View Full Version : To all bros who chiong tuina shop ~~!!

28-07-2005, 03:54 PM
Hi, TN samsters

Was told that yesterday there was a raid on Fortune Centre. Total got about 3 vans fully pack and go. After finding out more info, realise that only some shops are targeted. And these shops are found in threads posted by samsters here.

I understand that there is a need for sharing and some "advertising" but, by posting the FRs and the unit number and the shop name BIG BIG in the threads here, don't you know that you are also actually sharing with the AV !!!!??? Some even though put names like eg. Pxxxx Yxxx Therapy, or drop hints like "the shop between 4D and 7-11" if any samster can guess the shop, so can the AV.

As a boss myself, feel sad about hearing all these raids b'cos the source can be easily found here. I consider other boss as my colleagues rather than rivals. We are in the same line after all.....

I hope that all samsters would be more considerate and DON'T post any FRs, unit no. or shop name here.... here is a FR that is more acceptable i guess...

Location : Tampines Mall (Remember cannot post name or unit number)
Name : Xiao Xue
Age : 23
Figure : 34C-24-34
Massage : *** (indicate by how many stars)
Service : ***** (indicate by how many stars)
Attitude : ***** (indicate by how many stars)
Damage : $40 + tips
RTF : Yes (To try another SYT i saw in the shop)

This is jus my humble opinion... please do not flame me wor..... if any bro can give a better suggestion pls comments. I am sure that you do not wan your favourite shop to close down rite ??


28-07-2005, 04:09 PM
I hope that all samsters would be more considerate and DON'T post any FRs, unit no. or shop name here.... here is a FR that is more acceptable i guess...

Location : Tampines Mall (Remember cannot post name or unit number)

Errmmm bro...though i agree we shld not be too explicit with the details but then the main purpose of FRs is to inform other bros of lobangs (good or bad is another matter altogether). If you want to be vague, then maybe even the location (in ur eg Tampines Mall) shld not be revealed. Then again, all the bros will scratch head & :confused: and will ask for more details. Eventually the cat will be out of the bag anyway....

In my opinion, the only way to avoid AV is to maintain a "clean" shop...but no horny samsters here will patronise liao. Ultimately, as a boss, you have a choice....what kind of business you want? Each business comes with it's associated "biz risks". You want to run a "dirty" shop...then be prepared to face the AV. The FRs being posted are just an effect...not the cause.

Jus my 2-cents. BM

28-07-2005, 04:20 PM
Each business comes with it's associated "biz risks". You want to run a "dirty" shop...then be prepared to face the AV. The FRs being posted are just an effect...not the cause.

Agreed bro, wat i wanna say is, the details provided by bro here are really... too.... detailed. What i am trying to put across the message is not to give too much details so openly... minimise the risk.

Simple FR -> minimise risk -> longer lifetime -> new gals -> new experience -> more satisfactory.

Feel free to comment. No flaming. Cheerz ;)

28-07-2005, 04:22 PM
BTW....CONGRATS to being a boss...

Care to PM me ur location + stock? Me sure patronise :D BM

28-07-2005, 04:31 PM
I think it will not help much.
All this tuina lifespan is very short.

A) Very Good business with short lifespan (Published here)
B) Poor/Average business with indefinite lifespan

The AV are not stupid and they will know it sooner or later.
Unless All using PM and no location define at all.

It will be very boring then for all the samsters.
My true opinion only

28-07-2005, 04:39 PM
I think it will not help much.
All this tuina lifespan is very short.

Not true bro, there are some who are doing very well and for quite some time.
They got their own ways to survive which i shall not reveal here.
The thing is not to give out info too much and too easily. AV wan to raid also must make them work harder mah !!!! If i am AV, and i know my bonus or promotion due, all i need to do is to come in here and note down all the "hot" places and plan operation w/o recee/gather evidence etc etc. 1 month got average 30 days. 28 days go to office sleep around, 2 days come into this forum gather info can liao !!! Simple job !!


28-07-2005, 04:41 PM

You have your point for asking samsters to be discreet...
One thing,, our AV will have to perform their duties... to show to the
Govt they are doing something la.... not to worry all this...
If everyday AV come and raid... what will happen to Sillypore?
All men go where to TAOS...ss...ssss... Rape?? no right>...
Its part and parcel ... they need BOnus so do U??
They have family to feed...so they are told to perform ....
But if you are good risk taker, then on and off change location and open
new one to avoid AV coming after your back.. ;) ..
Just my 5cts of opinion..

if you think I talk sense... up me.. thks

28-07-2005, 04:45 PM
But if you are good risk taker, then on and off change location and open
new one

Ha ha bro K9696..... do u know how much it cost to set up a shop ??? $6k - $10k plus 2+1 rental deposit !!!!!! Not to mention if you move out u need to tear down all the renovations u made earlier... 2k ??

