View Full Version : Why got so many clones being born?

24-04-2006, 10:16 PM
please vote

28-04-2006, 08:35 PM
please vote

sam also got clone. i am his clone.:D

28-04-2006, 11:35 PM
i chose option 3 because we found out that this

Suteerak1099 created Red-Perrier to support his stand on his love with a Cat40 WL.

Then recently created another nick sir cum-a-lot to support his stand again.

This kind of people is crazy. Machiam Dr Jekll and Mr Hyde.

Don't know what the fuck he want to do that? So as to say his Cat40 WL girl is a good girl? :cool:


29-04-2006, 11:12 AM
i think because htey keep getting zapped till create a new clone so got "new" reputation

30-04-2006, 11:57 AM
May I add that one of 'BIG BROTHER' TeeVee clone is napster. HAHA caught you!
Ooi, why you call me a clone. :mad:

Tequila Pop
04-05-2006, 10:50 PM
Hmm... tough poll. :D

Best person to answer this poll is the Tua Pao, Mr Huige3387.. His 'blood bros' have the habit of starting polls and talking among themselves !!!

04-05-2006, 11:36 PM
I just being to know this website cause of one samster , but today , I just lock in and get zap for nothing , i didnt know what happen too , i trying this fourm and look for some fun , but seen to be disrepect and disrepair condition here . who ever wants to zap me , go ahead ! I am of tired all this .

06-05-2006, 01:13 PM
Hmm... tough poll. :D

Best person to answer this poll is the Tua Pao, Mr Huige3387.. His 'blood bros' have the habit of starting polls and talking among themselves !!!
痴线佬 ! 费事同你讲!:D

06-05-2006, 07:48 PM
May I add that one of 'BIG BROTHER' TeeVee clone is napster. HAHA caught you!

y u never tell them i am sam clone?:mad:

10-05-2006, 11:45 AM
y u never tell them i am sam clone?:mad:
Professor URPT, mai cock lah, SAM where got tell ppl his clone is who wan ...

11-05-2006, 09:46 AM
Professor URPT, mai cock lah, SAM where got tell ppl his clone is who wan ...

i ask the le general to tell ppl. not sam.:p no wonder st1099 say ur english not good:rolleyes:

02-11-2008, 11:20 PM
Poll closed but welcome to share your views here

05-07-2012, 04:20 PM
please vote

revisiting the not so distant past

15-07-2012, 01:32 PM
Though there are geninuely nice wise people who are here to share and make friends whom the main reasons of why i m still here.

the bulk are still those who's ruled by the smaller heads aka brainless.

N the reputation system is here to feed the egoistic of these low IQ brainers.

Being a keywarrior and hiding behind the scene is already bad enough but these low brainers are even worse, using the red as backstabber when they couldn't even provide a constructive argument to support their stand . The reasons that they leave down are really lame and crappy. Just like the life they are leading, sad..

I bet these people are the very same sad losers that we seen as in the real life, sad, crappy, being push around and given the shit jobs who couldn't even stand up for themselves, the sore losers who will always be the last in the promotion platform, losers in relationships whenever someone better comes along, losers for everything and being the last in everything but will always grab the opportunity to bad mouth, gossip and backstab of those who's better than them and leaving a better life to them.

Sad n pathetic.

15-07-2012, 10:01 PM
Though there are geninuely nice wise people who are here to share and make friends whom the main reasons of why i m still here.

the bulk are still those who's ruled by the smaller heads aka brainless.

N the reputation system is here to feed the egoistic of these low IQ brainers.

Being a keywarrior and hiding behind the scene is already bad enough but these low brainers are even worse, using the red as backstabber when they couldn't even provide a constructive argument to support their stand . The reasons that they leave down are really lame and crappy. Just like the life they are leading, sad..

I bet these people are the very same sad losers that we seen as in the real life, sad, crappy, being push around and given the shit jobs who couldn't even stand up for themselves, the sore losers who will always be the last in the promotion platform, losers in relationships whenever someone better comes along, losers for everything and being the last in everything but will always grab the opportunity to bad mouth, gossip and backstab of those who's better than them and leaving a better life to them.

Sad n pathetic.

Its "living" not "leaving"

15-07-2012, 10:07 PM
Its "living" not "leaving"

Haha ya. I noticed it too but too late to edit, it's "living" a better life than them.

What I wanted to say is for those who senseless zapped with no balls to even leave down their nicks r probably the same pathetic ones in real life who's jealous n backstabbed those who's living than them :p

19-07-2012, 02:29 AM
3/4 of tbhe clones here belong to SBY1 and company, the day he is banned
sammyboy stats and traffic will drop as well :D

19-07-2012, 02:27 PM
Many samsters know each other in real life....some things cannot use own nick to reveal so create alter ego.

19-07-2012, 11:19 PM
3/4 of tbhe clones here belong to SBY1 and company, the day he is banned
sammyboy stats and traffic will drop as well :D

No they are not you penipu :mad:

S.B.Y.1 is an honory memeber of sammyboy

Yes i do agree S.B.Y.1 does bring traffic in to this site, without him, this site
is not much, so be thankful for his foresight :cool: