View Full Version : Bachelor's Party

05-07-2008, 06:20 PM
A story I thought I would share. This would be my newbie post. So, upp me if you think I'm worth it. :D

~Message tone~ Beep Beep
I thought to myself. Oh shit. I forgot to silent my phone and I'm sitting for an exam paper. :S The invigilator looked around but found no suspects. For some reason, he acted like nothing happened.

Phew. I heaved a breath. i held down the power button and it was off. I swore I wld curse and swear at the person who text-ed me.

Later after that gruelling test, I turned on my mobile and read the new message.

"Hey dude, my parent's are gonna be away next weekend. Plan smth will ya?"
It was John, my secondary school classmate who like me, is the only child in the family. John's parents are always away. His father's a business man who travels very often. His mother, fearing that the mister will be up to no good, goes to whereever the mister is going. The last time John's parents went away, was just 2 months ago. And we earned quite a bit by renting out the place to some director who used the place to do a little video-graphy. :rolleyes:

His place was huge. A 4 story( including basement) bungalow sitting on a football field with his own lift to go up and down. It was best for any porno scene. Quickie in the lift, toliet, or roof. You name it.

I didn't think much about it as I was already pretty drained out by the exam. I went home to sleep. Later that day, I read up on SBF and thought, hey, what if, I had a bachelor's party? Smth like Beta House. :D

Being the last day of examinations, John was reluctant to talk on the phone. He rejected my call a few times before answering my call with "what?!" I guess he was out there hitting on some girl. But as I told him my plan, he became more and more interested. We both agreed and made preparations.

We practically emailed and called everyone on our contact lists. John, being the host and the rich one, hired "security" from a nearby secondary school. $5/hr. Cheap Labour I thought, but all they had to do was to push off anyone whom John din allow. They had a masking tape taped onto their chest reading "security" apart from wearing a black overall outfit. They looked exactly like young bouncers. Despite having 2 cars, we took several trips to the supermarket and bought a ton cans of alcohol and of cos (durex).

The tagline was simple. "Read all those stories of unknown people having fun all night overseas? Not anymore. Come on down to !@#$ for an unforgettable night. Dress Code : As little as possile. Cost :$5 (free flow of drinks) Time :10pm till late. ( We had to prepare)

The night came. Security had a hard time allocating parking lots to drivers. An estimated 30 cars came. Filling John's whole football field. Besides that, people came as early as 7pm. We had no choice but to turn them away. After all, good things come to those who wait right?

The clock struck 10. The disco light was set, the Dj was ready, the lights were dimed, the music was blasting. The bartenders were briefed. The cleaners were armed to wipe up any sign of wastage. Satisfied, John transmitted thru his walkie to security. " Let Operation Nightlife begin." With that, security started collecting money and let the crowd in.

To be continued after my dinner. :D

05-07-2008, 09:14 PM
Keep it going bro :p

05-07-2008, 10:50 PM
your writing skills kill.....
keep it going!

05-07-2008, 11:35 PM
Haha. Thanks forumer for upping me. and devilprince for the encouragement. Will continue.

"Let Operation Nightlife begin" echoed the walkie. Security collected the money and let them in. People poured into the house. But the level of enthusiasm was not quite there. Friends brought friends who in turn brought friends along. You could hear people gasping " Long time no see! How are you!? You know John? Wow! What a small world!"

John and I had to do something. The party was going nowhere. Girls and guys were standing on a side each. Suddenly, John had an idea. He spoke to the DJ and walked to the dancefloor. Suddenly, the music volume was lowered

"Ladies and Gentlemen. May I present to you, the host of tonight's event, Misterrrrrrrrrrrrr John Smithhh."

Holding a mike, he said "Thank you Robert. Now, I'm John, your host for tonight, now I can see, that a number of you, are not doing your best. Aw comm'on. The exams are just over! Have you lost your sense of laughter!? Lets have a little showdown. *takes out a stack of $50 bills folded into half* I'll let Robert the DJ be the judge. Whoever, can dance more erotic than me, shall win this sum of $300 cash. Lets hit it robert!"

