View Full Version : Serious Will This Gadget Save Electricity Bills ??!!

Sammyboy RSS Feed
12-03-2017, 05:50 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

http://sg1.newenergysaver.pro/azkycy...AAAAAAE3AYHdgA (http://sg1.newenergysaver.pro/azkycystxi/Electricity_Saving_Box_entxt_SG/?esub=-4A2hrMgJWGQLaHQSNA2weAAI1qgEAAqIdAuw_AgxAAkkBAr4DB DrAv64A&subacc=R_saver_SG_eng_yah&subacc2=32749751119&subacc3=9275024629&subacc4=c&rid=-4AAAAAAACNaoAAAAAAAAE3AYHdgA)

i've come across such gadgets long ago and actually bought one that cost $80........didn't know if save money or not as never check meter.........i stopped using it after it kept emitting an annoying buzzing sound................

anyone used this type of gadget before ?...............confirm save a lot of money over a year ?:confused:

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?241838-Will-This-Gadget-Save-Electricity-Bills-!!&goto=newpost).