View Full Version : RAPE AND GANG RAPE SERVICE for Ladies

01-07-2005, 04:26 PM
HI all bros out there,
This crazy idea just got into my head. How about starting a RAPE SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. I think nowadays girls have this sort of fetish. Here is how it goes.
1) a horny girl comes and engage our service
2) pay up and sign a memo stating that she ask for it
3)choose the type of man/men she wants to be rape by( description only no photos)
4)time period she wished to be rape cos will be quite a shock/surprise of course will planned it at a time she least suspect it to happened.
5) in the long run i think can tie up with other similar company worldwide so that women can be rape internationally.

01-07-2005, 04:28 PM
u powder man :D i am all in

01-07-2005, 04:31 PM
Wat a suggestion ! :D

01-07-2005, 04:32 PM
HI all bros out there,
This crazy idea just got into my head. How about starting a RAPE SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. rape internationally.


Maybe you changed the word "Rape" to a better word, ladies might consider in joining. Where women like to be raped?

01-07-2005, 04:33 PM
HI all bros out there,
This crazy idea just got into my head. How about starting a RAPE SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. I think nowadays girls have this sort of fetish. Here is how it goes.
1) a horny girl comes and engage our service
2) pay up and sign a memo stating that she ask for it
3)choose the type of man/men she wants to be rape by( description only no photos)
4)time period she wished to be rape cos will be quite a shock/surprise of course will planned it at a time she least suspect it to happened.
5) in the long run i think can tie up with other similar company worldwide so that women can be rape internationally.

seriously, not all gal will have this fetish. even if they have it, it's not for a SHORT period of time. it's not something that gals would really enjoy. maybe can change to gang bang, choose from the "models" who she wanna gang bang with. think that might have more "biz".

just my own thoughts and views.


01-07-2005, 04:37 PM
How about ... guy kanna rape by women... some in nurse (with knife), teacher (cane), commando (water gun) , farmer (chang ko), etc...

tie u up and suck till you dry and then keep on pumping you till you beg to stop.... for say 8hrs...

01-07-2005, 04:37 PM
I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think its gonna work, my friend. Rape is basically illegal. I don't think you can't sign a disclaimer on rape. Gotta think of a better idea. :D

01-07-2005, 04:41 PM
I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think its gonna work, my friend. Rape is basically illegal. I don't think you can't sign a disclaimer on rape. Gotta think of a better idea. :D

like i say, maybe gang bang service will be better. not all gals/guys have this kinda fetish. even if they have, it's only for awhile. i used to have this fanstasy with a phonesex kaki. but when i "wake up" from my highest, i was damn disgusted by it. so can only say it's temp and short period. but gang bang might have more biz ba.

01-07-2005, 04:43 PM
thanks for such fast response and opinion. think of it this way when playboy and penthouse first started they have alot of negative opinions too but today they are a legend. As for Ashley's opinion, i need a female consultant too. u see we are creating more jobs round the world witha group of international rapist with opportunities to work overseas too with oversea allowance, lodging, meal allowance and etc. better than working for an airline man! but off course we need to find customers first lah. I am thinking of targeting JAPAN first cos women there are willing to try anything. Then again in japan, to run this kind of business, we need the blessings from the YAKUSA first with their headquarters in KOBE. This service will change the world. :D

01-07-2005, 04:43 PM
Later the girls will come up with a Rape Charge Service !

01-07-2005, 04:48 PM
What if that horny gal is not satisfied with the "Raping" service of your agency? All she have to do is just go to the nearest police station to make this make-belief "Raping" service into a true raping case. All you need is just one unsatisfied customer and there goes your butt with the rotan.

Maybe, your idea will works in other liberal countries. Here? Wait long long for the durian to drop. :D

Then again, if you change your business concept from serving the gals to guys. I believe your business will flourish because it's not everyday you get "rape" by a gal. :D

01-07-2005, 04:51 PM
changing the name of the game is easy lah! we can have a lot of new words to mean- force to have sex. like i say customer can choose the their type of predators but no photos lor. so that they don't come with brad pitts photos and say "I want to arrange a rape session by Brad pitt" how to find for her and how many millions she willing to spend?