With that, the lights started flashing around disco style again but you could see the silhouette of him, extending his hand, asking a random lady in low cut dress out with him. ~~Please don't stop the music~~ the song played. His hands were all over her body. Mixing a combination of salsa and some other english dance, John stood behind her and stuck himself to her back. He would occasionally rub his crotch against her butt. But she din seem to care. ~Put your hands up in the air~, the next song played. The crowd joined in. The idea was set. Strangers were asking strangers to dance. Hands were up in the air and boobs were bouncing. The whole scene was erotic. You could come just by looking at them. I went up to a lady wearing red tube and a super short miniskirt and held my arm around her waist. "Hi britany, wanna join in the fun?" She nodded and we went to the dance floor. It got so squeezy at one point of time that we bounced off each other. Gosh. Her boobs were huge and firm that she just rub it against my chest.;)

The music changed again. This time, to a slower tempo one. The theme song of Titanic, i think. Everyone hugged and swayed around. Our heads got connected to each other as I hugged her closely. She, whom i later know to be Jane, wore this light blue bra as I looked thru her tube. C cup I would say. Suddenly, her hand un-zipped my jeans and grabbed my baton. I jumped. Whispering in my ear, she said " Gosh U're long. Lets get this thing useful." With that, she pulled my baton like she was pulling a dog on a leash. John caught sight of me and gave me a thumbs up sign. I smiled.

She led me to the 2nd floor. Opening the door, we realised that was the master bedroom. John's wedding photo was on the wall. But we din care much. We jumped on the bed and started frenching. My hands started to go wild. Going under her dress, my thumb started flickering her nipples while my palm cupped her breast. It was a sensational feeling. Soon, she slipped off her pink panty off and started sucking my didi. I told her I was a virgin and to go slow on me. She said nth and smiled. Being the first timer, I cum into her mouth just in under 5 mins. I was exhausted. But she wanted more. So she climbed onto me and layed me down. She took off her tube and rode me up and down. I followed her into the move. Boy, I almost cummed into her. I had to push her off and exactly at that moment, i spilled it out. She caught every single juice my didi had to offer and drank it all up.

Just then, the door opened. The lady in dress was all wrapped up against John. They were smooching each other while Jane and I were naked. A dirty thought passed through our mind....

For next edition, upp me and make your comments here! :o

06-07-2008, 12:07 AM
nice setup, keep it coming bro.

06-07-2008, 12:59 AM
Pitching tent liao. :cool:

06-07-2008, 03:03 AM
Brought my beer and peanuts to camp here liao :D

06-07-2008, 04:30 AM
Yes!!! keep it cumming!!!

06-07-2008, 09:35 AM
Drinks,curry puffs,popiah . Camping here for more . ;)

06-07-2008, 10:17 AM
So many camp liao :)

Got 5 star hotel room bo ..

06-07-2008, 12:09 PM
not bad for a start...

keep them coming pls..

great effort... :)

06-07-2008, 01:26 PM
woah bro, u sure take a loooong dinner leh.:p:D

06-07-2008, 04:18 PM
Great story keep it up.

06-07-2008, 04:23 PM
Good story.

Can't wait.

06-07-2008, 05:03 PM
Woots! haha. I thought my starting would bore the crap out of everyone.

I actually typed in a second part. But dunno where it went to. I think i'm still under moderation? hais. Sorry brothers.

Part 3

*bang* the door opened with a loud bang. the 2 of us din bother to get dressed. It was too late anw. We looked at each other. dang. The ladies were hot. We continued anyway. Jane guided my throbbing cock into her pink tight pussy while she continued to french me. From there, I knew it was my turn to impress her. I lay her down and ramm-ed straight into her. ( Learn from porno clips. heeh.) She came so many times she couldn't concentrate on frenching me. I turned to John. He was fingering his lady. The combined voices of both "ahhs- ahh!" filled the air with sensational feeling.

Soon, I got tired. Being the virgin I was, I felt this unexplainable tiredness in me. But now, I felt so liberated. Haha. All i could do was lie there and close my eyes. By this time, John was entering his lady. While Jane went over to french John. I was oh-so tired alr and was about to sleep when suddenly John's girl gripped my hand tightly and moan-ed "yes! yes!! more baby more!!":eek:

I began dressing up. My junior was still weak and I needed time to recuperate. Ha. With that, I went down back to the first floor, giving the the 3-some they John had always fantasized. By now, the whole house was packed. There was an estimated of 50 more hunks & hotties outside. But we couldn't let them all in right? So we opened up the field for them. A contest with the most "erotic photoshoot with the cars" parked at the field was held. The prize was a $500 lump sum of cash. (Now you see why I say John's rich.) Photographer's Flash lights went all over the place. I would have cummed all over the place if I had been one of the photographers. Dang they were hot..:(

With a glass in my hand, I set out to hunt. :D Just then, a light shone on a lady. But it was all going too fast. The disco ball just gave me a glance on a particular lady which I found oh so familiar. I walked towards the silhouette. Gosh, it was my cousin. She was wearing this cosplay policewoman uniform! A low cut black plastic-ky top showing her belly button with the word police on her back. Her miniskirt was so high that it was just covering her butt line. I came from behind, grabbed her hands and put it behind her. "Hi lady, u're under arrest for being oh so beautiful." Suddenly, I got pushed and her hands which were behind literally cupped my groin. She turned around almost immediately. "Oh hi Gerald! It's been long! Wow! u're grown so much." Then she looked at my earpiece and down at my walkie. "Are you one of the hosts as well?" I noded. " Thats cool." With that, she introduced me to her other cosplay friends. Some wore outfits so tight I couldn't even see their nipples in the dark.

So there I was, 1 guy, 7 girls crowding around the table. I asked" Why aren't u chicks going down there?" *pointing to the dancefloor* " Nah, we haven't got male company, so we'll just sit here and see if there's a hot baton around." replied the 'nurse'. "Obviously britany the policewoman has got you already!" I laughed. They sure came to the party with a sense of dirty mind with them.

" I know of a game, which will keep us occupied for at least the next hour. Shall we?" The ladies got suddenly all so enthusiastic. "dare or dare" i replied. They agreed and we walked our way up the stairs.

Don't know when this post will appear. But will post at least one episode per day. Till next time! ;)

State of Arts
06-07-2008, 07:16 PM
1 episode per day... I hope it will not a soap drama.!

like that, make me want to log in once a day

Golden One
06-07-2008, 09:59 PM
Bro! It's a story about Bachelor's Party! How to be boring? :D

07-07-2008, 10:18 PM
Being the gentlemen, i let the ladies take the stairs first. Despite the poor lighting, there was a trace of colour in their undies. Few wore pink, 2 wore yellow while one wore white. :D The prick in my jeans stood up. Oh boy, its ready for more action now.

I knew where John kept his stuff. He had this board game where people play dirty "dares." This game was intended for people who didn't know each other but were open to dirty ideas. =) I led them to a room. where we were all seated on a King sized bed. The 8 of us, were now in a room on the second level. I played the game before, and I knew exactly how dirty it can get.:rolleyes:

The game board read as follows : Every member of the group must be seated on the floor. (which we hecked cos the floor was so hard) The members are free to leave at any point but no one is allowed to rejoin the game due to the sensitive nature of the game. Inside this box is a circle with an arrow stuck in the middle. Divide equally the number of people playing the game by 360 degrees and write their names inside the area located. (Means 360/8 members. which means a pie chart of 45 degrees per name was allocated.) The deck of cards provided shall be placed near the circle. If the circle turns and slows down to Group member A, A will take a level 1 card from the deck of cards and put it down and let everyone see. A will do whatever the card says in order to continue playing. After A has done his deed, A will spin the wheel again. If A gets his turn again, he will take a level 2 card and continue with his deed. However, if B gets his turn, B will do the level 1 card without taking from the deck. (okay, this is getting confusing, but u'll get wad i mean as the story continues)

After abit of explanation, all 8 members are set to play. Names were written down and soon, the game starts. As I was the "host" for this game, I spun the arrow first. The arrow soon slows down to a girl named Karen. Karen screamed of course but took the card anyways. She read the card out loud.

"Level 1 : The person holding this card will wear his bare minimum (undies for guys and 2 piece for girls) and walk around the group for 3 rounds."

Karen screamed "omg" and was unwilling at first. But after being called a spoilt spot, she defensively took out her cosplay and walked 3 rounds. She was wearing a see through lacey bra with a lacey panty. My didi got hot again. Because the bed was unstable, she fell once on my on her second round and fell front down on my back. Her busty bust felt as if they were two waterbags on my shoulder blades. She mummered a word of apology and continued her deed. With that satisfied, she sat down at her spot again.

Karen spun the arrow again and this time, it turned to this girl named Melody. I don't know why, but all girls seems to like to scream when they get their turn. :o But anws, Melody, being the first timer to this game had to go thru Level 1 first. But Melody was unwilling. We tried to ask her why but she didn't want to answer. She was wearing a yellow "kill bill" suit. Suddenly, a hand from her partner just slid her front zip open. The most volupcious breats I have ever seen just bounced out of her suit. It was magnificant. She tried to cover but it as no use. We had all seen it already. But now we know the reason. She was not wearing a bra. Her bra was stitched onto the suit. Just as we wanted to allow her to skip, she just stood up unzipped the whole suit and sat back down again. "aiya, since u all see already, nothing much to hide. now can we continue?" If not for the fact that i'm wearing thick material jeans, my pants wld have torn the layer of underwear I'm wearing. But I guess the buldge was obvious. The other 6 girls looked at me, "what!?" i said, pretending to act innocent. haha. With that, we continued.

