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Re: Fortune Telling
Re: Fortune Telling
Hi Galaxy, this late afternoon i phoned tat Kwan Yin mah in GMComplx, she said she will be leaving tonight, shall be back in Sept.
Hi galaxy
The bugis is the famous temple lo.. Beside the Indian temple. Is on donation. Pls note I do not know any master chow or whoever nor I'm promoting which master.. Someone warn me abt I'm promoting I'm puzzle when I recd the long email. Thx
Many thanks to those who upz me... Everything happen for a reason. Look forward for a beautiful things in life. (= |
Ehh I use hp to read forum lol on app
Many thanks to those who upz me... Everything happen for a reason. Look forward for a beautiful things in life. (= |
Re: Fortune Telling
Thank u for sharing I couldn't agree more . When u r in comm based only job like agent . u will see clearly how destiny affects a person. Especially so if it is not like a salary job . in a salary job u need "luck" (that is destined) for promotion. With No promotion, you will still have a basic salary for your daily use which is not so painful. But in comm based only job, u will need "luck" - opportunity + 人緣 + less obstacles for every cents u earn,.. no "luck" can be very painful means no food on table. Destiny命运 is like a "boundary"(命運束縛). A boundary which limit how far how good u can go. if one has better karma better "Hock kee"福氣 the "boundary is bigger" better luck better opportunity lesser obstacles. So for this people even they dun work as hard they will also not go hungry.. For those No "hock kee".boundary very small.no matter how hard one work one also no result. 沒福消受. This doesn't mean "since its destined liao I dun have to do anything liao lor sit here n wait" - one still have to continue cultivate good deeds to be able to enjoy the good destiny. if one has good destiny but one keep doing bad. the good destiny will also be destroy by the bad he done. For those less "fortunate", should not give up. should readily face the face and continue to cultivate better karma "Luck" is what we had previously sowed (karma). hence there is way to improve good "luck" by doing good deeds to accumulate good karma that help one to be "smoother". Avoid doing bad deed(十善惡業因果) + accept in a positive manner + 布施 help in this area. and it may not need $ 布施 a smile, u will get good "ren yuan" 結好人緣 do things smoother, talk people will listen, 布施 a little time to do charity work or try to help others, u will get help later when u need 布施 a small $ donation help other cushion, meet end, one somehow will get to close deal$ smoother. of coz its better not to do 布施 thinking only of the good returns. do with a heart to help. http://chantamantra.com/index.php/ar...ate-good-karma 布施改变命运 如何突破命運束縛 「一生皆是命,半點不由人」
mệt cũng phải đi làm không có gì quý hơn độc lập tự đó Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc --- 独立--- 自由 ---- 幸福 Last edited by RockViet; 21-06-2013 at 08:54 AM. |
或许你们曾经去过那个论坛,看过那解签的篇子。相信全新加坡就只有这两个论坛有得解签,而老师就是那位解签 之人。希望你们别公布出去哪个网站,你们能为自己做了好事。 老师在美国生活,最初期是给人义务解签。收到的钱是投进添油箱,本分没进口袋。单单翻译就很困难了!因签是 越南文,老师得对照中文,然后翻译成英文,然后从英文再译成越南文。那个时候很惨,没有人愿意做中间人义务 翻译。而解签最有难度就是说老实话,不能讲半点骗话。解签有误导性、偏差、用词不当都给神明敲 头。 神不会骗人、只有人在骗神。 实问求真签、乱问出乱签。 尤其得冤孽病,求问健康永远不会好。冤孽病缠身就只有等死。虽是得上签,但签的内容句句吐真言。更加厉害的 是,业障冤鬼跟着香客进寺庙!遭业障厉鬼缠身者,100%是肯定死路一条。 老师单单解签的故事很多,各式各样的人都见过。不知不觉,求签的人越来越多!久而久之,寺庙香 火鼎盛。 |
不是烧一大lorry的'kiim czhuar'、Lamborghini、Samsung S4,就能拍拍屁股了事。冤鬼幽魂最贪的就只有一样,这点老师就不说了。 冤亲债主纠缠,没有好过日子,很难熬度日如年。妻离子散、家破人亡、百病缠身、鸡犬不宁、家人不合、欠债累 累、工作不顺、牢狱之灾等等。再不想办法还债,永远翻不了身。逼到走投无路,终究结束生命。 相信她是不敢说。她好,修内德。 她说的完全没错。吃素、忏悔、积德、消业。再也没有第二条路。 牛肉是永远、永远、永远死不能吃的。别人吃是他的事,他/她没事是时间没到。 你要付出,肯努力,下定决心自救要消业,老师从旁指导。只要照着做,不怕走火入魔。 你等一等。回头来找你,时常查看你的电邮。 你准备阳历出生日期/时间,描述自己最近的故事大纲(no need in detail)。让老师试找出你的问题出在什么地方。还有,是否有曾逼过妇女堕胎(若有,几次),或者,你的女人(怀你 的骨肉)是否有流产(若有,几次)? No need to dislcose here. |
Re: Fortune Telling
Dear Brother KinderBueno,
I am glad to see your reply today . I was waiting for your reply .... there is so many questions I want to ask and humbly seek your advice ..... this is the previous message I had posted : http://sammy.services/showpos...&postcount=157 I hope Bro KInderBueno can help me on this matter ... Can I have Bro KinderBueno email ? yours pharaun |
Re: 论命/消业
你等一等。回头来找你,时常查看你的电邮。 谢谢老师!我一定会付出,努力,下决心自救。我不想再痛苦了! 你准备阳历出生日期/时间,描述自己最近的故事大纲(no need in detail)。让老师试找出你的问题出在什么地方。还有,是否有曾逼过妇女堕胎(若有,几次),或者,你的女人(怀你 的骨肉)是否有流产(若有,几次)? No need to dislcose here.[/QUOTE] 我在写,会详细的记载。 |
Greet to Everybody
I enjoyed reading.
