View Full Version : Fact Of Man: Will you always stay with 1 woman even if ..
04-06-2007, 08:49 PM
Will you always stay with 1 woman/gf/wife even if she is the prettiest, hottest, caring etc...... ?
When u are working outside and visit nightlife such as clubbing, there are lots of girls out there, they might not be as pretty or hot as ur current girl, but man just can't resist. Man always looking for fresh girl. Then marriage deem useless.
So is it a fact that EVERY man will secretly eat/fool outside ? Is it a stage where every man have to go through then they will cherish their loves one after losing it ?
Unable to start a poll. If not it will show clearer result.
04-06-2007, 09:27 PM
Will you always stay with 1 woman/gf/wife even if she is the prettiest, hottest, caring etc...... ? Yes, must still be the gentle caring gal, not a nagging old hag!
When u are working outside and visit nightlife such as clubbing, there are lots of girls out there, they might not be as pretty or hot as ur current girl, but man just can't resist. Man always looking for fresh girl. Then marriage deem useless. Not actually, look for fresh gals & be home as a good hubby so as to maintain good marriage!
So is it a fact that EVERY man will secretly eat/fool outside?No one will eat OPENLY outside! Is it a stage where every man have to go through then they will cherish their loves one after losing it? See pt 1, may not eat outside if wifey is still good!
R u from the marriage consel?
04-06-2007, 09:57 PM
no man .. i will give wrong advise .. lol :D
04-06-2007, 09:58 PM
as quoted by my elder fren....he say he hav to entertain clients , bring them to niteclubs and stuff, he will do stupid things with the hostess, but he stll love his wife.
04-06-2007, 10:02 PM
as quoted by my elder fren....he say he hav to entertain clients , bring them to niteclubs and stuff, he will do stupid things with the hostess, but he stll love his wife.
hhahah we can love very wife very much and keep a mistress outside. Back home, become a caring hubby. Is there still call "love" ?
05-06-2007, 09:28 PM
my gf is not veri pretty but i will surely stay with her forever.
05-06-2007, 09:36 PM
as a young kid, maybe think yes. Love is forever, love triumphs everything. One heart one woman one love.
But now, who cares? see pussy got money = fun :D
05-06-2007, 09:43 PM
The one we choose to be our life partner have a certain set of qualities which we are looking for, such as virtuous, gentle, home-caring, and so on.
The ONES outside are ANOTHER set of requirements which are not permanent, but is alright to be with, if it happens, it happens. if nothing happens, so be it.......... which usually men hope/create/make it to happen :D
just sharing my two cents
05-06-2007, 09:52 PM
my gf is not veri pretty but i will surely stay with her forever.
but will you have another girl outside while staying with ur gf? just like most, they have fun outside but come back home still "love" their wife.
anyway, how long is ur relationship ? Normally during the first 1-2 yrs, the feeling is still hot and guys normally make this "empty" promise such as "forever". lol
What about 10 yrs down the road ?
I dunno what i said is true for all men but what i am seeing now in my current social cycle is that every man will at least commit adultery once. This comprised of FLing, prostitute etc. although these dont belong to the cat "adultery".
06-06-2007, 12:30 AM
人们长说痴男怨女,古人已经解释的很清楚了,痴男,男人对爱的痴情,对感情的专一也只有男人自己才知道。女 人一辈子可爱上多个男人,而男人却可以同时爱上多个女人,可女人却不知道其实男人一辈子只爱过 一个!
男人真正纯洁的爱只有一次的,当那次爱来了,他会不顾一切,当那次爱死了,也就不会再有了,那次爱的太 深,然而痛的也太深。
所以那次之后男人的爱也就麻木了.男人以后也会爱上别的女孩,只是那种爱却已不再纯洁,包含了欲望,包 含了同情,包含了怜惜~~~~~
女人的心都是水做的,然而最毒也妇人心,所以受伤最多的是女人,伤人最深的也是女人。女人的爱可以有很 多次,而男人却永远只有一次的,男人遇到那个最爱的女孩之后把所有的爱都给了她,可有多少女孩 懂的珍惜。
于是男人哭了,男人流泪了,伤心至极而绝望的泪水,慢慢的男人开始亲手去埋葬自己那唯一的爱,把它尘封 在自己心底最深处的某个深渊。
可当夜深人静的时候,他会疯狂的跳进那个深渊,妄图去寻找那次爱的痕迹,哪怕是一丝丝一点点,可结果却 跟以往一样的一无所获,只留下自己独自缩在黑暗的角落孤独的一根根抽着寂寞的烟,孤独的流着伤 心的泪水。
当然女人埋怨着男人的花心的时候是否曾想过,男人最珍贵的东西也正是被你们无情的毁灭,当男人羞涩的说 着我爱你的时候你珍惜了吗?当男人为你流泪的时候你帮他擦拭了吗?当男人乞求你别离开的时候你 回头了吗?
