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Old 18-04-2013, 05:53 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by GordonGekko View Post
Anyways the amulet they gave my friend looks like the below amulet only that its covered in blood.

Is it something you recognize?
This is the amulet your friend got from

Anyways from the look of the amulet you posted this is kali worship, yes likely
from indonesia.

Anyways i also have something similar (from somewhere else), mine is a cloth
of a printing of Kali, but the cloth dipped in blood (its encased in a small
bottle). Myself i run a business, i use it for that purpose for money and

There was a rumour that suharto (the dictator of indonesia) who was from
kemusuk, was a worshipper of kali (how true i do not know), but makes you
wonder why how a village boy can "influence" people from the military to side
him against Sukarno (founding father of indonesia).

Like bro camel said this is real black magic not for the faint hearted. But as
long as you never use it for evil you are safe.

Originally Posted by happpy View Post
Agree. Never go near a black magician.
Not neccesarrily as long as you don't use it and its gains for evil. I brought a
friend to indonesia because he wanted something similar to what i have, he
was near broke. They told him no need to pay but his first profit 20% is theirs.

Months passed by his business picked up, he forgot his promise of 20%. Then
one day he was talking to me, he said in his house, he see footsteps in blood
or drops of blood, he thought he cut his foot or something but there was no
cut until i remind him of the 20% thing, after he paid he never saw the blood
footsteps again.

He is in the construction business by the way, nearly went bankrupt because
of 97 crisis, but amazingly he survived the collapse.
Please up my points so that i can zap SBY1 and his satanic cult members
Old 18-04-2013, 10:34 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by happpy View Post
Genesis bro ke ke secretly want to go become lersi right go find penang ghost king to teach you to practise barang right
LOL... idea leh... liddat can earn more money ma.

Wait, some ppl can sell soya sauce for $999 per bottle leh-----> Lersi Archan peter chua.

bro, need to go n train to become lersi liao. bye!
Give me a minute, I'm good. I have an hour, I'm great. Give me months, I'm invincible!

Zap me if you wish but be a MAN and leave your nick, don't be a wussy and hide behind like a pussy.
Old 18-04-2013, 11:48 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by SBY1IsTheDevil View Post
This is the amulet your friend got from

Anyways from the look of the amulet you posted this is kali worship, yes likely
from indonesia.

Anyways i also have something similar (from somewhere else), mine is a cloth
of a printing of Kali, but the cloth dipped in blood (its encased in a small
bottle). Myself i run a business, i use it for that purpose for money and

There was a rumour that suharto (the dictator of indonesia) who was from
kemusuk, was a worshipper of kali (how true i do not know), but makes you
wonder why how a village boy can "influence" people from the military to side
him against Sukarno (founding father of indonesia).

Like bro camel said this is real black magic not for the faint hearted. But as
long as you never use it for evil you are safe.

Not neccesarrily as long as you don't use it and its gains for evil. I brought a
friend to indonesia because he wanted something similar to what i have, he
was near broke. They told him no need to pay but his first profit 20% is theirs.

Months passed by his business picked up, he forgot his promise of 20%. Then
one day he was talking to me, he said in his house, he see footsteps in blood
or drops of blood, he thought he cut his foot or something but there was no
cut until i remind him of the 20% thing, after he paid he never saw the blood
footsteps again.

He is in the construction business by the way, nearly went bankrupt because
of 97 crisis, but amazingly he survived the collapse.

err Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes. i think you belong to one of those very confused i decided to have limited conversation with you.
Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money
Old 18-04-2013, 12:14 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by genesis01 View Post
LOL... idea leh... liddat can earn more money ma.

Wait, some ppl can sell soya sauce for $999 per bottle leh-----> Lersi Archan peter chua.

bro, need to go n train to become lersi liao. bye!
yr name peter chua? haha...$999 buy soya sauce expensive, ntuc buy a few dollar only...

A real Archan will NOT need to:
1.) keep saying he's selling at cost price/loss to benefit others.
2.) Earn more than 1,800% profit from cheapo amulets, keep stressing about his winning on 4Ds and being a "millionaire".
Old 18-04-2013, 05:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...
this barang?
命运就像强奸,反抗不了就要学会享受。生活就像手淫,什么都要靠自己的双手。工作就像是轮奸,你不行了别人 就上。学习就像嫖妓,出了钱还得出力。
Old 18-04-2013, 07:07 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by toilet$50 View Post
U wanna kill hu?
Give me a minute, I'm good. I have an hour, I'm great. Give me months, I'm invincible!

Zap me if you wish but be a MAN and leave your nick, don't be a wussy and hide behind like a pussy.
Old 18-04-2013, 07:42 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

I saw this somdei at the temple at Jalan Onglei..cost $600..from Wan Naah 2411...wonder is it worth getting?

sorry, unable to show everyone as not sure how to upload the picture
Old 18-04-2013, 09:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

very feirce mit mor
Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money
Old 18-04-2013, 09:51 PM
GeylangCheong GeylangCheong is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by genesis01 View Post
Wait, some ppl can sell soya sauce for $999 per
bottle leh-----> Lersi Archan peter chua.
What type dark or light soy sauce?

Originally Posted by SBY1IsTheDevil View Post
This is the amulet your friend got from correct?

Anyways from the look of the amulet you posted this is kali worship, yes likely
from indonesia.
Correct, its kali worshipping, this is real indonesian black magic, they started
in 600 AD, the art has been for 1600 years.

