View Full Version : My Wife Sensual Adventures with Strangers - Vol.2

22-10-2023, 02:12 AM
Hi everyone, it’s been more than 2 years since I wrote the 1st version of My Wife Sensual Adventures with Strangers (https://sbfs.social/showthread.php?t=806995&highlight=) If you have not read it before I highly recommend you to try it. It’s over 30k words long and the thread was quite well received back then. The comments and feedbacks were also highly positive so I’m sure you will enjoy reading it.

In any case I’m back again with volume 2 of the story and hope you guys will like it too :)

My name is Leon and I have dated my wife Kylie for 1-2 years and we have been married since then for roughly another 4 years. I got to know Kylie through a mutual friend when she was around her mid-20s, she is in her mid-30s now. Like many other guys I was attracted to Kylie mostly due to her personalities because just in term of her looks Kylie was an ordinary looking girl, she’s probably a 5/10 and maybe 7/10 tops when she had her makeup on. There is nothing outstanding about her facial features but fortunately for her, her skin complexion is near flawless so overall she is still quite pleasant looking.Kylie tries her best to compensate for her lack of good looks by keeping herself in good shape, she does that by jogging and practicing yoga on a regular basis. Her boobs aren’t very big just B-cup but they are firm and perky so they looked and feel more like C-cup to me. Similarly Kylie butt is also pretty sexy and curvy due to all the exercise she does, her waistline is around 26 inches and both her arms and legs are well toned. Kylie wasn’t very tall, standing at around 162cm but due to her 3 : 7 body ratio she does possess a pair of nice looking legs.But as I have mentioned most guys are attracted to Kylie due to her personalities not her looks. She is a very outgoing and friendly girl and is able to make you feel very comfortable and at ease even if it is your first time seeing her.

When talking to her she can hold and keep the conservation going without being too overbearing or talkative so even for guys who are usually shy will open up and not feel so awkward around her. Inadvertently this causes most guys to think that she was sending some kind of signal that she was interested in them or giving them a chance myself included. So, despite Kylie average appearance, she in fact got quite a number of suitors due her down to earth attitude and girl next door vibe. However, despite all these positive traits and seemingly innocent behaviours Kylie wasn’t all that she appears to be. Even now that I have known her for over 10 years it’s still difficult for me to describe and explain some of her actions as well as trying to figure out her mindset for all the incidents and events that we or she went through. Let me share the first instances which occur many years ago and I remembered it happened a few weeks before me and Kylie got together officially. On that day I have been texting with Kylie whole day so I already knew her plan that she was going clubbing with her female friends, I told her I will be going clubbing as well but we did not really make any plans to meet up that night.

As the night came I met up with 2 of my mates that I got to know during my NS days named Bryan and Jason, all 3 of us was single back then so the 3 of us would meet up quite often to go clubbing together. However, on that particular night Jason told us about the change of plan at the last minute, he mentioned some of his friends are opening bottles at another club nearby to the one we are going and we should join them instead. Feeling excited we quickly asked Jason are there girls among this group of friends he said: “Nope all guys”. Me and Bryan immediately went: “wtfff then we join them for what its just sausage fest???” Jason replied us his friends are opening a number of bottles we just need to go there to help drink don’t need to pay, after hearing that me and Bryan agreed instantly to the new plan since its FOC. Once inside the club we followed behind Jason while we make our way to his friends allocated table. When we were there Jason introduced us to his friends, there were 2 of them. As we exchanged greeting, I did a quick scan on both of them and they were not really what I expected as they look pretty similar to us just some average joe but probably richer since the drinks are on them. We were there quite early around 10+ but Jason’s friends have already opened 3 bottles of whiskey and we wasted no time after the introduction we went straight for the drinks. As we were busy downing the whiskey suddenly I received a text from Kylie. She asked me which club we were at and I replied her the club name and asked why? She told me the club they were at was rather boring and if they could come and join us.

I turned around and asked Jason and his friends if Kylie and her friends total 4 of them could join us and of course I expected the first question they ask: “are they chio bu??” to which I answered them honestly no they are not chio bu but they laughed it off and said no worries they were just kidding and my friends can come join us no problem. Feeling excited I can get to club with Kylie I quickly replied her they are welcome to join us and all the drinks are on the house courtesy of Jason’s friends. Kylie was like wow! Ok we will head down to find you guys now. While waiting for their arrival the conversation was mostly about Kylie and her friends, since I already know who she is going out with that night so I can roughly describe Kylie and her friends to the rest of them although aside from Kylie I’ve only met them once before that night myself. Although I’m courting Kylie at that point in time but I have introduced her as a friend, only Bryan knows I’m interested in Kylie not even Jason. As we continue to chat, I received a text from Kylie they are about to enter the club, I excused myself from the group as I head to the entrance of the club to wait for them. As they enter the club I went ahead and welcome them as I guide them to our seating area, once there all 9 of us exchanged our names before settling down. It was pretty awkward at first as 2 of Kylie’s friends are actually the less sociable type so they were just talking among themselves. One of them was slightly plump while the other one was just mediocre looking so the boys weren’t bothered to talk to them as well. The last girl is actually the hottest, she has a pretty face, good solid figure and dressed quite sexy that night but she’s an Indian…not trying to sound racist but it’s fair to say that most chinese guy would not go out there actively look for an Indian girlfriend or something so in the end most of the attention and focus went to Kylie.

As the night goes on one of Jason’s friends suggested to play some drinking game and he wanted the 4 girls to slot in between the guys so that it would be more “challenging” for the girls. They were reluctant at first but as the guys keep egging them on finally Kylie was the first to give in as she stood up much to the delight and cheers of the guys before slotting herself in-between Jason and one of his friend name Kenneth. I was so pissed when I saw Kylie chooses to position herself with guys she just met for the first time instead of myself but I don’t think she even noticed it. The Indian girl followed Kylie lead and did the same but the remaining 2 girls stubbornly sticked next to each other so Jason signalled to me and Bryan to sandwich them which we did half-heartedly. I know this drinking game was just a smokescreen to get the girls to drink so they will feel more relaxed and at ease so they would lower their guard, I have clubbed countless time so I know what Jason and his friends are up to but for Kylie and her friends whom very rarely goes clubbing probably think this is fun. As expected as the game goes on most the of drinking are done by the girls as they are not good with the game and slowly I can feel and see the group atmosphere became more lively and less awkward even for the 2 awkward girls. I’ve been keeping my eyes on Kylie as I noticed Jason and Kenneth were gradually getting touchy with her, they would pretend to hold her hand, arms over her shoulder and even wrap their hand across her waist whenever they get the chance, I expected that she would protect herself better but from Kylie expression and reaction it doesn’t even seems like she minds the extra physical contact, instead she gave the impression she was willing to play along with them, by now I was fuming with jealousy.

I know I needed to do something to get Kylie out of this, the chance came when one of Jason’s friend paused the game and announced that he needed to head off to somewhere else. As he was taking his leave, I quickly turned to the 2 awkward girls and suggested to them that we should head to the dance floor so they would not need to keep drinking the alcohol which they readily agreed. With 2 of them onboard I walked over confidently to Kylie and the Indian girl and suggested the same, the Indian girl hopped on immediately, next I turned over to Kylie but before she could answer Jason and Kenneth were like heckling and blabbering at me saying something along the line like “Kylie is staying with us for a while longer” and “they would bring her to join us at the dance floor later”. I smirked at them and pulled Kylie over and spoke to her privately that she doesn’t need to pay attention to what they said and she should join me and her friends at the dance floor together. Anticipating an easy yes reply from Kylie, instead she declined and told me to go ahead with her friends first and she would join us “soon”. I was dumbfounded by her decision and could only blurted out “huh why?? you sure?? You be alone with them you know? Which Kylie replied “I will be fine don’t need to worry about me”. I was feeling so upset and angry at this point in time but I let my ego got the better of me so I pretended like I did not care and played it cool and replied Kylie “ok suit yourself”. I stood there watching Kylie as she walked back to rejoin Jason and Kenneth even turning around and signalled at me that I can leave first. I can see the excited expression on Jason and Kenneth face as I walked away and told the group we can go ahead first…

To be continued…

22-10-2023, 11:27 AM
Nice start TS, keep on going !

25-10-2023, 12:40 AM
As we were walking towards the dance floor the Indian girl asked me what happened and why isn’t Kylie joining us and I replied her with that Kylie said. The dance floor was crowded and I wasn’t in the mood so I just guided the group to dance around on the outskirt of the crowd. I moved along with the beat of the music but my mind was all about Kylie, I can’t help but think of what are the 3 of them doing, I kept on looking around to see if I can spot her joining us and I think we were barely 10mins on the dance floor and I already texted Kylie asking if she is joining us soon.

Every 2mins I was checking my phone only to see my text was not read by Kylie and I think it was around just 20-30mins and I couldn’t take it anymore and informed Bryan I was going back to look for Kylie and told him to take care of the girls.While I was making my way back the incident of Kylie rejecting me kept replaying in my mind, afterall she was not considered my girlfriend, would she really just listen to me and follow me or will she reject me once again? I stopped on my track and figured that I shouldn’t just rush in like what I did earlier, I decided to monitor the situation and wait for a good opportunity to approach them instead. Luckily for me our table was at the far end of a corner and the club was already super packed by now so it was very easy for me to blend into the crowd. I quickly bought a glass of drink and stationed myself at a position which were their blind spot but I still can see the 3 of them clearly.

Kylie was wearing a slightly oversized white shirt dress with a pair of sneakers, her hair was tied up into a loose ponytail plaited into a small braid at the end, overall Kylie appeared really sweet and innocent looking that night. However, beneath that demure look you will notice that Kylie have purposely left the top 2 buttons of her shirt undone revealing glimpse of her cleavage, the strap of her bra was also showing whenever the oversized shirt kept fall off her shoulder and although length of her shirt dress was pretty long but the cutting/design at the side of the shirt was high enough to expose her bare thigh, all these suggestive details have not gone unnoticed by Jason and Kenneth as I know in their mind they would be thinking Kylie must be craving for guys attention too and that’s why she agree to stay behind alone with them.

Without anyone else around Jason and Kenneth are acting even more intimately with Kylie, she was sandwiched between the two of them and they were wrapping their hand over her shoulder or waist and freely feeling her hands and thighs. However, Kylie doesn’t look like she minded them touching her, I can still see her talking, smiling and laughing and even resting her hands on their legs too. As I continued to observe them, I saw Kylie suddenly stood up and I thought she was getting ready to leave the table but she continued to converse with them and after a while she took a few steps back and started dancing on her own.

I can tell by Kylie’s actions she was shy and awkward dancing in front the two of them especially when you are not at the dance floor area where everyone can see you dancing but after a while she quickly grew into and started dancing more naturally and sexily. Till this day I don’t know why Kylie suddenly started dancing on her own but my guess was that she probably lost some kind of true or dare game that night. Anyway, after dancing on her own for a few minutes Kylie stopped and extended both her arms out towards Jason and Kenneth inviting them to join her.

