View Full Version : Porn style sex/ things cant tell partner

11-11-2021, 08:40 PM
I can tell my partner anything I've done previously but I can't tell him what I want now. His tastes are too simple and it would probably even hurt his feelings and maybe his self esteem if he thought I wanted something he didn't want to provide.

It's not important enough to me to risk the sex life I have, and the happiness of my partner, just to get a little extra thrill.

11-11-2021, 09:05 PM
I can tell my partner anything I've done previously but I can't tell him what I want now. His tastes are too simple and it would probably even hurt his feelings and maybe his self esteem if he thought I wanted something he didn't want to provide.

It's not important enough to me to risk the sex life I have, and the happiness of my partner, just to get a little extra thrill.

So what are the things you wish for now, but not able to disclose or tell your partner?

11-11-2021, 10:58 PM
It's not important enough to me to risk the sex life I have, and the happiness of my partner, just to get a little extra thrill.

maybe you don't have to tell him what you want exactly. just subtly move or nudge him along towards what you want slowly and i really mean slowly. it might take many many sessions before he gets the drift or the idea may hit him and you get what you want.

i hope that works so that you can get your happiness and let him think he instigated/thought of it instead of you nudging him towards it. :D

11-11-2021, 11:19 PM
Some guys are more conservative. If you already he wont do the way u want then its better not to ask him coz he may think he cannot satisfy you.

Another way is to find a fb..

12-11-2021, 06:00 AM
Some guys are more conservative. If you already he wont do the way u want then its better not to ask him coz he may think he cannot satisfy you.

Another way is to find a fb..

I tend to agree with this.

But maybe try one thing.. next time before sex get some alcohol in... Pretend to be tipsy / drunk.. that way next day can pretend you weren't aware. Maybe alcohol can also loosen some of his inhibitions.

12-11-2021, 07:03 AM
I tend to agree with this.

But maybe try one thing.. next time before sex get some alcohol in... Pretend to be tipsy / drunk.. that way next day can pretend you weren't aware. Maybe alcohol can also loosen some of his inhibitions.

This 100%. One of my ex-gf also used being drunk as an excuse to let me know that she's interested in trying anal hahaha.