View Full Version : Update! Your idol mother fucker Amos Yee has run away!!!

Sammyboy RSS Feed
15-12-2015, 06:30 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.p...86808914699053 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=992863217426949&id=286808914699053)

So I think by now, several cunt reporters would have harassed my family, and the police would have raided my house, stolen my items (or as they like to call it 'use it for their investigation') and witnessed my grandmother's bras.

But I'm sure you must have found out by now, I'm not there. Yup, Amos Yee is on the run from the law, which really shouldn't happen shouldn't it? A 17-year-old playing with our oh-so efficient singaporean police? Makes them seem rather vulnerable (which is probably why nobody from sph reported it; can't have something embarrassing about our dog-lovers be revealed).

So warning fellow singaporeans, a dangerous criminal is on the loose. If you see me on streets and are a government dog, immediately kick me in the nuts, pin me on the ground and drag me to the nearest police station, bloody and soaking in tears.

And fellow policemen, who will win this game of mouse vs cats? Who knows? But either way, it's terribly exhilarating isn't it? Start employing your excessive number of troops, enjoy your longer work hours that I'm sure will not be worth that overtime pay, and catch me if you can, MOTHERFUCKER!


https://www.facebook.com/permalink.p...86808914699053 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=993192817393989&id=286808914699053)

To my dear family (especially sweet mother), try not to worry (yeah this overly-cliched line is redundant and completely doesn't help), but wherever I am now (ooooo..), I am safe. Well... As safe as a boy who doesn't know how to wash clothes, fold clothes, wash dishes, sweep the floor, mop the floor, put on bedsheets, fold clothes, cook, boil water can be. But remember dearies, I am a genius, so really, how hard can learning those things be? (I just cut my finger from trying to wash a knife)

Yeah I'm causing alot of emotional pain for my family. But really, what can I do? If that isn't caused, how will I live the life that I want?

Most singaporeans, because they don't want to worry their parents, throw their own unique views and ambitions to the dogs and live the life that not necessarily they, but their parents want for them.

But some people (me!), just aren't willing to live their life based on other people (especially if they're close-minded chinese pieces of shit), because it might be happy for them, but it certainly won't be for me.

Am I going to be so arrogant as to say one life is better than the other? Naw, I don't know your circumstances, and neither do you know mine. But I will at least say one thing, one life is definitely much more fun.
The party continues, MOTHERFUCKER!


https://www.facebook.com/permalink.p...86808914699053 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=993290650717539&id=286808914699053)

The first news source to mention me leaving home and running away from the police, is not from singapore, but from Hong Kong.... So now, people need the foreign press, to learn about local news. Alternative media sites, are you fucking sleeping?

But it is now very clear, that similar to the incident where I starved for 5 days in IMH, the government wants to hide this news of a teenager running away from the police, because he's afraid of being arrested for his opinions, to preserve it's reputation.

So fellow singaporeans, we're going to have to rely solely on the internet and foreign sources, to get this news, as we very well should, in a country where all the mainstream media is government-run and is supposedly 'democratic'.

Fuck you sph, and fuck you pap, you're going to rue the day you started to mess with me, I'm going to make you shudder in your sleep

Liar liar, but what? Winnie and Devil Within love him!!

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?221718-Update!-Your-idol-mother-fucker-Amos-Yee-has-run-away!!!&goto=newpost).