都说男人花心,可女人何曾知道,男人的花心是因为痴心,爱极而痴,痴极而痛,痛极而死.这次爱灰飞烟灭后 男人对爱的心就死了,男人再也不会对女人真心的付出真正的好了,没有了心劲,没有了激情,不再相信真正的爱 情,对爱总带着点玩世不恭,有些事,一辈子只有一次。
当男人全心爱过一个人之后,该付出的付出了,全心努力的去把握过,曾试图给她想要的一切,曾试图为她而 死,但回报却是无动于衷,于是在一次次寂寞的等待中,心血一点一滴的滴干了,最后心血全无,心灰意冷,当爱 情失去信仰,当感情离开忠一的港湾后,对于男人来说,爱情是什么这一切就都显的无所谓了!男人的心冷了,就 再也难以热起来,因为爱过一次之后已经让他失去了爱的能力。
男人这一生中,最爱的女人真的只有一个,男人自己心里最清楚,如果你是,你能感觉的到吗?感觉到了,请 你珍惜!好吗?
06-06-2007, 12:34 AM
Above i post is extracted from a chinese website is somehow related to the topic that the threadstarter topic, my singlish is not very gd, sori to bros who dun understand chinese... maybe some bilingual bros may wish to translate..:D
06-06-2007, 04:53 AM
Can let me know the link?
Good article, I agree totally. Upped you.
06-06-2007, 10:06 AM
Will you always stay with 1 woman/gf/wife even if she is the prettiest, hottest, caring etc...... ?
This is a tricky question.... I think we all will want to stay with 1 woman, but sometimes really hard to resist temptations...
That's why sometimes we feel guilty after cheonging, but when cheonging time, never think so much..
06-06-2007, 03:44 PM
Huh, we all want to stay with one person, but still eat outside wat, so is theat considered stay with one gal.... or as long as eat outside, not considered liao , hmm not sure wat discussion is about
06-06-2007, 06:51 PM
That's why sometimes we feel guilty after cheonging, but when cheonging time, never think so much..
Haha very true after the whole thing then I'll feel like why have i done.....something like that lor.
06-06-2007, 07:19 PM
with the right woman to love, regardless of her looks, yes!!! oh, and nags need not apply...:D
07-06-2007, 12:39 AM
Haha very true after the whole thing then I'll feel like why have i done.....something like that lor.
Yes, I concur... in fact few seconds after I ejaculate during cheonging, start to feel guilt liao.. hehe .....
But then temptations still hard to control, I guess every bro here can understand :D
07-06-2007, 01:32 AM
Yes, I concur... in fact few seconds after I ejaculate during cheonging, start to feel guilt liao.. hehe .....
But then temptations still hard to control, I guess every bro here can understand :D
how often do you guys cheong ? i think after several times, you will be numb and guilt-free. lol
but true, too many lust and temptation out there. Hard to stick to one sex partner (you most loving 1). must have self control and resist
07-06-2007, 01:54 AM
Can let me know the link?
Good article, I agree totally. Upped you.
a second 1 u can read, v niceoso
07-06-2007, 01:57 AM
This is where my signature come from:
a sad story that remind all married people in the world.
sorry to bros who dun understand chinese.
