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Old 02-10-2013, 08:56 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Noticed some people often talk on this subject Karma and Retribution.

I'm just curious, if you have mental-illness and you commit some wicked bad acts, will you suffer bad karma/retribution or not? Does anyone knows or not?

Or is it so long as the person is really mentally-disturbed at the point when he commits the wicked act, then he would not suffer the bad karma?

Example, a few years ago, got 1 singaporean guy(he is suffering from mental-illness) he killed his own father and then he checked into a hotel. (The Court did not sentence him to death)

Another example, it is quite common to hear from those parents that have mentally-disturbed children, they say sometimes their mentally-insane/mentally-disturded children will violently beat their parents. So will these mentally-disturbed teenagers have bad karma and retribution in their later years?

Last edited by alwaysss; 03-10-2013 at 12:20 AM.
Old 02-10-2013, 11:52 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling


Do u charge or dunn charge?

I saw ur earlier post that you do not charge and now you are asking $20 for transportation. Im confused liao

Originally Posted by Haudreay View Post
Guys Guys, devilchan78, milkman

There aint nothing wrong with using a electronic device to "Find" your Bazi. It is definitely less prone to mistakes. then manual books. I'm not taking any credit away from those traditional Eu Long Zi guys etc. And I admit I'm not holy enough, my level is dam low (what you expect ?man, I m a guy in SBF forum I think about sex all the time)

But as a consumer, or even some who's is so desperately seeking for an answer, and your paid a high price to seek consultation from these people, you ought to ask for good advice and an explanation. Dun mention whether is it Bazi or whatever, in life when your are given advice you need to understand it and know what you are doing in order to apply it and benefits from its result to the fullest.

So when these well-established teachers charges you $188/hr, and spend half an hour searching your bazi thru books. How will you feel? it su cks for me man. Then asked you to drink talisman, then wait for a few months to see effect. If you question their authority they will scold you.

I for one went Taiwan just to seek a full consultation for my Bazi. I paid a quite a lot of money, but to me is money well-spent. Because in the free economy of Taiwan, feng shui consultations' business is highly competitive, unlike SG and M'sia. Every SG and M'sia shifu have this fear of revealing too much merely because they are afraid of you stealing their knowledge, however, in the a more competitive market, when you dont provide a good service, somebody else is always there to compete.

I for 1 knows quarter buckets of bazi. It is a good exercise for me to help other people know more about their personal bazi. I am no Shifu, I am no biz person.
My Fees are $20 transportation and a cup of coffee, pm me if any bros interested.
Old 03-10-2013, 01:54 AM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by leo_ng77 View Post

Do u charge or dunn charge?

I saw ur earlier post that you do not charge and now you are asking $20 for transportation. Im confused liao

Now Im charging 20 for transport. to clear the air. I think it is fair just to travel.
I am not qualify to advice or be consulted yet so it is just transport
Old 03-10-2013, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by RockViet View Post
Repost . Hope bros here will like and benefit from this. <消灾解厄,改变命运> Full Scan Copy
In fact, I forwarded your link in other forums.

Originally Posted by RockViet View Post
自己有意无意犯下的业,如今冤情债主来讨债,神佛符咒有法力者都不能阻挡, 唯有自己面对承受明白命理后就不会想算命了。算算也只是为了安抚自己。算算不明理,没有从根本基础改过,也 是浪费时间金钱
如果算了"幸运"避免逃避是真的幸运吗? 冤情债主就不讨债了吗?冤情债主只是延迟讨债最后还是自己面对不如想想如何消业。唯有明白命理,才能真正改 过自救自求.改变命运



Old 03-10-2013, 09:15 PM
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A nasty troll. 好心没好报。

Last edited by KinderBueno; 06-10-2013 at 07:49 AM.
Old 03-10-2013, 10:21 PM
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Re: 念经

Brother KinderBueno,

Could you just list one from the magazine?

Thank you very much.

Originally Posted by KinderBueno View Post
You are right. The two pdf files are very useful. I have directed the traffic flow to your links.




I have a magazine. 里面的classfied section有提供a wide list of佛寺有办念经的info。

老师倒希望有人scan, 建议去吃斋念经。长期吃斋念经,这样消业显著也会快一点。
Old 04-10-2013, 02:02 AM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Brother kinderbueno,

My wife has dreams of deities, demons, ghost, buddha. Especially during pregnancy, she had dreams about deities and buddha telling her that the child is her gift. And normally, she will have frequent dreams of ghosts/demons and 蛇妖 wanna marry her.

Do they mean anything?
Old 04-10-2013, 02:29 AM
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Re: 业报 - 现世

Originally Posted by KinderBueno View Post




唯一能减轻业报,趁因果没熟,赶快吃斋、忏悔、积德。还有很多人不信因果,认为日子快活,无忧无虑。福报一 旦销尽,一连串不如意的事会接着而来(比如:失业、离婚、欠债、车祸、意外、家人不合、婚后不育、亲人逝世 、患癌生病),翻身困难了。到时,问神吞符戴佛牌,恐怕于事无补。尤其业障找上门,仙佛菩萨不 理。

老师帮人批命,皆能看得出命中的劫数。命中要离婚、死亡之类的关劫都不会说。说出来,会动对方的因果。说得 再准没有用,因为对方往往不积极面对,劝说了后,一只耳朵进另一只耳朵出,最后一句词,“您说 得很准”。

对方业深,没得救了。死后的魂魄100%马上往下走! 地府衙差来勾魂是一瞬间,根本阻拦不了。



祖辈父母作缺德事上天害理,就算是无意犯错,仍然会报应在自己/孩子的身上。祖辈父母人品方面可以很好,犯杀业(做熟食小贩、鱼贩、肉贩、屠宰牲畜、捕鱼捉禽等等),害人 (调戏妇女、偷汉谋人妻、劝人堕胎、欺诈骗钱)的话,账是算得相当清楚。

祖辈父母做的好,孩子将来不会有烦恼。别人的孩子健康听话,而自己的孩子惹事/添麻烦,那么父母得自我反省。孩子没有问题并不到表以后没有问题。趁现在孩子没有问题时,父母忏悔积德还是 来得及。要不然,孩子的关劫一到,熬得过幸运,否则大人小孩有麻烦了。父母吃斋忏悔积德绝对是百益而无害, 不会亏本。孩子跟着父母做好榜样,他/她自己会培养起自己的善根。以后的造化,从重减轻,由恶转良。

孩子problematic,最好的办法就是现在要修性积德。这样的孩子要照顾,以后(下辈子)不会再回来 了。今世不顾不管,来世会再遇上,原因是因果没了结。


举例 - ‘A’孩子拿刀杀了‘B’孩子,‘A’父母得承受不少压力,‘B’父母会哭断肠。因此,‘B’孩子也同样向 ‘B’父母讨债。为什么会有悲剧呢?前几世,‘B’孩子害死了‘A’孩子,那么,今世‘A’孩子来复仇。‘ A’父母/孩子与‘B’父母/孩子之间产生了共业,简单的来说今世是互讨互还 。
Actually you had missed my question totally and you did not answer my question at all.

you had digressed totally and you talk on other different things instead.

I'm asking my that above question on behalf of my chinese-educated relative.

I got this relative she had a mentally-disturbed teenage son( he is suffering from very very severe obsessive compulsive disorder). Sometimes her this son will violently beat her and his father.(but obviously he commited this beat-parents-act when he is mentally unsound) This relative is only concerned about their this son, she is not concerned at all about her own fate or her own karma. She loves her son a lot. She just wants to know will her this mentally-unsound son suffer retribution or bad karma in his later years in this same lifetime for beating up his own parents?

Becos in Chinese culture many people believe for normal mentally-sane persons if you beat up your own parents, you will suffer bad karma or retribution in your this lifetime for your this beat-parents-act.

