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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 12-02-2020, 09:09 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by KOVEL View Post
Listen to wat SBF senioritas have to say...remember the virus mortality rate is just 0.2% much lower compared to SARS 10%. Take yr necessary precautions if you wanna cheong. Measure yr MLs body temperature before job if you have to. Life MUST go on per normal.....
The problem is, this virus does not discriminate age group. Young people can die also, e.g. the 34 year old doctor. I even heard of someone's student who died at the age of 19, also from the virus. Do you want to take the chance?

Suay suay kena contact tracing, you also don't want it to come from a dirty spa. Later you malu until cannot kukumalu. The police here very pro. With cctv everywhere, even if you never register they also can trace you.

Check this out:

20% of active cases are in serious or critical condition.
20% of closed cases are dead.

Do you want to take the chance?
Old 12-02-2020, 10:38 PM
bignehneh bignehneh is offline
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by Gump View Post
The problem is, this virus does not discriminate age group. Young people can die also, e.g. the 34 year old doctor. I even heard of someone's student who died at the age of 19, also from the virus. Do you want to take the chance?

Suay suay kena contact tracing, you also don't want it to come from a dirty spa. Later you malu until cannot kukumalu. The police here very pro. With cctv everywhere, even if you never register they also can trace you.

Check this out:

20% of active cases are in serious or critical condition.
20% of closed cases are dead.

Do you want to take the chance?
Don’t believe in all the 0.02% death.....You have to analyze all the stats yourself and not follow the numbers blindly. As of today,

Total death: 1118. Total recovered: 4847. About 18.7% dies. The rest of the 39,000 sick can swing either way. SINGAPORE, Thailand, Hong Kong doesn’t have enough stats as yet.
Old 12-02-2020, 10:38 PM
romidogdog romidogdog is offline
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Re: Wuhan flu

If needed a good massage just go to those legit spa, forget about having a hj, spa owner also scare about the virus, if any of their ml got the virus,the shop have to be closed for certain period.alot of spa also start to take temperature of their staff.A big loss of income if any of the ml got the virus.most places have CCTV at Recep area, very easy to trace those customers.
Ml also scare, they also have family back home ,I dont think they'll do hj auto roam like what they used to do, of course there are those ml because of money they take the risk... so bros,how you want to chiong ,you decide. Everyday the rate of ppl kenna the virus is increasing.
Old 12-02-2020, 11:09 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by romidogdog View Post
If needed a good massage just go to those legit spa, forget about having a hj, spa owner also scare about the virus, if any of their ml got the virus,the shop have to be closed for certain period.alot of spa also start to take temperature of their staff.A big loss of income if any of the ml got the virus.most places have CCTV at Recep area, very easy to trace those customers.
Ml also scare, they also have family back home ,I dont think they'll do hj auto roam like what they used to do, of course there are those ml because of money they take the risk....
Does it matter whether legit or not, hj or no hj? Close contact for more than half hour is deemed sufficient risk to be asked to do the 14-day forced leave.

Agreed with you that ML also scared. Those working in shop, no choice, still must work, but actually the risk is much lessened as the biz has slowed to a trickle as most customers shy away.

Might be the MLs are much safer resting in the shop than us who continue working as per normal pattern outside ... LOL. Like how the recent cases of the cisco staff and mbfc workers show us that more people seem to contract the illness from daily working activities.

As an aside, heard from chinese radio that people fall into 3 groups : the panicky group, the cool/calm group, and the totally boh-chap group
Old 12-02-2020, 11:28 PM
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Exclamation Covid-19 outbreak

Singapore confirmed cases rise to 50. 15 patients have recovered & discharged. 8 are in critical condition. DBS also got one employee kena and one floor of MBFC was cleaned up. My area unity counter inside fairprice supermarket suddenly got small quantities of face masks for sale. A pack of ten masks for $3.50. All sold out within 3 hours. Rice stocks were low. Today's customers were mostly merdeka and pioneer generations. WHO has renamed the novel coronavirus as Covid-19. The elderly poor can't be bothered about this outbreak. They say live or die is fated. Take care.
Please up my points if you like my post.
Old 13-02-2020, 03:28 AM
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Unhappy Re: Wuhan flu

I was wearing a mask the other day. I went back to a spa I had a massage in before. The PRC girl who massaged me felt my forehead and said it felt hot. I insisted it felt normal. I am well. She closed the front door on me. So I left that spa. Not satisfied.
Old 13-02-2020, 03:39 AM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Old 13-02-2020, 11:19 AM
liketosleep liketosleep is offline
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Talking Covid-19 outbreak

This morning at my marketplace, got one young man peddling his colourful masks that look like bra cups. 4 for $10. Many aunties looking, some bought. While stocks last. Some men also trying to look see down blouse. NTUC fairprice also stopped advertising in the newspapers on their regular weekly offers. If you need, then buy. No more promotional prices.
Please up my points if you like my post.

Last edited by liketosleep; 14-02-2020 at 11:43 AM. Reason: Add more information.
Old 13-02-2020, 10:58 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Vietnam quarantines area with 10,000 residents over coronavirus fears

Play Cheong safe ,bro. Now not sure girls,ktv,ML,WL,OL etc from Vietnam may prone to coronavirus. 😑
Fear is more on contract tracing than virus for most bro mayb
Old 14-02-2020, 04:21 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

True. Its bad time to cheong now. I proclaim we should stay away as much as possible.

You don't know whom they (girls <-> customers) have contacted. COVID-19 is very contagious; if you got the disease, high chance that you will infect people you are close to.

Hccheonger will stay away from KTV, pub and health centers for the time being.

Originally Posted by formidable View Post
Vietnam quarantines area with 10,000 residents over coronavirus fears

Play Cheong safe ,bro. Now not sure girls,ktv,ML,WL,OL etc from Vietnam may prone to coronavirus. ��
Fear is more on contract tracing than virus for most bro mayb
Old 14-02-2020, 04:48 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Better cheong go to Europe if you have the opportunity. Aiming at Spain this time.
Yesterday 8 more cases.
Thailand 30+, Msia 20 cases. And growing
Old 14-02-2020, 05:02 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Originally Posted by hccheonger View Post
True. Its bad time to cheong now. I proclaim we should stay away as much as possible.

You don't know whom they (girls <-> customers) have contacted. COVID-19 is very contagious; if you got the disease, high chance that you will infect people you are close to.

Hccheonger will stay away from KTV, pub and health centers for the time being.
Agreed. This virus is very contagious. We cannot control others but we can control ourselves. I would stay away for the time being until there is no more confirm cases here continuously for at least a week for me to reconsider cheonging.

Just heard today, some more people from the god assembly church confirmed infected. Waiting for the official confirmation.
Old 14-02-2020, 06:04 PM
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Re: Wuhan flu

Recently a lot of people suddenly like to fall down

Last edited by obscenek2; 14-02-2020 at 06:56 PM.
Old 14-02-2020, 06:16 PM
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Oh yeah...Lots of people (including some members here) are creating self-paranoid. Hundreds of Singapore residents collapse suddenly daily. The only difference now is we have journalists + CNA giving much sudden fall coverage in the name of forefront news lol....

[QUOTE=obscenek2;19765446]Recently a lot of people suddenly like to fall down
Old 14-02-2020, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Charlie130X View Post
Agreed. This virus is very contagious. We cannot control others but we can control ourselves. I would stay away for the time being until there is no more confirm cases here continuously for at least a week for me to reconsider cheonging.

Just heard today, some more people from the god assembly church confirmed infected. Waiting for the official confirmation.
Go spa first and then church to pray didnt get virus??!?
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