21-11-2007, 07:33 AM
两人结婚多年,婚前的一切早已经变成了过眼云烟。彼此共处一室更多的时候是无语。一切的生活步入正轨,一切 的不合理也变成了习惯。
早上起来,他习惯了用她准备好挤了牙膏的牙刷,吃她做好的早餐,穿她准备好的衣服,一切完毕后就离家上班。 而她呢?习惯了默默做好这一切,等待他离家后,就是对着电视、电脑发呆一天的过日子。两人之间能说的话越来 越少,共同点也越来越小,但生活就是这么平静,平静的将这一切归咎为一种习惯。一种两个人在一起享受的寂寞 和无奈。
日子过的很平静,彼此谁也没有觉的这样的生活有什么问题。但这一切不是她希望有的,她独自努力挣扎着试图改 变现在这些不合理的现状,她希望他能表现出关注和体贴,能够重现结婚前的温柔和浪漫。
又是一年情人节,恰巧也是两人结婚5周年的纪念。在他离家上班时,她精心将房间布置一番,买好了红酒和玫瑰 ,做好了可口的饭菜等待他的回来。
晚上10点多了,她很心急。算时间这时他应该早已进家门了,为何到现在还没回来,为何连个电话也没有?她知 道他是个工作狂,忙起来的时候什么也顾不上,但在多番忍耐后还是忍不住打了个电话给他:...还在忙吗?我 在家等你。只是匆匆一句话她就挂了电话。而电话这头的他正是想发火质问她为何打电话来骚扰他工作。只可惜话 还没说出口她就已经挂了电话。
没来由的电话打断了他的思路,只能回到座位上点上根烟。看着手里的烟一明一灭,一屡屡青烟升起。他的心里可 说是五味俱全。这几年来她这是第一次在他工作时打来电话,他本以为他在她心目中早已经没有意义,虽说工作被 暂停了一下但他的心里依然是暖烘烘的。想起结婚前,每次两人约会后他送她回家,只是刚进家门,她就打来电话 问他是否安全到家?这个傻丫头,他一个大男人自己回家有什么问题。可现在呢?结婚一年多后她越来越少打给他 电话,终日她总是将自己关在家里可吝啬到连打个电话的时间都没有。他很气她,气她不体谅他,不理解他,不关 心他。可他并不知道,她是怕打扰他希望他安心专注的工作才不会在他工作时间打给他。即使她受了委屈,即使她 独自提米买面换煤气。
开车回家的途中,道路状况很差,连续几天的雪路上到处是被车轧后的冰溜。看到满街在卖的玫瑰花才突然想起 今天是情人节。车停在路边,在路边的小店里买了一束玫瑰只想给她一份意外的惊喜。
路上想到相识的第一年他第一次送她花,她脸上的红晕,不知道是不是玫瑰的映衬,收到花的她显的如此娇嫩;第 一次吵架求和,他投降为她买花想哄她开心,收到花的她脸上难掩一份开心和满足;结婚当天的她手捧着玫瑰灿烂 夺目,他看到的是自己美丽的妻子... ...曾经几何这份感觉和感动深深打动着他,可现在不知道为什么一 切顺利步入正轨后,他却找不到当时那份情意了。又是一个情人节,猜想她收到这份礼物会是如何的 开心满足。
天公实在不作美,在离家还有7公里的地方,他看到有人过马路时划倒在路当中。他的车速实在不快,但在如此恶 劣的路面上躲是来不及了,下意识的猛打方向车撞在了路边的消防水管上,在躲闪不及的情况下,整个驾驶室被撞 的凹了进去,他在送往医院的路上脑子里最后一个画面就是,在两个月前她早就拿出攒好的钱劝他买辆新车,就是 有气囊保护的那种。原来她依旧在乎他,关心他,可他却连话都没听完就离开了家... ...