Hence Her only question is since her this mentally-disturbed son beats his own parents, will he suffer bad karma and retribution in his later years in this same lifetime or not for beating up his own parents? This is her only question. She loves her this mentally-disturbed son a lot. She is only interested to know whether will her mentally-disturbed son will suffer further bad karma or not for beating up parents? That's all.

That means the question is will a mentally-disturbed/mentally-insane person suffer retribution in this same lifetime for his beat-parents-act? (And as mentioned in my first post, that person is mentally-disturbed during those period of time when he beats up his parents)

Last edited by alwaysss; 04-10-2013 at 10:06 PM.
Old 04-10-2013, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by sheepheadram View Post
brother kinderbueno,

my wife has dreams of deities, demons, ghost, buddha. Especially during pregnancy, she had dreams about deities and buddha telling her that the child is her gift. And normally, she will have frequent dreams of ghosts/demons and 蛇妖 wanna marry her.

Do they mean anything?

‘梦’- 不是迷信,是“玄秘”。老师常把梦当成自我的警惕讯号。

若是不好的梦,要有心理准备,最好马上化解。经常有恶梦,肯定不是好事。如梦见已故的人,那就 要多加留意。

Old 04-10-2013, 11:40 PM
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Re: 业报 - 现世

Originally Posted by alwaysss View Post
actually you had ... ...cut-short ... ...when he beats up his parents)

Last edited by KinderBueno; 06-10-2013 at 07:43 AM.
Old 05-10-2013, 12:52 AM
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Re: 业报 - 现世

Originally Posted by KinderBueno View Post
难怪会看不明白Post #277.

第一. 十年前朋友向你借钱(他欠你),十年后你向朋友要钱,你认为应该拿回钱吗?有没有罪?
第二. 你刷爆credit card欠half a million,银行马上追债,银行是否有错呢?
第三. 要是你向朋友讨钱时,蓄意纵火挂猪头骚扰邻居(变本加厉),是在造新的恶业认同否呢?
第四. 在前世,‘A’杀了自己的母亲。而今世的孩子(即前世是母亲)来杀‘A’(今世是母亲,前世是孩子)。今世 到地府报道,你认为阎王会怎么判?
Above all are applicable into parents and child case. 您仔细思考。明白真理比知道答案来得重要。

精神不正常的人伤父母,归咎于前世,今世来复仇。倘若前世没对不起他(辜负他,害死他),阎王哪会判今世有 个不幸的孩子呢?

反而,父母没照顾精神病患的孩子,让孩子铸成社会负担拖累社群同时造新的恶业,父母孩子都得要 背业。

顾虑到‘报应’是好。然而,重要的是父母与孩子如何好好相处,怎样种善因消业才是上策。父母怕精神病患的孩 子造孽,应该考虑孩子的以后(怎么样培养才不会危及社会,怎么样地和谐与人相处等等),这才是无私地为孩子 以及周围的人着想的德行,无需执著自己孩子打伤父母的罪。

父母与患病孩子做好事,同步种善因。父母与孩子吃斋念佛、行三布施、以孩子的名义放生,努力陪伴孩子一起消 业才是明智的选择。

说不定上天慈悲可怜,不忍心让爸爸妈妈下半段人生痛苦,决定把孩子带走也不一定。仙佛菩萨提前结束一个人的 阳寿不是不可能的,这就是为什么abnormal孩子会离开先。这个就不写了。

you are hopeless.

My question is about my sister-in-law's mentally-disturbed teenage son often beats up his parents hence the question is a simple straigtforward question WILL A MENTALLY-DISTURBED PERSON SUFFER RETRIBUTION IN THIS SAME LIFETIME FOR HIS BEAT-PARENTS-ACT or not??!

Just 1 simple straightforward question and the answer is either 1)yes he will bear the same full force of retribution as other mentally-sane persons, or 2)no becos he is mentally-disturbed when he commits those acts or 3)have some lesser retribution but lesser extent becos he is mentally-insane when he commits these beat-parents-acts. But you are still keep on digressing and evading the question totally and you just keep on talking about other things those previous lifetime events.

