Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.
Originally Posted by nicefriend
Bro Thai31.nicefriend get zap=3 time.
The funny comment is gumsiah for raw info.
Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern
I dun have clone and I m not a clone of any samster.
Before TGL kenna gang zapped, TGL's rep pt was 58 and a power 1. So who on earth is so silly to use TGL as clone? If TGL really has a master, he will keep and grow TGL to high power to zap ppl, agree? U have to think more rationally, Bro nicefriend. Clones use to attack and flame ppl are usually zero power and have very low rep pt.
Take Care! Bye for now!
Originally Posted by kumsiatiko
Bros.tiko kanna zap by this posts.
20-02-2013 11:39pm.Pls carry on ur posts,kumsiah 4 for sapport.10Q.
bros,toilet kenna zapz in this old new thread at last 3 page.
but Boss closed this new thread liao;
命运就像强奸,反抗不了就要学会享受。生活就像手淫,什么都要靠自己的双手。工作就像是轮奸,你不行了别人 就上。学习就像嫖妓,出了钱还得出力。