也不知道怎么的自己就睡着了,看着桌子上早已经冷掉的饭菜和燃尽的蜡烛,她真的绝望了。她无数次试图能让两 人找回恋爱时的激情和浪漫;想和他拉近距离;想让他知道她还爱他关心他,但只能为他做好家里的一切希望他能 舒适的生活;想让他明白她担心他的点点滴滴。但做了这么多,努力了这么久,他似乎早已经将这一切当做是一种 习惯,一种她培养出的习惯;他似乎已经乐于享受这一切的结果却不是看到她做这些的经过。她累了,也烦了,在 家留下写好的离婚协议,收拾好自己的东西准备离开这个不属于她的地方了。刚出门就被门外的警察拦住,手里拿 着他的身份证问她认识不认识这个人。她的心像是被狠狠揪了一下,隐约觉的发生了什么。她只是默默的点了点头 ,就跟着警察一起到了医院验尸。
当看到他躺在冰冷的台子上,她突然觉的自己变的很轻松。也许这样的结果太残酷太残忍了。但对于她来说似乎一 切就这样名正言顺的可以结束了。
她没有哭,看到他脸的那一刻她确实惊呆了。但早就不爱了,自己又可以从新过一个人的生活,对于过去几年两人 过的行同陌路的生活来说,此刻一切都结束了。
有他随身的打火机,这是认识第一年时她送给他的生日礼物。尽管已经没有了原本的颜色,但他一直 在用。
有他随身的派克笔,这是他升职时她送给他的礼物,希望他在用的时候能时时想念她,钢笔已经有些不利了,笔头 也有些扭了,但他依然随身带着。笔管里没有墨水,只是为了带而带...
看到这一样一样的东西,很久没见过他用了,她以为他早就不知道丢在哪了,但都是他随身的每一件物品...不 知道怎么了,眼泪突然不自觉的流了下来,而且越来越多。一样一样收集他的物品,看到摆在最后的是一把凋零的 玫瑰,花枝只有偶尔的几个是好的,其余的都已经扭曲的变了样,而整把的玫瑰只有几片花瓣和一张皱起来沾血的 卡片。她深深的吸了口气,用颤抖的手一点点打开这张卡片:
看完这短短的一句话,她的头脑里一片空白... ...
自己做的一切一切他都放在了心里,他对她的爱还是那么深... ...
21-11-2007, 07:50 AM
十三、四岁的时候,开始对女孩有好感,但是那时候他离女孩远远的,并且以讨厌女孩自居,生怕被 同伴嘲笑;
十五岁的时候,听到大人们说某某男人好花,把女朋友甩了,女孩自杀了。他觉得这人真狠毒,自己将来一定要做 个痴心的男人,一定要一生只爱一个人;
十六岁的时候,他喜欢上了一个女孩,但是他不敢对她说,仍然和往常一样,脏兮兮的在尘土飞扬的操场上踢球, 只在女孩走出校门的时候,躲在二层的窗户上看她的背影,他觉得她一定是个天使;
十七岁的时候,有个女孩喜欢上了他,但是他离她很远,他心里面只有自己原来那个女孩,他觉得看别的女孩都是 对她的不忠;
十八岁的时候,看了一个MTV,感动得想哭。他想:如果自己的女孩失去了双眼,他一定会象男主角会样毫不犹 豫的把自己的眼睛给她,让她能看到光明;
十九岁的时候,高考了,终于和自己暗恋的女孩分别。坐火车去学校的时候,感觉自己离她越来越远,心像被掏空 了一样,还在想自己一定不会忘记她,等到自己成功以后一定要去找她;
二十二岁的时候,他向一个女孩表白,女孩说:“你是个好人,可是我还小。”他想:我的确是个好人,就说:“ 没关系,我可以等你。”心想:我不会像那些花心的男人一样,三年五年我也能等;
二十四岁的时候,他又向一个女孩表白,女孩说“你是个好人,可是我并不适合你。”他郁闷好久:我是好人,我 怎么还不适合你呢??
二十五岁的时候,他又追求了一个女孩,女孩接受了他。他开始很幸福的为未来拼搏,他想:一时的开心只是暂时 的,只有努力拼搏,他和她才能有幸福的未来。但是,半年以后,女孩和他分手了,只是因为另外一个男孩会说让 她开心的话。女孩说:“你是个好人,是我对不起你。”他似乎明白了问题所在——他是个好人!