01-07-2005, 04:52 PM
What if that horny gal is not satisfied with the "Raping" service of your agency? All she have to do is just go to the nearest police station to make this make-belief "Raping" service into a true raping case. All you need is just one unsatisfied customer and there goes your butt with the rotan.

Maybe, your idea will works in other liberal countries. Here? Wait long long for the durian to drop. :D

since when woman kenna rape already will be satisfied one! hace u heard a victim say that she was rape last night and felt damn good about it?????

01-07-2005, 05:01 PM
since when woman kenna rape already will be satisfied one! hace u heard a victim say that she was rape last night and felt damn good about it?????

i remember that few yrs ago, there's a cartoon strip(chn) abt a lady kanna rape, make police report. still can describe the sex was damn gd.... :confused: that one dunno got anyone see b4?

01-07-2005, 05:08 PM
I tot sch holiday over liao. ............. :confused: ??!?!???

1) First of all, dun think u can even register yr company with that kind of business nature u r thinking of. Dun tell me u wanna do it underground hor CAUSE u wrote PTE LTD. Whatever company name u think of also NO USE.
Its the nature of the business that is in concern. oops old man tend to be long winded. oreadi said above. sorry. paiseh

2) What Yakusa (shld be yakuza)from Kobe. U want recommendation from +++ugawa 徳川トクガワClan? :D


01-07-2005, 05:14 PM
HI all bros out there,
This crazy idea just got into my head. How about starting a RAPE SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. I think nowadays girls have this sort of fetish.

i wish a group of pretty poly girls can start such a "rape" service... :D

01-07-2005, 05:26 PM
I tot sch holiday over liao. ............. :confused: ??!?!???


Bro, you funny lah, I saw you used the above sentence twice liao. :p

01-07-2005, 05:37 PM
Bro, you funny lah, I saw you used the above sentence twice liao. :p

wah bro, u so observant one ah.
dun try to recognise me on the street as a samster hor.

01-07-2005, 05:39 PM
will it be more legalised if u get a bunch of WLs to gang rape a guy instead??
at least it will be more difficult to prove in court tht a guy is being rape.. haha...

furthermore, i believe more guys than girls are willing to pay for being raped.. :D

01-07-2005, 05:43 PM
How about ... guy kanna rape by women... some in nurse (with knife), teacher (cane), commando (water gun) , farmer (chang ko), etc...

tie u up and suck till you dry and then keep on pumping you till you beg to stop.... for say 8hrs...

Bro....can bang bang for 8 hrs hur ???....tink pretty gd ideas ...should start advertising n get sbf sis to patronize b4 tinking of EXPANSION plan ...okie ...i m in :D

01-07-2005, 05:53 PM
HI all bros out there,
This crazy idea just got into my head. How about starting a RAPE SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. I think nowadays girls have this sort of fetish. Here is how it goes.
1) a horny girl comes and engage our service
2) pay up and sign a memo stating that she ask for it
3)choose the type of man/men she wants to be rape by( description only no photos)
4)time period she wished to be rape cos will be quite a shock/surprise of course will planned it at a time she least suspect it to happened.
5) in the long run i think can tie up with other similar company worldwide so that women can be rape internationally.

How about a KIDNAP And Rape instead ?

Meaning after she signs on the dotted line, she will be guanranteed a Kidnap/Rape service within a month at any location.

In UK, there is a KIDNAP service where the client pays up in full, gets kidnapped while he/she's sleeping , bond, punched (not to the PAINFUL extend), sacked up in a bag and thrown back outside his house days later.

01-07-2005, 06:37 PM
i wish a group of pretty poly girls can start such a "rape" service... :D

Oh yes, your idea is much more feasible and palatable! :D

But can you imagine a bunch of not-so-appealing ah sohs coming after you to nail you? Goodness... *shudder*

01-07-2005, 09:02 PM
thanks for such fast response and opinion. think of it this way when playboy and penthouse first started they have alot of negative opinions too but today they are a legend. As for Ashley's opinion, i need a female consultant too. u see we are creating more jobs round the world ...the blessings from the YAKUSA first with their headquarters in KOBE. This service will change the world. :D

LOL bro..cant stop laughing when I read "international rapist" ...sounds like some professional rapists specialise in raping gal all over e world..