So.... if on off change location ....... u think i 1 month can make 20k profit ah ??? hahahahaha

28-07-2005, 05:42 PM
Think not only tn shop kena raid, GL also kena raid.... AV must have been working OT last night ~~~

28-07-2005, 06:21 PM
...Unless All using PM and no location define at all....

PM also cannot trust...who knows who is PM-ing you????
Its a fact of life, if you want to earn this kind of money, you have to face the AV....

28-07-2005, 09:38 PM
PM also cannot trust...who knows who is PM-ing you????
Its a fact of life, if you want to earn this kind of money, you have to face the AV....

True true true ....

28-07-2005, 10:11 PM
Everyone has their point here. If the owners dare to open a TN shop wif discreet services, they should be willing to bear the risks of raid. If we post FR w/o any info about the location of the shop, it is as good as posting a FR about a romp in Tunisia.

28-07-2005, 10:32 PM
Fortune Centre is never a good place for TN one lay always ganna one except for the big joint on top and anyway the remarks for that area TN in here is alway not very good one so still ok lah
sad to see that the gers up lorry and send back earlier but think on the bright side
old never go new never come mah
singaporean willing to pay the high rate to attract the PRCs back
got demand supply sure come one :D
only thing to note is bro have to cheong safe
ganna caught in action is the worse that can happen to a cheongster

28-07-2005, 10:32 PM
Yo all bros,

Each have their point of view. If every bro PM here PM there, wats the use of having sam's forum??? Then again....too open kenna raid. Then how??? Have anyone wonder how come some shop still standing and thriving??? I always believe this word 'kelong'. Meaning under table.

While I was walking n looking at petain hse 1 evening, i saw i police jeep with a bright lamp fix on the top. When they reach the intersection of the lane, they shown the light not once but 3 times. Then they come down and like doing checks like tat. After 15 min they left. If they are genuine in catching this people, they can just rush in n do their job. No need to shown the lamp 3 times then walk in slowly.

Just sharing some points.


29-07-2005, 06:39 AM
IMHO...Actually AV know better than we do where all the dirty shops around the island...It is only up to them whether they want to raid anot...If they have to come to SB to look for info...I think they can easily go to ACRA to check the TN/HC registered...

Our government stand toward vice is actually quite laxed...having to consider we have some many areas which such activities ard like GL, JC and all the HC and TN ard the island.

Therefore so long as all the joints are not a nuisance or an eye-sore to the public...i.e. gals dun dressed skimpily and chasing after all the by-passing males or dun overdo their activities...AV will certainly close 1 eye...

In fact I think there is only raids where the AV received too many complaints either from the members of the public or the neighbours or even ppl in the same line....Also regular raids targeted at specific places at regular intervals for wayang sake...Anyway they can storm into any TN/HC..I am sure they are able to catch a couple in actions...

Lastly, I dun think AV's appraisal (i.e. monetary or promotion) is pegged to the number of raids they conducted...but rather on the complaints they received...If their appraisal in based on raids...they can parked 1 patrol car along JC with 2 constables standing there...ALL the MM will disappear into the thin air...

Conclusion: AV raids are not totally related to FRs posted on SB...In fact I think it is no connection at all...

This is just my 0.02 RMB worth of thoughts


29-07-2005, 07:47 AM
IMHO...Actually AV know better than we do where all the dirty shops around the island...It is only up to them whether they want to raid anot...If they have to come to SB to look for info...I think they can easily go to ACRA to check the TN/HC registered....


Bro... I agreed fully with your points.... but rather our dear Big Brother is asking all the brudders here to be discreet...

Business good or not is up to the BOss who bring in the MMssss.... if your MMs performance is good in service I believe all brudders who got her service will start to spread the news of her "service etc"..

I know opening a shop and closing a shop is tons of money... brudder I dun expect you to open one month and close the next month, what I am saying is after a while... (maybe 6months or so) then u may want to consider changing location... but I have one solution for you... try to get PRs.. to work for you.. they are many PRs.. who are here can work... then AV will have nothing to say when they come to your office.....

Hope this small contributions just my thoughts does not angry u!!


up me if you think u can.......

29-07-2005, 07:53 AM
but rather our dear Big Brother is asking all the brudders here to be discreet...
but I have one solution for you... try to get PRs.. to work for you.. they are many PRs.. who are here can work... .....

Me when become big brother ?? Me newbie !! :D

That is why my shop only got local and PR. No PDMM, no student pass, no social visit. But.... cant base on local and PR ..... they are more... those kind of "say wan to come but never come" or "today earn enough tomorrow dun work" type. Its very hard if i only relie on these gals. May bro u got lobang ?? heeeheeeheee

29-07-2005, 07:58 AM
Conclusion: AV raids are not totally related to FRs posted on SB...In fact I think it is no connection at all...

But why only the shops that are mentioned in threads here kena raid at Fortune Centre ??? The rest never touch.

If they base on the registry , it still requires some work and recce cos some of the spa / massage centre / therapy are really clean one.

Anyway thanks for upping my rep pt even though u dun agree with my post. you really very steady lei !!!! One of a kind. SBF will be a better place with bor like u. Some zap point without any reason at all !!!


29-07-2005, 08:11 AM
But why only the shops that are mentioned in threads here kena raid at Fortune Centre ??? The rest never touch.

If they base on the registry , it still requires some work and recce cos some of the spa / massage centre / therapy are really clean one.

Anyway thanks for upping my rep pt even though u dun agree with my post. you really very steady lei !!!! One of a kind. SBF will be a better place with bor like u. Some zap point without any reason at all !!!

CheerzBro,i never see any shop in fortune centre kena raid last two days???i work in the building fyi........r u there when AV raid ???? :confused:

29-07-2005, 09:18 AM
But why only the shops that are mentioned in threads here kena raid at Fortune Centre ??? The rest never touch.

If they base on the registry , it still requires some work and recce cos some of the spa / massage centre / therapy are really clean one.

Anyway thanks for upping my rep pt even though u dun agree with my post. you really very steady lei !!!! One of a kind. SBF will be a better place with bor like u. Some zap point without any reason at all !!!


Once again...Just making a wild guess....

i presume those on SB will hv a better biz rite...therefore other operator at fortune centre that were not mention in SB will most probably have lesser biz... it could be a eye-sore or even some1 deliberately tip-off the AV so that their competitior can be put of biz for a while...

As i had mentioned in my previous posts...government knows better than we do...we will never be able to eliminate this sex trade therefore government is taking all measures to keep in under control...So that males will have a place to "de-stress"...

Even though I disagree with ur post...but i decided to up you because your post are for the benefits of our bros here...and also to protect your hard earned business...

29-07-2005, 10:27 AM
dis is wat i heard, maybe some bros can confirm. AV not so stupid, dun oni rely on SBF for info for their raids. if so easy, everyone wanna work in police force liao.

as we all noe in SG, got "legal" and illegal WLs. legal one must go for regular checkups, illegal one usually social visit visa type. most TN dat offer FJ usually illegal one, the gals cum for 2-4 wks and wanna earn back as much $$.

while dis forum may serve as a source of info, AV usually already noe about where got FJs being offered and where illegals operate. they will act when pple complain. just like JC, resident and kopitiam owners complain MP - MP KPKB - Newpaper write big story - AV bo pian hv to work.

if nobody complain, if everyone sexstified, biz as usaul.

29-07-2005, 11:18 AM
Me when become big brother ?? Me newbie !! :D

That is why my shop only got local and PR. No PDMM, no student pass, no social visit. But.... cant base on local and PR ..... th. May bro u got lobang ?? heeeheeeheee


Whether or not... still your contribution is higher than me..
anyway... I agreed your points... to certain extend you may want to
consider "Take risk".. higher risk higher profit... logic right..
so at time...you may want to allow social visit pass holders to "Hang around" at your shop for short time (May be 1 week or 2week) then put a stop...
see the situation... then act accordingly...

Talking so much you still have not tell me where is your shop so I can pay a visit ... since you said basically local and PRs... then it should not be any problem let all BRUDDERS know the location of your shop....

Cheerss..... weekend arrives......Cheong ah.........