By the way, there is 1 thing that I had been holding back for a while to tell you after I read some of your past postings. I noticed in your heart you disliked the China-chinese and you are very prejudiced against the China-Chinese. I noticed whenever you wrote negative examples, you often unnecessarily put the word 中国按摩女郎, 中国女人, 中国人 etc etc.

There is totally no neccessity for you to write the 中国人 beside all the negative examples you cited.

When you write negative examples, You should just write got 1 man got involved with a massage girl or a prostitute etc instead . But you often wrote down the 中国nationality of the women, this serve totally no purpose at all and will only breed stereotype narrow-minded prejudice.

Example, in the very recent Chai Chee neighbour horrendous assault case, even though this assailant is a Malay but all the various newspapers and internet websites when they report this assault case, they all totally omitted the Malay word in the entire contents of the articles. All the articles just wrote 恶邻居殴打老妇, they all never write 马来恶邻居殴打老妇。

There are also many many good, kind-hearted PRCs in spore and there are also many wicked singaporeans too. Every nationality has a fair combination of kind-hearted people and wicked people.

Eat vegetarian is good, But before you always keep posting telling other forumners to eat vegetarian and lecture others etc etc, you should eradicate your own dislike and prejudice of PRCs in your own heart first. 因为偏见和排斥在很多religion里也是sins.

你自己的心都很恶,你自己的心中都有恶念,你对中国人很有偏见和你非常歧视中国人。你自己的心都很恶,你还 敢厚颜无耻地在这里说宗教? 你有什资格或颜面训别人?

you are a shameless retard and you are a shameless hypocrite.

There are also many extremely good PRC women in spore. Real example, in a Bukit Batok West Coffeeshop got 1 handicapped, low-income ,lowly-educated middle-aged sporean man and his quite pretty China bride they operate a Ban-mian stall. They had been married for about 16 years now, their son is already in secondary school now. I used to often buy Ban mian from them last time and I chatted with them. The china wife also sticked with his handicapped, low-income husband for many years now and she did not left him. The husband is born handicapped in one hand and one foot. In comparison, it is almost impossible to find a Singaporean girl willing to marry a low-income, lowly-educated, born-handicapped man and stick with him for so many years.

By the way, I'm a 100% born and grew up in spore singaporean, in case later someone wrongly accuse me of being a China new citizen or China PR

Last edited by alwaysss; 05-10-2013 at 11:43 PM.
Old 05-10-2013, 08:20 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Got 1 foul-mouthed low-class coward loser negative-IQ bastard dog just sent me vulgar nasty remarks into my User CP at 7.35pm just now. That loser coward balless scum bastard dog also zapped me 7 points.

Linpeh don't care about points. that coward loser bastard dog is such a retard.

That dog is such a coward loser bastard dog, it has no balls to engage me openly in the open forum and instead that loser balless coward bad-mouthed dog resort to posting nasty remarks annoymously to my User CP

Last edited by alwaysss; 05-10-2013 at 09:37 PM.
Old 05-10-2013, 08:45 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Another bastard loser coward stupid dumb dog sent me nasty vulgar remarks to my User CP at 8.39pm just now and that loser bastard balless coward dog zapped me 3 points.

Some loser bastard coward dog is using it's clone nicks or telling it's lackey bastard dogs to send nasty remarks to my User CP and attack my User CP

Last edited by alwaysss; 05-10-2013 at 09:10 PM.
Old 05-10-2013, 10:17 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Another balless bastard coward born loser dumb bodoh dog sent nasty remarks to my User CP at 9.54 pm just now and that bastard bodoh born loser dog also cursed me and zapped me 1 point.

That bastard dog that sent me that nasty remark into my User CP at 9.54 pm just now, that bastard balless coward born loser dog will die very horribly in road accident very soon!

Last edited by alwaysss; 05-10-2013 at 11:26 PM.
Old 05-10-2013, 10:25 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

So easy to lure out all the bastard clone nicks and the lackey bastard dogs of that bastard loser hypocrite shameless con-dog KinderBueno


Last edited by alwaysss; 06-10-2013 at 12:07 AM.
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