二十六岁的时候,他开始堕落,交网友。打扮得时尚而酷,而且渐渐的学习着讨好女孩的话。不久,他有了个女朋 友,虽然他对她很好,可是,他心里知道:自己并不爱她;
只是,没有任何女孩喜欢这样的男孩,她们觉得这样的男孩太幼稚,太古板,没有情趣;于是男孩开始改变,变成 女孩喜欢的那种,嘴角挂着坏坏的笑,玩世不恭或者幽默,开始学会说甜言蜜语而不是心里想说的话,开始学会假 装关心,学会给女孩送小饰物讨好她,学会如何追求~~;或者看破红尘,游戏情场,成为女人恨恨 的那种男人
他们可以很容易俘获女孩子的心但是他们也会在黑暗的夜里叼着烟流泪。心里有爱的时候,没有女孩;有了女孩, 却永远没有了爱的感觉。在听到女人抱怨世上没有一个好男人时候,他们不会再去努力做一个好男人,只是微笑着 擦肩而过~~~
21-11-2007, 10:04 AM
At home i am a good husband. Outside I am a good lover. Most important, know which is your main dish which is your side dish.
21-11-2007, 10:34 AM
Cheong is cheong ... family is family ...
Never let cheong ruin family and if need be, sacrifice cheonging for family ...
Simple logic but difficult to do ...
21-11-2007, 11:42 AM
I have friends who are married with women that they themselves feel are "good women, pretty, good figure, give regular sex, etc". But they still fool around outside, for different reasons.
Friend A is the kind of guy who changes his mind every 3 minutes. He seems psychologically incapable of sticking to a decision. He finds excitement in variety and change. So every chance he gets, he fucks around, and rarely with the same girl twice.
Friend B is just insecure. His wife is his first ever girlfriend, so he just wants to prove that he is capable of attracting other girls besides his wife. So he goes outside seeking girlfriend feeling from KTV and massage girls.
Are either of them wrong? Pathetic, yes. But wrong? Who's to say? Both their conditions are quite normal among men. Of course, there are men who have the same psychological problems and still manage to remain faithful. But come on, can anyone honestly say they are that noble?
Will you always stay with 1 woman/gf/wife even if she is the prettiest, hottest, caring etc...... ?
When u are working outside and visit nightlife such as clubbing, there are lots of girls out there, they might not be as pretty or hot as ur current girl, but man just can't resist. Man always looking for fresh girl. Then marriage deem useless.
So is it a fact that EVERY man will secretly eat/fool outside ? Is it a stage where every man have to go through then they will cherish their loves one after losing it ?
Unable to start a poll. If not it will show clearer result.
What differentiate a faithful partner from one that is not is weather he acts on their desires or not
Basically all men wants to have sex with as many woman as possible coz we are genetically hotwired to desire after hot women even if we are married
For that reason, here in the middle east where i am at now, the women have to cover themselves to prevent the men from seeing their looks and figures and therefore start having lustful thoughts of them
21-11-2007, 02:02 PM
What differentiate a faithful partner from one that is not is weather he acts on their desires or not
Basically all men wants to have sex with as many woman as possible coz we are genetically hotwired to desire after hot women even if we are married
For that reason, here in the middle east where i am at now, the women have to cover themselves to prevent the men from seeing their looks and figures and therefore start having lustful thoughts of them
now that you mentioned it, cant help but agree sia... didnt really thought much of the reason as to why their covering up...especially when its quite hot over there right?
21-11-2007, 03:41 PM
very good and interesting.. more thing to learn everyday. :cool:
now that you mentioned it, cant help but agree sia... didnt really thought much of the reason as to why their covering up...especially when its quite hot over there right?
Yes it is hot but I bet there are hotter parts hidden between the legs
21-11-2007, 10:21 PM
actually this topic got me thinking..
in this generation and age, will the prettiest, hottest gal stay with 1 guy all the way?? :confused:
21-11-2007, 10:35 PM
There definately are some who only stays with their 1 and only partner.
Definately not me. :D
22-11-2007, 02:43 AM
Basically all men wants to have sex with as many woman as possible coz we are genetically hotwired to desire after hot women even if we are married
Not just men. Women also feel bored being intimate with the same man over and over again. So having extramarital affairs is natural animal instinct for both sexes but human laws disvowed animal laws coz they want to differentiate themselves from animals. Hence a civilized human being should not stray from one partner.
As the income level of women start rising, it is no longer uncommon to see/hear women having their own affairs nowadays.
22-11-2007, 05:15 AM
actually this topic got me thinking..
in this generation and age, will the prettiest, hottest gal stay with 1 guy all the way?? :confused:
i doubt it, now dun need prettiest, or even hottest, just pretty and hot girls already gave me the impression they have more than 1 sex partner...