I saw them waving off her offer initially but Kylie insisted and started pulling their hands towards her as the two of them got up slowly and joined her, Kenneth was in front of Kylie while Jason stood behind her. Again it was a bit awkward and clumsy at the beginning as the three of them danced together but it didn’t took long for them to find the groove and rhythm. In just a few minutes I can see Jason and Kenneth already have control over the situation, Jason at the back was looking over Kylie’s shoulder and must have been a good view staring down her cleavage, his hands were on her hips pulling them towards his groin area as he grinded sensually on Kylie butt with his what must have been now a fully erected dick. At the front Kenneth lifted Kylie’s arms and wrapped them around his own neck, he placed his hands slightly above her waist to avoid contact with Jason’s hands as he continues to sway Kylie body to the beats of the music.

Next Kenneth slowly inched his head forward until it was close enough to breath down on the side of Kylie face and neck as he gently kissed her on her cheek then downwards along on her neckline and shoulder. Kylie closed her eyes as she felt those kisses, she knows she needs to stop them right now before things get out of hand but the effect of the liquor combined with the pleasure she was experiencing it was all becoming too much for Kylie body to handle. Sensing there was no resistance from Kylie, Kenneth rested his forehead against hers and as Kylie sluggishly opens her eyes both of them locked gaze for a moment and before she could react Kenneth kissed Kylie on her mouth. I could see Kylie’s nature reaction kicked in immediately as she unwrapped her arms from Kenneth’s neck and tried to push him away but it always seemed like a half-hearted attempt and a futile effort and with Jason behind her Kylie realise there was nowhere for her to back off. Her struggles lasted less than a minute before she found herself frenching with Kenneth, encouraged by what he saw Jason took the chance and slide his right hand down Kylie’s leg, he stroked her right thigh several times and he slipped his hand through the side slit of Kylie’s dress shirt before disappearing below the hem of her dress…

To be continued…

25-10-2023, 09:45 AM
Wah bro. Cannot leave us hanging like this leh. Lol

28-10-2023, 03:58 PM
Wah bro, I read the previous story and very much looking forward to what’s next. Keep ‘em cumming!

28-10-2023, 07:11 PM
keep on going !

29-10-2023, 11:57 PM
Interesting start TS. Camping here...

31-10-2023, 10:54 AM
Keep writing. Nice steamy updates.

01-11-2023, 04:25 AM
Thank you for the nice story. Pls continue.

01-11-2023, 04:36 AM
Nice story TS! Will go and read up your Vol.1 !

05-11-2023, 01:06 AM
TS where are you? Campers all neck long liao hahaha

05-11-2023, 01:50 AM
I saw Kylie lowering her right hand to stop Jason but again it was too late, from the position of Jason’s wrist I can tell his hand was already rubbing her pussy underneath the dress which I imagine must have been a very wet one. By now I could tell that Kylie was already too turned on to put up any kind of resistance, she was letting both of them to do whatever they want with her body. Kenneth have just undone two more buttons on her shirt dress exposing her black bra entirely, the two of them were taking turn groping her boobs or playing with her pussy and whenever Kenneth was not frenching Kylie, Jason would tilt her face towards him and kiss her instead and she would allow it as well.

As all these were happening they held Kylie’s hands towards their erected cocks and guided her to start stroking them, I could see that Kylie never retreat her hands away even when she could as she continued to stroke both their cocks on her own accord. What was unfolding in front of my eyes was a really hot and steamy make out scene and although I was incredibly angry and jealous of what was happening, I could feel the throbbing of my own cock within my pants, I realized I was getting turned on watching at the girl I like getting used by other guys and before I knew it I suddenly saw Kylie body twitched and quivered a sign that Kenneth and Jason must have made her cum.

After Kylie’s orgasm the three of them slowly came to a pause to what they have been doing, this break allowed Kylie to regain some of her composure and sanity, she buttoned back her shirt whilst the two guys led her back to their seats as they sat down and started talking. After a short chat among the 3 of them Kenneth and Kylie stood up, he held onto her hand as they left their seats and started walking towards my direction, I don’t know what they have been talking about but I steel myself as I know this would the last chance I can get Kylie out of this situation.

I pretended to run into the both of them and asked where they were heading to, Kenneth replied that they are going to the toilet so I told him ok just nice I need to go to the toilet too. I knew Kenneth was lying but he had choice as I tagged along with the 2 of them to the toilet, while we were making our way to the loo, I used this opportunity and spoke to Kylie telling her after she comes out of the toilet its her chance to join the rest of us. I quickly washed my hands as I wait for Kylie to come out, I am giving her the last chance to make the decision to go with me or Kenneth.

I waited nervously as Kylie came out of the toilet and she went over to tell Kenneth that she would be joining us instead. Immediately Kenneth expression changed and he was not backing down so easily, we got into an argument but Jason came over and acted as the peacemaker and nothing serious happened so I will skip the details. Afterwards Kylie joined us for the rest of the night and the night ended uneventfully.

A few days after the incident I went out on a date with Kylie and I asked her about what happened that night when she was alone with Jason and Kenneth. I can tell from her response and expression she wasn’t very keen to talk about that night, she kept her replies short and told me the 3 of them just played some drinking game and at one point she was “asked” to dance at where they were seated and Jason and Kenneth danced along with her. She said they were getting too touchy with her and even hugged her so she gave an excuse that she needed to go to the ladies to get away from them and luckily she ran into me. I acted as though I did not know what actually happened and told her she did the right thing and got away from them and the conversation about that night ended.

At the back of my mind, I was a little disappointed that Kylie hid the truth from me but I can also understand that we were not in a relationship yet so she was not answerable for her action that night to me, I also did not want to overreact so I did not probe any further as well. Anyway after the incident I also started distancing myself from Jason as I don’t think he is someone trustworthy enough to be called a friend.

In any case fast forward a few more weeks of dating with Kylie, she accepted my confession and we got into a relationship officially. Some of you reading might be thinking why would I ask Kylie to be my girlfriend after I witness what she had done but honestly everyone have a past and technically that incident happened when she was still single, also I’m not someone considered good enough to judge Kylie’s actions and beside that Kylie have been nothing but wonderful while we were dating so I was contented. Am I worried that something similar might happen after we got together? Of course I thought about it but we were still young back then so I wasn’t so concerned about how our relationship is going to develop long term I was just happy that the girl I liked agreed to be my girlfriend.

While we were dating Kylie liked to chat over the phone and we would at least talk on the phone 1 to 2 times a week and we continued with this habit even after we got together. I remembered it was around 2 months after we got together there was this particular night Kylie and I were supposed to talk on the phone as usual, however as we were chatting that night Kylie sounded unusually serious and solemn, I noticed something was wrong and asked her what happened? She told me she had something to confess to me, something she need to let out of her chest in order for her to continue in our relationship. I was surprised about the seriousness of this issue but I remained calm and told Kylie that she can tell me everything I needed to know…

To be continued…

06-11-2023, 10:38 AM
Please continue to write...nice story...

18-11-2023, 04:31 PM
Awaiting update :D

19-11-2023, 05:48 AM
Thank you TS for writing vol 2.

19-11-2023, 07:50 AM
I saw Kylie lowering her right hand to stop Jason but again it was too late, from the position of Jason’s wrist I can tell his hand was already rubbing her pussy underneath the dress which I imagine must have been a very wet one. By now I could tell that Kylie was already too turned on to put up any kind of resistance, she was letting both of them to do whatever they want with her body.

To be continued…
Thks for cumming back with Vol 2 TS abt yr pre-marriage time with yr wife Kylie...read until so steam now...angry with this cheekopek jason...so hamsap...he's too much :(...so soon after knowing a girl start touching her pussy already on the dance floor :mad::o...but TS did he really touch her pussy physically or just outside her panties only ??

20-11-2023, 01:10 PM
Rickey so late then setup tent ah 🫣 but our necks all long long liao. Waiting for TS to update. Jia you TS!!

20-11-2023, 04:44 PM
Stretching my neck too :D

20-11-2023, 05:40 PM
Nice intresting story bro !

20-11-2023, 11:04 PM
Power story TS, do continue :)

21-11-2023, 09:05 AM
Nice. Camping. Pls continue.

22-11-2023, 07:57 PM
Rickey so late then setup tent ah �� but our necks all long long liao. Waiting for TS to update. Jia you TS!!

No lah, already started reading from the beginning, only thing is it was a bit dry...but now it's getting more n more sexciting ;):o...r u sure yr necks long only n nothing else long :p... haha

But sad lah TS still haven cum back to post again since 05 Nov

03-12-2023, 01:07 PM
Bro Asta5x where are youuuuuu 😅

03-12-2023, 01:19 PM
Nice share TS. Waiting for more updates!

03-12-2023, 06:33 PM
Part 1 is very good. Hope part 2 is better. :D

06-12-2023, 12:08 PM
Guess TS will b back 2024

11-12-2023, 12:06 AM
Kylie started with the incident that happened between herself, Jason and Kenneth, she admitted to me that she lied when I asked her about what happened between them that night as she was afraid of how I would react if she told me the truth. However, she feels that I have the right to know now that we are together. In my mind I know what was coming but I just told Kylie to go on, she said at first she decided to stay back with Jason and Kenneth as she felt bad because it’s like her friends just came here to get free drinks and went away after they are done drinking.

She doesn’t want to put me in a spot or give a bad first impression to my friends that they are the kind of girls who just like to take advantage of guys generosity that’s why she stayed behind, though Kylie also admitted that she was surprised by the guys attention on her and actually felt comfortable around Jason and Kenneth. But after we left the 2 of them started to get more touchy with her and she drank more as she kept on losing the game, she said it was hard to stop them as the effect of their touches and liquor was slowly turning her on. She was aware that she was kinda leading them on by flirting back with them and at one point she lost and needed to dance in front as a forfeit instead of drinking things started to get out of control.

Kylie said she felt awkward dancing alone at the table area so she invited the 2 of them to join her but she did not expect them to be dancing so intimately with her, she said they were grinding and hugging her from front and back and she thought it was “normal” for people to dance like that in club so she did not stop them but after a while she could feel their cocks pressing against her, this was a new feeling and excitement that Kylie never felt before, she did not expect a normal looking girl like herself can be so desirable and make 2 guys horny at the same time. The thought of this turned her on even more as she felt the warmth and moist forming in between her legs. As they were dancing she made an eye contact with Kenneth and he suddenly started kissing her, she told me she tried to stop and avoid him but there was nowhere to go as she was trapped between the 2 of them and eventually their soft kisses turned into frenching.

While she were frenching back and forth with both of them she began to feel their hands roaming all over her body, she knew that they unbuttoned her shirt and was caressing her boobs through her bra, their hands also went under her dress and started playing with her wet pussy. She confessed to me that although she felt helpless and embarrassed but she was so turned on by what was happening eventually she stopped resisting and made out with the 2 of them until she cum. After she cum, Kylie mentioned to me they let her sat down to regain her composure first but told her lets go to the handicap toilet nearby so they can continue and its her turn to help them release. She pretended to agree and said she needed to go to the ladies first, she wanted to text us to come and get her while inside the toilet but luckily they bumped into me while heading to the toilet and I managed to get her out of the situation.