Though i doubt it will work..but if it really works..LOL..I think it will be e "MOST WANTED JOB" by men in e world.. :D

01-07-2005, 09:40 PM
lol.. the women pay u and let u rape her arh? where got such gd kang tao one.. hmm hmm.. if can work den all rapist in singapore song ka siao liaoz...

01-07-2005, 10:39 PM
lol.. the women pay u and let u rape her arh? where got such gd kang tao one.. hmm hmm.. if can work den all rapist in singapore song ka siao liaoz...
very old, fat, ugly, desperate types ????? :D

02-07-2005, 02:32 AM
a very big thank u to all brother and sisters contributions i can't stop laughing myself. U see, this is different, rapist under our wing are professionals arm with an LTR-LICENCE TO RAPE. As to one bro's opinion on registering our business, it shall be an events organization. Rape in the normal context is a crime, an incident but in our perspective is a legitimate EVENT :D . off course arranging to gang rape a man is easy but i don't want to leave the women out mah :D

02-07-2005, 02:49 AM
thanks for such fast response and opinion. think of it this way when playboy and penthouse first started they have alot of negative opinions too but today they are a legend. As for Ashley's opinion, i need a female consultant too. u see we are creating more jobs round the world witha group of international rapist with opportunities to work overseas too with oversea allowance, lodging, meal allowance and etc. better than working for an airline man! but off course we need to find customers first lah. I am thinking of targeting JAPAN first cos women there are willing to try anything. Then again in japan, to run this kind of business, we need the blessings from the YAKUSA first with their headquarters in KOBE. This service will change the world. :D

Ever thought of going to IE Singapore for funding?

02-07-2005, 09:38 AM
HI all bros out there,
This crazy idea just got into my head. How about starting a RAPE SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. I think nowadays girls have this sort of fetish.

a great idea targetted at a niche market indeed! how abt doing up a biz plan and submit to the bank and hear what they have to say? you never know till you try right? i await your good news! ;)

02-07-2005, 10:43 AM
side track abit ah...but i really really really feel like raping every pretty girl i see on the street leh... :D

haha i think if there's such a company, i'll hack in to their system and find out which girl wanna be raped and go rape her first...haha 2 for the price of 1 leh

02-07-2005, 11:47 AM
Wah Lao, such idea also can....

When I was in jakarta, i know of peope who be WILLING TO HAVE SEX infront of you when you pay them to do it. TO pay someone to gang rape you? Why pay the guys? Afterall, it is free fuck for them what!

Take the case of annabell Cheong. She got to pay how much for that many guys to FUCK HER? :eek:

02-07-2005, 03:56 PM
Rape services!!! Sign idemnity first !!! etc, etc...

Wow!!!! Damn good idea leh... :eek:

I can already imagine it. Girl goes over to company, decides on being rape by maybe 2 guys, pay and wait for action.

2 guys, "bio" the girl with idemnity letter in hand, charge at the girl, then bring her to nearby bush and "rape" her according to her wishes.

Girl, while enjoying it, plays along fo what she had paid for, struggle, cries and maybe even scream... or else not like being rape mah...

Passerbys heard girl's cry, came in group and bash up the 2 guys eventhough guys will quickly claim that girl wants it and bring out indemnity letter (who the fuck will believe them?)

By the time police came, 2 guys will probably been beaten half to death, reporters will come down and start taking pics, ambulance come bring 2 guys to hospital for treatment as one of them probably will have broken bones or skull, etc.

Police investigate, found out that 2 guys were true, but too bad already newspaper came out with story with 2 guys pictures and rape company's name and it's MD. All pictures out in newspaper too.