22-11-2007, 05:37 AM
i doubt it, now dun need prettiest, or even hottest, just pretty and hot girls already gave me the impression they have more than 1 sex partner...
Hot & shape are crucial to me
22-11-2007, 06:15 AM
think it basically boils down to whether the man has enuff $$
like one said, $$ + pussy = fun
of cos, those without $$ or on budget hv to work harder to get them onto the
beds :D
not easy to resist such temptations u know esp u see those pics frm the various FL OKTs
Members here sure cannot stay with one .... for guys, its more sianz of the same meal everyday than anything else .... sometimes, you notice the man's wife prettier than the spare ... so not just the attraction but sianz liao
22-11-2007, 10:11 AM
Agree with bro aiwo, for some people it is also the opportunity that arises ... with more unmarried women looking for hubby ,.... some bo pian, married man also go for it ... so men have it good?
Not just men. Women also feel bored being intimate with the same man over and over again. So having extramarital affairs is natural animal instinct for both sexes but human laws disvowed animal laws coz they want to differentiate themselves from animals. Hence a civilized human being should not stray from one partner.
As the income level of women start rising, it is no longer uncommon to see/hear women having their own affairs nowadays.
The difference between animals and humans is humans have religion and moral values, animals just have instincts. Therein lies the differences in behaviour
22-11-2007, 06:47 PM
I will not leave my CO, but does not mean I will not have other distractions and excursions outside. I am only human.
22-11-2007, 06:53 PM
Ah, this is not an argument for bros out there to F around but something shared by my friend's father to us when we were younger. (His father was the Yoda of sex and relationship but is no longer around). I think the logic rings true and perhaps some guys may agree and some not. Here it is:
We are, however you argue upon it, the highest form of creature in the animal kingdom. It has indeed been in our genetics for procreation and getting the best specimen to carry on our gene pool from the beginning of time. Thus, the male species had all been given a higher sex drive to go out there to procreate. In ancient time, the procreation process takes a long time and many tries before you get the best specimen (highest IQ and physique) to continue the kingdom. (If you are an emperor).
If you notice all of us are attracted to babes with certain set standards that we find attractive physically at the very least such that actually unconciously we already mapped a hidden data to use the female as a genetic procreation tool. It is just that we do not realised this as we have become 'civilised' over millions of years. So genetically the male species had been built to put their hard tools to good use with as many partners as possible. Emotionally they may still have one that they love the most. Even Shih Huang Ti has his favorite concubine although he has hundreds of women at his disposal.
Of course this trait is still inherent in the animal kingdom like the Lion. He will have a group of lioness around him and he pokes with all of them until an heir fitting enough to be king is derived. It's call survival of the fittest in the animal kingdom.
This trait is of course 'hidden' in human being but it is definitely there. That is why we guys do the stupidest things once we see a SYT flash her panties at us. We only feel guilty because it is social norm that gallavanting is not an acceptable trait. If anyone remember clearly about three generations ago our great-grandfathers had between 3-6 wives (Mine had 3). So it is only now that it is a one woman-one man scenario.
Don't flame me but I think my friend's father was indeed a wise old man.
sadly, even if what he said is true, the norm now is 1wife 1husband for most society(but take note that muslims are still able to have more than 1 wife). And now women also no longer tolerate their husband to have more than 1wife unlike in the past, due to equality between sexes and the women are actually earning good income now, if not higher than men and as such their social status can no longer be compared to women of the past.... and men are no longer as powerful as they were in the past, some of it due to the woman chapter which protects women even if they are the one who is doing evil... but if just plain fucking, then yah men are still powerful as long as they have the money to do it or the charm to do it...and can fuck as many girls and women as they pleased as long as they have the ability to.
Jekyll and Hyde
22-11-2007, 07:11 PM
there is an argument for nature (its within us, animal instinct) vs nurture (we were brought up as decent humans to be faithful spouses)
For me, i think i will go down the road of nature. Lucky for the sextrade, we only need to pay to have sex, and not to risk our marriages and families by having affairs of the heart.
Just my 2 cents
22-11-2007, 08:09 PM
well.. i dont thk anyone have the intention of having affair before they actually have an affair. many circumstances during the course led to either the guy or the girl to stray.
like some bros said, men are afterall never satisfied. even when u have the best food on the table, u will still want to taste next table food bcos it smell nice.
i believe most of us just wanted some adventures, deep down still care and love their wife.
i'm not married yet though.. but i know i might succumb to some flings in the future.. but im against into having extra marital affair.
fling can be peng chang zuo xi.. but having a mistress is damning to the marriage.
23-11-2007, 02:07 AM
The difference between animals and humans is humans have religion and moral values, animals just have instincts. Therein lies the differences in behaviour
Human has a bigger brain capacity than most animnals but the instincts remains the same. The main diff between them is self-control. Morals n religion r weaved in to makes it easier for humans to restrain themselves. :)
23-11-2007, 02:30 AM
how often do you guys cheong ? i think after several times, you will be numb and guilt-free. lol
but true, too many lust and temptation out there. Hard to stick to one sex partner (you most loving 1). must have self control and resist
not juz numb and guilt free..... can sense void in ur life as well.... unless u become a perv like me who takes pleasure in looking at women cum. :( takes alot of time, effort and $$$ to do tat too!
23-11-2007, 12:28 PM
Another instance is that many women in Singapore actually spend a lot of time on their career and equally tired as their counterpart so do not give enough to their partner contributing to their partners going out to do ECA as they could not get what they want at home.
very true. my partner so busy at her career that we dont even bonk once in a month. She hardly had any time for me nowsaday. I know i cant use this as an excuse, after getting rejected by her so many time, i totally dont bother to request from her anymore. It had been more than 2 months since we last bonk. Sigh....:(
Another instance is that many women in Singapore actually spend a lot of time on their career and equally tired as their counterpart so do not give enough to their partner contributing to their partners going out to do ECA as they could not get what they want at home.
very true. my partner so busy at her career that we dont even bonk once in a month. She hardly had any time for me nowsaday. I know i cant use this as an excuse, after getting rejected by her so many time, i totally dont bother to request from her anymore. It had been more than 2 months since we last bonk. Sigh....:(
I think with the competitiveness in the spore society, a lot of effort has to be made to cater for time for sex between couples. I think couples who want to have a healthy relationship should seriously do so before the relationship goes beyond the point of no return.
Dont bonk for 2 months is unimaginable. Time to work bro
24-11-2007, 01:53 AM
If you talk to Singaporean women, they have so pampered life and have "good" jobs that it is pointless to ask them anything about this topic, they do not understand the other women that are suffering and how these women need us men to help them solve their problem.
I usually asked the FL women I met on what do they think about this topic, these women have suffered dumped/divorce, irresposible bf/husbands that is in debt etc. they have seen a lot more than us, their well said response is that "it is normal for us men to eat something different once in a while but we must know where is home and be responsible".
Many FL mentioned that this kind of no strings attached activities are very minor problem in a marriage, imagine they have experience e.g. 2 timer bf/husband, chiong raw bf/husband, divorce/dump by bf/husband, saddled with heavy debts by bf/husband, abortions or dumped after having kid, no money for house and food etc.
30-11-2007, 08:56 AM
If sex life with partner / oc is good, men wont deviate liao. There is always a reason for deviance, however subtle or small the reason is, when the opportunity arises, ..
30-11-2007, 09:30 AM
if u want to be in a relationship with a girl more because of lust, chances are u will stray. if u r in a relationship and lust is not the first priority, the marriage.
if going to niteclub to entertain, i think thats fine as long as it keep that way (meaning juz touch only)
30-11-2007, 09:46 AM
My father never cheated on my mother at least that was what i know. I doubt so too since i never saw him rushing off to secretly speak to someone not wanting us to hear.
Amazing thing is most of my family is like this but i am different got chiong and go many gf. Strange man.
30-11-2007, 09:58 AM
Actually, it is very difficult to tell if somebody have extracurricular activities before they get caught ... not doubting your father.
My father in law the same, but he always go golf in Msia, and come back quite alte ... maybe go HC ...
first hole
05-12-2007, 12:58 PM
I think for most men, quite difficult to resist of there is temptation ... proven since time immemorial and our legacy from Adam. :)
No matter how nerdy ... if women approach, something down there sure ... hehe hot up one ...
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