View Full Version : Plain Stupid Or Naive

07-12-2006, 06:26 AM
so bros.. what do you think of the couple?? They knew the rules and choose not to abide it... to me they are PLAIN STUPID!

taken from the new paper...

If only they had filled out the forms they had been sent.

But they didn't and her Indian national lover, Mr Arulappan Arul Jeyachandran, 30, had his work permit cancelled and was sent home, leaving behind their 2-month-old son with Alice.


Their unusual love story began at a Little India restaurant.
Alice had seen Mr Arulappan eating there a few times.
One day, she went over and said hello.
Mr Arulappan, an Indian national, responded by telling her he could cook better curry than the restaurant and she should try it.
And the love affair began.

During the interview with The New Paper yesterday, she referred to him as her 'husband', while he repeatedly called her his 'wife', even though they're not married.

Said Alice, who did not want to be identified: 'He cooked for me and we met at my void deck to eat together. He still cooks every day.'

It did not matter to Alice that Mr Arulappan, who works in a construction company, earned just $700, while she was taking home $3,000 a month. To her, it simply meant the couple could live comfortably.

But trouble was brewing from the time the 34-year-old got pregnant in February. Despite her family's reservations, the two wanted to get married. He said it was not until baby Joe was born in September that Alice's mother spoke to him nicely.

Alice claims she did not know about rules forbidding work permit holders from marrying Singaporeans without special approval.

But Mr Arulappan would have known. The rules are made clear to all foreign workers when they arrive here.

The SMS to Alice from Mr Arulappan's boss before he was to be repatriated. -- KENNETH KOH
'I can't stay in India. I have to think of my son's future, I have to make money to support him. Things in Singapore will easier for us.' - Alice, on moving to India with Mr Arulappan

The couple went to an MP to appeal against the ban. Alice told The New Paper that she later received an appeal form from the Ministry of Manpower - but did not fill it in.

'We were afraid because someone told us that filling up the form with his particulars might cause him to be sent home,' she said.

Alice moved out of the flat she shared with her mother, while Mr Arulappan moved out of his company quarters. The couple then lived with her uncle and his family, she said.

Last month, Mr Arulappan went to the Registry of Births and Deaths to get a birth certificate for baby Joe.

At the Registry of Births and Deaths, the unmarried couple had to read out a declaration before Mr Arulappan's name could be put down as the baby's father.

MOM was alerted and it cancelled his work permit on 29 Nov.

He claimed: 'I told them I wanted to marry Alice and they said we can go back to India to get married first, then come back with the marriage certificate and register with the Registry of Marriages here.'

But it is unlikely anyone told him this.

Under the Employment of Foreign Workers Act, as spelled out in the MOM website, a work permit holder must seek permission from the Controller of Work Permits to marry a Singaporean or PR, whether in or outside Singapore.

This also applies to former work permit holders, even after they have left Singapore.

The rules are stated in the work permit application form.

Things took a dramatic turn for the worse early yesterday morning.

Mr Arulappan went to his office of six years as usual but found that his name was missing from the daily list informing workers of their tasks.

He was driven to Ultimate's Triple Nine Escorts, a repatriation company.

'In the car, my boss said my work permit had been cancelled and that I would fly back home this afternoon.'

After a pause, he added: 'My wife... my son... how to take care of them now?'.

Around 9.30am, Alice received a cryptic SMS from Mr Arulappan's boss. It read: 'I advise you to bring your son to our office. That's the best I can do.'

She called the boss, who refused to tell her what had happened. A frantic Alice spent the next hour imagining the worst and calling Mr Arulappan repeatedly, but his handphone had been switched off.

Finally, he called her. He told her the location of the security company's office, and explained what happened.

'He said, 'I have to go home today. Can you pack my things and bring the baby now?' I cried,' recalled Alice.

Together with two aunts, Alice went to the office. The aunts declined to be interviewed. Alice said she did not inform her mother of the situation but did not explain why.

Calling Alice a 'good wife', Mr Arulappan said he was worried about how mother and child would cope after his departure. 'I will do whatever I can to come back,' he said.

To Alice, he was a loyal family man who called Tamil Nadu often to speak to his parents and six siblings, most of whom work as fishermen.

Alice plans to travel alone to India to marry him in February.

But when asked if she would consider moving to India to be with him, she shook her head.

'I can't stay in India. I have to think of my son's future, I have to make money to support him. Things in Singapore will be easier for us.'

The New Paper followed the couple as they were escorted to the airport where Mr Arulappan was to leave at 6.20pm.