I'm really going to enjoy this leh.... so when's the company setting up? :D

02-07-2005, 04:03 PM
LOL... ok le..I SAY 1ST HOR... If u all setting up e company..I VOLUNTEER to help u all set up a branch in Jap and Korea each..HAha.. :D

02-07-2005, 04:04 PM
LOL... ok le..I SAY 1ST HOR... If u all setting up e company..I VOLUNTEER to help u all set up a branch in Jap and Korea each..HAha.. :D
And LOS is my area, :D

02-07-2005, 07:17 PM
Frankly speaking it will not work. it will be better off doing a role play of rape something like what did Japaneses did. Or maybe you can find an environment where the rape feeling can be sitmulated and enjoy by both parties. And of course it should be away from the public and police patrol. and of course can another set of clothes, you dun want to be caught walking around with tore clothes.

03-07-2005, 10:23 AM
set up roleplay.com as first step and get members e mails. They can role play via net. Both guys and gals. Later inform regular members that we can offer the real thing.
Or set up a sex toy shop for females. We then must get to know them and those we trust, tell them we offer more. First is escorts. Next, we ask them if they are bored with the normal service and then ......... :D

Damn good idea. worth considering. :D

03-07-2005, 01:00 PM
Then you want to make it even more realistic, you can employ real rapists, mah... those ex-cons, like dat maybe even police will appreciate your efforts as it will keep real rape crimes down, kekekekekekekekeke

03-07-2005, 03:48 PM
Then you want to make it even more realistic, you can employ real rapists, mah... those ex-cons, like dat maybe even police will appreciate your efforts as it will keep real rape crimes down, kekekekekekekekeke

then the gals can choose from different category..

cat a - handsome $300/hr
cat b - normal - $150/hr
cat c - ugly - $40/hr

kekekekek.... :D

03-07-2005, 04:45 PM
then the gals can choose from different category..

cat a - handsome $300/hr
cat b - normal - $150/hr
cat c - ugly - $40/hr


I willing to volunteer under cat c for free :D

03-07-2005, 05:30 PM
The roleplay.com. seems more feasible to be operating in sg..........can collect subcription for its operation cost mah......

03-07-2005, 11:04 PM
then the gals can choose from different category..

cat a - handsome $300/hr
cat b - normal - $150/hr
cat c - ugly - $40/hr

kekekekek.... :D

when will the recuitment start ?? can I queue up for the post ?? :p

04-07-2005, 12:54 AM
then the gals can choose from different category..

cat a - handsome $300/hr
cat b - normal - $150/hr
cat c - ugly - $40/hr

kekekekek.... :D

since tis was initiated in sbf....i tink sbf sis shld enjoy 40% discount n regulars should get a 20% discount hor....... :rolleyes:

04-07-2005, 01:31 AM
since tis was initiated in sbf....i tink sbf sis shld enjoy 40% discount n regulars should get a 20% discount hor....... :rolleyes:

EXACTLY!~ dun say we all brothers here nvr gif u all sister kang tao hor. l0lx!! :p

04-07-2005, 01:40 AM
cat a - handsome $300/hr
cat b - normal - $150/hr
cat c - ugly - $40/hr

wow the gal get rape by one hour, power man, but maybe can replace the rape by force sex, sound better...

04-07-2005, 01:52 AM
EXACTLY!~ dun say we all brothers here nvr gif u all sister kang tao hor. l0lx!! :p

who knoes if tis rape service , guy rape gers , really kick off....can expand to ger rape guys......not to worry ...same discounts for bros in sbf....hehehe ;)
too much talking liao.....start t ball rolling leh.....bro aviator (tread starter ) be t chairman hor.....

Bro avaitor .....wat t next step har......

04-07-2005, 12:01 PM
who knoes if tis rape service , guy rape gers , really kick off....can expand to ger rape guys......not to worry ...same discounts for bros in sbf....hehehe ;)
too much talking liao.....start t ball rolling leh.....bro aviator (tread starter ) be t chairman hor.....

Bro avaitor .....wat t next step har......

I like your idea. I need a full board of members MD, GM,SM, SVC Consul, Customer relation and etc. and i need customers too, any SBF Sis wanna try FOC samples :D

04-07-2005, 12:03 PM
I like your idea. I need a full board of members MD, GM,SM, SVC Consul, Customer relation and etc. and i need customers too, any SBF Sis wanna try FOC samples :D

Can I have the QC manager post ?? :D

04-07-2005, 12:08 PM
I like your idea. I need a full board of members MD, GM,SM, SVC Consul, Customer relation and etc. and i need customers too, any SBF Sis wanna try FOC samples

eh! eh! i want the CEO post okay?? Chief Entertainment Officer...haha :D i think we need lots of Legal Consultants too :)

04-07-2005, 01:37 PM
I like your idea. I need a full board of members MD, GM,SM, SVC Consul, Customer relation and etc. and i need customers too, any SBF Sis wanna try FOC samples :D

FOC samples can forget it.
me be the svc consultant/ customer relation can? :D

04-07-2005, 01:57 PM
HI all bros out there,
This crazy idea just got into my head. How about starting a RAPE SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. I think nowadays girls have this sort of fetish. Here is how it goes.
1) a horny girl comes and engage our service
2) pay up and sign a memo stating that she ask for it
3)choose the type of man/men she wants to be rape by( description only no photos)
4)time period she wished to be rape cos will be quite a shock/surprise of course will planned it at a time she least suspect it to happened.
5) in the long run i think can tie up with other similar company worldwide so that women can be rape internationally.

This has got to be the most idiotic fuck-tard suggestion i ever heard in my life.
The fact that the thought even crossed your mind is proof that you are a sad motherfucker that feel special when girls online pay attention to you.
Gimme a fucking break

04-07-2005, 02:13 PM
This has got to be the most idiotic fuck-tard suggestion i ever heard in my life.
The fact that the thought even crossed your mind is proof that you are a sad motherfucker that feel special when girls online pay attention to you.
Gimme a fucking break

with a rep point of only 10? u want to use all kinds of vulgarities here? what the F is wrong with your F-Tard brain?

04-07-2005, 02:24 PM
LOL.. .bth..cant stop laughin while readin this thread...Though e ideas nt very realistic..but they r very entertaining sia :D ...

Anyway..e 1st thing we must do when we set up this company is that we Must BUY PATENT...to patent this service..so that no other ppl can provide this service n compete wif us..LOL..like that we will b e sole service provider of such Paid-to-rape IN The WHOLE WORLD..

04-07-2005, 02:33 PM
LOL.. .bth..cant stop laughin while readin this thread...Though e ideas nt very realistic..but they r very entertaining sia :D ...

Anyway..e 1st thing we must do when we set up this company is that we Must BUY PATENT...to patent this service..so that no other ppl can provide this service n compete wif us..LOL..like that we will b e sole service provider of such Paid-to-rape IN The WHOLE WORLD..

thanks bro, I found this idea quite entertaining too that's why i posted it. but one stupid pighead with very low rep poing F me up and down. :mad:

04-07-2005, 03:02 PM
when will the recuitment start ?? can I queue up for the post ??

I volunteer under cat D - work for free, fees surrender to company but on condition no "hippos" or "expiring customers".. :D

Willing to provide own transport n work essentials..

04-07-2005, 03:33 PM
This has got to be the most idiotic fuck-tard suggestion i ever heard in my life.
The fact that the thought even crossed your mind is proof that you are a sad motherfucker that feel special when girls online pay attention to you.
Gimme a fucking break

hey man cool it la...why so hot? We're just basically tcss-ing here only ma...ease the boredom from us lads working in the office...a bit of funny ideas to cock bout won't harm anyone isn't it? :)

04-07-2005, 04:19 PM
relax bros.. free forum, free ideas...

peace peace... :)

04-07-2005, 09:35 PM
I volunteer under cat D - work for free, fees surrender to company but on condition no "hippos" or "expiring customers".. :D

Willing to provide own transport n work essentials..

not enough....u have to provide the gals too........ :p

04-07-2005, 09:36 PM
thanks bro, I found this idea quite entertaining too that's why i posted it. but one stupid pighead with very low rep poing F me up and down. :mad:
relax lah....life goes on.....I support u lah... :p