I have a friend also indulged in this. Yours i think should be the cloth with
image of Kali. His also like that. Behind the cloth his name, date of birth and
time are written in blood. The cloth also soaked in blood and put it a small

Originally Posted by SBY1IsTheDevil View Post
I brought a friend to indonesia because he
wanted something similar to what i have, he was near broke. They told him
no need to pay but his first profit 20% is theirs.

Months passed by his business picked up, he forgot his promise of 20%. Then
one day he was talking to me, he said in his house, he see footsteps in blood
or drops of blood, he thought he cut his foot or something but there was no
cut until i remind him of the 20% thing, after he paid he never saw the blood
footsteps again.
This story actually i am first time telling anyone. This person (actually former
colleague). He actually like this girl alot (she is stewardess), now she don't
even look at him just ignore him totally one. Now she is what you call gcp,
very sarcastic to him although he really nice to her.

So one day i saw him outside (after he resign 1 yr later), so i ask him lets go
and lim kopi, he said was waiting for his gf but since got sometime why not.

We talk and he mentioned he was getting married, so i said to who he said
the stewardess. Now while he is telling me i also noticed he was wearing the
capsule thing around his neck (put on his gold chain).

So he told me why he did it and what it is. Same he mentioned got it near
yogyakarta, Indonesia.

So i ask him bro is it really what i think it is. He said he really want to be with
her. Now later when she came i notice like she like unaware of herself,
very extremely nice to him like he was someone else, i don't know how to put
it like she is in a trance.

So this kali issue is serious stuff, you will get whatever you want but you
must "feed blood". But according to my friend the people will do it once and thats it.

One thing he mentioned he said that you cannot dispose the thing or throw it
away, you must give it back to them and you will be released but all magic
cast with it also undone.

Originally Posted by GordonGekko View Post
Actually bro gordon, why do you want such a thing, this is super dangerous
and strong, whats your need with it?
Old 18-04-2013, 10:03 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by GeylangCheong View Post
What type dark or light soy sauce?

Correct, its kali worshipping, this is real indonesian black magic, they started
in 600 AD, the art has been for 1600 years.

I have a friend also indulged in this. Yours i think should be the cloth with
image of Kali. His also like that. Behind the cloth his name, date of birth and
time are written in blood. The cloth also soaked in blood and put it a small

This story actually i am first time telling anyone. This person (actually former
colleague). He actually like this girl alot (she is stewardess), now she don't
even look at him just ignore him totally one. Now she is what you call gcp,
very sarcastic to him although he really nice to her.

So one day i saw him outside (after he resign 1 yr later), so i ask him lets go
and lim kopi, he said was waiting for his gf but since got sometime why not.

We talk and he mentioned he was getting married, so i said to who he said
the stewardess. Now while he is telling me i also noticed he was wearing the
capsule thing around his neck (put on his gold chain).

So he told me why he did it and what it is. Same he mentioned got it near
yogyakarta, Indonesia.

So i ask him bro is it really what i think it is. He said he really want to be with
her. Now later when she came i notice like she like unaware of herself,
very extremely nice to him like he was someone else, i don't know how to put
it like she is in a trance.

So this kali issue is serious stuff, you will get whatever you want but you
must "feed blood". But according to my friend the people will do it once and thats it.

One thing he mentioned he said that you cannot dispose the thing or throw it
away, you must give it back to them and you will be released but all magic
cast with it also undone.

Actually bro gordon, why do you want such a thing, this is super dangerous
and strong, whats your need with it?
Gaining a girl this way, I believe it may not last. Anyway guys got less to lose I guess.
Old 19-04-2013, 02:48 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by genesis01 View Post
U wanna kill hu?
the peter rock Lersi.

命运就像强奸,反抗不了就要学会享受。生活就像手淫,什么都要靠自己的双手。工作就像是轮奸,你不行了别人 就上。学习就像嫖妓,出了钱还得出力。
Old 19-04-2013, 02:50 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by happpy View Post
very feirce mit mor
this look goot

命运就像强奸,反抗不了就要学会享受。生活就像手淫,什么都要靠自己的双手。工作就像是轮奸,你不行了别人 就上。学习就像嫖妓,出了钱还得出力。
Old 19-04-2013, 04:03 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by toilet$50 View Post
this look goot

Phra rahu. Suppose to eat all the bad things ard u to ensure smooth path for you. Similar to the back of most jatukam amulet. Nice.
Old 20-04-2013, 02:45 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hello naemlo , any good amulets to recommend ?
I'm in the retail business
Member of OSF [ Youth Wing ]

Last edited by Sharpshooter; 20-04-2013 at 02:57 AM.
Old 20-04-2013, 12:49 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

There's a amulet n charm shop in the basement of Lucky Plaza. It sells all sorts of religious statutes, including a wooden phallus. A local Chi. guy, Mr Tan mans this shop. Some times it's closed on normal shop opening hrs. 1 day, a pal of mine said he wanted to consult a black magician. I brought him to Mr Tan. Mr Tan explained to my pal about magic spells. I asked Mr Tan, the magician what will happen if the person who must perform some regular duties to satisfy his part of the bargain, defaults? Mr Tan answered he'll send a (I can't remember what word he used) spirit after the person. My pal split from Tan's shop.
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