Become a badass gentleman and a prestigious man. Read my previous posts on the topic. And no badass can hope to compete w/ you for pretty, intelligent and high-quality girls.`
I'm more blunt. The type of man he describes cannot be called a man. There is a subset of men who r a lot worst: Your "frens" or "relatives" who want a loan from u, w/ no intention of ever paying back.
I hv had frens n relatives who belong to the subset. I'm sure every bro here knows a few.
Never lend them a penny.
If u hv money coming out of ur wazoo n dun know what to do w/ it, throw some money at them as gifts.
IMHO, these subset of humans r a lot more shameless n more deceitful n heartless than a 婊子. He is a human parasite n a coward. I hv much more respect for a man who sticks a gun at my ribs n rob me. At least such a man has guts.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for starting a nice thread.
I couldn't agree more for above.
When we invest in stock market buy when all quit buying and sell when all buying frenzy.
I also waiting for STI to drop below 2000 but still it is hovering around 2100 to 2300.
In this day and age of the girlie men, there are many behaviors
that make a lesser man. But one of the worst ones, one that is now celebrated by the girlie men in the media is mooching.
No one likes a mooch, that cad who shows up, partakes of
everything, contributes nothing, then repeats it again.
The girlie men in the media love mooching. Most of them are
incapable of producing anything on their own, but feel entitled
because of their position. So, they celebrate mooching.
The recent "Occupy Wall Street" protest was nothing more than one, giant mooch-fest with moochers stealing food, coffee, and sleepin space. What should have been dismissed as unmanly mooching wadelightfully celebrated and squealed over by the media, breathlessly identifying with the moochers.
Don't you buy it. Mooching is unattractive behavior, something no man should ever do, and no man should ever tolerate.
Mooching is the lifestyle of getting something for nothing, taking without compensation.
You want to have the opposite attitude. You want to be a man who produces value, and demands compensation for it. You want to be a man who is generous to women, but not a chump. You want to be a man who believes in abundance, not scarcity.
In the end, the mooch has the worst kind of scarcity mindset. He doesn't believe he can produce anything, nor does he have the inclination to learn. But because he arrived on this earth, he believes others should share what they earned with him, and he owes them nothing in return.
I can always tell the measure of a man by seeing if he ever reaches for the tab. A man who never has his wallet handy, but always shows up for the fun is not a man I want to associate with.
This has little to do with how much money he makes. I have friends who have been up and down, flush and dead butt broke, but reached for the tab with no compunctions--if they didn't feel they could afford it, they never went out. They share my aversion to mooches.
Mooching is always an unmanly behavior, perhaps the worst kind.
Don't do it, don't tolerate it, and damn sure don't celebrate it.
It's the surest way to drive women away.
On with the fun...
Bro WB
Bro WB
Just want to highlight GURU forum which u posted during back in boxing day 2011.
The guru was trying to determine those uncool moochers.
Just ignore these moochers and move on. Avoid them at all costs.
I'm working hard to improve myself, in every way every day, even though I'm a lao chi ko pek.
I just received some coaching from a famed guru on Sexual Mojo. I need to practice n practice. BTW, Sexual Mojo is a lot more than sexual confidence. It will take me 12 months of intensive training n re-programing...
First of all, I need to imitate the body language of a very masculine character...I need to step into his character.
My choice is Humphrey Bogart who was probably less than 168 in height. No smoking or drinking for me though.
Classic James Cagney and his charm with women. He was simply masculine and dance very well. His awesome display attracted many women in his life. Too bad he died 1986 but enough of his classic movies.
Humphrey Bogart was another marvelous characters who also fearless with women. His speech in that movie above charmed the librarian so much that she was stunted. He died in 1957 when many of us were not even born.
Your point for sexual mojo was well received and important part of dating. Losing weight and be fit also important mojo besides looking dashing.
Let me quote some of the past compliments and comments for this excellent thread.
Bro WB deserved all the accolades.
Well done Bro WB.
May the force of syt keep you young and keep going for years to come.
Originally Posted by Oceanlee
Bros Warbird,
I see you must be busy groping all the MMs and trying to HITCH not 1 or 2 but going by the efforts and your manhood of 3 and more. hahaha
Indeed by having a limousine ahmad, you give MMs "HOPE" and you will get your rewards, but also you are telling "Them" your market value, just as much as they are GOLD SUCKER.
For me I go KTV, if I needed to ... at times entertain my client's or others entertain me. But over the years, I just reduce it and prefer for nice culinary in town and PUBs to CHILL .
To each his own, just enjoy the moment and the Youngs MMs.
Anyway Nice try here and probably you like to PUT in some FR and pass CTC to bros here who might be interested in your OUTING. wahahahaha
高兴就好. Be happy.
Originally Posted by aczeta
Wahh.. warbird u power lah
Not like uncle me... I dun go for KTV girls coz I know they wun go for ah peks like me...
Originally Posted by Niceman
Bro Warbird,
After reading your posting, I wonder have you considered writing a book? Think you are far more qualified by now
Have a nice day
Originally Posted by airbrush
hi brother Warbird, I like the way you post in big text it make it easy to comprehesive and one did not stress on eye further more it burns into people mind. Thanks for sharing.
Originally Posted by Lust4ML
Hi WB , your postings are really an eye opener! Lust4ML
Originally Posted by MillerV
Fabulous post Warbird! I like!