30-07-2005, 11:50 PM
there r many ways to do dis kinda biz. fast or slow is up to u. can fast oso nvm. i think u do hv some connection with ppl from the black as well as the white. ask ard. should be able to get some advice. not too good for me to tell u here. if not AV will noe :p

it is true that AV will only act if something is inviting complaint or is too eye-catching. its quite impossible to do a pian men biz n not eye-catching. ultimately is the profit vs the panelty. if after calculate u think worth, do la. btw its definately worth cos so many ppl doing.

lastly, if u dun mind, do pm me for yr joint's location n service provided. afterall if i hv $$ to spend, let u earn better then let other ppl earn....

31-07-2005, 02:17 PM
lastly, if u dun mind, do pm me for yr joint's location n service provided. afterall if i hv $$ to spend, let u earn better then let other ppl earn....

me too; i agree with bro otur. i dun mind patronising a bro fr forum if his shop provides gals with gd quality , reasonable pricing n gd massage. but of cos oso muz c yr location lor .....

bro aikon, PM me too if u r interested to do business. :)

31-07-2005, 02:32 PM
Agreed bro, wat i wanna say is, the details provided by bro here are really... too.... detailed. What i am trying to put across the message is not to give too much details so openly... minimise the risk.

There's no pefect solution 1. AV oso can cum n reg a nick mah. Then he pm us 4 contact we oso gong gong giv... :(

31-07-2005, 03:19 PM
bro Aikon,even we dun post the address of the place,the AV are able to find out though those informers......AV got their own sources......as long u in this line just prepare to face AV anytime.........unless u really got lobang to get protection from behind.......however after ah long san case......many ppl dun dare to take bribe and ruin their iron bowl... :o

31-07-2005, 08:51 PM
PM also cannot trust...who knows who is PM-ing you????
Its a fact of life, if you want to earn this kind of money, you have to face the AV....

3 clap.

come on.... ask any of the NTY offical... they will tell u... they know 80% of the massage joint do offer sex service. it is a matter of time.. and... some connection/under table $$$ to delay they visit yr joint.

to invite faster raid..
1- get yr gal to dress sexy and stnad outside the shop to draw attention.
2- work permit ... this dun play play..
3- yr gal better dun over charge.. if the client complaint to NTY, god bless u

so put the name and joint here will invite faster raid??
look at the health centre thrread..

the bugis hc gal so HOT... why untill now no storm or wave hit the joint???

so... u open joint, and dun wanna let the NTY invite u.. then ask the gal dun offer special lor.

simple as ABC

31-07-2005, 08:55 PM
to invite faster raid..
1- get yr gal to dress sexy and stnad outside the shop to draw attention.
2- work permit ... this dun play play..
3- yr gal better dun over charge.. if the client complaint to NTY, god bless u

the bugis hc gal so HOT... why untill now no storm or wave hit the joint???

Heehee bro Nirvana
1. My gals dun dress exy and they sit inside, so no pro there.
2. All local or PR so dun need work permit. No pro there too.
3. Overcharge or not i dunno wor. Whatever happen inside i dunno.

About that last question of yours, heehee..... u know i know why can liao, dun need to spell it out here.

31-07-2005, 09:04 PM
sultan plaza was highlighted on the front page of today's zaobao. lets wait n see. sure will happen within a week 1.

31-07-2005, 09:07 PM
sultan plaza was highlighted on the front page of today's zaobao. lets wait n see. sure will happen within a week 1.

!!! :eek: Not again ?! Lucky my shop not there ~
But these reporters hor, really got no other news for them to report is it ???
That time tampines, now sultan plaza...... sigh...

31-07-2005, 09:20 PM
sultan plaza was highlighted on the front page of today's zaobao. lets wait n see. sure will happen within a week 1.

bro care to share wat was d article on JSP abt??? thos bo liao reporters nothin better to do n reporting on d TN shops again??? :mad:

31-07-2005, 10:07 PM

when will it be the best time for me to support yr joint?
must get yr best gal to break my bone oki? :D


01-08-2005, 08:47 AM
Bro Aikon,nowsday TN cannot make it liao.If u start 2-3 yrs back then still ok.....because once AV know wat trick the operators are up to,they will raid like hell.
If u really keen in this service,why dun u open a HC or spa like shop,at least u wont be aim.
Regardless which type of shop u open,u need a gd pool of pretty and service orentiated gers......... :)

01-08-2005, 09:26 AM
I heard the operator with 1 joint ea @ GL x3, Balestier n JC r up for taking
Seems they also facing the heat......... :D