence the laser treatment. For me, I didn't feel a thing until right at the end. He himself was quite amazed by my body's reaction to the cream. He explained that most people will feel a slight discomfort. Luckily for me, it was more of my mind playing tricks than physical pain. The laser treatment itself takes around 10-15mins so once it's done, he was just do up a simple dressing with cream and you are good to go. It was only then that I felt a bit of "feeling" like my dick's been tempered with.

location: Dr tan and partners
price: 300+ (best to check with him on this yourself)
pain: A very slight discomfort (wouldn't say pain) at the very end
recovery: No pain just need to wait for the skin to heal. Sex after a week.
Bro got the same problem of these small lumps, and I got some question to ask.

How u bath after the removal? like the 1st 1-3 days.
Old 24-12-2013, 04:23 PM
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Tseng Tseng
Re: My experience with Pearly Penile Papules removal

Originally Posted by devil_jeff View Post
Did a search.. instead of going for surgery you might want to try applying Castor oil on the PPP. Do a search in google and you'll understand.
There are many other ways to remove it. I'm just sharing one way that I chose. I wouldn't try any of such online home remedies on my penis although it is said to work. Such treatment is better left to the professionals.
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