Originally Posted by pro.d.igy
But I'm finding myself losing a battle...
Originally Posted by Big B
I have devoured pages of insights from senior brothers here for the past few days and have walked away impressed with these posters who unabashedly share their trade secrets and "kung-fu" with us mere mortals.
Having said that, Rome was not built overnight and fans who think these masters have given you magic powers to steamroll the opposite sex will likely walk away dissappointed. What they have given us is the proverbial yellow brick road, not the keys to the city.
Many of us will need to walk step by bloody step, fall and fall again before we reach the desired end result. Nothing else to do but start and enjoy the ride! LOL
Some comments:
1) Bro WB is obviously a wealthy man and being rich does give you options in today's world. He knows this and exudes confidence in palpable waves. Still, he doesn't ALWAYS gets his way. I think most of us would be delighted if we got great results 99% of the time like him.
2) Unless wealth was passed onto you, you need to work hard at it. The experience builds mettle.
3) All the skills shared are static due to the limits of a forum. Don't challenge them and say they don't work for you when you do not achieve a result you want. Rather, challenge yourself and ask how you can execute them better. Don't expect to be spoon-fed.
4) Last but not least, please be careful on who you use these skills on. The sharing provided in this thread are from apex predators who consistently win in the art of BY and KC of WLs. If you use these skills on none WLs or even "good" girls, do not cause unnecessary trauma.
5) Learn from the humilty shown by the contributors. When you stop being humble, you stop improving. Cup being full and all that.
And now, back to your regular adult education channel.
Originally Posted by teebs_darklord
Bro WB, hope to see you sharing more of your insights. I'll probably not be accessing the forum much in future as I've decided to call it a day. 19years of cheonging is a darn long time...
Originally Posted by assky
Originally Posted by fallen.angel
Thank you for posting once again Bro WB… been busy and will be drown in work for this last month of the year but I will find time to read your posts – they are gems!
Originally Posted by beautyhunter
Bro. Warbird,
I will set tent here, can learnt a lots of thing here, What's is RS
Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
wow.. learnt plenty from this thread.. bookmark it!
Another classic example of what happened in real life. Guy can be funny beings when met with match and just lost it.
This guy AD was just naive and needy. He should have remain cool and behave badass and the girl would have love him more.
I had seen two of friends in his situation and just totally gone bananas. Typical of irrational thinking.
Congrats to bro WB for been able to possess self-mastery. True that you do not need to tell her what you think but only give her hope. Is up to her to bite the carrot.
"You use your whole life to talk about love, then this love will not succeed; you use all your energy to fall in love, then you will be killed by people; you spend all your time in love, others will be annoying . Because of love, the more diligent you are, the more you invest, the worse the result will be. Only like a lazy person who grows flowers, love is ignored, and occasionally concerned, it will be fresh. The less you care, the longer you love. When a man doesn't love a woman, he can often make this woman fascinated. He thinks that he is a MAN, a special taste, a special romance, and he can control the overall situation. Women like to even worship such men because they feel that there is a feeling of a bird."
Have fun guys and take care!!
Originally Posted by warbird
Good Afternoon!
Due to various commitments n obligations, I hv been very busy...
Every real life encounter is a learning experience n makes me a better man. Every story in SBF gives me something to ponder n ruminate.
There is a thread on a Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story. This famous n most esteemed samster is alleged to hv been KC-ed big time by a PRC woman, although we hv yet to hear his side of the story.
Assuming that he really got KC-ed deeply, his major mistake is that he put her on a pedestal n tries to be very caring n very "nice" to her, behaving like a loyal n obedient serf, sucking up to his master/goddess. Where is his self confidence n self mastery? How could a woman w/ even just a modicum of self esteem respect such a "serf"? How could she feel safe n secure w/ him? There is no challenge, no mystery n no uncertainty for her. His behaviour is most repulsive to her!
He should hv done the exact opposite.
You see, a man must give a woman hope but never ever "confess" his true feelings to her. Keep her in suspense n slightly insecure n uncertain...even in a long-term RS, say after 20 yrs of marriage, a man must not reveal ALL his feelings to his wive. It kills attraction instantly. On the other hand, if u give her no hope n if u make her too insecure, she is likely to explore n search for new pasture.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
No Hope For New Experiences/Goals/Future + No Uncertainty = Zero Attraction (Zero passion)
Little wonder that 50% of marriages eventually end in divorce. The other 50% hv failed but both partners decide to stay together for the sake of children, money, career, business, reputation, etc.
I'll give u a recent example in which I got it right, at least in part unwittingly...
I met a high school gal CL who was barely 17 in Beijing last May. She wanted to come to SG to attend school n be my young mistress. She is 166, chio n has very big natural boobs, perky ass n nice legs. But I'm ambivalent towards her cuz she has medium sized bone whereas I prefer those w/ small bones n very small wrists. I told her not to come until her 18th BD. Since April last yr, she has texted me many times daily n begged me to see her in PRC asap. Sometimes I won't reply for several days n I never initiated ctc. My nonchalant attitude has made her crazy abt me.
She is now a student at a respectable uni in Shanghai. She hopes to be my one n only lover, but she knows that it's unrealistic. She later says that she would be happy just to be one of my lovers. She has intro me to her 41 yo mother, via QQ video, who urged me to go to Dalien to visit her daughter.
CL summed up my "bad" behaviour n her feelings in her QQ space: