View Full Version : Uniquely Singapore – A summary of the recent strange happenings

Sammyboy RSS Feed
17-10-2014, 10:40 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Many strange things or uniquely happenings are occurring in this island over the last few weeks. Let me just jot them down here for a good laugh or a good reflection of how unique Singapore has become.

1. Protesters protesting and jeering at a minister became of case of heckling Special Needs Children a distance away. Evidence, the Special Needs Children missed a beat in their performance. Wondering what that meant.

2. Protesters protesting against govt policies in a park(Speakers’ Corner like Hyde Park) designated specially for freedom of expression and assembly for such purposes are investigated for illegal assembly.

3. Elected Members of Parliament wanting to hold a community event to sell festival goodies to the residents need to get approval from grassroot leader that is a volunteer community leader.

4. Law Society confirmed that a lawyer charging a client $1.3m dollars for legal fee but reduced by the court after client appealed, is not overcharging.

5. Further to this, when a lawyer sent a bill to a client, client can appeal to a court and the judge will decide the correct amount to be paid. This is the right thing to do between a lawyer and the client on what is the final fee to pay.

6. A young foreigner, stranger with no relationship, could obtain a Lasting Power of Attorney to manage the assets of a very rich widow without raising any eyebrow. And the procedures to obtaining such LPA is claimed to be effective and nothing wrong that needs changes.

There are of course quite a number of others that are circulating in the social media. Anyone wants to add more to the list?

http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.sg/2...ingapore+News) (http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.sg/2014/10/uniquely-singapore-summary-of-recent.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+MySingaporeNews+(My+Singapore+N ews))

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?192217-Uniquely-Singapore-–-A-summary-of-the-recent-strange-happenings&goto=newpost).