I got ZAP and kena comments like that, you all think I can tahan?
Bs Ktv 08-06-2005 10:18 AM Yeah, i sibei eh kan, kan nin na bu chao chee bye
Saw he rep points, that low life animal has already been sink almost down to the bottom of the ocean liao........if he post again......jio him come out to meet face to face which I really dare that he do have the balls!
Saw he rep points, that low life animal has already been sink almost down to the bottom of the ocean liao........if he post again......jio him come out to meet face to face which I really dare that he do have the balls!
Me also waiting. KNNzzzzzzzzzzzz..............really make me tulanz
Destroyer is my name. I destroy anything that hinder my way.
Me also waiting. KNNzzzzzzzzzzzz..............really make me tulanz
No need to tulanz.....no point getting hot and anghwee in cyberspace....ask him to come out to meet face to face lor........if this low life animal got the balls........
u also buay song si bo....u go up destroyer points...make him song abit lor...
btw....just bonk finish and rtn to office huh.....
I will up his point tomorrow provided I never up him before However I think it will not slove the problem, zap never mind, but kana that type of comment, how to sollow
What is his nick har? He/She too much, already bad if he F you..but to family member it is Fxxxing too much, we don't bring parent to surf SBF
Bro songsong, you stand to be corrected, is not only that we don't bring parent's to surf SB....it should be we do not bring parent's out in any occasion be it in cyberspace or real life......even between family members....
This low live animal is already under dep mod liao.......but hor.......I really feel like jioing him out for a kopi leh.......just wanting to see how many hands and legs cum heads it has leh.......what say you?
u also buay song si bo....u go up destroyer points...make him song abit lor...
btw....just bonk finish and rtn to office huh.....
Bro Spursgetz........I think this has nothing to do with uping points......it has to do with pride and comeon......as proper human being, even the biggest gangster that I had known and met before will also not bring parent's out just like that........this CBK is just a low life animal!
Bro Spursgetz........I think this has nothing to do with uping points......it has to do with pride and comeon......as proper human being, even the biggest gangster that I had known and met before will also not bring parent's out just like that........this CBK is just a low life animal!
i totally agree with you on the point that never to bring family members into the picture....but then again...seriously doubt that low life animal will dare to come out and admit his action, let alone meet up with bro destroyer...so no point getting too hot over it tio bo...
fully agree with you that those steady big gangster...not those small fly...will not bring family members into argument..
and so since nothing much can be done...so i ask songsong to up point lor....not much help either but then no point angry over this kind of pple...
i totally agree with you on the point that never to bring family members into the picture....but then again...seriously doubt that low life animal will dare to come out and admit his action, let alone meet up with bro destroyer...so no point getting too hot over it tio bo...
fully agree with you that those steady big gangster...not those small fly...will not bring family members into argument..
and so since nothing much can be done...so i ask songsong to up point lor....not much help either but then no point angry over this kind of pple...
Well, I am not anghwee.....is Bro Destroyer that is anghwee.....I would love to meet that low life animal up to see how eh kan is it!
Me also waiting. KNNzzzzzzzzzzzz..............really make me tulanz
Bro Destroyer, mai tulanz.......later you tio lai siong......jio that low life CBK out for kopi lah......tell that CBK no need to hide behind a comp and act like a cyberspace hero wannabe....I really wants to see yi an jua eh kan huat........
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