View Full Version : Confessions of a Sugar Baby

22-07-2016, 10:34 PM
Hi all,

this is the story of my school mate as she relates to me.

How you become an SB .. the $ that it can bring but also the pain ...

23-07-2016, 08:04 AM
Hi all,

this is the story of my school mate as she relates to me.

How you become an SB .. the $ that it can bring but also the pain ...

More please...

23-07-2016, 11:20 AM
Please continue TS

23-07-2016, 11:45 AM
2nd to lend my support .

23-07-2016, 11:53 AM
waiting here for more update :)

23-07-2016, 03:01 PM
Camping too :)

23-07-2016, 03:31 PM
Support new story!! :D

23-07-2016, 04:29 PM
Camping to new story :)

23-07-2016, 11:43 PM
Camping for continuation...

24-07-2016, 01:41 PM
Hi all,

this is the story of my school mate as she relates to me.

How you become an SB .. the $ that it can bring but also the pain ...

When are you going to write about it?

24-07-2016, 03:44 PM
When are you going to write about it?

I was wondering too. Just 2 line and stopped.

24-07-2016, 05:00 PM
Maybe TS fly aeroplane .

24-07-2016, 05:57 PM
Maybe TS fly aeroplane .

MAS pilot? :D

25-07-2016, 01:17 AM
Sorry. Thanks for the support.

Will be writing soon...

Akan datang...

25-07-2016, 06:03 AM
Sorry. Thanks for the support.

Will be writing soon...

Akan datang...

Shall wait for it :)

25-07-2016, 12:38 PM
Shall wait for it :)

Same here bro :)

25-07-2016, 02:12 PM
Camping here

25-07-2016, 04:09 PM
Sorry. Thanks for the support.

Will be writing soon...

Akan datang...

Ok waiting patiently ...

25-07-2016, 04:13 PM
2 page liao... story not yet start ....

25-07-2016, 06:06 PM
2 page liao... story not yet start ....

Got la, s short intro :D

25-07-2016, 06:13 PM
TS when you starting?

26-07-2016, 07:27 AM
Ok waiting patiently ...

Same here bro :o

26-07-2016, 08:15 AM
Ok waiting patiently ...

Yes waiting patiently here.

26-07-2016, 09:33 AM
Same here bro :o

Waiting too 6

26-07-2016, 11:02 AM
Waiting too :)

26-07-2016, 01:56 PM
Looks like TS gone MIA :(

26-07-2016, 04:19 PM
Looks like TS gone MIA :(

Seems like it

26-07-2016, 09:38 PM
So many waiting :)

27-07-2016, 02:59 PM
Forget about confessions of a Sugar baby for the time being. Posting "Confessions of a Sugar Daddy" instead- a series of stories with SBs - these were sent by an "uncle" - who asked me to help him post.

Story starts here:

She was the beginning. It was more than 10 years ago. I was on the verge of divorce as the relationship with my wife was strained – due to our own hectic lifestyle. On weekdays, we would work like hell – probably don’t see each other till very late or when sleeping and many a times, we would slip out while the other party was sleeping. It didn’t help that we both travel extensively.

On the morning of the Aceh tsunami, as I woke up to the devastating news that shocked the world, my ex-wife texted me that she wanted to be separated from me. I had seen it coming but still it was a shock that it happened so quickly. It was a Sunday morning as I remembered it. She came home, packed her stuff and left the house in the afternoon.

It was a difficult couple of months for me as suddenly, a vacuum was created by her absence. At times I would drive for long hours and sat in park. Other times, I would drink alone in a pub. But mostly, I would be online on chat servers trying to find solace in the vast online world. And that was why I came to know her.

There were many people chatting but I took notice of her as she was like online almost every night. So one night, after about a week, I PM her. And she responded. Her name is rain – what a beautiful name. So we chatted like almost every night. I confided in her about my marital problems. She confided about her family problem – her parents divorcing (just like me) and how both her parents abandoning her and she was staying with her grandmother.
It was like an unreal world. Every night I would be online looking for her. If for whatever reason, she did not come online, I would feel so empty. She became my drug and I need to chat with her before I can sleep.