That was just level 1 of the card game. There's altogether level 50. Imagine what the other levels can be. :D

Sry brothers cos i'm still schooling la. Got alot of projects and stuff. Will try my best la. =)

And thanks for yr continued support! =D

08-07-2008, 07:50 PM
great stuffs man!!

welcome back!!! :D

08-07-2008, 08:48 PM
I'm interested. Where to buy this game??

09-07-2008, 08:36 PM
I think PS got one board games shop got sell. Saw it off the shelf. Should be level 2.

Sorry brother's for the stoppage of story. Will continue now.

Melody spun the arrow. Just as I pondered on what I would do if I got "arrow-ed," everyone pointed at me and starting laughing. I looked down at the arrow. It was pointing at me!:eek: I was honestly shocked. But the girls kept saying "now it's yr turn! show us what you've got!"

"Wait! Let me read the card first!" I said.

"Level 1 : The person holding this card will wear his bare minimum (undies for guys and 2 piece for girls) and walk around the group for 3 rounds."

While reading the card, I was actually deciding if I wanted to do this quickly? Or add spice to the walk. I decided to be a good spot. Walking to the radio, I played a chinese song from a few years back. Chinese brothers should know this song. "Shang Yi tuo diao, tuo diao, Shang Yi tuo diao!" I did a sexy strip and to my delight, there was laughter all round. I walked around the group 3 times as instructed, with my didi still standing at full attention. As I sat down, I could see everyone's eyes moving downwards. They were either trying to figure out how long I was, or how thick I was. ;)

It was my turn to spin. There are now 5 people who have not started but 3 people who are at level 1. I turned the arrow. Hoping to get the most pretty looking girl sitting across me. Fixing my eyes on her, I did not see where the arrow had turned to. Then, the laughter had started again. Everyone was laughing. I looked at the arrow again. Shit, I had turned the arrow on me again! "Wah! Liddat also can kena! I go buy 4D alr la liddat. Bao tio one." But because I was at level 1, I had to be the first to take Level 2. I couldn't remember what level 2 was. So I just took it as if I had never played the game before.

Level 2

Guys: Get someone of the opposite sex to get u dressed in your birthday suit and wrap your dick with a tissue secured with a rubber band. All these done by someone u choose. Do all these while not touching any part of your body

Girls : Get someone of the opposite sex to get u dressed in your birthday suit and wrap your breasts with a paper cup. Use scotch tape if needed. For the bottom half, put a clock infront of wherever you need to cover. All these done by someone u choose. Do all these while not touching any part of your body. (I read up on this. Why clock? It's said to allow guys to use the excuse of looking at time while admiring the thighs. Haha. Jian right?)

I read it out loud. Everyone remain silent for awhile. Suddenly, my cousin britany exclaimed. "I dare you to do that! Muhaha!" She had effectively broken the silence. The others went " Nah, he's a chicken. Besides, his is too short to be seen!" They went on laughing. Melody, the naked one laughed so excitedly that her boobs just went up and down. I couldn't stand it anymore. "Britany, I dare you to do the honour for me." Her eyes widen. Soon the group was chanting, "Britany! Britany! Britany!" We stood up together and walked to the centre. I put my hands up. Her face was so close that the moment my dick was freed from the underwear, my dick hit her face. The crowd roared with laughter. Then, she said she had forgotten to take a rubber band and a tissue paper. So she got me to wait a moment. She left the room and had me waiting there. She had me stuck there! I couldn't cover myself cos I can't touch myself! I called out to Britany to hurry up. Citing the reason that I was shy. The real reason was because the pretty girl was now in front of me. I din think I could control any longer. My dick was bursting so much with energy that it turned red. :o

Suddenly, someone pushed me down from diagonally behind. I fell face down onto Melody, the naked one, while someone was behind me. Ohhhh. That feeling. My dick was exactly at the entrance of her pussy. i could feel she was wet. I didn't want to turn over to see who was it till someone pulled me over. It was britany. =.= "Woah! u damm rough leh!" "Aiya, U guy mah. I wanna see if your thing can with stand our combined weight of at 100KG. Not bad ah! Still standing" At this very moment, just as she was about to wrap my dick with tissue, her boobs had this white stuff. Everyone realised it and started "eeks!!" Unknowingly, my didi had to release and shot its load at britany's low cut blouse! I was quite embarrased. Britany looked downwards and looked back at me. "Sorry" was all I could say. Then I thought of an idea. But I had to execute it quickly. I took the tissue from Britany and asked the girl sitting nearest to the door to go get more tissues. I grabbed Britany left breast and started wiping the cum away. As the load was shot into her cleavage, I took the oppourtunity to further wipe in. Using my hands to seperate the two boobs, I could roughly gauge she was a 32C. All these while pretending I was sincere in helping her wipe. HAHAHA.

Then just all of a sudden, a backpressure from behind pushed me forward. I was now face down into her boobs. "Now its payback time. Suck up everything you've just loaded. And do it quick!" she said. I saw a hand opening up the dress she had been wearing and soon, the nipple was in sight. "Suck it!" she screamed.

Unknown to me, an orgy had just begun. 7 Girls, 1 guy. I thought it would have been a 1-1 action. But a sucking effect was on my dick too! Stay tuned for the next episode!

And thanks for those who have upped me! Will include more jucy stuffs. ;)

10-07-2008, 01:02 AM
great updates man!!

keep them coming.. :)

10-07-2008, 02:12 AM
Bachelor's Party is never BORING!!! :D

10-07-2008, 11:26 PM
For the first time, I tasted the taste of my own cum. But because I didn't particularly like the idea of eating my own cum, I sucked it all up and held it in my mouth. I positioned my mouth infront of hers and put it to her. She took it all in. I proceeded with frenching her. Wiping my tongue against her teeth, I used my palm and rubbed her nipples. "song ahhhh...." Haha, I was gonna do my cousin afterall.

Suddenly, instead of a group fuck that I had wanted, Britany suddenly was just pushed away. I opened my eyes. A pair of hands grabbed my head and started frenching me. I guess it was Melody cos the person on me now was naked. My didi is now pressing against her clit. Then a scream and Melody was pushed off. Wtf was happening. Stay tuned!

Sorry brothers for the short update. just got home and cant really do anything. Will continue again! sry sry!

11-07-2008, 10:27 PM
gd story,keep it up...cheers

12-07-2008, 02:23 AM
lol ts MIA liao..:D

12-07-2008, 08:23 PM
lol ts MIA liao..:D

Haha. Sry bros, school sucks lately and my gf's another case. It's finally the weekends! haha. okays. as promised.

When I opened my eyes, I saw what was happening. Britany and Melody were fighting! They were fighting each other, occasionally slapping each other too.

"Why did u push me away!?" Britany said.
"Did you just slap me?" Melody said. " you were having too much time with him! He's supposed to be shared remember!?"
*slap back*

I was stunned. 'shared' Hmms. Haha, they were preparing an orgy after. Soon, I heard a loud bang. Melody had tripped Britany and britany fell onto the door, causing the whole door to collapse. Although we were on the second level now, their screams got everyone's attention. People on the first floor were shocked to see naked women fighting on the second level. They fought on the floor and soon, Britany was on top of Melody slapping her till she got unconscious. I wanted to help. But I was naked too and couldn't find my pants. No way was I going out of the room w.o my pants on. I could only watch them fight their way off. When Britany was done slapping her, she walked to the DJ, took his mike and announced.

"Girl naked unconscious on the second floor. Lets attempt a guiness world record. Fuck her for as long as u can, as many times as you want." She then went and pulled a security guard's pants off and said "Fuck her." :eek: A barely 16 yrs old guy was going to fuck someone older than him. His pants was down already and his prick was up. Britany laid her on a table with her butt showed outwards and the guard proceeded to thrust in and out of her. All this done while Melody was unconscious. With that done, she came back and pushed me back on the bed. I didn't want to reject her good offer. So I gave her one hell of a time. I thrusted her raw like i was exercising my hips. Her pussy was so tight that it was squeezing every juice out of me. Finally, I made her come so much that she didn't even have the energy to stand up. I looked up. Hey!? Where did all the other girls go!?

I took a peak outside of the room. It was a mass orgy after all. Many were half dressed while some were naked. "ahh-ahh-ahh" was the music that I could hear. Even the DJ was fucking. He had a mike attached to his shirt, so the girl whom he was fucking basically input-ed the "ah-ahh" sound into his mike. I looked over at melody. She was semi unconcious. But there was smth different about the guy, or rather guy(s) who were fucking her. She had a queue of men! :confused: Men were fuckikng her non stop! And there was a queue of men so that when one was done, another just had to insert his in! Darn. I contamplated over this. Should I rescue her? Nah, she knew the risk she was taking when she came in. For all i know, she could be enjoying herself. haha.

Suddenly, the house's fire alarm came on. The water sprinklers were turned on. I looked around. All I could see was wet see through clothes but no fire. I needed to find the fire in 1 min's time. Otherwise the fire system connected to CISCO would be alerted! And our orgy would be found out.

Stay tuned!

12-07-2008, 11:00 PM
Camping here.....

12-07-2008, 11:17 PM
wah so rowdy suddenly... would have preferred the game to cont slowly teasing everyone till everyone got super horny wetting the bed. :D

13-07-2008, 03:34 AM
Very nice story. Thanks for sharing. :D

13-07-2008, 03:36 AM
damn nice....