There was a long and awkward pause after this before Kylie broke the silence asked do I still want to continue our relationship after knowing what happened? Her voice starting to swell and I can hear Kylie sobbing softly, I replied her calmly that it was not her fault and it was Jason and Kenneth who took advantage of the situation and pressured her into doing this so I don’t blame her for it. Kylie said she was glad that I would think that it was not her fault but she told me it was not the end as after that night both of them would continue to message her especially Kenneth who was texting her on a daily basis.

He kept on reliving to Kylie what happened that night and how much she enjoyed what they were doing to her that and how horny she was. He suggested that she should have a FB relationship with him or even a threesome including Jason. Kylie told me after she rejected him repeatedly and ignored his text he started insulting her by calling her names such as slut and bitch etc…by now I could hear Kylie voice was choking up even more so I comforted her that she was none of that and Kenneth was just trying to use the pressure tactic again so that he could pressure you into doing something you doesn’t want to again. However, Kylie suddenly started yelling “but but HE IS NOT WRONG you know” I replied “what do you mean…?” Kylie replied in a trembling voice “I’m…I’m…I was involved in a FB relationship previously while I was still attached with my ex boyfriend…so Kenneth wasn’t exactly wrong when he called me a horny slut!” I was surprised and confused by what Kylie just said so I reassured her everything is all right and to calm down first…

After a few minutes Kylie managed to compose herself and told me this was the second thing she wanted to confess to me. I told her I’m ready to listen and she said that this occurred around the last few months of the 2 years relationship she had with her ex - Kelvin. Kelvin was still serving NS that time and was about to ORD soon but even before that she already felt their relationship was going downhill and she had the intention to breakup with him but she held back as he was involved in a major 5 weeks overseas exercise just before he ORD so in order not to affect him mentally she decided to delay the decision of ending their relationship.

Few days before Kelvin left the country, he asked his best pal Andrew to help “keep a lookout” and “take care” of his girlfriend while he is away and Andrew agreed. Kylie and Andrew were no strangers as Kelvin introduced them to each other when they first got together, Kylie was also often involved in group outing togethers with the rest of their friends so they knew each other well. In term of their physical appearance the only thing Kelvin has it going for him is his height, standing at over 180cm but nothing else and honestly in my opinion he was quite ugly looking, whereas for Andrew although he is slightly shorter, he possessed the typical handsome, sporty look with boyish charm. Andrew’s body was pretty ripped as well as he only recently completed his NS, his intake was earlier than Kelvin so he already ORD.

Anyway fast forward to the day of Kelvin’s departure Kylie and Andrew both went to the airport to send him off and before Kelvin enter the boarding gate he reminded Andrew again to take care of his girlfriend while he was away…

Andrew: ok ok don’t worry about Kylie, you already reminded so many times. just take care of yourself while you are overseas.

Kylie was puzzled about what was going on so she asked them what was that about…?

Andrew: this uncle boyfriend of yours super naggy, few days ago already keep reminding me to keep a lookout for you when is he not around.

Kylie: ohh~ haha~ don’t worry lah I will be fine just focus on your overseas exercise dear~

Andrew: see! There is nothing to worry about bro…

Kelvin: Alright alright, then I will see you guys again when I am back…

With that Kelvin hugged both of them and went through the boarding gate…

to be continued....

11-12-2023, 03:36 PM
Wonder what is the real meaning of "take care" :D

13-12-2023, 04:32 PM
My wife continued and told me after they send Kelvin off, Andrew asked her if she have anything on if not if she would like to explore around the airport and have a meal before going heading back. My wife thought about what her ex just said and figured it would be impolite to decline so she agreed. She recalled although she had known Andrew a long time it was the first time she was alone with him however she did not felt awkward but nothing unusual happened and he send her home afterwards as they stayed around the same area.

Few days later Andrew texted Kylie and asked if she was keen to join a group outing on the upcoming weekend, the venue is at the neighbourhood mall near their area and there will be 8 of them if she joined and they will be having dinner first followed by singing of karaoke. As Kylie knew majority of the people in the group(friends of her ex) she agreed to join the outing, after she agreed Andrew continued and asked her if she wanted to catch a midnight movie after the karaoke session but most likely it might be just the two of them to which Kylie agreed again as it was a movie she wanted to watch anyway.

As the weekend arrive Kylie met up with the group and proceeded with the outing, although Kylie knew the people from the rest of the group, Andrew wanted to make sure she did not felt left out or awkward so he sat beside her for the dinner and karaoke session. My wife had a good time that night but she was also quietly anticipating to see anyone else would be joining her and Andrew for the movie and was secretly pleased when she found out that it will just be the two of them later. My wife admitted to me that after that impromptu “date” she had with Andrew at the airport she was open to spending more time with him as she further confessed to me, she had a small crush on Andrew when Kelvin first introduced them but of course that feeling did not develop any further as she got together with her ex not long after. At this point my wife paused and asked me if I’m ok and should she continue? I stayed silent for a few seconds before telling her I’m fine and she can continue.

Kylie continued on and told me nothing happened during the movie and by the time the movie ended it was already past 2am. When they step out of the cinema the weather was cooling and windy, Andrew asked Kylie if she was tired and told her they can flag a taxi back but Kylie suggested to walk back home since the weather is so nice and don’t need to waste money on taxi. Andrew house was around 15-20mins walk from the shopping mall while my wife house was another 10mins further in. Andrew agreed but insisted that he will accompany and walk her back home first before walking back to his own house, to which my wife agreed.

My wife told me as the weather was cooling they were taking their time as they walk back, they were walking very close to each other with their shoulders and hands bumping into each other as they chatted and joked with each other. She recounted that she could sense the subtle flirtatious feeling among both of them that night, a feeling she had not felt with Kelvin for a long time. However, without any warning the breezy weather suddenly picked up pace and turned into strong gust of wind accompanied by a few lightnings and thunders and within minutes a heavy thunderstorm was upon Andrew and Kylie catching both of them off guard. As they run looking for shelters, Andrew signalled to my wife to take cover at the shelter of the nearby neighbourhood park, if they cut through this neighbourhood park it will reach Kylie house faster and coincidentally the park is also located nearby to where Andrew is staying.

Upon reaching the shelter they looked at each other and started laughing at their situation and although it only took them a short time to reach the shelter the rain was so heavy both of them was still drenched in the end. After a while they settled down and tried their best to dry themselves as they decided to wait for the rain to become smaller before continuing. However, even under with the shelter there was still some rain getting to them due to the strong wind, ended up they sat down on the floor in the middle of the shelter to avoid the rain.

My wife recalled she was only wearing a spaghetti top paired with a FBT shorts that night and although she had an oversized jacket as an outerwear but the jacket has gotten wet from the rain and offered her little protection and with her legs exposed she started feeling cold and was shivering as they tried to wait out the rain. Andrew noticed Kylie discomfort and sat closer to her, he wrapped his hand around her shoulder and cuddled her helping to warm her up a little. By now it was already past 3am and they had remained in this position and did not talk much for the past 15-20mins until Andrew noticed the rain was not getting any smaller so he suggested that he can run towards his block and head home to get the umbrella while Kylie wait here, however my wife said she was scare to be alone in this park where its so dark and cold and she doesn’t feel safe…

Andrew: sigh…yea you are right…I don’t think its safe to leave you alone here as well…

Kylie: maybe we should just wait a little bit longer and the rain might get smaller?

Andrew: nah I don’t think so and any longer we stay out here we will both catch a cold and fall sick.

Kylie: I know…I’m already feeling cold…hey! I got an idea~ why not use my jacket as a cover then both of us make a run for it? Since the jacket is already wet anyway.

Andrew: hmm…I’m ok with it but are you sure?

Kylie: yea lets do it there’s no other option and this jacket is pretty big so it should be able to cover both of us.

Andrew: ok let me carry the jacket and you just stay close to me while we run.

Kylie nodded her head in agreement as she proceed to unzip her jacket and took it off but as the jacket was wet it was a little bit more difficult to take it off and it took Kylie a while longer to remove her jacket. That that extra few seconds offered Andrew the chance as he couldn’t help but stared at my wife tight body as she removed her jacket.

Kylie: argh! Finally got it off…here you go...

Andrew: ok we will run towards that direction…that is not my block but there is a sheltered walkway which will link to my block ok?

Kylie: got it lets go!

With that both of them make a run for it and managed to reach the HDB void deck safely.

Kylie: PHEW! We made it!

Andrew: Haha yah it was quite fun eh?

Kylie: Yea~~~ but my jacket like useless hor…we are totally drenched but luckily I never slip and fall hehe

Andrew: No choice the wind is too strong, I think even with umbrella also not much help but yea at least we made it safely.

Kylie smiled at Andrew as she continues to flick off the excess rain water from her hair and body to dry herself. It was dark at the shelter earlier so he couldn’t see clearly but Andrew have a clear view of Kylie’s body under the bright light of the void deck and she looked even sexier now. Kylie’s spaghetti top was soaked making it almost translucent revealing the yellow-coloured bra underneath it, her cleavage also looked deeper and more prominent, the material of her wet FBT shorts was sticking onto her skin causing it to become so short it was barely covering her perky butt cheeks. Once again Andrew found himself staring at Kylie hot body, his gaze fixed on her cleavage as Kylie’s chest heaved up and down while she catches her breath. He thought to himself was Kylie unaware of how suggestive she looked now…? Because she isn’t attempting to cover herself up or she purposely wanted him to look?

Regardless at this moment Andrew felt a stir in his pants, he realized he was getting turn on by his best friend girlfriend, he swallowed his saliva as he watches finding himself thirsting for Kylie’s body. Andrew snapped back into reality when Kylie called out to him prompting him that they should go, his house was still a few blocks away so there was still some time for him to formulate a plan as they make their way there…

to be continued............

14-12-2023, 07:51 AM
Looking forward to more:)

15-12-2023, 09:21 PM
Early camping

16-12-2023, 06:29 PM
Looking forward to your next update to this nice story TS :)

18-12-2023, 01:06 PM
Andrew snapped back into reality when Kylie called out to him prompting him that they should go, his house was still a few blocks away so there was still some time for him to formulate a plan as they make their way there…

Andrew: ok my block is just infront…

Kylie: So later I wait for you downstairs you pass me the umbrella ok? Here is bright so I think I can wait alone.

Andrew: ok I can go up quickly to grab the umbrella then walk you home

Kylie: huh? Don’t need luh, from here I think I can walk back myself.

Andrew: cannot la later you must cut through the park again and afterwards still must walk quite far and all the way its quite dark and ulu one I don’t think its safe.

Kylie: but its so troublesome for you to walk back and forth…

Andrew: yea…but…umm…actually I have been thinking…since the rain is still so big its useless even with umbrella…do you want to head up to my house to wash up first then decide?

Kylie: uhhh..?

Andrew: we go up wash up now quickly first at least won’t fall sick then after that maybe the rain become smaller we can walk to your house or something I guess…

Kylie: but its so late now I don’t want disturb your family.

Andrew: my partners are overseas nowand my brother is staying over at his girlfriend house so no one is at home.

Kylie: ohhh…but…

Andrew: aiyah just come up first then decide…if not we really gonna fall sick and you remember I promised Kelvin to take care of you right???

Without waiting for a reply Andrew dragged Kylie by her arm as they entered the lift, Andrew led the way and they arrived at his unit and into his room. He switches on the room light and passed Kylie a new set of towel to dry herself…

Andrew: ok you dry yourself with this towel first.

Kylie: ok thank you.

Andrew: later I give you another new towel you can use it to shower.

Kylie: eh? Shower?

Andrew: of course la, I already on the heater just now need to take a hot shower then won’t fall sick.

Andrew opened up his wardrobe…

Andrew: hmm…lets find something you can wear…you come over take a look also.

Kylie: uhh…I can wear those if you don’t mind.

Andrew: this? the basketball jersey?

Kylie: Yes…I always wear them at Kelvin’s house…

Kelvin and Andrew are both hardcore basketball fans, not only they play the sports both of them are also faithful follower of NBA…

Andrew: yah…Kelvin probably have tons of them as well…ok cool…which team you want?

Kylie: san antonio spurs hehe

Andrew: haha good choice man~ Ok you can go shower in the masterbed room toilet I will go shower in the common toilet.

At this moment I paused my wife and asked did she felt any strange vibe coming from Andrew? And what was she feeling or thinking about when she went up to his house? She said she did not feel anything funny or strange from Andrew and although she felt nervous initially Andrew behaviour actually made her felt at ease and comfortable, my wife said she was just glad she could take a hot shower after being drenched in the rain. However, she added on it was probably a mistake that she chooses to wear the basketball jersey, she explained she chose it out of muscle memory and instinctively made that choice when she saw them in the wardrobe. It was only after she finished showering she remember how exposed those jersey was at the arm area and Andrew’s jersey was 1 size smaller than her ex so it look even shorter on her, the length just covering half of her thigh.

Realizing this my wife told me she wore back her bra and panty even though they were still damp from the rain. She continued on and told me she went back to Andrew’s room after she was done, as my wife entered his room she saw him sitting on the bed wearing nothing except a pair of boxer using his phone, my wife was surprised at how fit and well-toned Andrew body was but after a second or two she looked away shyly as Andrew apologized and quickly put on a piece of singlet.

Andrew: sorry about that, it’s a habit.

Kylie: no its my fault maybe I should have knocked first.

Andrew: nothing serious la, you go swimming pool or beach guys also topless ma…

Kylie: yea I guess so.

Andrew: anyway Kylie you look really cute wearing this.

Kylie: haha…thanks you~ its comfortable…by the way do you have a hair dryer I can use?

Andrew: have have…its over there you can use it, the switch is already on. I will go make us some hot drink you ok with milo or want something else?

Kylie: Yup milo is good!

Andrew: ok I will also find if there are something for us to eat, I’m a little hungry…

With that Andrew went off to the kitchen to prepare the drinks and snacks while the loud sound of the hair dryer fills the quiet house. After Andrew was done he heads back to his room to find Kylie, my wife’s did not notice him as her head was turned away from the door as Andrew stood there watching Kylie blows dry her hair, he could see her bra clearly from the gaping hole of the jersey as Kylie raises her arm while holding the hair dryer, this motion lifted her jersey even higher revealing even more of Kylie’s smooth and flawless thigh. Andrew bended his head slightly hoping to catch a glimpse of Kylie’s underwear as the jersey was just centimetres away from exposing her underwear but my wife turned around at the last moment and saw Andrew by the door, he regained his posture and signalled to her the food are ready and Kylie replied with a “okay” sign. Andrew walks away from the door and sat on the sofa as he felt his dick getting hard due to Kylie again…

To be continued……….

18-12-2023, 03:04 PM
Anyway guys sorry if the story build up is too long or draggy because these are narrated from my wife recollection and her POV to me that's why its like this. I know most of the bros here prefer more actions and I can promise you that as the story develop there will be more actions, hope you guys continue to enjoy the story :o

18-12-2023, 04:35 PM
Very nice update to this excellent story. Please continue bro :)

08-01-2024, 12:43 AM
Kylie joined Andrew at the sofa shortly after...

Kylie: ok I’m done~ sorry to make you wait.

Andrew: don’t worry man, careful the milo is still hot.

Kylie: Ahhhh~ so nice to have hot milo in such weather.

Andrew: yea it will help warm our body too…but sorry nothing much to eat just some biscuits if you want…I already ate them if not hard for me to sleep if I’m hungry haha.

Kylie: its ok la, so late already shouldn’t eat too much also…

At this point they did not talk much, Andrew could hardly focus on the conversation, Andrew had finished his food quickly and was glancing at Kylie’s body while they chatted. My wife told me she noticed this and that Andrew was looking at her with a strange vibe so she tried to cover up or adjust her sitting position but there was little she can do due to what she was wearing, it was at this point my wife realized how suggestive she must have looked to Andrew all night. Not knowing what to do Kylie quickly finished her food as well and offered to do the dishes since Andrew already prepared the food, she carried the plates and cups and head into the kitchen. While Kylie was washing the dishes Andrew entered the kitchen and stood behind her, he gently placed both his hands on Kylie’s waist…

Kylie: eh!?? What are you doing Andrew? – Kylie asked meekly…

Andrew: thanks for doing the dishes.

Kylie: huh? its nothing…I can do it…you can wait outside…

Andrew: Kylie…do you feel lonely since Kelvin is away now?

At this point my wife was feeling nervous and shy, she wasn’t sure what to reply or how to react, so instinctively she just continues washing…
Andrew’s face was close to Kylie as he whispered those words into her ears.

Andrew: You know I can keep you company until he is back…

Kylie: I…I don’t know…

Andrew swapped the position of his hands and wrapped them around Kylie waist instead as he pulled her in close to him…

Andrew: Do you know what is a friends with benefit relationship? We can keep each other company until Kelvin is back…we don’t need to tell him anything…this will just be between the two of us… he won’t know a thing…

Kylie: ……………………….

Andrew: there won’t be any feelings involved and we can stop before he come back…there is nothing to worry about…we will just be like normal friends…how? do you want…?

Kylie: I’m…I’m...not really sure…I…

Andrew: I understand I understand…I don’t need an answer now…but I think we can try tonight…you just need to relax…ok…?

Kylie: uhh…

Andrew: any time if you don’t feel comfortable, we can stop…you just tell me ok? I won’t force you to do anything…just relax Kylie…

Andrew started roaming his hands around Kylie stomach and waistline, his head nudging lightly against her head, as he slowly breathe down her nape and side of her face…

Kylie placed the last dish on the drying rack as she closed her eyes, slowly easing her tensed body to a more relaxed state…

Kylie: I…I have finished washing…

Andrew: ok…ok…you can relax now…hmm…you smell so nice Kylie…and you look so cute and sexy now…

Kylie: hmm……hmmm……

Kylie’ body is starting to react from the touches of Andrew, after seeing her reaction Andrew gradually moved both his hands upwards, slipping them into the gap from the side of the jersey as he grabbed both of Kylie’s boobs, Kylie let out a few soft moans as Andrew continues to play with her boobs…

Andrew: your bra is still wet…why are you still wearing them…you will catch a cold like this you know? Let me help you remove them…

In a few seconds Andrew have swiftly detached Kylie’s bra in one motion but my wife did not stop him as she tucked in her elbow to allow Andrew to remove the bra from the side of her clothes. With the bra removed, Andrew started caressing Kylie’s boobs more vigorously, playing with her erected nipples, causing Kylie to moan louder, her head resting on his chest and she felt Andrew’s harden dick pressing against her butt…

Kylie: hmm….HMMM…MMMMMM~~~

Andrew: your nipples are so sensitive huh…? look like you are enjoying yourself Kylie…can I kiss you…?

Kylie with her eyes closed nodded her head in approval as she felt Andrew’s lips on hers few second later, they gently kissed each other lips a few times as they slowly play with each other tongue by slipping them in and about their mouth before locking together as they frenched each other deeply. As they continued on Andrew removed his right hand from Kylie’s chest and grabbed her right hand as he guided her hand on top of his erected cock.

Kylie: you…you are so hard already Andrew

Andrew: of course…you looked so hot throughout the night you know…?

Kylie: mmm…emm….mm…

Andrew: yea don’t stop, keep stroking it…

Kylie have now started to stroke on Andrew’s cock out of her own will without him holding her hand, he took this chance and slip his hand underneath her clothes, slowly caressing Kylie’s inner thigh then gradually encircle his fingers outside of her panty.

Andrew: ahh…Kylie…you are so wet too now huh…? Is it because of the rain or you are getting wet

Kylie: its both – Kylie replied shyly

Andrew: then its better to remove your underwear too and let it dry…come let me help you.

Andrew pulled down Kylie’s underwear in one swift motion

Andrew: your pussy is really wet…nice…just relax~~

Right now, Kylie has nothing on beside a piece of oversized basketball jersey giving Andrew full access to her body, his right hand playing liberally with her pussy while the other hand roamed freely on Kylie’s boobs and nipples, their tongue still locked together as they continued to french each other.

Kylie: mmm…mmm…hmmm~~~~~ so nice~~

Kylie: don’t stop…keep going…ahhhh~~ AHHH~ AHHH~

Andrew: ok…you like this? You like me fingering you? You are so damn wet now Kylie

Kylie: Yes YES!! I’m gonna come~~~ don’t stop~~ ahh…ahhhhh….ahh~~

Kylie: ENNN!! En…en~~~ mmm...mmmm~~~

It did not take long for my wife to cum as Andrew withdraw his finger out of her pussy, Kylie was so horny and wet more of her pussy juice trinkle down her thighs, her legs felt weak and wobbly as she leaned on Andrew for support. Andrew turn her around to face him.

Andrew: you ok?

Kylie: hmm…yes I’m fine...

Andrew: wow…you were really wet, you enjoyed that right?

Kylie nodded her head bashfully, Andrew smiled at her and kissed Kylie gently on her lips, she was still holding onto his dick and did not let go.
Andrew: good good…now its my turn, can you help me?

Kylie: here? In kitchen?

Andrew: Its so late and no one can really see us anyway – Andrew lowered down his shorts as he spoke

Andrew: can you use your mouth Kylie? You have given a blowjob to Kelvin before right?

Kylie: yes…but very rarely as I don’t really like…

Andrew: ohh…why don’t you try first? If you really don’t like you can stop ok? Just do it slowly first…

Kylie: hmm…ok…I try~

Kylie lowered down herself as she kneeled in front of Andrew’s fully erected cock, according to my wife his size was noticeably bigger than Kelvin and mine, she took a few look at Andrew’s cock before giving him a blowjob. Kylie sucked and wrapped her mouth around the tip of his cock a few times as she gently eases his cock into her mouth, little by little Kylie got used to the motions as she continues sucking and blowing Andrew’s cock deeper into her throat.

Andrew: yahhhh…you are good Kylie…very nice~~~

Andrew: come look up at me when you blow…I want to see you expression when you are sucking my dick…

Andrew: that’s right…look at me…you like it right…come go faster…yeaaaa~~

Andrew was enjoying the sight of Kylie sucking his cock like a hungry slut, he could see her boobs swaying vigorously as Kylie obeyed his instruction and increased the pace. Andrew bended forward and tucked down one side of Kylie’s jersey allowing her right breast to bounce out from the clothing as he grabbed and played with it, this continued on for a few minutes and Andrew can feel that he is going to cum soon…

Andrew: Ahhhh~~~ niceeee…ahhhhh…im going to cum soon Kylie…

Andrew: don’t stop…don’t stop…keep going…ahhhhh~~~ I want to cum inside your mouth ok…?

