03-03-2017, 11:40 PM
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Serious Sicko Islamic terror group teaching their fighters to eat non-muslims
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
- Handbook found in an Islamic State training school was found by a think tank
- It revealed a horrifying new stance taken by jihadis which promotes cannibalism
- Pamphlets give advice on what parts of the body to eat and how to prepare them
- A mother was reportedly fed the remains of her own son by sick ISIS terrorists
slamic State terrorists are teaching their fighters to eat non-Muslims, it has emerged. A handbook found in the terror group's training school has been found by a British counter-extremism think tank, revealing the horrifying new stance of the jihadis.
ISIS chiefs even give advice on what parts of the body to eat and how to prepare them and comes after a sickening report a mother was fed the remains of her own son when she was told by the terrorists it was meat and rice.
The memo was discovered by the Quilliam Foundation and its chief executive Haras Rafiq revealed cannibalism was on the curriculum
He said if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad, terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.
Practicing Muslim Mr Rafiq said he found the discovery utterly revolting, and that their most horrific finding was that cannibalism was being taught in classrooms.
The plight of the desperate mother was reported when she visited ISIS' headquarters in Mosul, Iraq.
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