To Anonymous,
老师破例,就这次为你解签! 求问何事:自身 - 指点明路 求问日期:癸巳年五月十五日午时 【三十八签】下签 【古人】何文秀遇难 【诗曰】月照天书静处期,忽遭云雾又昏迷;宽心祈待云霞散,此时更改好施为。 【解曰】此卦云雾遮月之象。凡事未遂守旧也。 【宫位】申 *“宫位”- 是签意落在那个宫。你无需理会。 PART 1 此签出于明代“玉钗记”。故事里头的人物,何文秀是忠良之子,从小喜爱读书。何文秀在少年时,因奸臣陷害全 家蒙难,他落魄飘零。后来,遇相国小姐王兰英相助,两人相爱,私订婚姻。很不幸,何文秀被诬入狱,幸被救出 ,后金榜题名,被任命为巡按。王兰英以为文秀已死,设灵牌祭奠三年。文秀在海宁寻访到兰英下落,化装成算命 先生前去探询,深为兰英的至诚感动,历尽艰辛。终成眷属。最后,那陷害何文秀入狱的人被正法。 这故事,对你而言,不是叫你等死。你的麻烦可真不少。很明显,你得罪了人还不知道。你注定要面临人去楼空的 一天。你想要恢复原来的日子,烂摊子要收拾。何文秀是有被救出时非常困难。之后的生活,是靠他自己。这几年 ,你要很低调,要不然你又要有麻烦了。到时候,你或许会离开新加坡。什么时候,签上没说。那害你的人会遭报 应,你不必去追究,要你息事宁人。明白吗? PART 2 月照天书静处期,- 三个月;‘月’、‘静’、‘期’。另出现三个日;‘照’、‘天’(天日)、‘书’(書)。忉利天无字天书, 翻阅读者蠢之。日月成‘明’,如此你有三个明。第一明,明你愚痴。第二明,明你愚拙。第三明, 明你愚耻。 忽遭云雾又昏迷,-第一. 取‘忽’,为勿心!作了不该做的事。第二. 云雾见雨。为什么这样说呢?因雲雾重雨,永远是天昏暗。在暗无天日时,你着了迷。还是迷了久! 宽心祈待云霞散,- 雲霞更不一定逢雨,雲即水、霞即水,水水重叠,就是八易经六十四卦的‘坎’卦。(下坎上坎)相叠。两坎相重 ,险上加险,险阻重重! 此时更改好施为。,- ‘此时’很明显指的是现在。‘更改’指更动悔改。将不利己思维,三施取得。己所不欲勿施于人,己立立人己达 达人。‘施’就是履行你从未做过的‘财施’‘法施’‘无畏施’。 总结:那么此签偏中下。唯独三施布道满贯,悲智愿行,必当脱离困境。你永远记得这支,有一天你就会明 白。 观音菩萨签、关圣帝君签、福德正神签、玄天上帝签、城隍签、妈祖签等等,统统皆暗藏天机。心诚出真签、乱求 出乱签。如切观音堂已出灵签,你自己认为呢? |
Re: Fortune Telling
Bro KinderBueno!
Just saw you online ... Hope bro KinderBueno can help me on my matters ... Looking forward for your reply Yours Pharaun |
1. 老师传你经文组合,你在后天便会收得到,照着里面的指示。 2. 老师指定遍数念,不可以随便加,更不可以减。经文组合,看似没有用,但有力量。 每日作功课,不间断地做,早上做一次,晚上做一次。第27天,通知老师。这下子,有你忙了! |
Re: Fortune Telling
Dear Bro KinderBueno,
thank you for your attention, kind understanding and reply . I am sorri but my Chinese is not very good but this should not be a problem as I can google translate it from Chinese to English. I have actually started vegetation as often as I can since last year, will eat meat when needed, such as when I need to entertain clients for diner or having family diner or while I am in overseas .... also why I ask about curses or if how to know if a person is in a spell because of rivalry matter. be it in business or and especially in relationship ... in places I go to work , such things seem to exist. so I want to be very sure about this and to protect myself from it. I do believe there is another world which I don't understand ... which I might have experience it but not really nice to say it here... I hope Bro KinderBueno can help and advice me on this ... I can't sent you a private message but I can give you my email . [email protected] looking forward for your advice and help thanks pharaun |
Re: Fortune Telling
Hmm.. i wondering if i wanna go fortune telling, what i need to know? like my birth date? time? etc?
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