Then on one fateful night, after she went missing for 3 days, she appeared.

Me: “Hi Rain, where have you been? Long time no see”
Rain: “Oh… I was sick..”
Me: “How are you doing now?”
Rain: “I am ok now… I feel so uneasy while I was sick and did not get to hear from you”
Me: “Me too. I miss chatting with you”
Rain: “Same for me… can I ask you something?”
Me: “Yes, shoot dear”

Rain: “We have been chatting for more than a month, do you want to meet?”
Me: “OK. But why suddenly want to meet me”
Rain: “I am slow to warm up but after knowing you for a month, I feel I can trust you. I also need some favour from you”
Me: “What is it?”
Rain: “We talk when we meet?”
Me: “OK”

27-07-2016, 09:39 PM
Nice start TS, do update soon :)

27-07-2016, 11:16 PM
Good stop point but I hope it won't be for too long

28-07-2016, 12:06 PM
How come my thread got story when I not started yet?

28-07-2016, 01:01 PM
someone thought u have abandoned the thread since u posted back on 22 july. And maybe helping u on it with similar nick

28-07-2016, 07:48 PM
hahaaaa... Both stories are nice.. dosent matter from the sd or sb.. :p
but it will be good if the SD one can start in another thread if not will be confusing... one minute SD another minute SB :D

28-07-2016, 11:00 PM
How come my thread got story when I not started yet?

Why the fuck did you start this thread and after so long still no story you CB kia !

29-07-2016, 02:50 AM


It was raining the day we were meeting. She wanted to meet near town but not at too crowded places. So we decided to meet in Great World City. I arrived early as it was raining and I didn’t want to be caught in traffic and be late. I sat at the designated coffee place waiting for her.
We had previously exchanged photographs and phone number while we were online. I remembered when I first saw her photograph, my jaw almost dropped. She was a beauty! With long flowing black hair - my type of girl.
Time passed so slowly. I was earlier by 10 minutes but it seemed like eternity for those 10 minutes. Then I saw her. It was unmistakable. I could see her striding towards me. I waved at her, and she saw me.
She broke my thoughts. I was a little nervous as she approached me – as if she was gliding towards me, a slim girl with long black flowing hair. We were not strangers in the true sense of the word as we have chatted for more than a month.

Time seemed to stop for a moment and she was right in front of me. She sat in front of me and I was stunned into a silence. I was looking at her, at her almost perfect face – porcelain, you would believe that she could be shooting an advertisement for some beauty products.

She looked shyly away..

"Why are you looking at me like this"

I blushed too.

"Oh.. I am just a bit stun. Stun by your looks"

"But don't look at me like this.. I am shy!"


It was very easy once the ice was broken as we already knew each other for quite a while. We had our lunch and then we chatted like long lost friends. We have all but forgotten about our inhibitions. That was the best thing of meeting someone you already know online - after the initial breaking of ice, the rest is easy.

It was already passed 2pm and we had finished our lunch and coffee. I was still racking my brain to come out with something to say.

"I am going to borders to get some books", she said
"Oh.. ok.. can I come along"?", I asked


So we took our leave and I led her to my car. I drove to wheelock place. It was a nice afternoon at Borders. She was browsing, looking at books and at times she would pick a book and read a couple of pages. I was there beside her, pretending to browse and read but I was actually looking at her from the corner of my eyes.

We were there for an hour and she bought 2 books. I bought nothing.

"You don't read books", she asked
"Yes, I do, but I have too many at home. bought many but haven't read yet"
"Oh .. what books are you reading?"

.. to be continued...

29-07-2016, 02:53 AM
To make it more interesting, I will be posting multiple stories about different SBs at the same time. All these SBs were my uncle's stories as it was related to me. The SBs were with my uncle one after another but I decided to publish them at the same time - to add to the fun and the confusion.