Kylie paused awhile upon hearing the request before nodding her head in approval as she continues to suck on Andrew’s cock trying to make him cum and within the next minute her “hardwork” finally paid off as Andrew unloaded all his cum inside my wife’s mouth.

Andrew: Ahhhh~~~ it feels so good to cum inside your mouth Kylie…that’s the way…

Andrew: you swallow cum before? If not you can try mine, you will like it…hah!

At this moment I was stunned by what she relayed to me, I asked my wife did she really did it? Because she did not allow me to cum in her mouth for as long as we have been together not to say swallow my cum but after some hesitation she admitted to me it did happened. As per my wife thinking back she can only recalled that her crush on Andrew was probably a really huge one and the feeling she had for him might have always been there but as she was attached to his best friend she couldn’t do anything about it so whatever happened back then she remembered that in her mind she was just thinking all about how she could please Andrew that night.

I let out a soft sigh and told my wife to continue, she continued on and told me after they were done they went to wash up and get ready to sleep. It was already very late and both of them were really tired, Andrew told my wife that the bed was too small for both of them to sleep comfortably so she can sleep on his bed and he will sleep on his parent bed instead, my wife was not expecting that but she agreed anyway as she was so tired and dozed off immediately the moment she lies down on the bed. The next morning my wife told me she was woken up as she felt someone stroking her thigh and fondling her breasts…

to be continued.....

08-01-2024, 01:06 AM
Very nice. Looking forward to next update! :)

08-01-2024, 06:20 PM
Looking forward to more!

08-01-2024, 06:55 PM
Kylie joined Andrew at the sofa shortly after...

Kylie: ok I’m done~ sorry to make you wait.

Andrew: don’t worry man, careful the milo is still hot.

Kylie: Ahhhh~ so nice to have hot milo in such weather.

Andrew: yea it will help warm our body too…but sorry nothing much to eat just some biscuits if you want…I already ate them if not hard for me to sleep if I’m hungry haha.

Kylie: its ok la, so late already shouldn’t eat too much also…

At this point they did not talk much, Andrew could hardly focus on the conversation, Andrew had finished his food quickly and was glancing at Kylie’s body while they chatted. My wife told me she noticed this and that Andrew was looking at her with a strange vibe so she tried to cover up or adjust her sitting position but there was little she can do due to what she was wearing, it was at this point my wife realized how suggestive she must have looked to Andrew all night. Not knowing what to do Kylie quickly finished her food as well and offered to do the dishes since Andrew already prepared the food, she carried the plates and cups and head into the kitchen. While Kylie was washing the dishes Andrew entered the kitchen and stood behind her, he gently placed both his hands on Kylie’s waist…

Kylie: eh!?? What are you doing Andrew? – Kylie asked meekly…

Andrew: thanks for doing the dishes.

Kylie: huh? its nothing…I can do it…you can wait outside…

Andrew: Kylie…do you feel lonely since Kelvin is away now?

At this point my wife was feeling nervous and shy, she wasn’t sure what to reply or how to react, so instinctively she just continues washing…
Andrew’s face was close to Kylie as he whispered those words into her ears.

Andrew: You know I can keep you company until he is back…

Kylie: I…I don’t know…

Andrew swapped the position of his hands and wrapped them around Kylie waist instead as he pulled her in close to him…

Andrew: Do you know what is a friends with benefit relationship? We can keep each other company until Kelvin is back…we don’t need to tell him anything…this will just be between the two of us… he won’t know a thing…

Kylie: ……………………….

Andrew: there won’t be any feelings involved and we can stop before he come back…there is nothing to worry about…we will just be like normal friends…how? do you want…?

Kylie: I’m…I’m...not really sure…I…

Andrew: I understand I understand…I don’t need an answer now…but I think we can try tonight…you just need to relax…ok…?

Kylie: uhh…

Andrew: any time if you don’t feel comfortable, we can stop…you just tell me ok? I won’t force you to do anything…just relax Kylie…

Andrew started roaming his hands around Kylie stomach and waistline, his head nudging lightly against her head, as he slowly breathe down her nape and side of her face…

Kylie placed the last dish on the drying rack as she closed her eyes, slowly easing her tensed body to a more relaxed state…

Kylie: I…I have finished washing…

Andrew: ok…ok…you can relax now…hmm…you smell so nice Kylie…and you look so cute and sexy now…

Kylie: hmm……hmmm……

Kylie’ body is starting to react from the touches of Andrew, after seeing her reaction Andrew gradually moved both his hands upwards, slipping them into the gap from the side of the jersey as he grabbed both of Kylie’s boobs, Kylie let out a few soft moans as Andrew continues to play with her boobs…

Andrew: your bra is still wet…why are you still wearing them…you will catch a cold like this you know? Let me help you remove them…

In a few seconds Andrew have swiftly detached Kylie’s bra in one motion but my wife did not stop him as she tucked in her elbow to allow Andrew to remove the bra from the side of her clothes. With the bra removed, Andrew started caressing Kylie’s boobs more vigorously, playing with her erected nipples, causing Kylie to moan louder, her head resting on his chest and she felt Andrew’s harden dick pressing against her butt…

Kylie: hmm….HMMM…MMMMMM~~~

Andrew: your nipples are so sensitive huh…? look like you are enjoying yourself Kylie…can I kiss you…?

Kylie with her eyes closed nodded her head in approval as she felt Andrew’s lips on hers few second later, they gently kissed each other lips a few times as they slowly play with each other tongue by slipping them in and about their mouth before locking together as they frenched each other deeply. As they continued on Andrew removed his right hand from Kylie’s chest and grabbed her right hand as he guided her hand on top of his erected cock.

Kylie: you…you are so hard already Andrew

Andrew: of course…you looked so hot throughout the night you know…?

Kylie: mmm…emm….mm…

Andrew: yea don’t stop, keep stroking it…

Kylie have now started to stroke on Andrew’s cock out of her own will without him holding her hand, he took this chance and slip his hand underneath her clothes, slowly caressing Kylie’s inner thigh then gradually encircle his fingers outside of her panty.

Andrew: ahh…Kylie…you are so wet too now huh…? Is it because of the rain or you are getting wet

Kylie: its both – Kylie replied shyly

Andrew: then its better to remove your underwear too and let it dry…come let me help you.

Andrew pulled down Kylie’s underwear in one swift motion

Andrew: your pussy is really wet…nice…just relax~~

Right now, Kylie has nothing on beside a piece of oversized basketball jersey giving Andrew full access to her body, his right hand playing liberally with her pussy while the other hand roamed freely on Kylie’s boobs and nipples, their tongue still locked together as they continued to french each other.

Kylie: mmm…mmm…hmmm~~~~~ so nice~~

Kylie: don’t stop…keep going…ahhhh~~ AHHH~ AHHH~

Andrew: ok…you like this? You like me fingering you? You are so damn wet now Kylie

Kylie: Yes YES!! I’m gonna come~~~ don’t stop~~ ahh…ahhhhh….ahh~~

Kylie: ENNN!! En…en~~~ mmm...mmmm~~~

It did not take long for my wife to cum as Andrew withdraw his finger out of her pussy, Kylie was so horny and wet more of her pussy juice trinkle down her thighs, her legs felt weak and wobbly as she leaned on Andrew for support. Andrew turn her around to face him.

Andrew: you ok?

Kylie: hmm…yes I’m fine...

Andrew: wow…you were really wet, you enjoyed that right?

Kylie nodded her head bashfully, Andrew smiled at her and kissed Kylie gently on her lips, she was still holding onto his dick and did not let go.
Andrew: good good…now its my turn, can you help me?

Kylie: here? In kitchen?

Andrew: Its so late and no one can really see us anyway – Andrew lowered down his shorts as he spoke

Andrew: can you use your mouth Kylie? You have given a blowjob to Kelvin before right?

Kylie: yes…but very rarely as I don’t really like…

Andrew: ohh…why don’t you try first? If you really don’t like you can stop ok? Just do it slowly first…

Kylie: hmm…ok…I try~

Kylie lowered down herself as she kneeled in front of Andrew’s fully erected cock, according to my wife his size was noticeably bigger than Kelvin and mine, she took a few look at Andrew’s cock before giving him a blowjob. Kylie sucked and wrapped her mouth around the tip of his cock a few times as she gently eases his cock into her mouth, little by little Kylie got used to the motions as she continues sucking and blowing Andrew’s cock deeper into her throat.

Andrew: yahhhh…you are good Kylie…very nice~~~

Andrew: come look up at me when you blow…I want to see you expression when you are sucking my dick…

Andrew: that’s right…look at me…you like it right…come go faster…yeaaaa~~

Andrew was enjoying the sight of Kylie sucking his cock like a hungry slut, he could see her boobs swaying vigorously as Kylie obeyed his instruction and increased the pace. Andrew bended forward and tucked down one side of Kylie’s jersey allowing her right breast to bounce out from the clothing as he grabbed and played with it, this continued on for a few minutes and Andrew can feel that he is going to cum soon…

Andrew: Ahhhh~~~ niceeee…ahhhhh…im going to cum soon Kylie…

Andrew: don’t stop…don’t stop…keep going…ahhhhh~~~ I want to cum inside your mouth ok…?

Kylie paused awhile upon hearing the request before nodding her head in approval as she continues to suck on Andrew’s cock trying to make him cum and within the next minute her “hardwork” finally paid off as Andrew unloaded all his cum inside my wife’s mouth.

Andrew: Ahhhh~~~ it feels so good to cum inside your mouth Kylie…that’s the way…

Andrew: you swallow cum before? If not you can try mine, you will like it…hah!

At this moment I was stunned by what she relayed to me, I asked my wife did she really did it? Because she did not allow me to cum in her mouth for as long as we have been together not to say swallow my cum but after some hesitation she admitted to me it did happened. As per my wife thinking back she can only recalled that her crush on Andrew was probably a really huge one and the feeling she had for him might have always been there but as she was attached to his best friend she couldn’t do anything about it so whatever happened back then she remembered that in her mind she was just thinking all about how she could please Andrew that night.

I let out a soft sigh and told my wife to continue, she continued on and told me after they were done they went to wash up and get ready to sleep. It was already very late and both of them were really tired, Andrew told my wife that the bed was too small for both of them to sleep comfortably so she can sleep on his bed and he will sleep on his parent bed instead, my wife was not expecting that but she agreed anyway as she was so tired and dozed off immediately the moment she lies down on the bed. The next morning my wife told me she was woken up as she felt someone stroking her thigh and fondling her breasts…

to be continued.....

Omg !!..can't tahan already TS...the sexciting part has finally cum :p:o...naughty Kylie n Andrew starts to make love to each other for the 1st time in his kitchen ;)...both having the chance to see, touch n play with each other's hardened dick, boobs, nips n wet pussy for the 1st time :o...if I were Andrew I would be hard too esp when Kylie is blowing his erected dick ...can't wait to read how much more naughty they will be towards each other...:o

20-02-2024, 11:16 AM
Where's TS Asta5x ??...when is the next update ??

