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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 08-04-2011, 11:31 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Went one today..PRC...immediately ask for entrance fee...when confimed special also asked for money immediately...WTF...anyway Im in goodmood today...juz need to realease.thn when time to leave saw another MILF came in..may go back and try her...
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How much have u spent? 你花了多少钱?
Old 10-04-2011, 10:05 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
Was walking around the basement levels. As per some bros here, mostly are con jobs. Had just $40 in my pocket. Was approached by 1 lady, prob late 20s. Sexy dress. asked me in, i asked for price, quoted the msg price, told her i only had $40 total, she looked at me, disbelief, checked my pockets, true enough only $40, (rest i put in my van), she told me to come in and grabbed my $40, told me she could give me hand, i said no, lifted her dress to show she was not wearing undies, i looked into the partition, the room was dirty, she said can do standing by the sink, i said no, grabbed the $ and left. luckily it was close to 10pm and most of the shops were closed. Initially I wanted to try out, but then, the way she rushed me, lost all mood.

Seriously, if u need that, please head to geylang - better options, price, room, and safer - with those prc legal joints going for $80 a pop, much younger and sexier as well, with themed rooms..

As such, to the best interest of all samsters here, please do not support them, unless you feel otherwise or do have a chemistry with them.. if not... try to avoid... similar sentiments to some other bros here..

Was wondering who's the con here - you went there with $40 in your pockets and expect a massage and a hj... you want a cheapo service, go line up at Desker road with all the Bangla...
Old 11-04-2011, 07:25 PM
jinspade jinspade is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by punk8813 View Post
Bro try the 3rd floor... there is a Gem inside with good soild massage and very friendly lady in there. Heard she seldom around.....
Hi bro.. i just visited one of the 3rd floor parlours yesterday, the one just outside the toilet.. nice soft massage(the way i like it).. and very friendly service. She asked if i wanted extra, i decline coz too tired from work. Didnt get her name though, a bit paisey coz its my 1st time ever
Old 10-05-2011, 09:47 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Supp guys! yeah your are right that they tend to ask for others after like 5-10mins of massage?

well on the bright side, those who know YoYo? Shes back and gosh she looks the same and more prettier..of course we know she grew older but she still keeps the shape. Met her today. and she still does a good job.. love her in heels too! definitely my kind! if your would like to know more, PM me!
Shes one of the best in the area!
Old 11-05-2011, 12:04 PM
hornboar hornboar is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Hi Bros,

Jus to share wat i experienced lately in tt area. Went into the shop asked if they do masg, she says yes. So i went and asked how much she said $40/hr and asked to pay 1st! This the 1st time i ever encounter that she ask to pay 1st.. faint. den she ask if I wan do facial, i was lk ok lo, since its in the package. so I ask how long 4 facial den do masg, she suddenly say no masg!!!! I was lk wat the hell? den i told her, I wan masg leh! Den she suddenly say ok ok later i help u press abit. WTH? I wan masg not facial!

I stood up and told her since u dun do masg den no i do not want ur service, told her to refund and I will b on my way. She say cannot, boss knw tt she nv do, I was lk wat? whole shop only u n me how boss knw?? siao ah! den she brought me across to another shop say tt's her boss. HUH? I went in den the lady say come in i do masg 4 u... I thk this is a SCAM lo... so I told them, NO i do not want their service anymore and I walked out.

Seriously, this is crap! how can they try and con us? We're jus hoping to get a gd rub on the back and its a bonus if there is more la, but they're lk all out to con us. this is NOT right. Bros, out there pls cheong w ration. dun let the small head control the big head. Take care!

This is jus my experience...
Old 11-05-2011, 12:09 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by hornboar View Post
Hi Bros,

Jus to share wat i experienced lately in tt area. Went into the shop asked if they do masg, she says yes. So i went and asked how much she said $40/hr and asked to pay 1st! This the 1st time i ever encounter that she ask to pay 1st.. faint. den she ask if I wan do facial, i was lk ok lo, since its in the package. so I ask how long 4 facial den do masg, she suddenly say no masg!!!! I was lk wat the hell? den i told her, I wan masg leh! Den she suddenly say ok ok later i help u press abit. WTH? I wan masg not facial!

I stood up and told her since u dun do masg den no i do not want ur service, told her to refund and I will b on my way. She say cannot, boss knw tt she nv do, I was lk wat? whole shop only u n me how boss knw?? siao ah! den she brought me across to another shop say tt's her boss. HUH? I went in den the lady say come in i do masg 4 u... I thk this is a SCAM lo... so I told them, NO i do not want their service anymore and I walked out.

Seriously, this is crap! how can they try and con us? We're jus hoping to get a gd rub on the back and its a bonus if there is more la, but they're lk all out to con us. this is NOT right. Bros, out there pls cheong w ration. dun let the small head control the big head. Take care!

This is jus my experience...
that's very good feedback & advice bro.
great how you stood your ground as well.

most people should be well warned to keep their distance from such practitioners.

thumbs up.
Old 20-05-2011, 01:35 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

any good masg to intro?
May drop by at btsc.
Since other shopping ctr don't hv much shop left.
Old 22-05-2011, 03:31 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

went recently. level 2 and 3 milfs still the same, good service, ok looks and bods and okay massage with okay HJ.

B1 SYTs are v chio to look at but all the shops in B1 cheat money. i suggest u go there look look, flirt abit,if they touchy, u oso touch.. get high abit, then go upstairs release.

sorry, no specific FR for level 2 and 3. went so many times now i don't bother to ask the massaue names. all about the same. it's like macdonald's, it's not the best, but its cheap and u know there's a minimal level of service guranteed. LOL.
Old 22-05-2011, 11:49 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Went back a few weeks back where SYT is...they ask me to choose either one of them and choose the other PRC whis is not so SYT and not MILF..they say they are the only two working there..SYT is serving an ang moh at next cubicle but duno why did not continue the massage..think due to not enof change or something..the PRC say lucky i choose her as she dun understand english...

Anyway her service is good..better thn opp shop who asked for money rush job and aceded to all my request..good service..will be back soon..too bad forgot to ask her name...
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Old 25-05-2011, 07:23 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Recently went to Bukit T area to recce again, here's my FR

1) BTSC, near Lan Game shop.

There was a foreign talent from a country that eats dog meat there. Not bad looking, but when she rushed out of her shop to pull me in, I was a little dissappointed. As i was actually going to another joint but that joint was full, I settled for this milf.

She was kinda friendly, even helped me undressed. However, i stopped her and asked if she will be the one servicing me as I do not want the whale from the other shop to come and knead me like 'la mian'

She promised and started her hard piano strokes. I was damn dissapointed by her skill despite her bragging about how good she can massage. Kneaded my back for 2 mins, then kneaded my calfs for another 2mins, asked me to flip and began removing her panties.

'Shuai ge, yao ma?' I was stoned by her boobs... they were rather large, but they were kinda saggy. Quite unexpected from what I saw.

While I was alittle turned on, we were interupted by another bro.. who sounds much older than I am, asking 'Hai mei you hao ma?' (Not done yet??)

She shouted across.. '5mins!' I damn sian liao..

She then gestured $50 for a handy and she started her fast and furious job.
I had no chance to say no... but i told her '$40... take it or leave it'

that milf climbed on top the bed and asked if i want to do main course... i said no.

Took about 8mins to cum.... left an unhappy dude

Name: Never Asked
Origin: China
Body: 5/10
Face: 6/10
Boobs: 33C... i think
Ass: 4/10
Massage (More like piano): 4/10
Damage: 30 + 40

2) Near Goh & Goh Bldg

One of my favourite joints. Bros who frequent this joint should know what I'm talking about. If not, please google.

While most bro may detest this joint, frequent vistors like myself will know who to choose, and if your timing is right, you will get Lina.

Further more it's low budget, west area and not so crowded.

Lina's a PRC milf too, with rather thick arms and average boobs, but her massage is excellent. Perhaps it boils down to chemistry, but I do massage for her in return sometimes. I never expected I will cuddle after massage and handy/blowie with a milf but there I was... mesmerized. It was sometime ago since i last went.

So I RTM recently, to my dismay, the joint was full of piaking sounds (was kinda surprised now they allow FJ.. maybe I never asked)... I was greeted by one of the regular masseuse there while i asked for Lina the ..pardon my words... uglier one told me she is engaged... and lina shouted across that she will massage me next time.

Reluctantly, i chose that lady... let's call her Ugly.

So Ugly massaged me ... also reluctantly because I have always specifically asked for Lina. While I'll still give it a massage rating of 7.5, I couldn't stand looking at her for too long.

After a good 25 mins (i chose a short session to test), she dimmed the lights and asked if i wanted to do what the others are doing... I acted blur and asked 'What are they doing?'

She asked me to peep the curtain. Man... seeing my favourite massuse swallowing another mans meat kinda turns me on! Lucky the other bro was damn busy enjoying his session

But i just couldn'nt stand looking at ugly. So I asked her to give me her best handy, and I told her to sit on top of me, with her ass on my chest (So i can imagine with her Lina's moans across, and not see Ugly's face... two birds with 1 stone)

I was interupted by another Bro asking for a session... ugly rushed out to say they are closing

Ugly came back and politely asked if I wanted a blow, BM or a full session, then I was interupted by the same dude again! Damn! I thought this place is quite dead one! No mood liao.

So I said no when Ugly returned. Asked her to hurry up. Finished and left. Surprisingly, ugly asked for only $50 for the handy. I sulked and she asked me to pay what I think is fitting... quite righteous of her.

I paid $40.

Name: Not sure
Origin: China
Body: 6/10
Face: 2/10
Boobs: 34B.. i think
Ass: wrinkly... dims lights couldnt really see
Damage: 25 + 40
Old 26-05-2011, 12:31 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

nice FR bro. very real, and well composed.
if i could up your points, i would.

Funny also why kena so many interruptions.
guess sometimes when the small head takes control.
manners go out of the window.
Old 27-05-2011, 07:39 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Definitely avoid the basement places. The ladies there are very much in a rush to get you in an out of the place as quickly as possible. The put no effort into the massage and don't appear to give a damn about anything but your money.

By the way, Leopard_A4, thanks for the tip on the Thai place. I am going to try it out.
Old 27-05-2011, 10:48 AM
HC NoObs HC NoObs is offline
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Thumbs down Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by LPPlol View Post
Recently went to Bukit T area to recce again, here's my FR

1) BTSC, near Lan Game shop.

There was a foreign talent from a country that eats dog meat there. Not bad looking, but when she rushed out of her shop to pull me in, I was a little dissappointed. As i was actually going to another joint but that joint was full, I settled for this milf.

She was kinda friendly, even helped me undressed. However, i stopped her and asked if she will be the one servicing me as I do not want the whale from the other shop to come and knead me like 'la mian'

She promised and started her hard piano strokes. I was damn dissapointed by her skill despite her bragging about how good she can massage. Kneaded my back for 2 mins, then kneaded my calfs for another 2mins, asked me to flip and began removing her panties.

'Shuai ge, yao ma?' I was stoned by her boobs... they were rather large, but they were kinda saggy. Quite unexpected from what I saw.

While I was alittle turned on, we were interupted by another bro.. who sounds much older than I am, asking 'Hai mei you hao ma?' (Not done yet??)

She shouted across.. '5mins!' I damn sian liao..

She then gestured $50 for a handy and she started her fast and furious job.
I had no chance to say no... but i told her '$40... take it or leave it'

that milf climbed on top the bed and asked if i want to do main course... i said no.

Took about 8mins to cum.... left an unhappy dude

Name: Never Asked
Origin: China
Body: 5/10
Face: 6/10
Boobs: 33C... i think
Ass: 4/10
Massage (More like piano): 4/10
Damage: 30 + 40

2) Near Goh & Goh Bldg

One of my favourite joints. Bros who frequent this joint should know what I'm talking about. If not, please google.

While most bro may detest this joint, frequent vistors like myself will know who to choose, and if your timing is right, you will get Lina.

Further more it's low budget, west area and not so crowded.

Lina's a PRC milf too, with rather thick arms and average boobs, but her massage is excellent. Perhaps it boils down to chemistry, but I do massage for her in return sometimes. I never expected I will cuddle after massage and handy/blowie with a milf but there I was... mesmerized. It was sometime ago since i last went.

So I RTM recently, to my dismay, the joint was full of piaking sounds (was kinda surprised now they allow FJ.. maybe I never asked)... I was greeted by one of the regular masseuse there while i asked for Lina the ..pardon my words... uglier one told me she is engaged... and lina shouted across that she will massage me next time.

Reluctantly, i chose that lady... let's call her Ugly.

So Ugly massaged me ... also reluctantly because I have always specifically asked for Lina. While I'll still give it a massage rating of 7.5, I couldn't stand looking at her for too long.

After a good 25 mins (i chose a short session to test), she dimmed the lights and asked if i wanted to do what the others are doing... I acted blur and asked 'What are they doing?'

She asked me to peep the curtain. Man... seeing my favourite massuse swallowing another mans meat kinda turns me on! Lucky the other bro was damn busy enjoying his session

But i just couldn'nt stand looking at ugly. So I asked her to give me her best handy, and I told her to sit on top of me, with her ass on my chest (So i can imagine with her Lina's moans across, and not see Ugly's face... two birds with 1 stone)

I was interupted by another Bro asking for a session... ugly rushed out to say they are closing

Ugly came back and politely asked if I wanted a blow, BM or a full session, then I was interupted by the same dude again! Damn! I thought this place is quite dead one! No mood liao.

So I said no when Ugly returned. Asked her to hurry up. Finished and left. Surprisingly, ugly asked for only $50 for the handy. I sulked and she asked me to pay what I think is fitting... quite righteous of her.

I paid $40.

Name: Not sure
Origin: China
Body: 6/10
Face: 2/10
Boobs: 34B.. i think
Ass: wrinkly... dims lights couldnt really see
Damage: 25 + 40
Bro.. The btsc 1 cmi one.. Kenna burnt one time and I swear I'll nv go again.. At least she nv ask u to diy.
Old 02-06-2011, 05:08 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bros, was passing through BTSC just now and to update, B1 shops have all closed for good. Advertisements for take over of space. Guess they barely lasted 2 months!

Thought i'd go up to 2nd floor instead for at least a decent massage but despite the rain, AV still decided to prowl. Girl told me when I stepped in that better not do anything today, ask me go back. Not safe for either. As I knew her, took the hint and went on my way.

Old 08-06-2011, 10:21 AM
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Talking Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Regent still ard? Wan to try soon leh hope they not blown away...

Anyway tried a discreet hc In the area recommended by a kind bro lately.... Very discreet, but respect bro cannot reveal loc...

Tried kelly milf

Looks 6/10, wears brown uniform dress
Body 6/10
Boobs b
Massage average, no attached bathroom but very cosy feel, partitioned rooms
Attitude not bad
Ending- average, nothing amazing
Damage - standard rates for hc.
Rtm: maybe for another gal, coz discreet

Told me maybe she too old for me so ending was hard to come, told me come again for another girl.
Saw racheal another prc at waiting area, not bad abit slutty look. The hc recep is a cute spectacled prc syt..... If only she is a massuer i sure book her lolol
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