Re: Events In CP
is this news real or fake
http://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsg/sh...105&lang=zh_TW 东莞市KTV小姐中有2704位患有艾滋病,并且在东莞市厚街一千六百位!并且在像普通人扩散 ,昨 天一天有13位90后被查出艾滋病,据说全是微信和陌陌一夜情被传染的,--看到此消息,必要的话转发一下,可以警告身边的某些朋友,检点意识,注意自身 健康! (特别是那些一去娱乐场所就叫小姐乱搞的男同胞门,害死自己没事,别回家连累妻儿) 足浴城,酒吧,k歌中心等.坐台小姐查出有633患艾滋病,现医护人员正在包厢一个个在给她们 抽血化验,。 太疯狂了这个社会,转给那些喜欢和小姐混在一起的男人们看看,不怕就继续!亲们请洁身自好。。为了身边人, 为了家人。。。 今天我的朋友圈里铺天盖地的都发的这个消息 |
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
Re: Events In CP
On your next trip to cp , go open a local bank account there . Before your each trip , just go ppc to tt money into that account , rate are usually better than exchange but with a service charges $17-20, by doing this you can take money with better rate from machine , pay ktv bills with that cards . Quote:
Do remember , BOC machine are limited in cp , service charges kick in if you withdraw from other bank atm . I always treat the tt as cpf (changPingFund) contribution monthly .
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
btw just play safe , everywhere in this world , play and practice rubber .
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己 |
Re: Events In CP
Lidat must go try next time, SN i knw more worth it, but too SOP liao. Then what happens if it goes negative?
. 本人相貌丑陋,三岁习武,七岁学文,上知天文地理,下知鸡毛蒜皮, 每外出行走,常引帅哥回头,美女跳楼,心地善良,和蔼可亲, 乐于助人,乐善好施不可枚舉,其优点多得有如滔滔江水 连绵不绝,又如黃河泛滥一发而不可收拾,实乃旷世奇才。 人在新加坡, 心在常平 中国美女那么多,可惜我人在新加坡
Re: Events In CP
Guess they'll put me on the immigration stop list or..... maybe.... They'll haul me in ... And then... castrate me!!! LOL SEAJ |
Re: Events In CP
So funny.... "Hahaha...."
next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know.... |
Re: Events In CP
I did went to BOC branch in Sg to enquire before. Their answer was very disappointing....BOC Sg n BOC China are UNrelated...operate as seperate entities. They did asked me to apply for BOC Credit Card with Union Pay logo if I frequent china. Quote:
This is interesting. Means can top up your china line in Sg via internet banking? The internet dongle need to separately apply?
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm. Up List - mazda0116;metalsp2;fb0407;michaelwinn;HSB2k; |
Re: Events In CP
Boc card allow me to withdraw $$, acts as debit card n comes with internet banking. As wat bro vertu said we no nid to carry too much cash on us if we frequent cp regularly |
Re: Events In CP
Yes, I top up my China line via internet banking. Convenient and cost saving as well. If you were to buy the top up card, it will cost you 50rmb + 1rmb for the card. Currently china mobile online top up has a 2% rebate. You can also use this internet banking to make purchases on 陶宝 or even purchase flowers online and send to ur KC |
Re: Events In CP
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