View Full Version : No. of New Shityzens to Form 1/3 of Voters in 2016

Sammyboy RSS Feed
04-09-2013, 02:00 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

New citizens should not vote at the next GE? (http://www.tremeritus.com/2013/09/03/new-citizens-should-not-vote-at-the-next-ge/)

http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostDateIcon.png September 3rd, 2013 | http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostAuthorIcon.png Author: Contributions (http://www.tremeritus.com/author/contributor/)

S Dhanabalan: 'Racial integration is a long, long
process. It is not a matter of decades. Now the issue is further complicated by
the new immigrants.'

I read that “Singaporeans are encouraged to help new citizens integrate and
adjust to their new home. New Singaporeans should take the initiative to involve
themselves in community events and activities. They can play a part by
volunteering with grassroots and civil society organisations.

About 3,600 other new citizens would also be affirming their commitment to
Singapore at ceremonies across the island this weekend”.

Should Singaporeans be glad that the population is growing towards 6.9
million by 2030?

I am not.

I am reminded of the angst to live with 6.9 million people with inadequate
infrastructure when I went to the zoo today. Endless bus loads of tourists
arrived from Malaysia taking break from National Day. At the same time,
Singapore Power Family Day was hosted at the zoo too. Parking lots were taken
up, cars had to park outside the zoo. If cars could float, you will see them in
the reservoirs. Eateries were packed. At 3pm, my 5 year old daughter queuing
with me at the Benand Jerry display mild rage when she thought two men cut into
our queue. I had to reassure her that the men did not cut queue, and we will get
our ice cream. The taxi queue for departing visitors was horrendous. The number
of visitors probably exceeded the number of trees in the zoo today. It was a
most unpleasant experience. I would not visit again if I was one of those
tourists spending time waiting and waiting for everything. The zoo could have
done better in limiting the maximum number of visitors. I have no doubt the
revenue hit a maximum today. But I am also convinced that customer satisfaction
hit a minimum. More than 90 percent of the visitors will not visit again in the
near term.

Looking at what happened at the zoo today, I am convinced that making plans
based on future demand and supply of people is a very difficult task. There are
too many variables involved. Even the zoo can’t get it right managing tens of
thousands of people. I can’t imagine planning for 6.9 million people.

What happen if the government fails to plan correctly in anticipation for 6.9
million people? If the population overshoots, we will face ever growing
congestion. If the population dipped way below, there will be excess capacity
and severe price corrections. Are Singaporeans ready for these scenarios? The
scary thing is that I should still be alive coming 2030.

As the motion has been passed, I wonder if it helps to comment any further on

Coming back to the new citizens, critics have suggested that this is a ploy
by the government to negate the votes toward opposition parties in the coming

GE, assuming new citizens will vote for the government.

Is this worry legitimate? Assuming 3,600 x 12 months x 5 years, the number of
new citizens taken in will be about 216,000. If it involves subsequent
conversion of spouses who are PR, then that number can reach above 400,000. If
there are children who will turn 21, the number can reach 600,000. If in laws
and parents could be added on, the number of new citizens could hit 1 million
by 2016.

Against the current vote base of over 2 million, it would look like the
number of new citizens could account for 1/3 of the vote base. Critics seems
legitimate to claim that government may be motivated to bring in new citizens on
many grounds, including introducing more voters. Although one cannot say for
sure who the new citizens will vote for.

But the government is in a good position to dispel such claims. It could
borrow the concept from HDB where new PRs are not allowed to buy resale HDB
within 3 years. Similarly, the election department can rule that new citizens
since the last GE will not be eligible to vote in the next GE.

With that, I think much of the suspicion towards the underlying intent of the
population ramp up will be instantly erased. It will certainly help build trust
with the people, something that seems eroding.

Will the government consider my


* The author blogs at https://blogbuster88.wordpress.com (https://blogbuster88.wordpress.com/).

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?161887-No-of-New-Shityzens-to-Form-1-3-of-Voters-in-2016&goto=newpost).