29-07-2016, 03:09 AM

It was a period of my time when I was quite lost. I was already divorced and my previous SB (Rain) was no longer around. FB came and went in a flash. I was more into FL but it was almost a hit and miss. Very rarely can you get someone that you can have great sex and be able to relate to things outside of the bedroom. Mostly it will be over in an hour, at times feeling more empty when before you released.
Then my agent text me that the was this new girl – very elusive and difficult to book as she worked infrequently – as and when she liked to. The agent was marketing her for a month or so and yet she had not taken any client – due to her weird timing and location.
It was barely 9am when the text came in.
“How bro, new girl for you. Very pretty”
“How pretty? Good for everything?”
“Yeah. Good. You wanna try?”
“OK. When is she available?”
“Now.. as in an like 10:30 or 11am, just give her some time to doll up”

I was a little hesitant. SIM, sex in the morning. But then what the heck. I haven’t had any sex for a week and was desperate for some action.
“OK then. Place?”
The agent then text me the place, which was not in town but for me it was great because it was close to my place.
“Remember to bring CD bro”
I went to work out a little – doing my push-ups and working with some weight. Then I took my time for a nice shower, cleaned myself thoroughly and then headed to the hotel.
I was there slightly early, I got the room and text the agent.
“Ok got it brother. She on the way, will be there soon”.
I waited for like less than 5 mins and I heard the bell on the door. It gave me good vibes as she was like right on time. I opened the door. And there she was standing there. She gave me a smile as I led her in.
She plonked herself on the bed as I was eyeing her. Yes, she was pretty. Tall, at least 1.67M and ver slim – my type of girl. She has a nice smile with a hint of sluttiness in her eyes?
“Hi, I am Niki. How do I address you?”
I was pleasantly surprised that she was so polite and very open and friendly.
“Oh call me Ray” as I just rattled off a random name.
“Hmm.. I heard that you are new to this”
“Ya. You my first customer!”
“Oh, you never do this before?”
“But why? You not nervous?”
“Yes, I am nervous. But the agent said you are nice guy, a regular of his. And when I see you, Okie, not so nervous already”
“But how old are you?”
“I am 19… “
“Still studying?”
“Ya, in poly”
Then there was silence. I looked at her but she did not look away. She had a pair of very nice eyes. Did I say a pair of slutty eyes? Yes! She was looking at me at an angle as I moved forward and she stood up as I held her waist and pulled her towards me.

to be continued...

29-07-2016, 09:17 AM
Dan19zyx, nice story. Do continue.

29-07-2016, 03:26 PM
Story jumps around.....like the movie Pulp Fiction ah ?

You gonna do a grand finale, string everything together with a mass orgy of all the SBs with your uncle ? Lol !!!

That's gonna be like some fantasy movie liao !!!

31-07-2016, 09:44 PM
Well the thread is "Confessions of a Sugar Baby" - actually a misnomer. It should be "Stories of a Sugar Baby" - as it is not a confession - rather a story piece together by interacting with this "Sugar Baby" - and with people who know her, her BFFs / friends, her school / class-mates, her ex boyfriend(s) / sugar daddies and those she met while providing dating service.. As to how "true" the story is - is up to all to believe. Names are changed, but certain characteristics are there. She is a real person, and not too sure if photographs should be put up for all..

Chapter 1
Evonne is a student in one of the polytechnic. I won't say which one but as the story unfold, it will be more obvious She is 20 years old getting on 21 years but is still a second year student in the polytechnic. This will be explained in due course. Suffice to say, when she started last year in Polytechnic - she turned many heads. She is obviously quite pretty and dress provocatively - almost always "put half ball". Most of the guys in her class can only gasp in wonder, those boobies (can post some of them for all to see)... She is pretty (no face picture for now) but not exactly very friendly. She don't smile much, a real shame,as her smile will melt many hearts.
Just imagine that you are a hot-headed 17/18year old boy, and you see a girl, dressed in shorts and a tube / spagehtti-strapped / camisole top, with boobs almost staring at you, you would bleed. But she will almost always wear a cardigan or some thing over her body to cover the most delicious portion. A week after she started in Polytechnic, there were already many stalking her face book and instagram and also other social media. A lot of guys were interested in whether she is still available. To the surprise of many, she declared on her social media that she is single, with no boy friend. But little will the guys know that she is a student by day and sugar baby by night.

How it all started?