13-07-2008, 04:41 AM
Superb story lah!! :D

13-07-2008, 08:25 PM
Waah.. so many bros up me in just 1 day. Thanks thanks. Appreciate this.

Since so many people upped me, I shall do my very best to make the story more.... more... happening.


I walkied over to John. He didn't reply. I could hold it much longer. There was no fire for sure. I knew some jerk had placed his lighter near one of the sprinklers to create this effect. I had about 40 seconds left. I ran over to John's room with the whole house still coming down in water. I barged in and he appeared to be dressing up. It was a critical moment. I needed to find the disarm alarm. He rushed out and jumped off the second floor into the swimming pool. I was like, wtf? Our orgy was about to be found out and here he was getting into the pool? Later I found out that the disarm circuit was near the pool. And he did that to save time. Needless to say, he disarmed it. Cisco called after a min. He picked up and call and cancelled the distress. Close shave.

John cursed at the interuption. He claimed to be at the peak of his fuck when the alarm sounded. As we were climbing up the stairs, an unknown lady slipped on wet floor and came down on us. We decided that was enough. The house had needed to be cleaned up. We called in the waiters to clean up the house while we took the party out in the open garden.

There was no music equipment in the field. No games, just cars parked along the perimeter of the field. We had to think of activities fast. People were getting dressed and were getting ready to go. We thought of bringing all our card games down but realised it was all wet.

"wait a min, the other time you were saying, when there's a war going on, where do you hide?"
"the bomb shelter"
"And you were saying your bomb shelter has been converted to a store room?"

John's eye widen up.

The very last time John had gone in there was on his 7 years old party. His parents hosted the party and had to think of games and activities. One of the activities they thought of was spraying water guns. And there were empty water bags too. By now, there were roughly 50 people left. The others had hitched on other girls and were prob in their own cars shooting their load. There were enough water guns to be passed around.

We loaded the water up and passed them around. They were back to their mischevious self. It was a mindless game. All they had to do was spray water at one another. The only thing was that it was super cold water. And it was night. So they shrieked.

As they were playing, we secretly loaded our own weapon. John and I carried a bucket of water bombs each and took to the second level balcony.


"Bombs away" And we threw the bombs into the air. It landed on some girl and it hit her on her butt. Ha, her immediate reaction was to pull out her bottom to let the water out. Gosh she had a nice ass. We gunbound-ed the bombs into the air. Letting out a series of screams along the way. The scene was chaotic. Everyone was wet. Some even tried to go under the cars for protection. But we had planned this all too far. We went down to the first floor and used the fire hosereel to shoot them out. A few guys and girls wanted to charge at us to put us down. but the fire hosereel blast was too strong for them.

Unknowningly, a few people had crept behind us. All I felt was the surge of energy pushing me down. (not to mention this two spots of pressure that I felt on my back.) They had successfully brought us down and were spraying the jet of water at us, at point blank. The feeling was horrible. Cold water + pressure of jet. Oh and did I mention? A xiao mei mei lookalike was so evil that she stretched my pants open and put a gush of water in! I guess John must have gotten the same and we just laid there in the cold.

It was getting late already. By the time I had recovered, I looked at the clock. It was 2am. Many guests and cars had disappeared and there were only a handful left. Britany's gone was gone too, with the exception of Melody still lying there semi conscious up on the second level. The waiters had cleaned up the floor and mess and had invited the now left 10 people back into the hall. I looked over at John, he was still freezing. An evil thought came upon me. I took him up and threw him into the pool. Haha. I looked at him if he could still climb up. He could, but now, he was as cold as ever. I smiled at me and he smiled back. The only difference was that he had a finger pointed at me. :D

They were sitting on the couch. 3 guys, 7 girls. Each guy had a girl on each side and they were watching soccer. Arsenal had just scorred a goal and the girls just went wooooo! Later I found out they had a bet going on. Girls supported arsenal while the guys supported chelsea.

I walked past them. Needing a towel to warm myself, I walked to John's bedroom and took out one. A series of DVD's dropped out. They were porn. :eek: Haha! I took the whole stack down and showed it to them....

Stay tuned!

Oh and dont worry about the card game. As requested, the game will be mentioned and played again later. :D

Some brothers have asked me if this story was true. This story is 90% true cos a few events was added in and the sequence of the story is not right. So yea, dont worry, for those bros who have pm and upped me and left your hp number, I'll call you when John parents leave on an holiday trip again. ;)

14-07-2008, 07:18 PM
do count me in oso... :D

16-07-2008, 10:25 AM
I hope the party not over yet. :D

16-07-2008, 03:26 PM
Count me in also

16-07-2008, 04:08 PM
Intresting .... :D

16-07-2008, 05:45 PM
joining in on the fun :D

17-07-2008, 08:10 PM
Sorry guys for the delay. Been kinda tired lately. Saw the other part of my school today and didn't know there were so many gems at that part of the sch. haha.

But anws. Here's the continuation.

I had hidden the sex CDs in a visible corner in the kitchen. Just incase some girl/guy decides to take a drink. Perhaps he would wanna watch it. I wanted to watch it. But not alone. The feeling of watching soccer alone sucks. Let alone porn. But the soccer match ended by the time I got back to them. And the bet was to do whatever the opposite sex wanted them to do. Now apparently, Arsenal won. So the girls got to decide. Since I wasn't part of the bet, I just watched from afar.

"Hey dude! Come over here and think of a forfeit for them!" The girls asked.
The guys looked at me like they were fuming mad at me. But I know it was all in fun's name. "Traitor." they said.
"Uhms.. okays.. lets see. What about we make them cross dress and bring them for a ride downtown."
The girls looked at me for a moment.

"okays, okays, its a stupid..." A girl silenced me with a finger on my lips.
"Lets do this." The girls cheered. Oh boy, I was so relieved. A few of the girls hugged me and their boobs totally pressed against my tummy.
"But where are we gonna get our clothes from huh?" The guys sniggered.
I took the cue. They wanted to get the girls to strip.
"Yea, exactly, we can't use John's mother's clothes cos they're too awful.. Why not....." I placed my arms around a girl's waist and said" why not.. You girls strip and let them wear what u're wearing.?"
"Yea, they prob wont dare to take off their clothes. So we're just gonna go take a drink." the guys sniggered.
I thought they were gonna discover the DVDs in the kitchen soon when sudddenly, someone shouted : Stop!

"you take off yours and we'll take out ours"
The guys were the first to take it off, followed by the girls.
The girls were so hot that when they took off their clothes, you could see the erection in their underwear. All they had now were their' undergarmens.

It was the most disgusting thing ever. Guys with hairry legs having miniskirts, and low cut tops on guys who had chest hair. Worst of all, the fat one amongst them got to wear a sleeveless singlet. With hair sticking out of his armpits in that girly costume, we couldn't stop laughing.:D

With that, I took to the wheel while the rest sat behind. There wasn't quite enough space in the car of mine so it had to be spilt up. So there was 4 girls in my car and 1 "girl" sitting in front. And the other group took John's car. We decided to drive to the drive through at macdonals and perhaps have a late night supper. I looked back at the rear view mirror. Dang, the girls left the first 2 buttons unopened and because the roof of the car was low, the girls had to bend slightly forward. :eek: And did I mention that those boobs moved whenever I moved over a humph? hee hee.

But anyways, we went over to the ECP macdonals drive through and ordered. While the order was being processed, the girls told the "girl" to pull up her miniskirt. Haha. The person serving us was happy at first. To see such a high slit. But then after the girls received the food through the back window, the "girl" moved over and said in his most manly voice. "thank you." The server turned pale. haha. We drove off.

We reached back home soon enough. As soon as they got into the house, they started stripping and changed back into their own clothes. The guys complained it was all my fault and the girls complained the guys shirt stinks. Haha. Must have been all the sweat. So anyways, one girl volunteered and went to the kitchen to take some serverts. I thought, this was it, she's gonna see the DVDs. Yay! I grinned to myself. But she didn't seem to see those DVDs. I was silently disappointd. So we flipped through the channels but there seemed to be nothing. We were bored and had nothing to do. SUddenly, I thought of the game! I quickly ran up and came back down with the box. Same thing, I explained to them the rules and they seemed interested. I was silently hoping no interuptions would happen this time.

But before that, we introduced ourselves. Hi, I'm kate, I'm John's friend, and I'm from SMU... Hi, I'm juliet, John's friend again, and I'm from SP.... Blah blah."

And so the game begins....

Receiving quite a bit of uppz so far. Thanks lots man! Next installment will be up soon!

18-07-2008, 07:45 AM
Nice... :D
Hope to be able to join this kinda of party someday =)

18-07-2008, 02:13 PM
such party.. really to die for man

18-07-2008, 06:43 PM
Interesting .. did'nt know school students are so permissive nowadays to participate in orgies ... :confused:

20-07-2008, 12:36 PM
awesome! i love your game! will be waiting for much steaming game! can i join in the next time round! ehehheh:p

20-07-2008, 12:43 PM
Thanks for sharing.Nice story bro,waiting for more..

20-07-2008, 03:17 PM
Camping here for the story too. :D

21-07-2008, 12:38 AM
Hope i`m invited for the next party? :)

21-07-2008, 01:01 AM
Nice story. Keep it coming ........... :D

06-08-2008, 06:49 AM
any more updates?