20-02-2024, 07:33 PM
Where's TS Asta5x ??...when is the next update ??

like not much interest in vol.2 so not sure if i should continue writing anot :o:o

20-02-2024, 08:58 PM
any updates? quite long didnt see any updates, dont stop the story there :(

20-02-2024, 09:45 PM
like not much interest in vol.2 so not sure if i should continue writing anot :o:o
Go on, go on ;)...there r silent readers too...c'mon bros n sis, come out n show support to TS :D

20-02-2024, 09:50 PM
Go on, go on ;)...there r silent readers too...c'mon bros n sis, come out n show support to TS :D
I am one of the silent readers. I have just upped TS' Asta5x points to 287 to encourage him to continue his exciting story of his wife with other guys.

20-02-2024, 11:12 PM
like not much interest in vol.2 so not sure if i should continue writing anot :o:o

Please continue bro. Support with 2 hands up!

21-02-2024, 07:39 AM
Bro, you are a hero, letting your friend enjoy your wife, yet I am so envy of him as well. 😔

21-02-2024, 09:21 PM
thanks for the support guys will find time to continue writing :o

21-02-2024, 10:42 PM
thanks for the support guys will find time to continue writing :o

Looking forward to your updates :)

01-04-2024, 01:44 PM
My wife opened her eyes sheepishly and saw Andrew sitting beside her on the bed, she was only wearing the basketball jersey without her bra and panty as she left them to dry in the toilet. Although she just woke up my wife already found her pussy wet and moist, Andrew must have been playing with pussy for awhile but because she was too tired, she most probably did not feel it until now. Her body natural reaction has already taken over before my wife even realize what was going on, she recalled by when she woke up she was already feeling quite turned on, she did put up any kind of resistance and allowed Andrew to continue teasing her body. Andrew noticed that my wife has woken up and told her initially he just wanted to pop by and check up on my wife but he couldn’t control his urge after he saw my wife sleeping with her boobs and pussy exposed. Andrew tried going back to his parent room but couldn’t fall back asleep, the moment he closes his eyes his mind was filled up with the images of the Kylie, feeling horny he went back to his own room and stood beside the bed. He began lightly caressing my wife boobs and thighs, after a while as there were no reaction from Kylie, he grew bolder and started playing with her pussy, Andrew paused halfway as he searched through his drawers quietly and found that he still has some unused condoms.

By now Andrew was already feeling very horny, he removed his boxer and capped his fully erected cock and continued playing with Kylie’s body until she was awake…

Andrew: ohh…you are awake Kylie, I was just walking past the room just now...and I saw you sleeping…you looked so sexy and I couldn’t control myself…

Andrew adjusted himself from the sitting position and lied down beside my wife as they face each other….

Andrew: you are already so wet…lets continue from where we left off last night…

Andrew leaned in towards Kylie and started kissing her lips, his right hand fondling her boobs while he slowly insert his left middle finger into Kylie’s wet pussy causing her to let out a few soft moans in pleasure. This continued on for the next few minutes as both of them grew hornier, Andrew picked up the pace as he fingered Kylie so quickly until she finally squirt and her cum juice wetted almost half the bed. But this was not enough my wife recalled to me at that moment she was so horny and wanted Andrew cock in her pussy very badly, she held onto his cock and started rubbing it against her clitoris on her own accord, she thrusted her hips forward towards his cock as though she is signalling Andrew to insert his cock into her pussy, an action which Andrew gladly oblige. Andrew started slowly as he carefully pushes his cock into my wife pussy, Andrew had a considerably big dick almost 5.5inches which is bigger than both mine and Kelvin’s, he was mindful that my wife might feel painful but my wife pussy was so wet Andrew had no problem pushing his cock on the way in, gradually Andrew picked up the momentum and started shoving his cock into Kylie’s pussy, my wife did not had much sex with Kelvin so her pussy still feel very tight almost like a virgin…

Andrew: AHHH!!! your pussy feels so good Kylie…Ahh…Ahh…YEAAAA~~~

Kylie felt the same way too, the only few times that she had sex with Kelvin never felt so good, she can hear the sound her cum juice oozing out from her pussy every time Andrew thrust his cock into her, her moans got wilder and louder, as they continue to make out while fucking each other. However, at the back of Kylie’s mind she was feeling a bit conflicted, having sex with his boyfriend best friend while he is away seems like a really terrible thing to do but the more she thinks about it the hornier she becomes and my wife realized she really wants to have sex with Andrew badly. It did not take long for Kylie to orgasm but Andrew was still going strong, my wife recalled to me that Andrew can go on for a long time, much to my annoyance when she blurted that out. She remembered that he fucked her in several positions and she probably orgasmed 2-3 times before Andrew finally came, it was the first time she experiences the all the feelings of ecstasy, excitement and taboo especially she was doing it with her boyfriend best friend, she never had such an enjoyable sex with Kelvin before.

After they had sex both of them cuddled together and felt asleep again. It was already lunch time by the time they woke up, both of them washed up and had lunch at a nearby coffee shop before returning back to Andrew’s home. Once they were back they showered and my wife changed back to the clothes she was wearing yesterday, they were chilling at the living room when Andrew bought up the topic again about them being in a FwB relationship until Kelvin is back and this time my wife agreed to the proposal much to the delight of Andrew. Once the agreement was made immediately Andrew went over to give Kylie a hug and kissed her forehead, as they were hugging Kylie’s spaghetti strap was tugged downward as Andrew stared into her deep cleavage and instantly was turned on by my wife skimpy outfit from yesterday again, things escalated quickly and it did not take long for both of them to start making out and my wife said they had sex again before she left Andrew house.

For the next 2 weeks my wife would meet up with Andrew almost every other day, they would hang out together, have meals, watch movies etc very much like a real dating couple and to my wife this felt just as enjoyable as having sex with Andrew and was probably much more than what she had expected from a FwB relationship. Once they were done for the day, they would return back to Andrew house to have sex, usually multiple times a day especially on occasion my wife lied to her parents and stayover at Andrew’s place. Also, according to my wife, Andrew has a fetish for uniforms, after finding out my wife had kept a set of her secondary school and JC uniforms he requested her to wear them while she was performing sex act on him, they even had sex while wearing Andrew’s SAF No.4 before. At that point in time my wife did not find any of these requests strange instead she was willing and eager to gratify to Andrew’s obsession.

However, things took a drastic turn after 2 weeks, suddenly Andrew stopped messaging my wife, if not he would take a long time to reply my wife’s messages and those replies were cold and short, he would only reply to my wife when she asked him for sex and even in those instances, he would sometimes reject my wife it’s like as though my wife needed to beg him to have sex with her, Andrew also no longer allows Kylie to come his house anymore, he instructed my wife to book a hotel if she want to have sex with him and did not offer to split the expenses after they had sex and it was all paid by my wife. Andrew would just come to the hotel and after he had sex with my wife he would leave immediately, there were no more hanging out and doing stuff together anymore, in this following 2 weeks they had sex only 3 times and on the third and final time Kylie even told Andrew he can fuck her raw and finish inside her since its her safe period. However, Andrew said he would only do it raw if my wife promised him to take birth control pill after they did it, of course my wife agreed to it. She confessed to me back then she was obsessed with Andrew and would do anything to please him hoping there is a small chance for Andrew to have a change of heart in the end. Alas, that did not happen and their FwB relationship ended abruptly, Andrew reprimanded and blamed my wife she had crossed the line as there wasn’t supposed to have any kind of romantic feelings involved, he also said that Kelvin is coming back soon so they should cease contacting each other, by now it was very obvious that my wife was just a classic example of being pump and dump but of course she doesn’t see it that way was or was just in denial.

In the following weeks even after Kelvin came back things did not change as my wife already had the intention to break up with him. Furthermore, my wife’s mind was all still about Andrew, one day she texted Andrew lying to him that she won a staycation and asked him whether they can meet for one last time to end thing amicably, surprisingly Andrew agreed so my wife quickly made a reservation at an upscale hotel located in central area. The day arrived and Kylie put on her best make up and wore a tight mini slip dress, the kind of dress which Andrew loves the most as it reveals some of her cleavage and plenty of her slender long legs. My wife went ahead and check into the hotel first and texted Andrew that she has arrived and he could come over any time, however Andrew replied that he is outside with his friends including Kelvin and can only come over after they were done, my wife replied asking Andrew around what time he will be done but there was no more reply from Andrew. Feeling disappointed my wife just watched TV in the hotel room until evening and texted Andrew again with no reply, after waiting a while longer it was already night time by now Kylie was both hungry and pissed so she decided to head out for dinner alone…

to be continued............

01-04-2024, 03:38 PM
Very nice story bro, support for more updates!

01-04-2024, 04:27 PM
Wah nice! Waiting for the next part.

05-04-2024, 11:13 AM
My wife opened her eyes sheepishly and saw Andrew sitting beside her on the bed, she was only wearing the basketball jersey without her bra and panty as she left them to dry in the toilet. Although she just woke up my wife already found her pussy wet and moist, Andrew must have been playing with pussy for awhile but because she was too tired, she most probably did not feel it until now. Her body natural reaction has already taken over before my wife even realize what was going on, she recalled by when she woke up she was already feeling quite turned on, she did put up any kind of resistance and allowed Andrew to continue teasing her body. Andrew noticed that my wife has woken up and told her initially he just wanted to pop by and check up on my wife but he couldn’t control his urge after he saw my wife sleeping with her boobs and pussy exposed. Andrew tried going back to his parent room but couldn’t fall back asleep, the moment he closes his eyes his mind was filled up with the images of the Kylie, feeling horny he went back to his own room and stood beside the bed. He began lightly caressing my wife boobs and thighs, after a while as there were no reaction from Kylie, he grew bolder and started playing with her pussy, Andrew paused halfway as he searched through his drawers quietly and found that he still has some unused condoms.

By now Andrew was already feeling very horny, he removed his boxer and capped his fully erected cock and continued playing with Kylie’s body until she was awake…

Andrew: ohh…you are awake Kylie, I was just walking past the room just now...and I saw you sleeping…you looked so sexy and I couldn’t control myself…

Andrew adjusted himself from the sitting position and lied down beside my wife as they face each other….

Andrew: you are already so wet…lets continue from where we left off last night…

Andrew leaned in towards Kylie and started kissing her lips, his right hand fondling her boobs while he slowly insert his left middle finger into Kylie’s wet pussy causing her to let out a few soft moans in pleasure. This continued on for the next few minutes as both of them grew hornier, Andrew picked up the pace as he fingered Kylie so quickly until she finally squirt and her cum juice wetted almost half the bed. But this was not enough my wife recalled to me at that moment she was so horny and wanted Andrew cock in her pussy very badly, she held onto his cock and started rubbing it against her clitoris on her own accord, she thrusted her hips forward towards his cock as though she is signalling Andrew to insert his cock into her pussy, an action which Andrew gladly oblige. Andrew started slowly as he carefully pushes his cock into my wife pussy, Andrew had a considerably big dick almost 5.5inches which is bigger than both mine and Kelvin’s, he was mindful that my wife might feel painful but my wife pussy was so wet Andrew had no problem pushing his cock on the way in, gradually Andrew picked up the momentum and started shoving his cock into Kylie’s pussy, my wife did not had much sex with Kelvin so her pussy still feel very tight almost like a virgin…

Andrew: AHHH!!! your pussy feels so good Kylie…Ahh…Ahh…YEAAAA~~~

Kylie felt the same way too, the only few times that she had sex with Kelvin never felt so good, she can hear the sound her cum juice oozing out from her pussy every time Andrew thrust his cock into her, her moans got wilder and louder, as they continue to make out while fucking each other. However, at the back of Kylie’s mind she was feeling a bit conflicted, having sex with his boyfriend best friend while he is away seems like a really terrible thing to do but the more she thinks about it the hornier she becomes and my wife realized she really wants to have sex with Andrew badly. It did not take long for Kylie to orgasm but Andrew was still going strong, my wife recalled to me that Andrew can go on for a long time, much to my annoyance when she blurted that out. She remembered that he fucked her in several positions and she probably orgasmed 2-3 times before Andrew finally came, it was the first time she experiences the all the feelings of ecstasy, excitement and taboo especially she was doing it with her boyfriend best friend, she never had such an enjoyable sex with Kelvin before.

After they had sex both of them cuddled together and felt asleep again. It was already lunch time by the time they woke up, both of them washed up and had lunch at a nearby coffee shop before returning back to Andrew’s home. Once they were back they showered and my wife changed back to the clothes she was wearing yesterday, they were chilling at the living room when Andrew bought up the topic again about them being in a FwB relationship until Kelvin is back and this time my wife agreed to the proposal much to the delight of Andrew. Once the agreement was made immediately Andrew went over to give Kylie a hug and kissed her forehead, as they were hugging Kylie’s spaghetti strap was tugged downward as Andrew stared into her deep cleavage and instantly was turned on by my wife skimpy outfit from yesterday again, things escalated quickly and it did not take long for both of them to start making out and my wife said they had sex again before she left Andrew house.

For the next 2 weeks my wife would meet up with Andrew almost every other day, they would hang out together, have meals, watch movies etc very much like a real dating couple and to my wife this felt just as enjoyable as having sex with Andrew and was probably much more than what she had expected from a FwB relationship. Once they were done for the day, they would return back to Andrew house to have sex, usually multiple times a day especially on occasion my wife lied to her parents and stayover at Andrew’s place. Also, according to my wife, Andrew has a fetish for uniforms, after finding out my wife had kept a set of her secondary school and JC uniforms he requested her to wear them while she was performing sex act on him, they even had sex while wearing Andrew’s SAF No.4 before. At that point in time my wife did not find any of these requests strange instead she was willing and eager to gratify to Andrew’s obsession.

However, things took a drastic turn after 2 weeks, suddenly Andrew stopped messaging my wife, if not he would take a long time to reply my wife’s messages and those replies were cold and short, he would only reply to my wife when she asked him for sex and even in those instances, he would sometimes reject my wife it’s like as though my wife needed to beg him to have sex with her, Andrew also no longer allows Kylie to come his house anymore, he instructed my wife to book a hotel if she want to have sex with him and did not offer to split the expenses after they had sex and it was all paid by my wife. Andrew would just come to the hotel and after he had sex with my wife he would leave immediately, there were no more hanging out and doing stuff together anymore, in this following 2 weeks they had sex only 3 times and on the third and final time Kylie even told Andrew he can fuck her raw and finish inside her since its her safe period. However, Andrew said he would only do it raw if my wife promised him to take birth control pill after they did it, of course my wife agreed to it. She confessed to me back then she was obsessed with Andrew and would do anything to please him hoping there is a small chance for Andrew to have a change of heart in the end. Alas, that did not happen and their FwB relationship ended abruptly, Andrew reprimanded and blamed my wife she had crossed the line as there wasn’t supposed to have any kind of romantic feelings involved, he also said that Kelvin is coming back soon so they should cease contacting each other, by now it was very obvious that my wife was just a classic example of being pump and dump but of course she doesn’t see it that way was or was just in denial.

In the following weeks even after Kelvin came back things did not change as my wife already had the intention to break up with him. Furthermore, my wife’s mind was all still about Andrew, one day she texted Andrew lying to him that she won a staycation and asked him whether they can meet for one last time to end thing amicably, surprisingly Andrew agreed so my wife quickly made a reservation at an upscale hotel located in central area. The day arrived and Kylie put on her best make up and wore a tight mini slip dress, the kind of dress which Andrew loves the most as it reveals some of her cleavage and plenty of her slender long legs. My wife went ahead and check into the hotel first and texted Andrew that she has arrived and he could come over any time, however Andrew replied that he is outside with his friends including Kelvin and can only come over after they were done, my wife replied asking Andrew around what time he will be done but there was no more reply from Andrew. Feeling disappointed my wife just watched TV in the hotel room until evening and texted Andrew again with no reply, after waiting a while longer it was already night time by now Kylie was both hungry and pissed so she decided to head out for dinner alone…

to be continued............

At this point, my wife paused and asked if I am feeling alright after hearing what she had shared so far. I gave a her nonchalant reply that I’m fine, even though I was feeling very jealous of how much Kylie enjoy having sex and was so submissive to Andrew I was also feeling angry but luckily for my own ego we were talking over phone so she cannot see my real expression and emotion, I also hide the fact from her that my cock was actually raging hard when hearing her describe what she did with Andrew. Anyway back to our conversation I assumed to Kylie that the end of the story is it that after dinner Andrew still did not reply her, he ghosted her and did not turn up at the hotel so she gave up and stopped contacting him for good, eventually also broke off with Kelvin soon after? Kylie replied I only got half of that right but that night did not just end after her dinner. Kylie asked me if I wanted to hear what happened in the last part of that night and obviously, I told her yes…

My wife recalled it was a weekend night and the area surrounding the hotel is bustling with nightlife, there was a lot of pubs in this area but there weren’t many dining options available and the few dining establishment my wife came across were packed with long queue. As she was already feeling very hungry after exploring and walking to the other end of the street Kylie decided to settle her dinner at a pub which she saw offered main course, as the pub was located at the tail end of the busy street there was no queue and lesser crowd. Once she entered the pub she was greeted by the waitress which Kylie signalled to her just table for 1, despite how it looked outside the inside of the pub was packed, the waitress told my wife there were only bar seats available, as it was kind of awkward to be eating dinner at a pub especially when you are alone my wife pointed toward the empty corner of the bar seat where there was lesser people. Feeling super famished and thirsty my wife quickly ordered a set of fish and chip and a glass of beer from the waitress as they were walking towards the seats, and even though my wife doesn’t really drink beer she finished the glass of beer even before the fish and chip was served that’s how thirsty she was. She quickly ate the fish and chip once it was served too as well half way through she was feeling quite full already since she is a small eater.

Once Kylie was done she ordered another cocktail as she have been concentrating on her food and drink she since she entered the pub Kylie haven’t really been paying attention to her surroundings. Kylie glanced over a few times to check out the surrounding as she slowly sips and enjoy her cocktail, she noticed the patrons of this pub was mostly males and probably in their 30s so Kylie felt even more out of place now. My wife was feeling a bit nervous as she can’t help but feel quite a number of guys are looking over at her direction or staring at her, she thought to herself maybe this was happening because as she was glancing around earlier she made eye contacts with some of them briefly. But as my wife was narrating the night to me I can imagine a tipsy young lady seated alone on a high bar chair, dressed in a tight body-hugging dress which accentuated her figure perfectly, her long flawless legs extending towards the floor makes her dress look even shorter.

By now my wife probably realize that those guys were indeed checking her out, she knew that especially today she must have looked quite attractive as she had put in extra effort to impress Andrew, also my wife was only intending to wear this dress in the hotel or at least with Andrew around if they were to head out and never expected to wore this out alone. However, the moment she realized that she was getting the attention of these guys in the pub she felt slightly turned-on, it was no surprise as my wife have been expecting and wanted to have sex with Andrew since this afternoon but that did not happen and that’s why she was slowly getting aroused again. My wife confessed to me she doesn’t know what have gotten to her that night maybe it was the effect of her drinks or the feeling that my wife wanted to proof a point to Andrew that he was wrong to ignore her and that she can still attract other guys if she wants to and gradually she felt the warmth and moist in between her legs.

My wife told me she started teasing the guys at the pub by slowly swiveling her bar stool back and forth while she was using her phone or sipping her drink, she knew that by doing this it would give the guys at the tables a clearer view of herself. Eventually my wife stopped the stool at an angle which she faces the table crowd, she crossed her legs, leaned back on the stool and continued to use her phone, inviting or waiting for someone to approach her. And it did not take long for someone to approach Kylie just as she was sending one final message to Andrew. My wife told me the guy who approached her his name was Marc, Marc was in his early 30s and my wife remembered him as someone who looked decent and younger than his age. Now that someone had really approached her it makes my wife a bit jittery as she was chatting with Marc because at the back of her mind she wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted out of tonight.

However the conversation with Marc went well and he was able to make my wife feel more at ease, they chatted for about 15mins before Marc invited Kylie to join his 2 friends at his table which my wife accepted. After a short introduction my wife settled down as they continued chatting, it was a different experience chatting with 30s years old compared to own friends in the early 20s and my wife find that experience refreshing, there was no silly drinking game and the guys were also not trying to ply her with drinks although as the conversation went on my wife could feel that all 3 guys were stealing glances at her chest due to her cleavage showing, however she liked the attention and pretended not to notice and tries to focus on the conversation.

After 30-45mins of chatting the other 2 guys announced that they needed to take their leave, my wife was surprised that they were leaving so early as it wasn’t even 9pm yet but Marc explained to her that they were both married with kids so they usually can’t stay out too late. As they were leaving, Marc asked my wife what does she wants to do next, he said they can continue to stay here, head to another place or if my wife wants to go home, Marc also mentioned to Kylie that initially he approached her because he knew his friends was leaving early so he was looking for someone to continue to chill out but of course the highlighted the main reason is that he finds my wife attractive and her being alone really piqued his interest. My wife said she felt comfortable with Marc and now that there was only the 2 of them left the conversation had shifted to become more personal and intimate, she felt both of them were getting more flirtatious and touchy with each other, at this moment she took one last look at her phone and saw there was still no reply from Andrew, this prompted my wife to make the decision as she proposed to Marc that they can head back to the hotel room she had booked…

to be continued.....................

06-04-2024, 11:10 AM
Nice share, hope to see more!

