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01-06-2017, 11:50 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Transmodified frpm Mouthpiece CNA hxxp://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/a-big-difference-in-students-after-nanyang-girls-starts-school-8833844

PEASANTPORE: For almost a year now, well connected and rich gals Nanyang High Class Girls(NYGH) students have been starting school at 8.15am – a good 45 minutes later than most peasant secondary schools.

And the results have been telling.

The school in Bukit Timah has been taking part in ground-breaking sleep studies conducted by Duke-NUS Medical School researchers – whose studies have shown that 80 per cent of teens here don’t get enough sleep, which affects their health, grades and cognitive abilities.

Which many peasant parents knew but only MOE needs Ang Mohs to show proof

It was what the peasant teachers of NYGH had been suspecting all along.

Mrs Ho-Sam Choon Juen, NYGH dean of student systems and info management, said: “KNNCCB, you know, I know, we tell MOE, they fuck care. Ang Moh say, different hor"

"Even the lowly mission school boy can moan they don't have enough sleep."

And so, in the second semester of 2016, the school defied MOE and delayed its start time so that their rich students could get proper sleep.


There is scientific reasoning behind letting teens sleep in later, according to principal investigator Educated Ape Michael Ah Chee.


And at Nanyang High Class Girls, 45 minutes has made all the difference, for the students and teachers.

NYGH chemistry teacher Mat Imran has noticed a distinct change in the students. The school environment has also become more vibrant in the morning.

“MOE useless, say we talk cock, now we got proof, see we start late, our rich pampered gals are less grouchy.

This reaffirms one study by Educated Prof Chee on how teenagers’ cognitive abilities and mood are affected by sleep.

“I say must sleep late, MOE says I talk. Now Duke Ang Moh says I not talking cock, this MOE really an organisation of fat cats or 'jiak liao bee".

"They all say Ah Loong don't want peasant parents to start work late or Ang Moh merchants not happy. So the peasant students' suffer."

She added that the students who come early “can use the time do their work, or even just chill. They feel that the school hours are not as rushed as before”.

Peasant teachers can use the extra time to hold meetings to "kowtow" to Ruler Loong's portrait.

Peasant Chng Ah Huat was initially sceptical about the school’s move. He worried his children grade will slip.

“We chinks only know how to mug, now less time to mug, I at first not convinced” he said.

Ah Chng said the later start time has resulted in him sharing a closer relationship with his peasant daughter. “Now we can talk some cock about PAP during breakfast, less hectic,” he said.

While he acknowledges that it poses some logistical challenges for poorer peasant parents, it is great that they are given that option.

For instance, he said, “their problem, not mine, plus the kids can always come earlier to mug.”


“Ai Yah, some will abuse and watch porn on Youtube, but no try, how we know, this is not Qin dynasty hor, punish whole lot because of a few,” said Ape Chee. “If the students, parents and teachers see for themselves the benefits of improving sleep, then you know, we hope that several will come out and serve as advocates or role models for better sleep.”


This is why Ape Chee thinks that it can become possible to roll out this start-late approach to all peasant schools across Peasantpore.

"The rich independent schools enough liao, the rest, cannot make it, forget it," he said.

When contacted, the MOE defended their move to start school early.

The ministry added: “Status quo, don't rock the boat hor. Peasant students cannot manage their time, don't blame us ok"

“Remember hor, starting schools later has an impact on schools’ dismissal time, with lessons continuing during the hotter part of the afternoon.”

MOE idiots, where is the old teach less, learn more idea?

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (https://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?244046-Only-well-connected-school-can-start-later&goto=newpost).