View Full Version : Ello investigation delay due to ‘digital forensic analysis’

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08-04-2015, 07:30 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Yesterday (7 Apr), it was reported that Filipino Ello Ed Mundsel Bello (Edz Ello) who used to work at TTSH as a nurse, was finally arrested and charged in court (‘Filipino Edz Ello finally arrested and charged in court‘). He faces 2 counts under the Sedition Act, and another 3 charges for giving false information to the police during investigation.

Edz Ello’s arrest came after netizens started questioning the police for their quick arrest of Singaporean Amos Yee while taking a long time to deal with the Filipino.

In the case of Amos Yee, it appears that the police were very efficient in conducting their investigation. They were able to bring charges against the teenager in a record 4 days, after he had posted a video on YouTube that derided the late Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew on 27 March 2015. Amos Yee’s case has since made global headlines (‘Arrest of Amos Yee makes world news‘).

In Edz Ello’s case, the Filipino posted derogatory and inflammatory comments about Singapore and Singaporeans on his Facebook page last year. In one of the posts, he was alleged to have incited his Filipino compatriots to “like” his Facebook post, if they wanted to see Singaporeans dead. He was later fired by TTSH in Jan.

On 31 March 2015, the day that Amos Yee was charged, netizen Patrick Mahoney posted a message on the Singapore Police Force’s (SPF) Facebook page [Link], asking why the police had not yet arrested Edz Ello. Patrick threatened to make an official complaint to DPM Teo, who is in charge of the Ministry of Home Affairs, about the delay. On 1 April, SPF replied on its Facebook page that the investigations in Edz Ello’s case “are still on-going” (‘Investigations into Filipino Edz Ello ‘still on-going’‘).

Nothing was heard from the police until yesterday when Edz Ello was arrested and charged in court, after many months of delay.
Today, ST published the news article on Edz Ello (‘Nurse charged over Facebook comments’, 8 Apr), claiming that the delay in police investigation over his case was due to extensive “digital forensic analysis” involved.

ST said:
“The Straits Times understands that investigations took three months, and involved digital forensic analysis of computing devices, examination of server logs, and the recording of detailed statements from relevant witnesses.”

Still, it came at an opportune time after netizens started questioning about Edz Ello case after the quick arrest of 17-year-old Amos Yee.

In any case, a bail of $10,000 was set for the Filipino Edz Ello while $20,000 was set for Amos Yee when he was charged in court.

http://www.tremeritus.com/2015/04/08...nsic-analysis/ (http://www.tremeritus.com/2015/04/08/ft-investigation-delay-due-to-digital-forensic-analysis/)

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?204420-Ello-investigation-delay-due-to-‘digital-forensic-analysis’&goto=newpost).