09-08-2008, 03:24 PM
haha. its been around 3 weeks since i updated. My inbox is almost gonna be full soon. got a number of contacts alr. yupps, will call u if i have another one coming up..

"Level 1 : The person holding this card will wear his bare minimum (undies for guys and 2 piece for girls) and walk around the group for 3 rounds."

So there was myself, kate, juliet, john, rachel, joanna, shermaine, vanessa. the arrow had pointed to kate. kate obligied but did not walk, instead, she did it quickly by running around the group 3 rounds..


Her boobs were bobbling up and down so much that we thought it was gonna fall out of her top. But nothing happened after 3 rounds. she just came back and sat back on her chair. I could feel the prick in my pants acting all macho alr.

the wheel spun, and next up was john. He was reluctant. Then kate said "lets gangbang him and strip him off his clothing." she ran over in her 2 piece and pushed him down and sat on top of him "quick" she said, "take off his clothes!"

Kate started to unbotton his clothes while I took of his pants. The rest held on to his arms and legs so that he was secure. When I finally took his pants off, the scene was sickening.

He had a tely tubbies boxers and near his groin area, there was a dark patch surrounding it. His prick was errect and the girls were silently x-raying the length of his.

Finally, Kate took off his shirt and we all went back to our places. John stood back up and sat down. His prick still as prominent as ever as he tried to push it back down "dont push it down alr la! later cannot grow longer how!?" rachel shouted from across. he was so shy that he started blushing. Ha!

with kate and john already at level 1, the others stood a higher probability of getting "arowed" but somehow, the arrow pointed back to kate.

Level 2

Guys: Get someone of the opposite sex to get u dressed in your birthday suit and wrap your dick with a tissue secured with a rubber band. All these done by someone u choose. Do all these while not touching any part of your body

Girls : Get someone of the opposite sex to get u dressed in your birthday suit and wrap your breasts with a paper cup. Use scotch tape if needed. For the bottom half, put a clock infront of wherever you need to cover. All these done by someone u choose. Do all these while not touching any part of your body.

I thought Kate would have chosen me since I was the "cleaner" one as opposed to John's wet groin area. But she chose him to be the partner! :O i was silently cursing but also enjoying the show. As john closed in on Kate, his prick repeatedly poked into Kate's bottom. Kate had her hands up in the air while John had to figure how to unbuckle her bra. Ha, he took 3 minutes trying to figure it out. When he finally took it off, he threw it one side and stared at the magnificant B cups Kate had. Then he looked down at his boxers. He excused himself to the toliet, leaving Kate's arms in the air, top naked.

Fact is, he ran to the toliet so fast that he didn't lock it! peering into the toliet, John was bent forward and was masturbating! his expression was in such great joy that his whole face was red. His right hand was pushing in and out while supporting his body on the wall by his left.

"Bam!" the door opened. A series of flashlights landed on John. He was totally shocked. All of us took our handphone cameras and took shots of him. He was so shocked that when he turned around, his prick shot the load off onto our feet. we laughed. Rachel went forward; "let me clear it up for u" and licked everything out. With that done, we went back to our seats.

John continued using paper cups to cup Kate's breasts. His prick isn't standing by now but he was still blushing. He took off Kate's bottom and brought a clock from one of the shelves and put it infront of Kate's groin. Kate sat back onto her seat. while John sat next to Rachel.

The game soon went to a stage where everyone of us was at level 3; everyone of us sat on the floor naked with our feet spreaded apart in a circle. Our feetsole had to touch our neighbour's feetsole. So u can imagine, the guys's dick was upright while the girl's slit could be seen. It was a very horny yet tense situation. The wheel turned to Rachel. She now had to take level 4.

Tune in for more updates! :D uppz me if u think i'm worth it

10-08-2008, 03:41 AM
oh man! i gotta try playing this game! :D

24-08-2008, 07:18 PM

no other comments?

24-08-2008, 08:21 PM
Bro, the way you are taking the level, I think most of the bros here will get their pants explode. And what a great party you are having there, will gladly take a part in it. :D

I think this game is sold over at PS.

27-08-2008, 12:27 PM
Good story bro!


28-08-2008, 10:33 AM
anyone else willing to go buy the game as well?? :D:cool:

10-10-2008, 05:45 AM
End of story?:confused:

23-11-2008, 10:49 PM
Please continue the party...

20-06-2009, 10:27 PM
Is this story going to continue?

22-06-2009, 03:52 PM
10 months and counting... now the hols, any parties organized.. heh.

22-06-2009, 04:21 PM
cmon! continue the story pls.