09-04-2024, 02:50 PM
Looking forward for next update

09-04-2024, 10:27 PM
More updates pls

10-04-2024, 12:07 AM
camping for more

10-04-2024, 01:51 PM
I wanna kick his ass first

16-04-2024, 01:40 PM
At this point, my wife paused and asked if I am feeling alright after hearing what she had shared so far. I gave a her nonchalant reply that I’m fine, even though I was feeling very jealous of how much Kylie enjoy having sex and was so submissive to Andrew I was also feeling angry but luckily for my own ego we were talking over phone so she cannot see my real expression and emotion, I also hide the fact from her that my cock was actually raging hard when hearing her describe what she did with Andrew. Anyway back to our conversation I assumed to Kylie that the end of the story is it that after dinner Andrew still did not reply her, he ghosted her and did not turn up at the hotel so she gave up and stopped contacting him for good, eventually also broke off with Kelvin soon after? Kylie replied I only got half of that right but that night did not just end after her dinner. Kylie asked me if I wanted to hear what happened in the last part of that night and obviously, I told her yes…

My wife recalled it was a weekend night and the area surrounding the hotel is bustling with nightlife, there was a lot of pubs in this area but there weren’t many dining options available and the few dining establishment my wife came across were packed with long queue. As she was already feeling very hungry after exploring and walking to the other end of the street Kylie decided to settle her dinner at a pub which she saw offered main course, as the pub was located at the tail end of the busy street there was no queue and lesser crowd. Once she entered the pub she was greeted by the waitress which Kylie signalled to her just table for 1, despite how it looked outside the inside of the pub was packed, the waitress told my wife there were only bar seats available, as it was kind of awkward to be eating dinner at a pub especially when you are alone my wife pointed toward the empty corner of the bar seat where there was lesser people. Feeling super famished and thirsty my wife quickly ordered a set of fish and chip and a glass of beer from the waitress as they were walking towards the seats, and even though my wife doesn’t really drink beer she finished the glass of beer even before the fish and chip was served that’s how thirsty she was. She quickly ate the fish and chip once it was served too as well half way through she was feeling quite full already since she is a small eater.

Once Kylie was done she ordered another cocktail as she have been concentrating on her food and drink she since she entered the pub Kylie haven’t really been paying attention to her surroundings. Kylie glanced over a few times to check out the surrounding as she slowly sips and enjoy her cocktail, she noticed the patrons of this pub was mostly males and probably in their 30s so Kylie felt even more out of place now. My wife was feeling a bit nervous as she can’t help but feel quite a number of guys are looking over at her direction or staring at her, she thought to herself maybe this was happening because as she was glancing around earlier she made eye contacts with some of them briefly. But as my wife was narrating the night to me I can imagine a tipsy young lady seated alone on a high bar chair, dressed in a tight body-hugging dress which accentuated her figure perfectly, her long flawless legs extending towards the floor makes her dress look even shorter.

By now my wife probably realize that those guys were indeed checking her out, she knew that especially today she must have looked quite attractive as she had put in extra effort to impress Andrew, also my wife was only intending to wear this dress in the hotel or at least with Andrew around if they were to head out and never expected to wore this out alone. However, the moment she realized that she was getting the attention of these guys in the pub she felt slightly turned-on, it was no surprise as my wife have been expecting and wanted to have sex with Andrew since this afternoon but that did not happen and that’s why she was slowly getting aroused again. My wife confessed to me she doesn’t know what have gotten to her that night maybe it was the effect of her drinks or the feeling that my wife wanted to proof a point to Andrew that he was wrong to ignore her and that she can still attract other guys if she wants to and gradually she felt the warmth and moist in between her legs.

My wife told me she started teasing the guys at the pub by slowly swiveling her bar stool back and forth while she was using her phone or sipping her drink, she knew that by doing this it would give the guys at the tables a clearer view of herself. Eventually my wife stopped the stool at an angle which she faces the table crowd, she crossed her legs, leaned back on the stool and continued to use her phone, inviting or waiting for someone to approach her. And it did not take long for someone to approach Kylie just as she was sending one final message to Andrew. My wife told me the guy who approached her his name was Marc, Marc was in his early 30s and my wife remembered him as someone who looked decent and younger than his age. Now that someone had really approached her it makes my wife a bit jittery as she was chatting with Marc because at the back of her mind she wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted out of tonight.

However the conversation with Marc went well and he was able to make my wife feel more at ease, they chatted for about 15mins before Marc invited Kylie to join his 2 friends at his table which my wife accepted. After a short introduction my wife settled down as they continued chatting, it was a different experience chatting with 30s years old compared to own friends in the early 20s and my wife find that experience refreshing, there was no silly drinking game and the guys were also not trying to ply her with drinks although as the conversation went on my wife could feel that all 3 guys were stealing glances at her chest due to her cleavage showing, however she liked the attention and pretended not to notice and tries to focus on the conversation.

After 30-45mins of chatting the other 2 guys announced that they needed to take their leave, my wife was surprised that they were leaving so early as it wasn’t even 9pm yet but Marc explained to her that they were both married with kids so they usually can’t stay out too late. As they were leaving, Marc asked my wife what does she wants to do next, he said they can continue to stay here, head to another place or if my wife wants to go home, Marc also mentioned to Kylie that initially he approached her because he knew his friends was leaving early so he was looking for someone to continue to chill out but of course the highlighted the main reason is that he finds my wife attractive and her being alone really piqued his interest. My wife said she felt comfortable with Marc and now that there was only the 2 of them left the conversation had shifted to become more personal and intimate, she felt both of them were getting more flirtatious and touchy with each other, at this moment she took one last look at her phone and saw there was still no reply from Andrew, this prompted my wife to make the decision as she proposed to Marc that they can head back to the hotel room she had booked…

to be continued.....................

Upon hearing what my wife had suggested Marc appeared to be slightly taken aback and did not immediately reply, sensing that she might have been too direct my wife quickly used the same lie that she told Andrew that she had won this staycation as a prize, she also lied that her best friend who is supposed to join her felt sick this past 2 days and it was a pity to give up the room so she decided to come alone. Marc smiled back at Kylie and agreed, he picked up the bill including my wife’s and told her they could drive to the hotel in his car, while they were inside the car my wife handed over one of the room card to Marc and suggested to him they should go up the room separately. Marc understood my wife’s intentions, he dropped her off at the hotel lobby first and said to her he will pickup a bottle of red wine before heading up to the room.

Once she was back to the room my wife briefly tidied up the place and freshen up herself, her heart was racing with both nerve and excitement, she had somewhat similar experience with Jason, Kenneth and Andrew before but this one with Marc feels differently, is this going to be her 1st one stand night with almost a complete stranger? There were many thoughts going through my wife’s mind but its too late to backout now, she calms herself down and bought out the wine glasses and sat down on the sofa while waiting for Marc to arrive.

My wife continued on and said just at this moment she received a reply back from Andrew, he texted her saying he will be done only around midnight but afterwards he can come over and meet her at the hotel. My wife spent the next few minutes thinking what to reply Andrew and before she know it, she heard the sound of the door opening, panicking she quickly replied Andrew “ok see you later!” Marc entered the hotel room swinging the bottle of red wine in his hand and commented it was a nice and cozy room while my wife smiled back at him shyly, Marc quickly settled down and took a sit beside my wife on the sofa as he poured them each a glass of red wine. The two of them chatted for a while before resuming where they left off in the pub flirting and getting touchy with each other, knowing that Andrew will also be coming in another few hours while she is having fun now with Marc makes her even more aroused but she was mindful of the time so my wife decided to take the initiative.

As the sofa was pretty small, she feigned she was tired and rested her back against the armrest, she turned her body around to face Marc before playfully stretching both her legs and resting them on his thigh. Kylie made an effort to pull down the end of her short dress pretending as an attempt to hide her panty but she knew Marc could probably still see her panty from his angle, so she complained to him her legs were sore from all the walking as she explored this area alone today, Marc took the que and offered to massage her legs which Kylie agreed. He massaged her legs for around 5mins before switching to a more sensually long stroke, he rubbed his right hand up and down along the top of my wife’s legs, with each stroke Marc was slowing inching his hand towards Kylie’s inner thigh eventually his whole right hand disappeared underneath my wife’s dress, at this moment my wife closed her eyes and let out a few soft moans in pleasure as Marc’s fingers ran against her moist panty.

Seeing Kylie was enjoying what he was doing to her Marc pry apart my wife’s legs with his right hand and extended his left hand forward to rub her pussy, as Marc continues to rub my wife’s pussy more of her cum juice seeped out through her panty, her moans starting to get getting louder as well, Marc was surprised by how wet my wife had become in such a short amount of time, by now Kylie must have been super horny as she requested Marc to play with her pussy directly…

Kylie: uhhhh~~ uhh~~ touch my inside please…

Hearing this Marc pulled down my wife panty and rubbed his fingers on her clitoris and pussy

Kylie: yes…yes~~ this feels so good…ennn~~ ennnn~~~~

Marc can hear the squishing sound of my wife’s cum juice as he slowly insert his finger into her vagina, he commented how wet she was before increasing his pace

Marc: wow…you are fucking wet…your pussy feels so tight…

Kylie: yaaa…I’m so wet…ahhh!~~~

Kylie: I’m cumming…don’t stop~~~~ mmmm!!~~ mmm…mmm~~~

Marc knew Kylie have cummed as he saw her hips quivered for a few times as he withdraw his finger out from her pussy, his whole palm was soaked with her pussy juice. They did not speak much for the next few minutes as my wife rested for while regaining her composure, not long after she stand up and stood front of Marc who was still seated on the sofa, my wife took the initiative as she bended forward and locked her arms around Marc’s neck and started kissing him on his lips, Marc reciprocated by wrapping his right hand on my wife’s waist pulling her closer to him, her deep cleavage was in full view in front of him, he stretched out his left arm as he felt Kylie’s breasts for the first time tonight.

Marc started caressing Kylie’s breasts softly thru her dress as his hand slowly found its way inside underneath her bra, he squeezes her breasts and nipped at her nipples using his fingers sending waves of pleasure onto her body as they continue to make out passionately in the next few minutes. In a momentary pause Marc carried my wife up and have her saddle on top of him, he tugged down both the straps of her dress and bra to expose her boobs before he started sucking on them. Gradually Kylie was starting to feel horny again, she hugged and pressed Marc’s head against her boobs as he was sucking on them, she could feel the bulge in Marc’s pants as she rubbed her exposed pussy against it while riding on top of him.

My wife adjusted her hip slightly backwards to make space to unbuckle and unzip Marc’s pants, once she was successful Marc followed through and pulled down his pants and underwear as his cock sprang to life in front of Kylie. They readjusted their position slightly to allow my wife to rub her pussy directly against Marc’s cock, Marc was busy alternating between frenching my wife and sucking on her boobs, he also lifted up her dress from behind and grabbed her naked butt using both his hand, he was helping my wife by pushing her butt towards him so she could grind him hard with her pussy. Both of them were fucking horny at this point in time, Marc could feel how wet Kylie was getting again as his cock was getting drenched by her pussy juice again, they wanted to be inside each other so badly right now. Marc scrambled his hand into his pocket to look for the condom he bought earlier before coming up to the hotel…

Marc: Kylie I cannot take it anymore, I need to fuck you right now…you ok!??

Kylie: umm…ok…ok…I want to do it too…

Marc: yess! Thats good! Ahhhh~~

Kylie: let me help you with the condom…

To be continued…

17-04-2024, 04:15 AM
Nice update TS, do continue soon ... :)

14-08-2024, 12:06 AM
Bro ,, no more?

18-08-2024, 03:24 PM
Very good story TS. Any more updates?