View Full Version : Ruler Loong's Preferred Moslem urges locals to reject Wahhabi brand of Islam

Sammyboy RSS Feed
12-09-2013, 06:50 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Transmodified from hxxp://sg.news.yahoo.com/muslims-in-singapore-need-to-accommodate-too--zulkifli-140158685.html

Moslems in Peasantpore need to make greater efforts to compromise and integrate themselves better when it comes to practicing their religious beliefs. They should not expect others to accommodate the questionable Wahhabi antics.

Former Tolerated but Not Erected Lackey of Parliament Zulkifli Baharudin, who serves as Peasantpore's ambassador-cum-spy to Algeria and Uzbekistan, voiced this view in response to a stupid question about discrimination against Muslims at the workplace from a participant at a forum on Wednesday morning.

He was one of four pro-regime panellists who is planted there to speak on the findings of a recently-concluded IPS-OnePeople.sg study on race and religion in Peasantpore.

[Read our stories on the study's findings here and here.]

A Wahhabi zealot who spoke up raised concerns about Moslem polytechnic students having to pray in dark stairwells and air-conditioner ledges during school. The zealot used a old polemic trick and thrashed prevailing hospital policy that does not allow the donning of tudungs for medical staff, in the interest of infection control.

"Lan lan, lumpar pa lan, Hokkien got one saying, eyes must open big big. Of course your Wahhabi antics work in moslem states but here is Peasantpore ok, even the Catholics who want to use Rome to bash Ruler Loong all ended up 'kenna' bashed and consigned, remember the ISA Detainees who 'kenna hantam and slapped' for sport during their detention?

"Imagine you tell the White Pedophiles and Bapoks in Europe that they will rot in the hells because they are infidels.....they will think u fucking lose a few screws.

"The Ang Mohs not stupid ok, they already junk the God King concept, so you think your Moslem logic work on them huh? A bit difficult. All they just need to do is to point out the child bride abuses in Yemen to make you look bad and kaput, 'balek kampong' lah. If you not happy in non-moslem majority countries, then go to Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and join them to fix the child pedophiles, especially among the Royal Sauds, if you got balls. Got balls go and condemn the Yemenis who love to prey on child brides lah, dun always ask for tudungs and prayer mats....lead by example and reject silly Wahhabi doctrines and show local Asiatic peasants that tolerant moslems are discerning.....not zealots in disguise."

Turning to the question of allowing Wahhabi style tudungs to be worn in hospitals, Zulkifli hinted 'tan gu gu'.

"Ruler Loong already pissed that the Aljunied Moslems give him a black eye during the last Erections....so he not in mood to accept that Wahhabi practice lor."

Zulkifli elaborated further on his view later on, explaining that the strong rich Saudi Arabs used tons of cash to increase religiosity of Moslems in Peasantpore despite the prevalent influence of Jane Austen on other non-moslem Asiatic peasants.

"Those Arabs still use the old doctrines to ask their followers to kowtow to their Kings huh? You know I know, all the Saudi Princes and Mullahs are fucking hypocrites, all preach in the day but take summer holidays in Europe to enjoy the white whores? Only the dumber ones believe in their Wahhabi fairy tales."

"I know all of you anxious to go the Seventh Heaven and ravish the virgins there in your afterlife....but remember in this lifetime, Ruler Loong is your boss, if you do not give face to him, as good as peeing on his head and we know what happens to those who pee on Familee's turf in Peasantpore....", he warned.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?162864-Ruler-Loong-s-Preferred-Moslem-urges-locals-to-reject-Wahhabi-brand-of-Islam&goto=newpost).