View Full Version : Infatuation that comes along...My female customer

05-06-2008, 01:49 AM
Hi all forum Bros...

I'm here trying to draft up the past episodes for the past 2 weeks...something that is happening for the 1st time in my life. I’m using a new nick, to be true. But don’t think that I'm just an newbie in this forum. I've my fair share of cheonging both locally and overseas, have been a avid supporter of many providers here...lol, just that I don't have the passion of wording down my experiences each time I exited my sessions..

Now, I'll have to do it for my very 1st time here, citing my personal experience...getting involved with my female customer. Purpose of writing it here...is to relate my unconfirmed thoughts. I believe I might just get bashed/criticised by bros here which i've seen so in many threads(I'm a avid reader of this forum also)....but let me just pen it down first yeah...

It was on a Sunday morning...Sheesh after all that beer and song sessions in 1 of the local KTV, my eyes were pretty much reddish after only 4-5hrs of sleep. I did my wash up in less than 20 mins, had a cup of good coffee to perk up for the day, coupled with 1-2 sticks of ciggies. My phone was ringing , OMG, my customer's no..(Let's call him Alan)

Alan: Harlow, where are you huh??
Me: Ya Ya, I'm on the way liao...gimme 20 mins can....
Alan: Walow...how come your service like that one...Can ask your customer to wait for you one meh??
Me: Solly solly....coming over right now...I reach your place I call u ok?? Thanks, bye!

The traffic was smooth, not much cars on the road on a Sunday morning. By 1130hrs, I finally reached my customer place.

Alan: Wah you good leh...i told you 1100 hrs that day...u come wat time??
Me: Sorry ah Boss...abit lost on the way when I turned in just now...your place hard to find leh
Alan: Ok la, wait I get my wife here....she waiting for you to come and later got her appt...u'd better make it fast ah..
Me: Ok ok...

There I see Alan's wife walking out from the room...Lets call her Alice. Pretty much elegant, she's around 1.65m in height, weight ard 48kg...has that slim built coupled with that long hair down her shoulders. That was the first sight that awakened me for that morning. Cant simply believe that she already has 2 kids, yet maintaining that kind of figure.

Me: Hi Alice, nice meeting you..sorry, got lost on my way just now.
Alice: Its ok, I still have some time before appt later.

Phew....heng no scolding...the 3 of us sat down, run through some details on my company products...and the couple got their decision soon after 1/2 hr. I was telling them I'll need to fetch some personal information from the 2 of them to add into our company database, and from there they will be entitled to the incentives and discounts as well. I bid farewell shortly, rushed back to have a good nap before heading back office the next Monday morning.

11am: You have an email!

I opened up my inbox, and see that the sender was Alice. She pass me some documents which I've ask earlier.

I sent her an sms to thank her for the prompt response. She replied, “Its my pleasure,anything else that you’ll need, let me know ok? I replied,” That’ll be all. Will buy you coffee after I finish your case.

Here’s the turning point ….

“You don’t just wanna stop at buying me coffee, do you??”

Gonna zzz…will continue if there’s good response….

05-06-2008, 06:04 AM
Good start.

Let's get it going!

05-06-2008, 08:25 AM
I am waiting...............;)

05-06-2008, 08:41 AM
good potential.....pls carry on!

05-06-2008, 10:35 AM
Bring it on!!!
Popcorns, hotdogs anc coke, anyone? :cool:

Xiao Hei
05-06-2008, 11:15 AM
Nice one, pse continue :)

05-06-2008, 05:22 PM
gd 1.. pls continue... :D

05-06-2008, 05:38 PM
Nice build up bro... pls continue soon :)

05-06-2008, 08:03 PM
hope you faster continue! :)

Want Want
05-06-2008, 08:21 PM

05-06-2008, 08:43 PM
bn a while since i last logged in....

good start will be waiting for your installment

05-06-2008, 10:50 PM
Hi all...thanks for the responses...

I'm just back after outing with her. Quite a good trip, and I'll try to pen down the events soon, if i can...no time leh...have to rush after work to meet her..

Btw..i'm also seeking you ppl responses and opinions like I've mentioned in the thread earlier ..on ur views in these kinda r/s. I'll expect some bros here to screw/f***/criticise upside down when they see ppl screwing other ppls' wife...by all means...just like to hear and see what's the next step i shld do.
Don't worry, I'll still furnish updates from time to time....you can juz leave ur comments in the same thread.

Abit smelly after that dinner and stuff....let me take a hot shower and see if I can do up abit on the updates....

06-06-2008, 08:13 AM
I’m back…phew…getting a cup of coffee and my cigarettes ready…ready to continue on my online book…haha…Bros here who read on, pls do not mind my minimal usage of English…passed my primary 6 nia…Duo Duo Bao Han ok!

Episode 01 (The Cyber Launch)

“Sure, It’s my pleasure to have deal with you and Alan. Maybe next time you have friends or relatives wanna try out my products, can let me know?” I replied.

“Sure, I have some of my colleagues, maybe I can try asking them later for you. So you owe me big dinner k.”

In my mind, I was “Wah, what’s all this….so good one meh..?”
“Sure thing, I will definitely try to give them good discounts also. Maybe I can add you online via MSN or Skype then we can talk more conveniently. Will it be ok??”

“Alright, here’s it…^&*%$^$##..” That sms brightens up my car..somehow….hee
Back in office, same thing…on my PC(fast hand fast leg)…within 5 mins, MSN is on and there I add on the email ID..

Alice: Hi ,may i know who is this on the line
Me: This is ME. Just nice you’re online..I just came back office. So you are in office also??
Alice: Ya lor..Have a report to rush and meeting my boss in awhile.
Me: Oh sorry to interrupt. We can catch up later when you are free.”
Alice: Sure, I’ll be done in ard 20 mins. Let’s talk later.
Me: OK!

I went off settling some other enquiries for the day, and then put up some new orders…in 20-25 mins or so….things are done up and I was checking my emails and stuff before I got a Nudge on the screen.

Alice: Done..Are you there?
Me: Yeah, doing some surfing and heading back soon…..

Somehow, something that I cant figure out is that the gap between us close up so fast within days(48 hours), and we are talking like long-time friends…I shan’t do into exact details of the conversation but the next 30 mins were spent on her passing some colleagues contacts and some general topics in town…Oil/Petrol la…Makan la…blah Blah…and that she used to work as a Air Stewardness in the past and has to settle down since she gave birth.

Me: So tomorrow is public holiday. Be having plans for family day is it?”
Alice: No lor, have to come back office and run through some stuff. Need to complete before Wednesday for presentation.
Me: Wah, then Alan won’t scold ah…Public holiday also must work…
Alice: It’s ok la…Our job require us a lot of commitment. my kids are well taken care by my in-laws..thats y i am so into wk. You leh? Gonna accompany your gf??”
Me: Huh…no time for that..Alot of work to do…still single lor.”
Alice: You sure??

To be continued...

06-06-2008, 08:46 AM
Arrrgh fuck care those people who criticise you lah. What can they do seriously? Think about it, can you even buy shit with the points? Try going to Econ Minimart, buy a pack of condoms or cigarettes and tell the aunty "Ah, aunty ah, I pay with Sammyboy points ok? I got upped by the bros there."

So, it's lanjiao to those pple who criticise genuine story writers with or without genuine stories.

Let's just get on with the story. That's what this forum is about.

06-06-2008, 09:03 AM
TS just continue pse ... :)

06-06-2008, 09:55 AM
nice one. waiting here for next episode of the story :D

06-06-2008, 10:27 AM
waiting for more :)

06-06-2008, 10:35 AM
bro, i believe u must be pretty charming! Pls post more!:D

06-06-2008, 10:44 AM
Pitching tent here with my pop corns.. must learn from TS how to make things work! haha :D

06-06-2008, 11:01 AM
Yo Bro Valuer,

quick post yr next instalement...:p

06-06-2008, 12:10 PM
Hope to see more from bro Valuer :)

06-06-2008, 12:38 PM
awaiting for your next instalment.. Camping here liao...

06-06-2008, 04:29 PM
:eek:good.....pls more:p

06-06-2008, 05:44 PM
i'm camping here too.

06-06-2008, 07:27 PM
Waiting for more. :p

07-06-2008, 07:40 PM
Hi Bros, am back again…on an Saturday evening. Will try fulfil my promise to pen my updates…

Me: Yeah, sales ppl like us no life…see more customers than to see our beloved ones..
Alice: Oh same here..my office is like my 1st home instead of my place….sighzz..
Me: Don’t fret, at least you are earning well to support your family. Btw, I think I might need to see you guys soon again to finalise everything. Shld we meet over dinner? You can arrange with Alan and let me know.
Alice: Ok, but we seldom meet until late at night most days.
Me: Really? Then maybe I can meet you separately to get the thing signed. You be available tonight?? (There’s something at the back of my head coming out… the horns… haha)
Alice: Tonight?? I think I’ll finish my meeting with my boss around 7 or so. If you want, maybe we can have a short meetup after that.
Me: Sounds ok. Tell me the place, I can schedule in since pending appts after that also. Maybe I can also buy you dinner first, as a token of appreciation.
Alice: Haha…I was joking only…Don’t take it too seriously. But I won’t mind if there’s a free treat…
Me: I’m man of my words. Haha…So I’ll see you first tonight ya?? You let me know the venue and timing later ok? Try not make it too late, since you might have to head back early.
Alice: Nah, no worries..I stay out pretty late after work usually.
Me: So how late is ok for you?
Alice: It doesn’t really matter. I am used to head back home 12-1am.
Me: Wow, then we can do more than dinner…coz there’s still supper to go for after that..
Alice: Haha…so what other programs you have in mind later?? Tell me, if it sounds interesting, maybe I can join u.

Wtf…I just couldn’t figure out what’s happening here…I don’t know what the rest of you think…but things were just moving too fast a pace. From what things are happening…I normally need most 2 tries to get on my prey..haha…Too fast…too fast…

Also, I will skip penning on some online conversation that we had…very long…if write everything down…I will be always behind schedule.

Time flies that afternoon. Around 6pm, I got a sms from Alice to confirm appt later. I told her that its ok to meet anywhere since we are both driving, and told her its better that we can just take one car. She replied promptly that we can meet somewhere near Newton area, then she can leave her car and take mine.

We met near Newton MRT station. I reached after her and saw her waving to me. She was wearing grey attire….a nice skirt and blouse..F***, abit hardon liao…I unlocked the car door and she popped in … Her milky slim leg slipped into my car seat….What a sight!!

Her: “Phoom” She closed the door and ask “So where to now?”
Me: “Err..I was thinking Geylang might have some nice food…but now’s not a good timing..How abt this restaurant @ Kallang…Nice seafood.”
Her: Ok, I’m ok. Let’s go.

We spent the next half hr talking abt work and stuff. She’s actually a corporate mgr now in an MNC. Flies ard occasionally for business meetings and meet corporate clients. She appears a very confident lady, who has seen a lot. She will at times cross her legs from side to side….so hard to concentrate driving. I told her indirectly that she looks good esp in the frontline(Coz of her milky legs..haha) business, and sounds very professional. She appeared flattered, and replied,: “Well, I guess it all comes with experience, after seeing so much over the years.”

Me: So do you correspond with clients or business partners like we do?
Alice: At times, but all business talk. Not like what we talked about. I guess I’m pretty comfortable with you. (I guess she’s referring to the topics that we have…family, her past history…)

Me: I just try to fulfil my part as a sales personnel as well as a friend, though I can do more. (I rattled on..)
Alice: Like what?? She didn’t appear annoyed…just abit flushed..

This was pretty daring…coz only 2 outcomes..Either she asked me to stop the car and walk out, OR it will advance…I think I got the latter… :)

To Be continued

08-06-2008, 10:50 AM
Hmmm... wonder what Alise has in her mind when she say " Like what "

15-06-2008, 04:37 PM
Waiting for your next installment. Gd work

18-06-2008, 03:20 PM
bro, you story abit slow...take you time good wan hv to wait:p:D

25-06-2008, 02:48 PM
bro, camping here with my beer and cigarette.
Please dont take too long. business associate is
alway happening.

28-06-2008, 06:16 PM
more pls.:)

28-06-2008, 07:53 PM

dont keep us waiting

29-06-2008, 10:28 AM
more more pls... cant wait... liao!:cool:

29-06-2008, 11:46 AM
any more updates coming?? :)

29-06-2008, 12:28 PM
I’m using a new nick, to be true. But don’t think that I'm just an newbie in this forum. I've my fair share of cheonging both locally and overseas, have been a avid supporter of many providers here...lol, just that I don't have the passion of wording down my experiences each time I exited my sessions..

This seem to be popular among pple...always said abt cheonging both locally and overseas....maybe a standard trick for newbie to avoid zapping...

29-06-2008, 08:58 PM
Got anymore ?

29-06-2008, 10:43 PM
nice story, good effort....:D

30-06-2008, 10:27 PM
Very interesting story.