Ultimate's director, Mr Louis Raja, has repatriated more than 3,000 workers so far, but this was a new situation.

'This is the first time I have repatriated a worker who not only is involved in a romantic relationship, but with a Singaporean woman who's had his baby at that. It's hard not to feel bad for the baby,' he said.

There had been no tears as they said their goodbyes, but later Alice wept silently, watching her 'husband' till she could no longer see him.

'Do you think he can come back soon?', she asked.

07-12-2006, 07:47 AM
wellwell the power of love? haha maybe alice can't find some1 else to accept her in SG? emmm... interesting life of s'porean..no wonder some ppl address us as sillyporeans...:eek:

07-12-2006, 08:27 AM
If she was earning $3,000 she must be highly educated and therefore to commit such a mistake is gross stupidity. I don't care how the saying goes "love turns the brain into mush" but this case is pure stupidity. I bet she thought that having the kid first would make it easier for him to stay but boy was she wrong! She really screwed up her kid (born out of wedlock) now without a father. She is never going to see him again.

Deep Blue
07-12-2006, 10:08 AM
Both are pretty well aware of the things they are doing and right now it is up to the authorites to decide on the outcome of this matter.To simply ignore what are the rules and policies, they are just simply digging their own graves. Yes, they deserve to be pity but ten months of pregnancy and yet no actions taken spells otherwise. :cool:

07-12-2006, 07:01 PM
wellwell the power of love? haha maybe alice can't find some1 else to accept her in SG? emmm... interesting life of s'porean..no wonder some ppl address us as sillyporeans...:eek:

The reason why she didn't mind the pay difference was maybe becos she didn't have that option to mind. You look at the picture, I can tell you she seriously CMI. Beggars can't be choosers... :D

07-12-2006, 07:20 PM
Truly a case of 'Against All Odds'.
I think this SG woman is damn despo or what. But, putting sarcastic remarks aside, I'm happy for her that she found her love.

07-12-2006, 07:25 PM
The reason why she didn't mind the pay difference was maybe becos she didn't have that option to mind. You look at the picture, I can tell you she seriously CMI. Beggars can't be choosers...

I have to agree with you on this. But hor, I tot Indian like their women fat?

Well this is just like another Singaporean men falling for PRC women issue. Just that its the Singaporean who is being fuck and impregnated. Sometimes, I wonder how true is love? I always thought with proper education in Singapore, we are SUPPOSED to think logically. Maybe she thought she found love or preferred inter-racial sex? :D

Seems like chasing an impossible dream is being applaud for perserverance for LOVE... Imagine all those Indian worker find all those above 35 single and very available Singaporean women and marry them. PR status in Singapore. Thats why our government have to prevent these incidents from happening. We are supposed to attract cream of the crop imigrants right?

This is sad but true as this world, nothing is fair....:cool:

07-12-2006, 07:30 PM
No brainer. Regardless of her physical appearance (though CMI), she should be more rational and aware of the consequences by NOT abiding the SG laws.

Ones wonder what went through her mind when she decided to giving birth to an innocent child when her back was against the wall. Another single mom joining the "elite" group :p


07-12-2006, 08:03 PM
She must have done it to force her parent's hands to accept the guy. Still, what was she thinking! The authorities are not going to bend the rules. I pity the poor child.

ah peaw
07-12-2006, 08:19 PM
, what was she thinking! The authorities are not going to bend the rules. I pity the poor child.

Yes, i pity child. :(

08-12-2006, 09:19 AM
The child is innocent....

08-12-2006, 09:36 AM
Sins of the parents are visited upon the children. Poor kid. But what on earth was the mother thinking! What have they been teaching people these days!

08-12-2006, 10:04 AM
if the kid is really their offspring, i'd say let the man serve our military before we give him a passport.

why not? we are giving away free passports to prc ping pong players and that whatever country guy who plays badminton or something, just to have a chance for a fucking asian or holympic game medal. and the 2 happy-like-fuck get to keep the medal and cash prize hor. :D

08-12-2006, 10:16 AM
Nowadays...SBF also can discuss politics already...:D

08-12-2006, 10:20 AM
If she was earning $3,000 she must be highly educated and therefore to commit such a mistake is gross stupidity. I don't care how the saying goes "love turns the brain into mush" but this case is pure stupidity. I bet she thought that having the kid first would make it easier for him to stay but boy was she wrong! She really screwed up her kid (born out of wedlock) now without a father. She is never going to see him again.

i got frend oso earning quite abit. but for their looks/b-gnd...ani man go they oso okie wan. well sometime,no fish, prawn oso okie:rolleyes: