View Full Version : Kunming, Lijiang, Yunnan - China
10-04-2004, 07:39 PM
I will be visiting Kunming next week. Haven't been there for almost 8 years, am pretty sure that there is lots of changes. Back then I stayed in Kunming Hotel, and had some fun with their in-house massage. Now I am planning to stay in a 5 star hotel.
Can another provide more info on the massage there?
Thanks :)
12-04-2004, 08:33 PM
Trip was cancelled.
17-05-2004, 06:42 AM
I will be visiting Kunming this week. Any fellow cheongster can give me some tips ? Thanks
17-05-2004, 08:45 AM
I will be visiting Kunming this week. Any fellow cheongster can give me some tips ? Thanks
I thought I have provide some information for this Kunming or LiJiang in another thread sometime ago, perhaps you refer back to relevant thread.
17-05-2004, 10:35 AM
I will be visiting Kunming this week. Any fellow cheongster can give me some tips ? Thanks
If you cannot find the relevant threads, here is a section of my compiled field report of Kunming. Note: These reports are from Chinese Forum I had read sometimes ago. Hope you will save some of these reports and forward to Samster who need them next time.
Here it goes................
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1。人民路腫瘤醫院旁路口進入有十多家FL,80-100/炮,小姐一般,運氣好的話能遇到從學校出來做兼職的,上次我遇到一個,人白身材好B緊,只是很不懂整,可能 是不經常做的原故吧。(注意後面不要有人跟,一般還是比較安全的)
2。西苑立交橋向左轉前行200米左右向右轉到第二個路口左轉腫瘤醫院後門旁有一家FL。小區房環境好安全 ,裡面有幾個小姐模樣還不錯,功夫好,不戴套吹,一個字爽!!!100/炮,不講價!(安全)
3。西壩「龍中池」128—148全套,24小時營業,環境比以上的好點,小姐一般,有時能遇到好的,看運 氣了。只是聽說是有部隊後台,安全。
4。金鼎科技園旁,有兩家FL,100/炮,裡面的MM很不錯,統一穿白T椊,上次搞了一個18的,功夫不好。不錯把她血都搞出來啦,哈哈,只是那 晚上才開門,小區房安全。
[email protected]
2003 /09 剛剛去過昆明
另外大約從晚上9:00~ 12:00 他們都會在錦華酒店前徘徊,
__________________________________________________ ____________________
^_^300 全套^_^ 沙漠風暴是用跳跳糖給你吹^_^很爽的!
小姐一般 只有10個不到
__________________________________________________ ____________________
03/11/11 10:28:00回應
昆明新酒店4星華地王朝五樓美容美髮中心內有6,7位姑娘長的都不錯,上房短鐘$500,技巧好能殺到$3 00,費用包含$98按摩費,小姐告訴我很安全.
麗江:古城邊"玉龍花園酒店"內桑拿中心是黑店,萬萬不能去,小弟差點出不來,幸好先把皮包放房間,只帶$350去.想凹我$1500, 被3,4個阿六架到房間去.幹死了.幸好沒事!!
03/11/19 21:44:12回應
2。要算是洗腳的地方了!金星小區從東門到南門一路走下去可是有很多MM哦!不過價錢可是要高一 點哦!
反正其它地方有的昆明都有!只不過沒有人把這些信息上傳罷了!小弟到是經常去金星那裡的MM可 真爽呀!!
前段時間陪客戶去雲南思茅出差,住在金鳳大酒店,夜晚小弟不安份便到SN部去搓泥,上去脫光後才發現這裡幾 乎沒什麼人來洗SN,多半都是進行足浴和按摩,沒法子,將就些好了,反正也到不貴SN加搓背也就30,搓背 過程中和少爺聊天得知這裡按摩房打炮要100-150,如果要加BJ,推油則可能要300,但有部分小姐只 肯ML,不肯口交。情況瞭解完畢後當然開始幹正事了,進了按摩房間等小姐(不讓自選)!房間衛生很好,床單 很白,但隔音效果極差,聽得見隔壁的小姐喊聲震天(當然有點誇張了,不過的確聲音很響),進來一個MM,看 起來年紀很小,模樣一般,但最重要的缺點是奶子小(我不喜歡),當然是換!!,又來一位模樣還是一般(看來 不自己挑,多半會把差生先送上來!!),不過奶子大,問 她會冰火和毒龍否!竟然問我什麼叫毒龍???並且告知做冰火要戴套!!靠!換人!進來的第三個很不錯(可以 打85分安徽人)(所以如果不能自己選就一定要多換幾次,才能見到好的),問了價格冰火加ML要250,並 且不做毒龍(從小姐處得知,這裡都不做,本炮猜想可能是多數人都是只洗腳、按摩後就直奔主題的緣故屁眼不乾 淨的緣故吧!哈哈),小姐脫掉衣服後,大失望!咪咪還是太小,只是戴了個大號的硬奶罩所以開始顯得大(一高 興忘記親手檢查一下,被表面現象騙了),小就小吧!反正本人不推油!小姐本來要戴套吹,但和我聊天聊得高興 再加之本人小弟健健康康高聳挺立,就答應免戴套,小姐口功了得,簡直感覺不到牙齒,加上一冷一熱的刺激,那 叫一個爽!本炮晚飯喝了酒,半天都沒有瀉的感覺,難為小姐吹了20多分鐘,都沒有反映,小姐抱怨嘴都麻了, 便讓小姐一邊用舌頭刺激馬口,一邊親摸蛋蛋,最後全部爆在小姐口中!小姐清理完畢後,邊聊天邊用手摸JJ, 本人也沒閒著,在小姐上下齊動手,才摸了幾下,MM下面就全濕了,受到刺激,小弟弟重新立起,接著開戰!( 省略過程)小姐不敢大聲叫(說怕別人聽見,再次驗證隔音效果差!),再瀉了後,沖澡結帳!所有費用340搞 定
17-05-2004, 09:21 PM
Is Kunming near yunan? Bro mind to share what is your travelling damage there?
17-05-2004, 11:31 PM
Thanks. Will post my reports these weekend
If you cannot find the relevant threads, here is a section of my compiled field report of Kunming. Note: These reports are from Chinese Forum I had read sometimes ago. Hope you will save some of these reports and forward to Samster who need them next time.
Here it goes................
__________________________________________________ ______________________
1。人民路腫瘤醫院旁路口進入有十多家FL,80-100/炮,小姐一般,運氣好的話能遇到從學校出來做兼職的,上次我遇到一個,人白身材好B緊,只是很不懂整,可能 是不經常做的原故吧。(注意後面不要有人跟,一般還是比較安全的)
2。西苑立交橋向左轉前行200米左右向右轉到第二個路口左轉腫瘤醫院後門旁有一家FL。小區房環境好安全 ,裡面有幾個小姐模樣還不錯,功夫好,不戴套吹,一個字爽!!!100/炮,不講價!(安全)
3。西壩「龍中池」128—148全套,24小時營業,環境比以上的好點,小姐一般,有時能遇到好的,看運 氣了。只是聽說是有部隊後台,安全。
4。金鼎科技園旁,有兩家FL,100/炮,裡面的MM很不錯,統一穿白T椊,上次搞了一個18的,功夫不好。不錯把她血都搞出來啦,哈哈,只是那 晚上才開門,小區房安全。
[email protected]
2003 /09 剛剛去過昆明
另外大約從晚上9:00~ 12:00 他們都會在錦華酒店前徘徊,
__________________________________________________ ____________________
^_^300 全套^_^ 沙漠風暴是用跳跳糖給你吹^_^很爽的!
小姐一般 只有10個不到
__________________________________________________ ____________________
03/11/11 10:28:00回應
昆明新酒店4星華地王朝五樓美容美髮中心內有6,7位姑娘長的都不錯,上房短鐘$500,技巧好能殺到$3 00,費用包含$98按摩費,小姐告訴我很安全.
麗江:古城邊"玉龍花園酒店"內桑拿中心是黑店,萬萬不能去,小弟差點出不來,幸好先把皮包放房間,只帶$350去.想凹我$1500, 被3,4個阿六架到房間去.幹死了.幸好沒事!!
03/11/19 21:44:12回應
2。要算是洗腳的地方了!金星小區從東門到南門一路走下去可是有很多MM哦!不過價錢可是要高一 點哦!
反正其它地方有的昆明都有!只不過沒有人把這些信息上傳罷了!小弟到是經常去金星那裡的MM可 真爽呀!!
前段時間陪客戶去雲南思茅出差,住在金鳳大酒店,夜晚小弟不安份便到SN部去搓泥,上去脫光後才發現這裡幾 乎沒什麼人來洗SN,多半都是進行足浴和按摩,沒法子,將就些好了,反正也到不貴SN加搓背也就30,搓背 過程中和少爺聊天得知這裡按摩房打炮要100-150,如果要加BJ,推油則可能要300,但有部分小姐只 肯ML,不肯口交。情況瞭解完畢後當然開始幹正事了,進了按摩房間等小姐(不讓自選)!房間衛生很好,床單 很白,但隔音效果極差,聽得見隔壁的小姐喊聲震天(當然有點誇張了,不過的確聲音很響),進來一個MM,看 起來年紀很小,模樣一般,但最重要的缺點是奶子小(我不喜歡),當然是換!!,又來一位模樣還是一般(看來 不自己挑,多半會把差生先送上來!!),不過奶子大,問 她會冰火和毒龍否!竟然問我什麼叫毒龍???並且告知做冰火要戴套!!靠!換人!進來的第三個很不錯(可以 打85分安徽人)(所以如果不能自己選就一定要多換幾次,才能見到好的),問了價格冰火加ML要250,並 且不做毒龍(從小姐處得知,這裡都不做,本炮猜想可能是多數人都是只洗腳、按摩後就直奔主題的緣故屁眼不乾 淨的緣故吧!哈哈),小姐脫掉衣服後,大失望!咪咪還是太小,只是戴了個大號的硬奶罩所以開始顯得大(一高 興忘記親手檢查一下,被表面現象騙了),小就小吧!反正本人不推油!小姐本來要戴套吹,但和我聊天聊得高興 再加之本人小弟健健康康高聳挺立,就答應免戴套,小姐口功了得,簡直感覺不到牙齒,加上一冷一熱的刺激,那 叫一個爽!本炮晚飯喝了酒,半天都沒有瀉的感覺,難為小姐吹了20多分鐘,都沒有反映,小姐抱怨嘴都麻了, 便讓小姐一邊用舌頭刺激馬口,一邊親摸蛋蛋,最後全部爆在小姐口中!小姐清理完畢後,邊聊天邊用手摸JJ, 本人也沒閒著,在小姐上下齊動手,才摸了幾下,MM下面就全濕了,受到刺激,小弟弟重新立起,接著開戰!( 省略過程)小姐不敢大聲叫(說怕別人聽見,再次驗證隔音效果差!),再瀉了後,沖澡結帳!所有費用340搞 定
van aken
29-10-2004, 12:00 AM
Hi All, :D
I will be visiting Kunming this week. Search this forum only to find this thread. Any fellow cheongster can give me some tips ? Thanks :)
15-11-2004, 10:40 AM
Yoz Bro..I will be leaving for the land of lust..kunming in a week time..any bros kind enuff to give some tips on saloon, massage or ktv??
15-11-2004, 11:52 AM
一路風塵僕僕,來到了風景如畫的大理。還沒有來得及休息,就被領到了當地的一個山莊吃野味。同時奉上的 還有那裡有名的鹿血酒,哇塞,這個東西可是大補啊!
酒足飯飽,感覺混身熱血沸騰,口乾舌燥,決定立即回酒店洗澡。邊洗澡邊就在想今天看來得找點樂,降降火 ,否則今晚可要慾火焚身了。剛洗完澡,騷擾嚴重警告: 本論壇嚴禁發佈他人聯繫方式,違者封ID就響了,真是省心啊,門都不用出了。接起嚴重警告: 本論壇嚴禁發佈他人聯繫方式,違者封ID,要老鴇安排個xj上門。(據老鴇介紹,一個鐘她提100元,具體 服務價格和mm談)
不一會兒,小姐來了,身高167cm,相貌可以打80分,一聽口音就是大理本地人,姑且稱其為金花A。也不 多說,開門見山就問價格,金花A說ml+鐘費=200,全套(含ml)+鐘費=400rmb。回個一口價全 套250rmb,願意就上,不干就go,金花A讓我再加一點,但我不鬆口,因為這樣就可以摸清此地採花的底 價了。mm看我態度堅決,就說換人吧,我一揮手,change。
由此可以看出,250大概也就是此地的基本價了,正想著,又進來一個mm(簡稱為金花B),一看身材就想今 天就你了,這個mm相貌也就70分左右,但一雙豐乳估計也得36左右,正是我喜歡的類型。金花B問我剛才和 金花A談的價格是多少,我說甭問,全身漫遊+冰火+毒龍+口爆=250元。mm說不會那麼多玩法,但300 元可以口爆。我這時表現出很老成的樣子(這樣很重要,讓mm摸不透你),說我經常來大理,對價位很瞭解。冰 火不做就換成波推否則免談。看我那麼熟悉,金花B的心理防線徹底崩潰,但希望加一點,因為二百五實在不好聽 ,我一想也對,那260吧!成交。
接下來就上演當晚精彩的一幕,先和mm洗個鴛鴦澡,乘機檢查一下yd有沒有問題,mm也一樣,對我的小 弟弟弄來弄去,估計也是看看安全不安全,這樣我的最後一個擔心也就煙消雲散了。相擁上床後,mm開始全身漫 遊,我的手也不閒著,開始對豪乳上下其手,由於光線太暗,我用嚴重警告: 本論壇嚴禁發佈他人聯繫方式,違者封ID拍的照片模糊不清,否則也讓大家欣賞一下。其中對話得知,金花B是 大理喜洲的白族面目,這可是純正的白族金花哦,今天「性」福嘍!
漫遊過後,開始bj和波推,我讓金花來個69式,美其名曰:禮尚往來。在享受的同時。我的手指也開始了 探索,先是一根手指,接著變兩根,三根,mm開始呻吟求饒了,乾澀的洞口開始潤滑,不斷有白色液體流出。享 受後的金花B開始給我上毒龍,舌尖左右環繞觸摸我的敏感地帶,我的手也開始撫摸金花mm的小菊花,以下省略 100字。一問得知mm的後庭還沒有被開處過,我就問mm願意不願意做,mm一口否決,說這樣容易得病,看 她那麼堅持,俺也就放棄了邪念。
幾番折騰,我感覺到差不多了,座起身來,讓金花mm跪在地上,開始最後一到工序:口爆。我扶著她的頭, 不斷的開始活塞運動,速度也越來越快,在不斷的刺激中,我也達到了高潮。我一高興,給了300元即260元 小費+40元(精神鼓勵費)。
TIPS:bj時是無套的,最後口爆在mm的強烈要求下,帶套口爆,也算這次嘻游的遺憾吧 !
6月1日出差來昆明,坦白講,偶覺得昆明的老狼們不夠朋友,61晚上偶加了群,跑進去讓大家介紹介紹,除了 歡樂**還搭了幾句話,其他人理都不理偶,靠!下面的地方都是偶自己打車找的,所有的信息都是第一手,保證 準確,廢話少說,切入正題。
【消費細節】:白天開完會,吃過飯就睡了,養精蓄銳,這裡插個細節,老子住滇池溫泉花園酒店,6月1日到了 當晚就十萬火急的跑到桑拿部,我靠!偌大的地方鬼都沒有一個,一群人給老子一人服務,問搓背的有XJ沒有, 回答吞吞吐吐,老子以為有戲,洗完問都沒問直接貴賓房,XJ來了老子一問,我靠!屁都沒有!換人!還是屁都 沒有!把主任叫來,說是:我們這裡很正規的啦,很正規的啦,這時才醒悟過來剛才搓背的反應,要說沒有老子直 接跑了,我靠!!浪費老子的時間,所以說這個酒店大家以後要注意了,呵呵,花開兩支,各表一朵 。
到了2號晚上一覺睡到2點,點支煙跑到酒店門口找出租車司機聊天,司機說東陸沒問題,直奔東陸,車費30多 。到了一問,三星級,也沒抱多大奢望,部長迎出來,包間說話,貴賓房兩個鐘全套500,砍到450,送了張 會員卡,把XJ叫來,一次來了6個,都還行,沒甚麼極品,不滿意再來四個,站了滿滿一屋子,選中33號,其 他人「先生打擾了」,齊齊退房,剩33號房門一鎖,開工,3:10。我日,打字累死老子了。
問是沖是泡,泡立刻放水,問加鹽嗎?2包20,加完過來坐下,對了忘說了,獨立的浴室非常大,包間面積一般 ,外包內浴。問完全套內容,胸推、冰火、沙漠風暴、毒龍鑽、打炮,覺得還行,脫衣服,XJ先把自己脫完不用 我說就幫我脫,要不說專業呢,洗澡沒什麼好說的,認認真真,乾乾淨淨,趁機檢查,XJ咪咪不大,軟不拉塔, 鮑魚黑紅,陰唇肥大,陰道寬鬆,一看就知是性生活過度,操!想換來不及了。
一次性毛巾10塊,上得床來,牛奶漫遊,嘬的有滋有味,舔完直接毒龍,小舌頭非常有彈性,老子說深點就深點 ,多舔會就多舔會兒,態度很好。還哼哼,操!舔屁眼難道也有快感?接下來胸推,BB油塗背,咪咪太小感覺一 般,推完老子的DD像導彈一樣,吹簫不帶套,很賣力,還學電視上那種邊吹邊哼邊用眼睛盯著你,所以說老雞也 有老雞的好處,接下來一口可樂一包跳跳糖,沙漠風暴,一杯牛奶一杯冰水,老子說牛奶要熱的,立刻打嚴重警告 : 本論壇嚴禁發佈他人聯繫方式,違者封ID換,之後冰火,沒甚麼好說的,冰火完繼續吹,屁股轉過來讓老子看個 仔細,確認沒病,套套用嘴戴上,69被老子摳了半天,水還不少,帶上套套一插,我日死他老母啊,感覺進了總 統套房,真TM大,划船似的,Doggie、老漢、觀音搞完也沒甚麼意思,技術熟練,但不讓搞屁眼,+錢也 不行,操!挺有原則,說給我吹出來吧,XJ二話沒說換過套套繼續69,偶說帶套套沒感覺,說那就洗洗吧,洗 完正好看到電視上站著吹,偶也站起來,XJ跪著吹啊吹,真正努力啊,我開始佩服XJ的專業精神了,說射在口 裡,不行,一定要,那射在咪咪上吧,算了,射在咪咪上,XJ還努力用咪咪夾著,可惜太小,呵呵。射完XJ說 累死了,嘴都麻了,老子就當沒聽見,休息了會,XJ洗完澡又幫我洗,擦乾穿衣出門5:00。
部長迎上來問服務如何?沒的挑剔就是太鬆,那下次一定給你找個好點的,老子說再好也不是被你搞過?淫笑,買 單480,打車回酒店,昆明第一次結束。
6月3日老子到的早點,1:00果然XJ多一些,因為之前說要嫩的,3個一輪挑了三輪,選中一個現在忘記多 少號了,貴賓房,XJ的服務竟然驚人的相似,這才相信這裡的培訓工作的確做得不錯,閒話不說了,差不多,第 一次吹出來,偶說還要,XJ老老實實呆著,第二次時間長了點,超鐘半個多小時,部長出來也沒說啥,估計生意 不好做,東陸的兩次就結束了,筆記本電池沒電了,下次說另外的一家。
【小姐數量】:沒問有多少,反正全來齊了6個,估計是我去的太晚,這段時間昆明的生意好像不太好,XJ很早 就下班了。
【消費細節】:還是和上兩次一樣,開完會吃過晚飯老子到頭就睡養精蓄銳,12:30起床,上出租車,問啊, 的哥瘋狂推薦,估計有回扣,不管拉,總不能三次都去一個地方吧,青年路的西邊,從滇池花園過去40多,有點 遠,向南插進一個小胡同,抵達,1點酒店大堂就冷冷清清的,對了,所有的昆明人都在抱怨旅遊生意越來越不好 做,呵呵。
門迎領到五樓,部長上來慇勤詢問,同樣貴賓房砍價,550半個子都不少,老子大怒,找你的頭兒,大頭來了客 客氣氣,怪不得能當老闆,500說是超優惠,包滿意,偶想四星級就算了,XJ先上來4個,我靠!倒是燕瘦環 肥身材不錯,看臉就有點失望,換人~沒了~我靠~掉頭就走~我再找找~又來兩個,哈哈,笑4我了,果然好的 在後面,38號看見偶,便拉著旁邊的XJ切切私語,笑起來還捂著嘴,看起來很清純的樣子,呵呵,偶喜歡的類 型,事後驗證老子的眼光啊,偶7號從麗江回來準備多住一天,再找她一回。
坦白講偶XY不算旺盛,這幾天折騰也夠戧,人走了偶就說今天我很累不想動,38彷彿很拘謹的樣子,偶一看還 裝純清啊,仔細看了穿著衣服彷彿咪咪很小,歎了口氣,38問Why?偶說了個戴套裸奔的段子,38立刻捂著 嘴笑,老子問笑個屁項目如何?38死也不說,真的是死也不說,我會的肯定都給你做,偶將她直接放倒在床,3 8眼睛直勾勾盯著我,老子一探手,我靠EST!!!咪咪竟然暴大,這個倒是看走眼了,伸手一摸,咦?起雞皮 疙瘩了,38微微戰慄著,不看偶了,我覺得要是裝的真可以去中戲,再一探手,毛都沒長齊,再向下38直接從 床上彈起來說洗澡吧,呵呵。
洗澡38都不太熟練,DD只洗了一遍,後門也沒洗仔細,洗完老子問你覺得可以了?一臉茫然,偶說隨便你,坦 白講出門前上了個大號,偶都覺得沒洗乾淨啦,管她,關我吊事。一次性毛巾都沒有,上床。38進門聊了半天, 這裡沒有BB油,38說都用牛奶的,胸推,毒龍,雖然含著口牛奶但我覺得味道總有那麼一點啦,偶說用力點深 點,挺聽話,我靠!挺深的,正舒服呢,38突然起身哇吐掉牛奶,從包裡拿出一隻口氣清新劑猛噴,估計是舔到 ……%¥……#了,偶說讓你不給洗乾淨,所以說人不能偷懶滴~~繼續毒龍,我看著嚴重警告: 本論壇嚴禁發佈他人聯繫方式,違者封ID說5分鐘,毒龍一直都是偶最喜歡的,偶聽到她在後面邊哽咽邊舔吸啜 ,5分鐘舒服夠了,翻過身胸推,偶想不通啊,毛都沒長齊的怎麼咪咪這麼大還挺有彈性?推完吹簫,偶看,38 不讓看,在偶胸前放了條浴巾,不看就不看,挺賣力就是技術一般,把偶弄疼了,估計是故意的,老子想想剛才的 #¥……%也沒說啥,冰火完偶也不客氣說繼續69,藉機仔細觀察,極品鮑魚,陰唇竟然沒有色素沉澱,白白的 ,毛也稀稀拉拉,指頭伸進去感覺還挺緊,心裡就偷偷樂啊,上套猛干,竟然不能進底,拱了半天才進去,先到這 裡,偶要趕飛機了,有時間再寫。
今天回到北京,才發現寫錯了,應該是58號,湖南妹子,不過好像最近要回老家,各位可以過些時 候驗證。
15-11-2004, 11:56 AM
1.新迎聯盟大酒店,小姐質量低下,非老即丑,一昆明口音女子(身材略高,波小)懷疑抽白粉!據另一狼友報 告睡了個mimi巨大的,以為佔了便宜,實際上是假奶,且有生育史(刨腹產),噁心壞了!
【小姐素質】:75-85分(普遍不錯,經常有新人到,因為價格較高,相應的職業素質也比較高,技術好,機 車妹很少)
【環境設備】:洗浴桑拿85分(在包房內,獨立桑那);休息廳70分(基本沒人坐,因為都進包房):炮房7 5分(豪華新裝修包間,浴缸也很乾淨,但是電視效果不好,小弟只給75分)
【價格一覽】:別的沒試過,我去那裏都是直接全包,一般有經驗的大大去,只要不露餡,都是500統一價,小 弟去過幾次後,老闆熱情無比,給了張帝王卡,可以打折到450,還承諾玩6次送一次,(其實還 是太貴)
五一過節無聊,聽說環橋酒店可以直接在包房中ml,bj便約了幾位狼友前往驗證,去得比較早,8點就去了。 進房後趕快叫媽咪把漂亮“好玩”的mm領來,挑了一個年紀偏大又好看的mm(依照本狼經驗,年紀越大的越敢 玩),坐下來後喝酒劃拳,一問mm年齡,不算大,24,皮膚很好,只是肉有點松,估計被搞多了。酒過三旬, 開始摟抱,親吻,mm很主動,舌頭工夫很好,舔耳朵,吸乳頭,搞得我再也按耐不住,於是拉到暗房中,關起門 來,便開始脫她衣服褲子,mm沒有反抗,只說怕被別人推門進來看見,本狼大笑,曰:“你個傻逼”,說完便戴 套進入,大約10分鐘後交槍投降,mm也被幹到高潮,完事後mm全身是汗,臉都是濕的,看起來 她好象很爽。
邦克饭店位于昆明商业中心的青年路南端,在天恒酒店的斜对面,是云南省工商银行开办(邦克饭店大楼的北半部 分就是省工行办公楼),是目前昆明最好的三家酒店之
一。邦克饭店的整体装修是古典型的,大楼大约有20层,大堂感觉一般,服务人员态度还可以。一般大床间在5 00左右(含早餐服务费),华为协议价350(如果认识华为的朋友帮忙定就好了!!)。邦克在昆明的饭店里 最出名就是房间大(也是我住过的饭店中面积最大的),洗手间也挺大,除掉洗手间差不多有佳华广 场同类房间的
2倍,我估计有将近40平方,另外就是床非常大,大概是1米8*2米。邦克饭店在昆明非常出名,它的金钱豹 夜总会和桑拿曾经都是昆明最好的(注意是曾经,就是2000年左右的时间)。后来还上了《焦点访谈》,金钱 豹就关了,去年底才开,但已经是门庭冷落了。邦克的桑拿在5楼,设施还可以,面积也不大,有大约20位小姐 (可以上房)。此处大概是昆明最贵的一家桑拿,全套下来(含1个钟费)大约600~800元,不过小姐的活 极好,大多是北方的,经理也是非常客气。我曾试过一个青岛的MM,
皮肤极好,波很大,服务态度很好,不带套的BJ,漫游世界,加上独龙钻,打完炮,还帮你按摩小弟弟,舒服极 了,一共600元。如果嫌贵,可以和小姐谈谈,让她凌晨3点以后到你房间,只要300元全套,我觉还是非常 超值。除了在桑拿做,还可以打电话叫到房间里。我认为邦克的桑拿虽然差不多是昆明最贵,但确实是最好。邦克 在盘龙江的边上,冬天早晨,会有许多海鸥在江面上徘徊,很好看。
15-11-2004, 11:59 AM
上週六下午,本人閒著無事使來到豐寧小區原民族風情園對面的一個舞廳(此舞廳原來好像叫什麼「西麗」,現在 名字已改)。
上樓一看,小姐還真不少,乘著亮舞的機會觀察了一下,好的太少,大部份都一般,其中還有不少「洋芋」。昆明 此等「摸摸舞廳」的行情是每曲10元(黑舞),一般可以隨便摸奶及摳下身,包場50至100元。重慶、成都 也有大量此類舞廳,他們叫「砂舞」,都是10元3曲,20元便可BL,30元可以ML,相比之下昆明真是太 貴了。
繞場一周失望之際,突然發現一個少有極品,上凸下翹,身材、長像均可打90分的漂亮MM。上前摟住雙雙步入 舞池,連跳3個黑舞,上下其手,好不安逸。
【验证时间】:2004年6月4日 22:00--1:00
【环境设备】:按摩房80分,安全、独门独户、安静幽雅,SN处也装修可以,设备齐全,只是洗浴区较小,但 也算精致
【价格一览】:SN+港式按摩2个钟最近特价88元,其余法式、泰式等价较高(不推荐),用乳房进行全身推 油150元,用手100元。全价共计:230元
【消费细节】:最近工作太忙,恰冯开昆交会,决定为云南的进出口作一点贡献。在一天工作精彼力尽之后,在该 网站看到翠怡的简单介绍,决定约好友前往。
进得SN处,看浴室不大,但人确不少,心想有门儿。想通过服务生了解一下情况,确个个口风紧。没办法洗完澡 再说了。
进了休息厅,看着领班还可以,问问有些什么服务,但领班总是告诉你标准说法。大感不快,于是,我决定进行一 次全身按摩。有机会把领班拉到房内,才得知实情。
运气不错,由于人太多,帮我免费安排了一个贵宾房,床大有电视,真是不错。小姐到了,由于灯暗我眼睛又不好 ,挑了12号。按摩手法很好,但开始胸推时发现是高档飞机场,但该小姐很尽业。用不大的胸和一个硕大的乳头 帮我推,让我得到了另外一种快感!
15-11-2004, 12:07 PM
Hope that bros here can read chinese.............else use the net interpreter to translate into English, it translates word by word and sound funny, somehow you might be able to grasp what the messages is conveying.........enjoy reading.
河口沒有什麼工業,貿易也不是太好,所以當地政府都大力發揚性產業,河口紅燈區集中在小商品交易市場二樓, 這裡是男人的天堂,XJ大部分都是越南過來的,每天晚上閉關前過來,第二天早上開關後回去。
吃過晚飯,閒得無聊,天氣又熱,下樓來打散閒,看到賓館裡進進出出儘是中年男子帶年輕漂亮的MM去開房,有 的一個還帶幾個,一時好奇,找了個當地人來仔細打聽(原來也聽說河口性產業發達,但一直沒來過),順著他的 指引我來到「紅燈區」,一樓全是賣小商品的,但一上二樓後才知道做皇帝的滋味可以在這裡體驗。上樓來後一大 群MM即圍上來,拉的拉,拖的拖,有的拉手,有的拖衣服,還有的乾脆伸手過來拉DD,本人想先瞭解以下情況 再說的,但是確實擁擠的過道已經被堵得水洩不通,無奈只有仔細打量身邊的MM,據我多年採花的經驗這裡的M M沒有任何一個超過20歲,而且80%都比昆明的漂亮,實在有些亂花漸欲瞇人眼的感覺,好不容易最後挑了一 個身材容貌俱佳的帶走。
回到賓館,她主動脫去衣服,完了又幫我脫,示意洗澡,她只會幾句簡單的中國話,經過一段時間溝通我才知道她 是法越混血(越南原來是法國殖民地),她很仔細的幫我洗完,也給自己洗過後,讓我躺到床上開始漫遊和BJ, 很認真的,而且她能夠掌握你的狀態隨時調整速度與力度。大約10分鐘後,開始ML,她搖搖手中的套套,意思 是問我要不要帶(這他媽的還用說,出來玩當然是安全第一嘍),我們玩了大概4、5中姿勢後結束,完了她又幫 我洗澡,洗完澡回來休息了一回又放了一炮,實在是太爽了。我玩過很多地方,從來沒有見過有MM的皮膚比她好 ,白皙得可以讓所有女人嫉妒,光滑有彈性,奶子很堅挺,B也很緊,再配上她的容貌,哎,恐怕昆明的MM來到 這裡會自卑的啊。
後來到付錢的時候,我沒有零錢,給了她100(剛才在跟MAMI說好快餐是50,3小時之內不管幾次),她 走了,但10分鐘後又回來,拿著50元往我手裡塞。媽的,玩了這麼多地方,從沒見過會找錢的雞 。
在河口乾越南妹還沒有得病的,據說她們有自己的秘方,每天早上回到越南後用一種草藥泡水洗澡,別說性病,就 是婦科病和皮膚病也沒有。我後來聽一個朋友說,他有個親戚去河口開診所,主治性病,結果來的都是什麼四川的 、湖南的XJ,一個越南妹都沒治過,最後維持不下去,只好回昆明瞭。
在河口打炮安全絕對可以保證,沒有人會破門而入黑你一把的,因為這個產業在當地是受政府地方保 護的。
快餐50元,不論次數,只論時間,過夜100元,賓館價格50元/天,鐘點房15元/小時。因為越南的收入很低,所以這種消費對於XJ來說已經很高了,但是對於我們來說,簡直就像掙美金來國內 花的感覺。
越南的小姐只有一種模式,年輕是用身體賺錢,等年紀大了(23歲以後)就回家結婚生子。而且由於他們沒有身 份,所以只能待在河口受雞頭保護,根本不可能來到昆明,哈哈,想一想如果她們能來昆明,昆明的小姐都要去要 飯了。
本地服務質量差,有的還有病,但是在河口白天只找得到本地雞。至於晚上嘛,我想只要眼睛不瞎的誰也不會找本 地雞。本地雞和越南雞是很好區分的:首先人種不同,其次越南雞中文說得都不好,一聽就可以聽出 來。
聽說在越南有處女出來做的,價格一般在400-800元不等,年紀都是15歲左右,本人沒有嘗試過,因為覺得佔小孩的便宜太不道德,各位有興趣的同志可以 試試。
好了,就說到這裡了,本人文筆不好,也不能把更多精彩的東西表現在這裡,只有大家親自去感受過了才知道,總 之,本人覺得
15-11-2004, 12:12 PM
Hairdressing Saloons
位于新迎这边的齐宝酒店路对面,有3个发廊,每间的小姐数在12人左右。这3家是紧接在一起的,中间一家的 小姐年龄都偏小,平均年龄在17岁到18岁,最大一个只有20岁,喜欢小妹妹的可以选择这里;靠路口的那家 质量参差不齐,要看大大们的运气咯;最里面的一家小姐看上去年龄稍微偏大,应该在23岁左右,需要消火的, 对ml质量要求高的可以考虑这家。
偶上的是一个湖北mm,是中间那家的。挑mm时候只是看她穿的和学生差不多,就选择了她,没注意到波的大小 。等交了150大圆带回家洗澡时一看,昧昧三三,36D哦,没的说,马上上床开始运动。弄了一会叫小婊子替 我服务一下,靠!居然说不太会,说才出来作了几天。日!操死她,一个晚上弄了她3次,弄的偶腰都酸了,不过 还算值得。操这个婊子的时候,她居然还会叫痛,呵呵
新迎这边的大大们,闲着的时候可以去看看,我打算今晚再去弄个老点的试试,听说老婊子操着才叫 个舒服呢
15-11-2004, 01:03 PM
You may want to try out this net interpreter if you can't understand the chinese text.
15-11-2004, 02:38 PM
I will give points to those who can translate these chinese texts for the benefit of bros here that dun read chinese.
06-12-2004, 01:57 AM
Dear All,
I am in Kunming now, after having been approached by two young girls of 15/16 years old trying to pimp for working ladies, although I did not take up the offer, but feel an urge due to needs, or temptation.
After having prepared for a day long meeting tomorrow, I called up the TianZi Suana Center at the 8th floor of Kai Wah Plaza Hotel where I am staying now. I was kind of lazy to go down to choose the girls. Another reason was that, there is a conference taking place in the hotel, and the conference is mounted jointly between the Chinese and a Singapore partner. Judging from their English, I can tell that they are many Singaporeans. I tell myslef "oh Damn it", my activities here would have to be more discrete or I would be recognised by our country men. This is also the reason why I do not want to go to 8th floor of the said hotel.
After having made the call, I quickly kept all the valuable staff in the safe or locked them in the luggage. This is my usual practice as a precaution for unhappy incident.
After about 10 minutes, I heard a knock. After having checked through the peep-hole, I opened the door. Here came the lady of the night who would unload my urge. After some chatting, I found out that she is from a village in Yunnan near the Burma border. The skin is indeed very fair and smooth, with ample breasts. However, later I found out that the breasts were partially enhanced.
The first thing she did was to prepare the water in the bath tub, and there we went for a bathing session. She washed me and did all the works except the important ones. A lot of touching and fondling, but no usual sexually intense acts. Nevertheless, I felt that I was like a baby being washed very thoroughly and was very clean after that. Later, we proceeded to the bed, and the usual session went on without much highlight worth mentioning. The only short-coming I did not like was the fake moaning at the beginning. Later into the session, I sensed the wetness and the moaning slowly turned natural. The attitude was very good, and after the "unloading", she cleaned me up. She voluntarily did another thoroughly cleaning for me, which I enjoyed. Befoer she left, she gave her handphone number. I may calll her again before I left for Chongqing.
Sorry, the FR is a bit brief as it is not my habot, not my strong point to describe sexual adventures.
The damage part, which you all might be interested. Brothrer Looksee and Tsuyoyi know that I pay according to how happy I am with the service, and I do not pay attention to market rate. In fact, sometimes, I wonder brothers here really paid what they claimed they did. Why? please read on.
I had two Clocks (2 x 45 minutes) which should cost me (RMB 188 + 130 = RMB 310). She said the usualy one-short session in the guest room is RMB 1250. I gave her a total of RMB 1500, inclusive of the above amount that she would pay to the Suana joint. After knowing that I am Singaporean, she started to say that Singaporeans are usually very generous. She said that Singaporeans usually gave the girls there RMB 200 to RMB 300 on top of what they are supposed to give. I did not know whether she said this to get more money from me, which she failed, or it has really happened? So, brothers, I am not sure the market rate mentioned by brothers is really what they say they paid. I am not defending myself. I do not need to do it. The moral of the story is: as this is not the first time I heard this, I have a feeling that there is some truth in it, at least in cities in China that I travel to, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Chengdu, to name a few.
I sincerely hope that you enjoy the FR.
"I have to regret, I have done my best" - Who said this??
My $15.00 worth
Good Morning. :D
06-12-2004, 03:56 PM
Bro Pu Tong Ren,
No wonder so said s'porean are alway generous. 1500rmb is very high to us whereby we pay only 800rmb for a overnighter in a good class ktv.
For a sauna service like this of 45min x2 ...the max. we pay is 700rmb (500rmb for normal) also in a good class hotel.
Jialut man...we from The South could either "BYO" or bring rubber band along when we traveled north... other wise we will be termed as "cheapskate"...
06-12-2004, 04:54 PM
Jialut man...we from The South could either "BYO" or bring rubber band along when we traveled north... other wise we will be termed as "cheapskate"...
good one bro!!!
06-12-2004, 05:21 PM
good one bro!!!
Yes, Dear Brothers,
I pay for what is worth, in my opinion. I do not generalised. This is because there are too many factors to be considered if one tries to start to make comparison. I suppose this is what I will get of being honest in this forum. There are many claims by brothers that they have paid very low for services rendered, or worst still FOC, the reliability in what they claim is yet to be ascertained.
Please do remember to bring a lot of rubber-band next time you go north, or maybe you are already doing that. Hahahaha....
With best regards from Kunming.
My $14.48 Worth.
p.s. come to think of it, maybe I should have said that I paid RMB 400 for the services rendered, hahaha....
06-12-2004, 05:57 PM
agreed on ur "I pay for what is worth"
if u tink worth it nobody will blame U as u are putting ur hard-earn money well-spent
however this forum also advise those newbies the "market price" so not to be kenna chop like carrot head in the foreign land
hope u understand :)
frankly speakin RM1500 in kunming is a bit on the high side to me
have fun!!!
06-12-2004, 06:02 PM
good one bro!!!
Hey...when you cuming ? bro. looks like it has been long time since you were last here....
Cum...cum ....with the airfare between Sin-Hk-Sin falling you got more incentive to cum over....
Our group will be heading to CP and probably ZMT this weekend for some R n R with some visitors from Sland...
Miss you...
06-12-2004, 06:12 PM
Yes, Dear Brothers,
I pay for what is worth, in my opinion. I do not generalised. This is because there are too many factors to be considered if one tries to start to make comparison. I suppose this is what I will get of being honest in this forum. There are many claims by brothers that they have paid very low for services rendered, or worst still FOC, the reliability in what they claim is yet to be ascertained.
Please do remember to bring a lot of rubber-band next time you go north, or maybe you are already doing that. Hahahaha....
With best regards from Kunming.
My $14.48 Worth.
p.s. come to think of it, maybe I should have said that I paid RMB 400 for the services rendered, hahaha....
With all due respect bro. what you pay far is rather high by China standard. 1500rmb that's eqvl to about S$320 for a two hours is high even by Spore standard.
Youre right to pay what you feel is worth. I respect them and can termed that you're very fair to the extend of been generous....
Somehow, we have to know the "pricing" in the place to guage how much we should pay. Sorry, i'm just sharing my information....from the South....
06-12-2004, 06:13 PM
Hey...when you cuming ? bro. looks like it has been long time since you were last here....
Cum...cum ....with the airfare between Sin-Hk-Sin falling you got more incentive to cum over....
Our group will be heading to CP and probably ZMT this weekend for some R n R with some visitors from Sland...
Miss you...
got heart but no more leave :(
and worst no new project in PRC
sooner later kenna INDIA me have to PCC liao
i also know airfare to HKG is dropping like nobody bzi
who will go take value air when CX is even cheaper than them
do bonk a few meimei on my behalf heehee
i miss U guys too!!!!!!!!!!!!
when u comin back?
06-12-2004, 06:17 PM
Dear Brother,
It is on the high side, RMB 1500. I agree. Of course, like you say no one can blame me or has the right to do so on how I spend my own money. If my reaction sounds strong, that was because I am never comfortable with generalisation, such as "no wonder they say Singaporeans are very generous!". As I am older now, I prefer not to react to such statement. I told brother Tripping that I would visit the brothers in Guanzhou and Dong Guan next year, I sincerely look forward that the brothers there will guide me to the fun places with lesses cost.
In Dongguan the prices quoted by you and Sinoview were right. I usually get advice from old guards there when visiting those places. During the one year in Hou Jie (on and off), I found that it is a fun and cheaper place for funs, something that I miss a lot when my job requires me to be in Shanghai most of the time. In Xiamen, I am always guided by my own cousins, and find that the price is slightly more than Dong Guan, for eg, instead of RMB 700, I would pay about RMB 800.
Newbies should find out more from this forum, and when in doubt ask. We can tell them the high side and the low side and they make decision by themselves.
Have fun! Another 5 days here to explore further.
06-12-2004, 06:31 PM
Somehow, we have to know the "pricing" in the place to guage how much we should pay. Sorry, i'm just sharing my information....from the South....
Dear Brother Sinoview,
Thank you for sharing. I regret if you find my reaction too strong. I suppose it is the occupational hazard that I am so used to "argue" to make my point.
Over so many years in China, I understand the pricing and its so called, reasonable range. Depending on where one goes, the basic cost is always different. In places like Shanghai and Beijing, the cost would not be the same as those in the South (as you have correctly put it). In Chongqing, a full service in a good Suana joint would be around RMB 800 to 900. As I have said, whenever I went to a new place, I would ask and check with people I know. In Kunming, I did not knoe people, other than some Taiwanese friends. They told me that in that joint, you are expected to pay between RMB 1200 to RMB 1500, all included. I could have turned down the service and went for the street walkers that I have mentioned (RMB 300 for one shot and RMB 500 . over-night). I accepted the service and hence the consequence.
I sincerely do not like to bear the sin of misleading newbies. They should check like I did, and decide for themselves on the choice.
I read many of your good postings and respect your views. Brother Tripping has talked about you to me, and as I have promised him to detour to your part of China next year, I would be honoured to be guided by you and the brothers there. I also told him that as we will be all in Singapore near Chinese New Year, we can meet and "argue". It would be my pleasure.
With best regards from Kunming with a temperature of 4 deg C.
07-12-2004, 04:54 AM
...I also know airfare to HKG is dropping like nobody bzi
who will go take value air when CX is even cheaper than them
do bonk a few meimei on my behalf heehee
when u comin back?
Bro vaxvms, any idea what the fare is SG-HK return? My didi very itchy said no STD/VD so must be my libido lor... :D
07-12-2004, 09:08 AM
Dear Brothers,
I have never been to Kunming and thus cannot comment on the prices. However, I agree with Brother PuTonRen when he said he paid for what he felt is right. Afterall, he has been "told" by whatever contact he has in Kunming the "range" and since he chose to pay the higher end of that range, I feel that it is perfectly alright.
As for other entrants to Kunming or China for that matter, it helps to provide the price ranges for each special kind of services that are provided. After knowing the range, what they choose to give will be entirely up to them.
Perhaps travellers won't mind paying more, that is up to them... but people stationed in China should be more careful... because it will be long term payment if re-visited frequently... Rmb100 x n times can be quite substantial..
Well.. just my few cents worth of thoughts...
Shanghaitan :cool:
07-12-2004, 10:11 AM
Bro vaxvms, any idea what the fare is SG-HK return? My didi very itchy said no STD/VD so must be my libido lor... :D
$249 exclude tax in CX but i tink travel can be done onli in jan 2005 onward
u planning also? :D
07-12-2004, 10:14 AM
bro, no hard feeling :)
we are here to share and make new friends also
4 degree in kunming so i tink u need more people to warm ur bed for u :D
Dear Brother,
It is on the high side, RMB 1500. I agree. Of course, like you say no one can blame me or has the right to do so on how I spend my own money. If my reaction sounds strong, that was because I am never comfortable with generalisation, such as "no wonder they say Singaporeans are very generous!". As I am older now, I prefer not to react to such statement. I told brother Tripping that I would visit the brothers in Guanzhou and Dong Guan next year, I sincerely look forward that the brothers there will guide me to the fun places with lesses cost.
In Dongguan the prices quoted by you and Sinoview were right. I usually get advice from old guards there when visiting those places. During the one year in Hou Jie (on and off), I found that it is a fun and cheaper place for funs, something that I miss a lot when my job requires me to be in Shanghai most of the time. In Xiamen, I am always guided by my own cousins, and find that the price is slightly more than Dong Guan, for eg, instead of RMB 700, I would pay about RMB 800.
Newbies should find out more from this forum, and when in doubt ask. We can tell them the high side and the low side and they make decision by themselves.
Have fun! Another 5 days here to explore further.
07-12-2004, 11:46 AM
bro, no hard feeling :)
we are here to share and make new friends also
4 degree in kunming so i tink u need more people to warm ur bed for u :D
Dear Brother vaxvms,
Yes, I really have no hard feeling, I just have the natural reaction to speak out when I disagree or to make my point clearer. It can be due to the nature of my job that I always behave this way. Other than that, an old man like me do not have much fire to burn wood, but try hard to melt ladies heart and defense.
Like you say, we are all here to share. This is the resaon why I have writing sad stories to warn brothers here (See Shanghai Recommendation Thread). I love all of you here who are ready to share. If I did give you the feeling not unhappiness and hurt you, please rest assured that my comments never aimed at anyone, let alone brothers in the forum.
Just a remark, you nick reminds me on the old day of VMS and VAX system, are you one of the old guard using those system before like I did. My first mini-computer was PDP-8 with paper tape and button input and with a console so huge that I can sit on it.
With warmest regards.
I shall venture into one of the high-end KTV and will share with you all the info again.
My $14.97 worth
07-12-2004, 03:03 PM
Just a remark, you nick reminds me on the old day of VMS and VAX system, are you one of the old guard using those system before like I did. My first mini-computer was PDP-8 with paper tape and button input and with a console so huge that I can sit on it.
My $14.97 worth
u are rite!!!and so i tink so far u are the 4th or 5th person who know abt VAX in this forum :D
if u in vendor line doing this OS last time i might know u heehee,
too bad my curent company has phased out this system due to merging wif another company
tink i tok too much liao wait other brothers read till koon liao
catch u wif u again, maybe organise a drinkin/kopi session when u back SG
07-12-2004, 06:05 PM
got heart but no more leave :(
and worst no new project in PRC
sooner later kenna INDIA me have to PCC liao
i also know airfare to HKG is dropping like nobody bzi
who will go take value air when CX is even cheaper than them
do bonk a few meimei on my behalf heehee
i miss U guys too!!!!!!!!!!!!
when u comin back?
But the cheap CX comes with some conditions like every change at S$100 or no change allow at all. Please check the terms n conditions with yr travel agent or read the terms carefully before you book on line.
Next week i'll be back in Sland. Will catch up with you then...
07-12-2004, 06:15 PM
Dear Brother Sinoview,
Thank you for sharing. I regret if you find my reaction too strong. I suppose it is the occupational hazard that I am so used to "argue" to make my point.
Over so many years in China, I understand the pricing and its so called, reasonable range. Depending on where one goes, the basic cost is always different. In places like Shanghai and Beijing, the cost would not be the same as those in the South (as you have correctly put it). In Chongqing, a full service in a good Suana joint would be around RMB 800 to 900. As I have said, whenever I went to a new place, I would ask and check with people I know. In Kunming, I did not knoe people, other than some Taiwanese friends. They told me that in that joint, you are expected to pay between RMB 1200 to RMB 1500, all included. I could have turned down the service and went for the street walkers that I have mentioned (RMB 300 for one shot and RMB 500 . over-night). I accepted the service and hence the consequence.
I sincerely do not like to bear the sin of misleading newbies. They should check like I did, and decide for themselves on the choice.
I read many of your good postings and respect your views. Brother Tripping has talked about you to me, and as I have promised him to detour to your part of China next year, I would be honoured to be guided by you and the brothers there. I also told him that as we will be all in Singapore near Chinese New Year, we can meet and "argue". It would be my pleasure.
With best regards from Kunming with a temperature of 4 deg C.
Not strong lah..we're here to share information and hopefully benefit each other and the newbies.
Welcome to the South, just give us a tinker and we'll be glad to show you around here.
Our group including bro Tripping with some Sland visitor with be in DG-CP or ZMT this weekend for some R&R.....these kind of outings are parts and parcels of our weekend stress relieve....
Hope to see uou soon...
08-12-2004, 10:49 AM
But the cheap CX comes with some conditions like every change at S$100 or no change allow at all. Please check the terms n conditions with yr travel agent or read the terms carefully before you book on line.
Next week i'll be back in Sland. Will catch up with you then...
ok give me a ring when u are back :)
08-12-2004, 11:14 AM
Welcome to the South, just give us a tinker and we'll be glad to show you around here.
Dear Brother Sinoview,
Thank you for the understanding and the offer to show this Newbie of the South around. It is indeed a territory that I have so little knowledge (except Xiamen, and my one year in Hou Jie on and off).
Thank you also for sharing with so many people about the situation in the South. If everyone of us can share our humble experience in China, I think we can ask the Shanghainese to stop calling us Sa Ba Zhi (Stupid Dog), a comment I hate to listen as it hurts our feelings.
Would you all be around in Singapore in the week of 20 Dec 2004. I sincerely hope to meet up you all before my sickening one-month stay in Europe in January 2005.
With warmest regards from Kunming at 7 deg C
08-12-2004, 11:20 AM
catch u wif u again, maybe organise a drinkin/kopi session when u back SG
Dear Brother Vaxvms,
I doubt whether there is any one using DEC equipment or using VMS OS. I still enjoy the old days when we were using PDP-11. The only games were Lunar Landing and a Poker Game called Black Jack. Guess those were the days.
Yes, I shall PM you when I am back on 20 Dec 2004, and sincerely looking forward to meet you all in person.
With best regards from Kunming, but not warmest regards as it is now 7 deg C.
My $14.95 worth
08-12-2004, 12:21 PM
Dear Brothers,
Here is a short FR of my humble adventure yesterday evening.
Yesterday afternoon, I rented a taxi to go around Kunming, and asked the driver to show me the good joints in the city. I have seen a few joints in the classy category. The two higher class KTV are: On in Green Lake Hotel, a very posh one overseeing the Green Lake, and it is called Diamong Era KTV. Looking at the Decor, I think it would cost a bomb for a night-out entertainment. The other one is at Golden Dragon Hotel, 2nd floor called, "Jin Pi Hui Wang", and the hotel is situated at Beijing Lu near Kai Wah Plaza Hotel. It is also a posh place, but only with 23 rooms. There are also some joints in Tian Hen Hotel, Chui Yi Hotel,etc.
After a good Steam-Boat dinner, we have decided to go to the second one as it is directly opposite to the restaurant where we had our dinner. When we arrived at about 8.00 pm, and have then realised our mistake for not booking in advance. We were two persons and asked for a small room, but in this joint, there are only two small rooms with the minimum expenditure of RMB 680. Feeling horny and intending to socre for the night, we settled for a medium size room of RMB 880. The decor is really nice and impressive. In the room, right at one end, there is small partititon. The DJ told me it was for dancing. Looking at how narrow the space was, I wondered it was really for dancing.
As usual, Mamasan came in, and I told her that I only wanted to see those who would be willing to go out. She told me that in her joint, they did not have such practice, and it was up to me to talk and negotiate with the girls. I was not sure whether it was true, but I felt that this added on the thrill when one was faced with uncertainties in achieving a goal. The mamasan then brought in girls, and I chose one from the second round.
She was quite fair with ample breast size so that no space of my hands was wasted, The best part was to find out that she was from Chongqing. Wow, Brother Looksee, Tsuyoyi and few others know that I am crazy about girls from Chongqing and Sichuan. I was right, the usual girl-friend feeling was demonstrated during the evening in the KTV room. I was all the while trying to act nice. Nearer to the end of the evening, it was negotiation time. Pretending wanted to dance with her, we went to the small space that I mentioned. A good hugging and soft talk to ask her to go out with me. A slight resistance (did not know true or not?), and finally she agreed. Asked her the damage, and she told me that RMB 1000 overnight. So agreed and we paid and left the place as soon as we could. My friend got a Bai minority girl, very fair, but the boobs were not impressive. Nevertheless, she was beautifu.
Damage for the night:
Room: RMB 880
Mamasan: RMB 200
DJ: RMB 200
Girl : RMB 200
In my case, the RMB 1000 were inclusive of the tip that I was supposed to give her in the KTV room. A room comes with a female DJ and a young waiter (do not for what?). His presence is irritating as he just stood there and looked at us. You have to right to turn down his service and he would leave the room.
Arriving in Kai Wah Plaza Hotel, we used the entrance at the side street. In this case, we did not have to go through the front dest as the lifts could go up directly to the guest rooms. There is a guard, but he treated us as transparent.
In the room, the usually chit-chatting with the lady from Chongqing, and after a while, both got horny and she suggested a bath together. She washed me clearn as asked me to do the same to her. Good feeling. Later, we proceeded to the bed and the rest is history. This morning, I woke up a bit late and tried to reach for her. She wasn't there, and I wondered what happened? Had she left with my valuables? No, I heard some sound from the bath room. Went in and saw that she was washing my clothes. I did not know what to say but appreciated. As she was not wearing anything, the appreciation and urge drove me to take a risk of having second round in less than 24 hours. I had indeed a very wonderful experience. Chongqing girls never fail to impress me. As I had to leave for meeting, I paid her and she did not even count. I am glad that my next stop is Chongqing and then Chengdu.
I need to go for a business lunch now.
Again my $14.94 worth.
08-12-2004, 01:13 PM
... I think we can ask the Shanghainese to stop calling us Sa Ba Zhi (Stupid Dog), a comment I hate to listen as it hurts our feelings.
Next time, call him back "Kang Lu" (Stupid Cock) or "Kang Bi" (Stupid Cunt)... :D Me, expert in Shanghainese swear-words. :D
08-12-2004, 01:21 PM
...The best part was to find out that she was from Chongqing. Wow, Brother Looksee, Tsuyoyi and few others know that I am crazy about girls from Chongqing and Sichuan. ....I am glad that my next stop is Chongqing and then Chengdu.
Great FR. Thank you.
Aiyah, me also tried to convince Tr|pp|ng, Sinoview and the rest of the gang to explore know, like the great explorers of the past, opening up virgin bush for other brothers to follow.... :D
08-12-2004, 03:36 PM
Dear Brother Sinoview,
Would you all be around in Singapore in the week of 20 Dec 2004. I sincerely hope to meet up you all before my sickening one-month stay in Europe in January 2005.
With warmest regards from Kunming at 7 deg C
It's getting cold here too in SZ...last night I have to wake up in the middle of the night to close my window and put on extra blanket...Sob...sob... sleeping alone... But still warm as compared to Kumming...
Week of 20 Dec is fine with me..I'm back to Sland toward end of next week.
We can get bro VMXS and Somebody69 together for kopi.....
08-12-2004, 03:40 PM
Great FR. Thank you.
Aiyah, me also tried to convince Tr|pp|ng, Sinoview and the rest of the gang to explore know, like the great explorers of the past, opening up virgin bush for other brothers to follow.... :D
Bro M,
Cum cum then we go loh.... talk in Kiwiland no use.
We're going CP tomorrow ....heee....hee...
08-12-2004, 05:15 PM
Bro M,
Cum cum then we go loh.... talk in Kiwiland no use.
We're going CP tomorrow ....heee....hee...
CB.... :mad:
08-12-2004, 06:13 PM
Thank you for sharing the words in Shanghainese. I suppose I have passed the age whereby talking with bad words is no longer something easy for me. I usually call them "Gang Tu"/
Looking forwards to my Chongqing and Chengdu trips.
With best regards
09-12-2004, 04:39 AM
...No, I heard some sound from the bath room. Went in and saw that she was washing my clothes. I did not know what to say but appreciated.
Something similar happened to me in Changping. I met a WL named "Ah Fei" (from Hunan) and she introduced me to her friend (sorry, can't remember her name) and we had a threesome. Ah Fei and I would fuck like rabbits but unfortunately her friend was liked a dead fish in bed. However, she was up early in the morning and washed all my clothes! :eek:
In the ensuing days, Ah Fei's friend rang me a few times wanting to come over but I didn't have any clothes for her to wash so I politely turned her down.
So you see, Bro PuTonRen, you must go south and enjoy Bro Sinoview's hospitality. Southern MMs can also give good service.
Conclusion: When in China must have two mistresses- one to cook and wash for you and the other for you to fuck (this one better get Sichuan "Lat Mei" from Chongqing hor). Then sometimes we can have a threesome. What do all the brothers think? Good idea or not? :D
Bro Sinoview, so when can go Sichuan ahh??
09-12-2004, 10:08 AM
[QUOTE=Bro Sinoview, so when can go Sichuan ahh??[/QUOTE]
CB...NATO you....
09-12-2004, 07:30 PM
Conclusion: When in China must have two mistresses- one to cook and wash for you and the other for you to fuck (this one better get Sichuan "Lat Mei" from Chongqing hor). Then sometimes we can have a threesome. What do all the brothers think? Good idea or not? :D
Bro Sinoview, so when can go Sichuan ahh??
Dear Bro Happykiwk,
Thank you for sharing. While I tend to agree to have two mistressess, I would still try to have 2 in 1 - Make Love and Washing Cloth, or 3-1 if I add buying food and make coffee. It is hard to find, and so far over so many years, I have such services from girls from Harbin, Ningbo, Guia Zhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Qingdao and Xiamen. Nevertheless, I still prefer girls from Sichuan and Chongqing. Going for threesome is no longer my cup of tea, probably due to my advanced age, although the last time I did it was in September 2004 (I think, and I have reported that in the Chongqing/Chengdu Thread). Even at that time, I did it to only one of them as I hate keep changing protection.
Your report has enticed me to go to the South and to be guided by Bro Sinoview, Tripping, and all. I will definitely make an effort even at my own expense.
With best regards from Kunming at 10 deg C
10-12-2004, 04:37 PM
Week of 20 Dec is fine with me..I'm back to Sland toward end of next week.
We can get bro VMXS and Somebody69 together for kopi.....
eh? when did i change my nick to somebody69 har?
hahaha... bloody hell, bro! u must be always in this position lah! hahaha...69..
99 lah...
ps: bro, if i stay in Shenzhen, which hotel shld i go to har? any advice?
10-12-2004, 05:47 PM
eh? when did i change my nick to somebody69 har?
hahaha... bloody hell, bro! u must be always in this position lah! hahaha...69..
99 lah...
ps: bro, if i stay in Shenzhen, which hotel shld i go to har? any advice?
Sorry...probably tends to think of 69 when relate to you... hee...hee..
You in SZ ??? Where else ??? Stay with yr Beijing hospital gf loh ?? Just buy her a CD perfume ok liao... Many gals here crazy for CD stuff.
Depending on yr budget and what you want to do ? Anyway, it's not within the scope of this me please...
11-12-2004, 12:52 PM
Dear Brother Somebody99,
Wow! Did not know you have another Beijing Hospital girl friend, in addition to Xiao Wang! You must be having fun in China hor!
I have to admit that I am over the prime, and can only watch you all, young turks having funs in China. Are you around in Singapore on the week of 20 Dec 2004. I am thinking of meeting brothers such as Sinoview, Tripping, VAXVMS and you, and others for coffee and exchange views. Please let me know.
With best regards from Kunming
11-12-2004, 01:06 PM
Dear Brother,
Please allow me to post another simple FR of my humble encounters in Kunming.
Yesterday, I have rented a taxi and went for a tour of Kunming. I have asked the Chongqing girl whom I met the other days (see several threads above) to go together. We went to a temple, Dian Zhi (To cross the Dragon Gate) at a rather high attitude and hence very cold. Zoo (why did I go there?) and Jing Dian (Golden Palace). It is the last one that I wish to talk about to warn brothers here.
We went to the Golden Palace (or Jing Dian), which was built for Wu Shan Gui, the Chinese General who helped the Qing Army to occupy China. It was a nice place with nice garden. We arrived at a Daoist Temple (Shan Qing Guan), and went in. Near the entrance, a girl asked us to use but 10 1-cent coins, and tried to throw it into a "lucky entrance" (a hole shaped like an opened mouth of a fish) which is at the bottom of a clear water basin. Then, we could proceed into the main hall, and tell a taoist Di Zhi how many coins we have managed to drop in to the lucky entrance. The guy would then tell us our luck for the year. It would be free (This is where we have to be-careful). I did that and found myself in front of the Taoist Di Zhi. He said a lot of good things about my fortune, dotted with some lightly not-so-good one to make it more realistic. Later, he told me about my bad luck and all, and contiinued by saying that I was lucky as there would be ceremony and I could be blessed. He then stood up and lead me to the altar. I got alarmed and asked him how Rmuch would it cost. He said that would cost me RMB 599. Wow... See, brothers, this is the trick. I of course declined, and he tried his best to pursuade me. When I insisted to turn down, he said that bad lucks will fall on me and all. I walked off without turning back.
This is not the first time that I have seen this trick in action in China. So brothers, if you ever encounter the same situation, be careful.
Sorry that this is not related to sexual encounter, but I though it will be good to share with you all for a change.
My $14.89 worth.
11-12-2004, 01:38 PM
Dear Brother,
After having reported the not so happy incident above, please allow me to report on a more pleasant one; ??? Later you shall know why.
After the tour, we went back to hotel room. The Chongqing girl who accompanied me to the tour decided to accompany me for the night. Well, why not, this old man needs companion anyway as it is cold here in Kunming.
After dinner, I suggested to go to a hourly-charged KTV for a night of sing-song session. She declined and said that she was tired. So we went back to hotel room. I told her that I needed to do some works, she said it was okay. Well, I started surfing the net, read and replied my company e-mails, and of course, surfed this forum. While I was doing the above, she collected all my dirtly clothings and went into the bath room to wash them for me. Before that, of course, she served me the Chinese Tea from Kunming (Pu-Er Tea, best in Kunming) before that. Remeber brothers, I am into Chinese Tea now.
Nothing happened during the time when she was washing and then bathing, and I was 'working'. Later in the night, she asked me to show her the photographs that we have taken, which I did. She kept saying that, from the photographs, we have husband-and-wife look, and started hugging me and sat on my lap. We continued to see the photos on my computer and she kept admiring the photographs those which had both of us in them. I could feel that her body was getting warm. After a good 15 minutes, she asked me to go for a shower to clean myself thoroughly, and told me that she wanted .....I did. and when I came back the lights were all either off or dimmed. She was on the bed and called me with a very tender voice. I could not stand it anymore, and joined her on the bed. The rest of the events, of which I am sure the brothers here can imagine. It was a good solid make-love session with very good feeling, just like two long-separated lovers who came together again. I am sure the brothers here can imagine it. I really cannot describe it by words. It was a session much better than the one we had last Tuesday (see several posts away and above this one) Both of us slept very sweetly. Chongqing girls' famous Girl Friend feeling has never failed to impress me.
What happened later was very surprising. At about 6.00 am, I woke out to go to toilet, and she was still sleeping. I decided to give her some money, and put it inside her purse when she was sleeping. I wrote a short note and told her that the money was for her to buy things that she like. I then went to sleep.
I woke up at about 10.00 am, and found that she was gone. After brushing my teeth and went to the study to take a cigarette. I saw the money that I have put into her pulse this early morning on the table. A small note with an one-dollar note was clipped on it. She said, "I am not here because you give me money, I am not a whore. Now, I want to make you a male-prostitute, and a lousy one. I therefore give you one RMB for your lousy service. Please do not call me again"
What the hell! As you all know, I never believe in FOC. That was the reason why I always give the ladies some money. This is the first time that I have encountered such situation, and am lost. I have been trying to call her. It is now 1.30 pm and am still unable to contact her. I shall keep trying again.
Well, this is a brief FR, and not a glorious one as I have been treated as an one-RMB worth male-prostitute. If I can get her tonight to talk thing over, I will let you all know.
With best regards from Kunming.
My $14.88 worth. Not a simple man, but a lousy male prostitute.
11-12-2004, 07:48 PM
【小姐素質】:75-85分(普遍不錯,經常有新人到,因為價格較高,相應的職業素質也比較高,技術好,機 車妹很少)
【環境設備】:洗浴桑拿85分(在包房內,獨立桑那);休息廳70分(基本沒人坐,因為都進包房):炮房7 5分(豪華新裝修包間,浴缸也很乾淨,但是電視效果不好,小弟只給75分)
【價格一覽】:別的沒試過,我去那裏都是直接全包,一般有經驗的大大去,只要不露餡,都是500統一價,小 弟去過幾次後,老闆熱情無比,給了張帝王卡,可以打折到450,還承諾玩6次送一次,(其實還 是太貴)
五一過節無聊,聽說環橋酒店可以直接在包房中ml,bj便約了幾位狼友前往驗證,去得比較早,8點就去了。 進房後趕快叫媽咪把漂亮“好玩”的mm領來,挑了一個年紀偏大又好看的mm(依照本狼經驗,年紀越大的越敢 玩),坐下來後喝酒劃拳,一問mm年齡,不算大,24,皮膚很好,只是肉有點松,估計被搞多了。酒過三旬, 開始摟抱,親吻,mm很主動,舌頭工夫很好,舔耳朵,吸乳頭,搞得我再也按耐不住,於是拉到暗房中,關起門 來,便開始脫她衣服褲子,mm沒有反抗,只說怕被別人推門進來看見,本狼大笑,曰:“你個傻逼”,說完便戴 套進入,大約10分鐘後交槍投降,mm也被幹到高潮,完事後mm全身是汗,臉都是濕的,看起來 她好象很爽。
邦克饭店位于昆明商业中心的青年路南端,在天恒酒店的斜对面,是云南省工商银行开办(邦克饭店大楼的北半部 分就是省工行办公楼),是目前昆明最好的三家酒店之
一。邦克饭店的整体装修是古典型的,大楼大约有20层,大堂感觉一般,服务人员态度还可以。一般大床间在5 00左右(含早餐服务费),华为协议价350(如果认识华为的朋友帮忙定就好了!!)。邦克在昆明的饭店里 最出名就是房间大(也是我住过的饭店中面积最大的),洗手间也挺大,除掉洗手间差不多有佳华广场同类房间的 2倍,我估计有将近40平方,另外就是床非常大,大概是1米8*2米。邦克饭店在昆明非常出名,它的金钱豹 夜总会和桑拿曾经都是昆明最好的(注意是曾经,就是2000年左右的时间)。后来还上了《焦点访谈》,金钱 豹就关了,去年底才开,但已经是门庭冷落了。邦克的桑拿在5楼,设施还可以,面积也不大,有大约20位小姐 (可以上房)。此处大概是昆明最贵的一家桑拿,全套下来(含1个钟费)大约600~800元,不过小姐的活 极好,大多是北方的,经理也是非常客气。我曾试过一个青岛的MM,皮肤极好,波很大,服务态度很好,不带套 的BJ,漫游世界,加上独龙钻,打完炮,还帮你按摩小弟弟,舒服极了,一共600元。如果嫌贵,可以和小姐 谈谈,让她凌晨3点以后到你房间,只要300元全套,我觉还是非常超值。除了在桑拿做,还可以打电话叫到房 间里。我认为邦克的桑拿虽然差不多是昆明最贵,但确实是最好。邦克在盘龙江的边上,冬天早晨,会有许多海鸥 在江面上徘徊,很好看。
Hope this info is still relevant.........
13-12-2004, 05:27 AM
Well, this is a brief FR, and not a glorious one as I have been treated as an one-RMB worth male-prostitute. If I can get her tonight to talk thing over, I will let you all know.
Woman! :rolleyes:
(You can't put up with her but you also cannot do without her.) :D
13-12-2004, 11:55 AM
Brother PTR,
In my honest opinion, I feel that it is right for you to offer her the money, or you might end up paying more later...
As for her leaving, well, as long as you know how to handle, which I never had any doubt, you can try to contact her to establish a "long-term" relationship for the future. Just be careful! Maybe I'm over-sensitive but I always feel that there is more to it then meets the eye... it might be a ploy to "hook" you for good....
Then again, who am I to offer "advice" to a veteran like yourself.. ahhaha.. please pardon me if you're offended... :P
Hope you have a wonderful stay in Kunming and see you and Bro SGP back in Singapore if possible..
Shanghaitan :cool:
13-12-2004, 07:21 PM
Dear Brother Somebody99,
Wow! Did not know you have another Beijing Hospital girl friend, in addition to Xiao Wang! You must be having fun in China hor!
Aiyoh! no lah! i dun have another galfriend lah! hahaha.... bro sinoview was only joking, hahaha... that was the first time i went to CP, & juz once.
I have to admit that I am over the prime, and can only watch you all, young turks having funs in China. Are you around in Singapore on the week of 20 Dec 2004. I am thinking of meeting brothers such as Sinoview, Tripping, VAXVMS and you, and others for coffee and exchange views. Please let me know.
With best regards from Kunming
i will be around, think bro sinoview & vax will be around too, tr|p|ng dun think he will be back yet, maybe he will reply you later. give me a call when u r back lah, still the same number. if you forgotten, i will call u on 20th dec.
happy x'mas!
13-12-2004, 09:54 PM
Dear Brother Shanghaitan,
I might be an old man, but every piece of advice from a fellow brother is always welcome. No one can ensure that an old man cannot go wrong right? Thank you very much for your opinion and advice.
I called her as I have said, but she did not answer my call. I guess that is it. Well, maybe it gives me time to cool down and think. I shall not fall into her ploy as I have seen enough of trick of the similar nature.
I shall up date the brothers here.
Regards from Chengdu
26-12-2004, 10:19 PM
Hi PutongRen....
I was in Kunming in End Oct to early 1st Nov 04 for a outstation trip...
Happened to stay at the Kwang Wan International Hotel...and when night can see alot of " Girls" wandering around nearby the Hotel..
Did not manage to try any but was approached by alot of them...
Heard that the Health Centre in the Hotel also offering service but it was kinda of expensive...So end of decided to try the Tradational Massage joint oppsite the Hotel @ RMB 40-60/hr.
Indeed a fruitful trip in Kunming esp the Sight Seeing tourguide
was from from ChongQing...but cant remember her..only rem her that she has a pleasant look , sweet smile and most importantly speaks English well..
03-01-2005, 05:01 PM
Hi bros... where u get those chinese forums?
Mind to enlighten me ..thanks
08-04-2005, 10:01 AM
I wanna know if there is any fellow Expats in Kunming...
Please do leave me a PM as I would need some help there...
Maybe planning a trip there...
18-10-2005, 02:29 PM
Returned from Kunming about 2 weeks ago. Did a search and found that there are a couple of posts on Kunming but seem pretty old. Hence starting new thread to post my FR.
Was in Kunming about 2 weeks ago for a golf vacation together with 3 other guys. For golfers you would be familiar with the names Spring City, Sunshine, Lakewood and Kunming Golf and Country Club. A bit of digression first. Played all courses. Best would be Spring City. Sunshine and Lakewood are new and needs a bit of time to mature, but condition also very good. Kunming Golf and Country Club is a public course, so you know what to expect. Stayed in Spring City when playing at Spring City and stayed in Kunming City when playing the other courses.
Spring City FR
Was staying in a 2 room chalet, the other 2 guys also had another 2 room chalet. Must be close to 100 chalets in the resort. Very popular with Singaporeans, Taiwanese and Koreans.
Resort is a dead town in terms of nitelife. They have a HC where you can have a Spa treatment for about RMB300 (something like that) or foot reflexology and standard massage for RMB80 per 45 minutes. Can have your massage in the HC or call to your chalet, but apart from a relaxing session after a session of golf, nothing else to look forward to. In fact, even in the comfort of your own room, the girl (or lady) will tell you to keep your briefs on.
About 10 minutes by taxi from Spring City is a small little village (or town). This is where the action is. BTW, Kunming City is about one and a half hours away from Spring City (depending on traffic). One night the 4 of us went to the village to look for some action. We were led by the taxi driver to a KTV. Don't even know name of place. Upon entering, was greeted by manager and was told we could book a room and have the girls accompany us or could straight away "takeaway". All 4 of us had a look around the place and found that the environment was less than appealing. Besides, we were also a bit bushed from 2 rounds of golf in the day. Hence opted for takeaway. We were then led into a spacious room (must be big enough to accomodate 6 to 8 dinner tables with room to spare). Inside the room were about 25 to 30 WLs. We sat ourselves on huge armchairs and the OKT lined up all the girls for us to choose. Price was RMB800 for overnite. The range and quality of the WLs varied. There were some that looked no more than 20. There were even some that looked close to 30. So, you can have a SYT or a MILF. Looks wise also reasonable but I do not think any will win a beauty contest. Vital statistics - some indeed had voluptuous figures, but not sure if they were artificial enhancements. Anyway, after about 10 mins of examination, each of us left with a WL in hand. I choose a SYT (later I learnt that she was only 18 - showed me her IC as proof). Rule is that must pay upfront, so each of us handed over RMB800 to the OKT.
Hailed 2 taxis and 10 to 15 minutes later, we were back at Spring City. Had to stopped at main entrance to change to a mini-bus to take us back to our chalets. Apparently, Spring City does not allow taxis to go direct to the chalets.
Back in the comfort of our chalets, the 4 of us (the guy who I was sharing the chalet with and our 2 WLs) chit chatted a bit first. The WLs even boiled water to make us some Chinese tea. After learning a bit about where they are from (mine was from neighbouring Sichuan), I proposed we play cards. The girls agreed and even volunteered to teach us how to play their local version of "Big 2". However, even after a couple of rounds, my friend and I were still lost. We then decided to teach them our version of "Big 2", which the WLs caught on very easily. We decided not to play for money. Instead it was to be strip Big 2. The girls were a bit apprehensive at first but we told them not to worry and to take it easy. We started mildly. Off came watches, wrist bands, hair bands, shoes, socks. Then when the girls were more comfortable, off came belts, blouses (or T-shirts), bras, jeans, skirts, etc. Close to the end, I was down to my jeans and underwear. My friend still had his shirt on. My girl was down to her bra and panties while the other girl only had her panties on. My friend's girl then lost the next hand. She looked scared. My friend then came to her aid and called it a nite. We all agreed and two by two we went back to our rooms.
Action time - my girl and I had a glorious bath together, scrubing each other, frenching, feeling each other up. After the bath, we adjourned to the bed. I do not think I need to go into detail our fuck session. There was the usual frenching, oral ministrations, 69 and fucking. I have however to mention that my girl's body was indeed good, tits are real, pussy is well lubricated and a snug fit. Our fuck session lasted over an hour and during that time she came no less than 3 times. Must be because I was tired from the earlier golf game and could not come easily. Anyway, after I spent my precious seed (with condom), we had another shower where she gently cleaned my tool. After that we cuddled and went to sleep. Could not manage a 2nd round as I had an early call and was tired.
Next morning I had an early call for my morning golf. She had also arranged for a pick-up for herself and her friend. Before she left, she asked for a tip and I gave her another RMB200.
Overall a very satisfactory session. I paid a total of RMB1,000, which tranlsates to about S$210.
Spent 2 nights in Spring City but the other nite nothing happened except for a visit by an in-house massage girl where nothing happened.
Kunming City KTV FR
In Kunming City, we were staying at this hotel call "Tien Heng". I think the English name is Horizon (or something like that). There is a KTV within the hotel.
The 4 of us were snooked into taking a big room (was told that smaller rooms all occupied). Charge was RMB1,800 for the room. For those of you not familiar with the system, this means that you need to pay RMB1,800 plus taxes for the room for the whole nite. You can order anything on the menu. If what you order does not add up to RMB1,800 then you still pay RMB1,800 plus taxes. However, if your orders exceed RMB1,800 then you have to pay the extra.
We went in around 9.30 pm and left at about 1.45 am. The 4 of us had 3 bottles of the local red wine and a dozen Buds. The bill came up to RMB2,060(inclusive of taxes).
Girls - typical system. Mummy will bring girls in for you to choose. We were shown what must have been about 50 girls. Again range and variety were varied. I choose a local girl from another city in Yunnan.
Price for girls - just for sitting with you, drinking, singing - RMB200 for the whole nite (girls do not butterfly). If takeaway 2 rates, RMB1,000 for short time, RMB1,200 for overnite.
Action in room was a bit subdued, probably because this was our first time and we did not know how far we could go. There was the timid putting hand inside dress to feel tits, rabba rabba pussy, frenching, etc, but nothing more than that. Girls seemed alright to what we were doing.
Although my girl was alright, I wasn't really in the mood to bang her that nite. Primarily because my mind was on a call I received from the office earlier in the day about a new project that was waiting for me when I returned to Singapore. My other friends though had no such restrictions and they happily paid the RMB1,200 for an overnite session.
Kunming HC FR
The hotel that we were staying in has a HC. On another nite when the 4 of us decided to take a break from drinking and singing, I decided to sample their HC fare. I called for room service.
I called the HC and asked for a girl to be sent up to my room. Enquired about price and was told RMB180 for a 45 min session but if 2 session then RMB300. Girl came and I was pleasantly surprised to find a SYT (22 years old from Henan). She was dressed in an uniform consisting of a translucent white top (can see her black bra quite clearly) and white velco wrap short skirt (can see her white panties very clearly when she sits down).
Massage was also a surprise. She knows her stuff and could give me a reasonably good rub on my tired body.
After about 45 mins of massaging, she popped the golden question. I asked what she provided and she said she could do a full course for RMB1,500 (inclusive of the RMB300 for the 2 sessions). Her full course consists of cat-bathing you all over, from back to front, AR, BBBJ, fire/ice treatment and FJ. I told her RMB1,500 is too expensive. She said I could opt for a "half-course", which is also cat-bath, AR, BBBJ, fire/ice and FJ but only on my front. The cost is RMB1,000 (inclusive of the RMB300 or the 2 session massage). I agreed. Started off with a hot shower together. Under the bathroom lights, could see that she had a nice body with no visible marks (have to be careful to examine if she has marks on her body suggesting drug abuse, ailments, etc).
Action was just as described. Cat bath with warm and cold water (alternating) on my entire front, long BBBJ (ggod suction), frenching and FJ. She knows her stuff and can rock (with my tool inside her) like a GL pro. Can also moan like a pro. Her pussy was naturally lubricated (not beacuse I gave her a paint job).
Session lasted about an hour. Finished her off with her on top of me riding me like a cowgirl.
In all spent 5 nites in Kunming but only had action on 3 nites. Overall a very nice experience. Hope you guys like my FR.
18-10-2005, 04:40 PM
a good FR. up your points....hope to see more FR from you. Did notice that you had spent quite a lot on that 5 days.
18-10-2005, 06:01 PM
a good FR. up your points....hope to see more FR from you. Did notice that you had spent quite a lot on that 5 days.
Cost wise, not including golf, hotel, meals, shopping (for wife), etc, just pure bonking and KTV, maybe RMB1,000+RMB600+RMB200+RMB1,000=RMB2,800=SGD600. About what I would typically spend in a KTV in Singapore for one nite.
19-10-2005, 08:49 AM
Wow not bad for the FR, I was in Kunming Yunan in Dec. I was damn disappointed with the KTV and WL, worst thing is my uncle who has been there for 5 years told me that is the best they have in Kunming.
Kena disappointed with the rest, one day if u want try Kunsan for golf then the cheong sence, I garntee you will rock till the end.
19-10-2005, 09:10 AM
Lastly I am very new in Sammy boy hope you guys can up my point and for more info please mail me or post I get back to you guys. But I never too new in this sex things. I been to many country just to look for pretty and cheap girls. Last trips I went to china Kun Ming and guess what $40 Singapore dollars whole day and night from 3pm to next day 10am I ask for two china girls and this the first time I did 7 times with both of them. Guys girls in Kun Ming will not like the one in Singapore no service and keep asking you to be "faster "FUCK I always hate to hear that "can you be faster”. Don’t bother to try the china girls in Singapore they are only after money. I be doing my report on Kun Ming and I might start a sex tour to Kun Ming for my friend anyone interested do mail me. Guys after the trips to Kun Ming I tell you guys two girls only sing$80 whole day and night they follow you all the way and best still they treat you like King anytime you went sex you have it sex is not everything they know message also can. Best still pretty and you will have no problem with speaking Chinese with them.
That all for the day I be setting up a website and post all the picture and movies of the girls in Kun Ming there one movies where the girls give me a 45min blow job and the second girls give me a lips bath all over my body Wow very shiok. Sorry for my poor English not really good at it. And bear with me
I will tell you where the place in kun ming mail me
RMP$250/whole day=s$40pus
Hotal with spa behind where you can have sex there open space inside the room.$only S$60/day
If you guy want to go i can fix a member of 10 pus meal pus hotal pus air ticket and air port tax 4day 3night also KTV in kun ming for a night. S$1200/each.
Thank You
19-10-2005, 09:20 AM
Anywhere i am in travel line therefore i know all these lor bang.
Girls is RMP$250/day =S$40pus only
Go there please ask for two very siok to have two.
The Travel plan will be S$1200/person need 10people
1)Air Ticket in
2)All Meal In
3)KTV one night in kun ming
4)Tranport in
5)Hotal in (with spa in the room VIP for 1 day.)
6)hotal in Kun Ming also in for two day.
7)the place we going for the girl is in a town away from Kun Ming an hour drive.
8)Let me know by 6/12/2005
People that want to go i will show you video on the women i book that time.
Thank You
19-10-2005, 09:25 AM
I will tell you where the place in kun ming mail me
RMP$250/whole day=s$40pus
Hotal with spa behind where you can have sex there open space inside the room.$only S$60/day
If you guy want to go i can fix a member of 10 pus meal pus hotal pus air ticket and air port tax 4day 3night also KTV in kun ming for a night. S$1200/each.
Thank You
I am interested. Please cav I have the details.
happy hour
27-10-2005, 09:15 PM
For the RMB1K that you paid in HC, all I can say is that you kana chop robert head already.
This price if in Shanghai maybe still okay.
31-10-2005, 10:16 AM
Anywhere i am in travel line therefore i know all these lor bang.
Girls is RMP$250/day =S$40pus only
Go there please ask for two very siok to have two.
Bro... cannot join u for the trip but care to PM me the contacts? Thanks in advance.:)
08-11-2005, 02:55 PM
Just came back from Kunming yesterday.
KTV not a lot of pretty girls; mostly girls from Yunnan or Kunming.
Got to pick a pretty girl from Chong Ching - slim, fair and busty.
She claims to be 22 years old.
Just an observation... kunming is not really a good place to cheong. KTV and bonking quite expensive
21-08-2006, 01:24 AM
Going Kun Ming.... Any bro has latest tips for this city? Thanks in advance.
25-08-2006, 03:20 PM
wow got such thread now then I realised.
now stuck in harvour plaza hotels ince meeting was already over and is R7R time till sunday
ok will tried Tien Heng hotel KTV
me went to hotel KTV but quality/feel not as shiok as CP...maybe more red mao dollars needed over here
disco wise not wise not much kangtao also :mad:
any bro ard now...........?
25-08-2006, 03:59 PM
wow got such thread now then I realised.
now stuck in harvour plaza hotels ince meeting was already over and is R7R time till sunday
ok will tried Tien Heng hotel KTV
me went to hotel KTV but quality/feel not as shiok as CP...maybe more red mao dollars needed over here
disco wise not wise not much kangtao also :mad:
any bro ard now...........?
I was there for 2 nights last week. Went to 2 ktv but honestly, the quality of MM is so so. May be we went there too late, at 2300, or spoiled by CP!
I stayed at Tien Heng too. There are FL loitoring at the hotel lobby cafe at night. Was approached by 2 of them but I rejected them..Not my type. I didnt stay longer to recc. May be there are prettier one around. Good luck to you.
28-08-2006, 03:06 AM
Go KTV there need to be around 7 to 8 pm... otherwise all the good ones are taken up liao. 11 pm may as well dun go.
If late and dun have girls, just keep rejecting till the mamasan bring in better one (they will mobilise from other KTVs or call their reserves who are off that night). Just remember not to open bottle or take any food till you get the girls you want. Worst case, walk out and change location.
12-04-2007, 11:53 AM
Any brothers station in Kumming or a regular there, can provide any info on the cheong scene?
Would be going to Kumming for golf game end of this month,
13-04-2007, 01:53 PM
Hi bro,
Nothing much in Springcity, most of the things in the resort EX.
Ask the driver to take you guys to town.
13-04-2007, 04:21 PM
Bro JJumper
Please allow me to share some of my small knowledge with you. I was in Kunming last year so some of this information may change but I guess would not be very much.
1) There are places to get ladies but those are controlled by the local mafia and for those I have seen, it is not safe for you to go there except with one of the locals there.
2) Go to Kai Wah Plaza Hotel. This is the ex-Westin Hotel Kunming. On the 4th floor (I think; 5th floor is KTV, the expensive type) there is a spa that you can go to even if you are not hotel guests. At the counter, there is a menu that says RMB so much for massage, back rub, etc. The prices there are reasonable, if I remember correctly; something like RMB 178 for 2 hours massage. This does not include specials or HJ and that is negotiated with the girl inside the room. Most of these girls will actually not do HJ as they are not allowed to do so. Reason for this is in the next point.
3) There will be a male captain there dressed in a suit/coat. Ask him that you want to have full course 'chuen tao' service. He will understand you. You will proceed to the room where he will bring you (usually) 3 girls for you to choose. If you dont like, he will bring another 3 girls. The price is (forgive me if this is not accurate cos one year ago liao, but should be around there) around RMB 500-600. You can check the price with the captain again. This is for two hours massage and FJ. And if service is good, just give a small tip of RMB 50 will do.
4) One funny thing too; you can ask for receipt for this FJ; just ask the receptionist when you are paying the bill (dont pay to the girl you FJ); that you want the receipt "fah piao" and tell her to put it under 'food'. This receipt is a common receipt and does not bear any company name but looks very official as it is actually printed and not written. So you may have a good FJ compliments from your company.
5) At night time, just in the road next to Kai Wah Hotel, you will be approached by some aunties who say they can provide ladies for you. I have not tried so I cannot comment; They will pass you a piece of paper with their mobile telephone number. This is the road that has the large departmental store for branded shirts and shoes. Reminder, the open air shopping area opposite Kai Wah Plaza Hotel is very popular and is sells many things especially clothes, jackets and shoes. There are many pickpockets there, so please be extremely careful!! Even if you catch them, there is nothing you can do cos there is a big gang of them there.
Hope this will help you. Always take acre and be smart in China, cos they are much smarter than many of us. Cheers Brother.
14-04-2007, 10:33 PM
After reading this thread, I would also like to share my expereince here too. As what bro Jimmycool said things and prices may have changed since mine was a couple of years back.
I actually satyed at Kai Wah Hotel and I may say its was 1 of the best back then. You can have good chinese food opposite the hotel and entertainment under one roof. The sauna there is highly recommended as the ladies there are of a better standard then what you may find outside, but it comes with a price.
As for the KTV, what I remembered was a minimal expenditure (Zhui Di Xiao Fei" of RMB388. It means you hav to spend that much no matter how little you drink and that excludes the booking fee for the ladies. You just pay the difference if you were to spend anything more then RMB388. Once you are inside all SOP applies, ladies will be brought in for you to chose till you are satisfied. Once you have choosen, all happenings are in your own hands.
I do not know if it has change, I used to see ladieshaning around opposite the hotel after dark. They will usually sort out the foreigners and approach them to provide their service. Charges are around RMB300 for short time in your room. Guess I was lucky with my friend that night coz we had an orgy session with 3 girls for the prize of 2.
Do not really know how to write a FR but will carry on reading and maybe someday I will be able to put in in words to share with you guys.:)
16-04-2007, 01:39 AM
many thanks to Bro Jimmycool and websurfbastard,
I have also been there nearly 10 years ago and not much happening then, there are many FLs there in the streets, if I remember correctly near kumming hotel, where there is a disco and mini brewery. dont know if these still exist,
massage was damn ex and the worst is the xiao fei, it is more than the massage itself and compulsory, end always quarrel with the girl.
will try to contribute a fr when come back by then,
16-04-2007, 02:49 PM
Hi Bro Jimmycool. Nice Background on Kunming. Will be heading there next week. Will venture out if I have some free time on my hands. Cheers.
05-05-2007, 12:49 AM
any latest updates in kunming as of recent?might be hafing a trip there
tks bros
05-05-2007, 01:01 AM
any latest updates in kunming as of recent? might be hafing a trip there
tks bros
Bro, Visit your in-laws har? :D
06-05-2007, 12:07 AM
Bro, Visit your in-laws har? :D
wa uncle u still remember ah:D
yea la something like that...setting up 2nd base
02-11-2007, 07:05 PM
Just a contribution here for my first trip to Kunming.
Arrived on 1st Nov for the Travel Fair. It was wet and cold. What i thot was a business trip turned out to a find a place to be warn and bonk trip.
Lacking Intel, I went for the most trusted source, The Cab driver. He brought me to Tianhe Hotel.
Its a local joint. Many locals, including some off duty Gong-An. The place was small, 2 jacuzi pools, water and tea/herbs, 12 shower stalls, 2 sauna room (small) wet and dry.
The waiting area only had about 24 seats and 2 plasma TV. It was packed, so we had to wait. After one hour, was my turn. They show me to a room, then get girls for me to choose. I chose a girl from Sicuan, 21 year old.
After some TCSS, she ask me if I want a second girl. 280RMB. I rejected as I was tired and think cannot handle 2. But after some insistance, I agree. Another SYT was introduced and I accepted. 19yr old from Sichuan.
Both of them start to work on me, catbath, front and back. then one of them take out the red sash and tie it onto the ceiling handle. This is the Kong Zhong Fei Ren, One girl, the first one, sit on it, then using her legs to balance, turn over and give me a BJ wile the other gal continues the catbath.
After switching postions for the BJ, the second gal ask me to stand-up and fark the gal on the trapeze, she stand behind me and start to mash her breast on me. So soooong.
As I Bonked the gal (no need to move one, the trapeze move) The gal start to give me an AR and lick my balls.
The gal on the trapeze change to doggy legs suspended in the air and i take her. The other gal now is licking my cock as it trusts in and out.
Not able to control anymore, I shot my load.
Bought the gals supper (some porridge in a can) and left. Still large crowd, so the captain usher us to shower. We paid (the card terminal is not working so had to walk out ATM with the captain to withdraw money.
Total Damage = 580RMB + 280RMB + 56RMB
WIR = Hell Yes, if i ever need to go back to Kunming.
07-11-2007, 10:26 AM
thats a bit too ex for TianHe. The first one can get at 400, and the second girl at 250. Cabbies rec TianHe cos they will get commision from them.
Any Kunming frequent goers? I will be there for a couple of month in Dec. Ppl who are going can pm me yeah.
07-11-2007, 12:00 PM
the kong zhong fei ren treatment is somewhat nice but not so pleasant,somehow feel that anytime shes gonna take off with my little bro if she miscue:o
08-11-2007, 11:50 PM
Was in Kunming in from 20 to 25 October. Stayed at Bank Hotel, not exactly near any action area, but Taxi in Kunming is cheap so not a problem. Me and my buddies had a chance to explore a few so here is part 1 report.
PART 1: Sauna
Kai Wah Plaza 8 Fl is where the action is. After shower you are shown into a dimly lit rest area. The captain came over and gave the price list. What you see outside is the standard service. The full service is 600RMB. Directed to a room with mirrors on the walls and the bars on the ceiling. Two choices, picked a Guizhou girl. Their boobs seems to be bigger with the push up bras. No regrets. Started with a decent massage. She made me rest on my chest. Did a full body massage with oil, shiok. Inserted a CD in her tounge and licked the AH, reminds me of Manime in Bangkok. Not as good as M but feels good. Rubbed her tits and pussy all over the back again before cleaning up and attacking the front.
BBBJ was very very good with CFM look, always staring at you. She certainly knows how to show that she enjoys it, I did.
Once the red cloth goes over the ceiling bars, my my does this girl have a full bag of tricks. First there is the vertical 69 position, then her body and legs will be spreading mid air and you will be pumping her doggie first and she will turn over for missionary, you standing up and she in mid air. Afterwards she will be standing with one leg held up by the cloth and you will be hammering her with both of you standing. Better than what you see in porno.
With such creativity with the cloth, needless to say, bed positions are varied too. Finished off in the usual missionary on the bed.
Worth every cent.
Part 2: FL (Fastfood 200 RMB from OKT); Another Sauna (500RMB); FL (overnight 300RMB)
If brothers like report, please up points. Past reports go unappreciated :-((
09-11-2007, 12:00 AM
Wow. I've seen and done a lot in my life, but this seems like nothing I've had before. Got to organize some business meeting in Kunming. Thanks to bros atlim and arachnophobia for the reports.
09-11-2007, 12:00 AM
Was in Kunming in from 20 to 25 October. Stayed at Bank Hotel, not exactly near any action area, but Taxi in Kunming is cheap so not a problem. Me and my buddies had a chance to explore a few so here is part 1 report.
PART 1: Sauna
Kai Wah Plaza 8 Fl is where the action is. After shower you are shown into a dimly lit rest area. The captain came over and gave the price list. What you see outside is the standard service. The full service is 600RMB. Directed to a room with mirrors on the walls and the bars on the ceiling. Two choices, picked a Guizhou girl. Their boobs seems to be bigger with the push up bras. No regrets. Started with a decent massage. She made me rest on my chest. Did a full body massage with oil, shiok. Inserted a CD in her tounge and licked the AH, reminds me of Manime in Bangkok. Not as good as M but feels good. Rubbed her tits and pussy all over the back again before cleaning up and attacking the front.
BBBJ was very very good with CFM look, always staring at you. She certainly knows how to show that she enjoys it, I did.
Once the red cloth goes over the ceiling bars, my my does this girl have a full bag of tricks. First there is the vertical 69 position, then her body and legs will be spreading mid air and you will be pumping her doggie first and she will turn over for missionary, you standing up and she in mid air. Afterwards she will be standing with one leg held up by the cloth and you will be hammering her with both of you standing. Better than what you see in porno.
With such creativity with the cloth, needless to say, bed positions are varied too. Finished off in the usual missionary on the bed.
Worth every cent.
Part 2: FL (Fastfood 200 RMB from OKT); Another Sauna (500RMB); FL (overnight 300RMB)
If brothers like report, please up points. Past reports go unappreciated :-((
09-11-2007, 03:08 AM
thats a bit too ex for TianHe. The first one can get at 400, and the second girl at 250. Cabbies rec TianHe cos they will get commision from them.
Any Kunming frequent goers? I will be there for a couple of month in Dec. Ppl who are going can pm me yeah.
Thanks for the info. Will know better now. I may be there in Jan earliest. Schedule is quite tied up. But definitely in China most of the time. Just a question of WHERE!
The captain offered me a discount to 500 next round though. Which means it still way to exp. You have a captain can recommend ?
09-11-2007, 03:12 AM
Was in Kunming in from 20 to 25 October. Stayed at Bank Hotel, not exactly near any action area, but Taxi in Kunming is cheap so not a problem. Me and my buddies had a chance to explore a few so here is part 1 report.
PART 1: Sauna
Kai Wah Plaza 8 Fl is where the action is. The full service is 600RMB.
BBBJ was very very good with CFM look, always staring at you.
Part 2: FL (Fastfood 200 RMB from OKT); Another Sauna (500RMB); FL (overnight 300RMB)
If brothers like report, please up points. Past reports go unappreciated :-((
Bro. Will up you when I recharge. Maybe you can share some of the contacts and places with us. But 600 for sauna looks a little steep also. Another case of Taxi comm ???
Wow. I've seen and done a lot in my life, but this seems like nothing I've had before. Got to organize some business meeting in Kunming. Thanks to bros atlim and arachnophobia for the reports.
You are welcome bro. I hope that this can become an active community like SZ, Zhuhai, Shanghai, CP etc. Cheers.
09-11-2007, 03:13 AM
the kong zhong fei ren treatment is somewhat nice but not so pleasant,somehow feel that anytime shes gonna take off with my little bro if she miscue:o
This did occur to me at the start, but after she start, all fears fade away :p All that is left is BLISS
09-11-2007, 01:28 PM
Bank hotel or Kai Wah Hotel are the five stars hotel in kmg, thus sauna service there are also more on the high side. 600 min.
As for TianHe, its the number one list on taxi driver as they get commision.
As the government clamp heavily on barbershop in kmg, there are hardly any bbs left.
A place to rec for bonking will be Pan Long Hotel - 300 rmb for one shot. The facilities of course not as good, but there are gems down there waiting to be unveiled by our merlions..hee. Did a dongbei hot slut there. but service there is kindof standardized. licking, sucking, assrimming, fucking...
Another place which I feel is not bad will be shui zhi yun (水之韵)in beijing extended road. This is a pure suana. Full Package is ard 450-500, which i cannot remember clearly. But there are more 'stunts' if bros out there are looking for red rope, air balls stuff.. went there last year. massage is not bad, manage to fuck her on the airball, great pumping there. Unload quite fast due to the overloading in store and fast momemtum. However, after some talk cock sing song, she see my dick standing, and decide to give me a heavenly cum in mouth. Haha..but story does not end there manz.... manage to meet her a few days later, meet up for a steamboat dinner, and again fuck her in my hotel foc.. from hubei i think... great boobs.
As for ktv, there are quite a few good ones down there. std la, 100 for plain clothes and 200 for gown clad chicks, why 200, cos they will strip and bang their boobs on every guests down there. thus if u go with 9 other friends, u will get 10 pair of boobs banging your face when they strip and do their special dance. Each gal will have their signature dance song, normally they will start to dance one by one ard half time. After which you could bring her to the hidden cubicle for the squeezing, licking, haha. manage to fuck one in the cubicle once...knn while my friends are singing canto pop as my background music. got to hide my relieved and release face when i came out of the cubicle. haha..
Pm me if any bros going man
Any bros down there stationed permanently in kmg?
10-11-2007, 03:38 AM
Bro GreenHorny. Thanks for your contribution. Any Particular KTV ? I was at Diamond i think, it was at Green Lake Hotel.
I used to go Kunming often, but now only have chance when people wanna go play golf.
10-11-2007, 08:15 PM
Greenlake hotel izzit 翠湖宾馆?that is one of the better hotels in kunming. however, i have experience with some friends in those sibei high class hotel ktvs, normally the gals are very stunning, but in terms of playability...not that good. one such ktv is 金龙饭店ktv, posh, gals sibei chio, but keep asking u to tabao. dulanz.
Its been a long time I went ktv in kunming. Heres a few rec.
1. Jin Fang Gong 金房宫. small room is ard 260-280 rmb, including beer. tips 200 for gals that strip. manage to fuck foc there once. hmmm..memories...haha
2. 新人人restaurant, tell the cab u want to go to the one with ktv, not the one at 滇池路. can enjoy the seafood there to get ready ur ammo b4 going up to the ktv upstairs. There is this fish call 太阳鱼, its like 12 rmb for one, and its damn good, must try. ktv price is 280 include beer.
3. 尊龙ktv, this is in the city area. 280, excluding beer i think.
4. 威龙ktv in 威龙hotel. also around 300 rmb including beer. Gals there are quite hot. my friend got a handjob from 2 gals over there. quite a havoc night down there.
Beer there are really cheap. and gals there dun wack beer one. just order half a dozen will do. as for mummy, no need give tips. just promise that the next time u come u ask them to book room. will get comm from there.
bros who went pls post forums down here to share k.
13-11-2007, 12:09 AM
Thanks bros for the points. Wow glad to see all the FL coming in. Just returned from a short trip to KL, no time for action. Kakis making a trip to Kunming again in February, will surely explore other recommendations.
Here is the FL on the RMB200 "fast food" or "kuai chan".
After the session at Kai Wah, picked up a few cards from the ladies OKT operating just outside the level one side entrance of Kai Wah. Opening price is RMB300 for ST or "kuai chan" or RMB600 for overnight. Because we wanted to conserve out energies, we decided to book one ST for the next night and negotiated to RMB200. OKT was reluctant at first, but seeing that we are serious repeat customers she gave in.
The girl she sent over was a good looker but a bit flabby if you look closely. Breaking the ice by offering some room service food just delivered. Boy was she hungry. Said she is 20, plainly dressed. All I can say is that everything pretty SOP. Decent cat bath and BBBJ. I noticed that all of them have a habit of spitting into the bin when BBBJ. Tight pussy, she certainly enjoyed herself when I was doing her missionary so did my little bro. Session ended in 80 minutes, including pre and post showers. Did not ask for massage. Did not bother to take her number as I normally do not do repeats. Tip RMB50. I was tempted to ask her to stay over the next evening. I decided to try another instead ... next report.
13-11-2007, 12:57 PM
Bro atlim. Thanks for the continuous updates on Kunming. I think my next trip will be before CNY in Jan/Feb. Nice to see your effort. Points are earned and you are definitely earning yours.
13-11-2007, 01:24 PM
Greenlake hotel izzit 翠湖宾馆?that is one of the better hotels in kunming. however, i have experience with some friends in those sibei high class hotel ktvs, normally the gals are very stunning, but in terms of playability...not that good. one such ktv is 金龙饭店ktv, posh, gals sibei chio, but keep asking u to tabao. dulanz.
Its been a long time I went ktv in kunming. Heres a few rec.
1. Jin Fang Gong 金房宫. small room is ard 260-280 rmb, including beer. tips 200 for gals that strip. manage to fuck foc there once. hmmm..memories...haha
2. 新人人restaurant, tell the cab u want to go to the one with ktv, not the one at 滇池路. can enjoy the seafood there to get ready ur ammo b4 going up to the ktv upstairs. There is this fish call 太阳鱼, its like 12 rmb for one, and its damn good, must try. ktv price is 280 include beer.
3. 尊龙ktv, this is in the city area. 280, excluding beer i think.
4. 威龙ktv in 威龙hotel. also around 300 rmb including beer. Gals there are quite hot. my friend got a handjob from 2 gals over there. quite a havoc night down there.
Beer there are really cheap. and gals there dun wack beer one. just order half a dozen will do. as for mummy, no need give tips. just promise that the next time u come u ask them to book room. will get comm from there.
bros who went pls post forums down here to share k.
Yeah. Greenlake is the poshest hotel, so the KTV also have some nice gems. But they quite happy to sit for table i feel. Maybe i no handsomel like u. hehe
Thanks for the comprehensive report on KTVs. Now I am better armed for my next trip.
15-11-2007, 12:23 AM
Nowhere near handsome bro, perhaps they are just feeling horny la..not being laid for some time or wat.
anyway, for ktvs, try to go earlier say around 7.30-8, as normally by 8.30, all the gems are taken.
And if u pick those wearing gown whose tips r 200 rmb, must insist they do their strip dance, else they see us foreigners, some may try to short change us...I miss those bouncing tits man...
15-11-2007, 01:46 AM
Hi to all,
very good sharing spirit...........Thanks
17-11-2007, 12:23 AM
Nowhere near handsome bro, perhaps they are just feeling horny la..not being laid for some time or wat.
anyway, for ktvs, try to go earlier say around 7.30-8, as normally by 8.30, all the gems are taken.
And if u pick those wearing gown whose tips r 200 rmb, must insist they do their strip dance, else they see us foreigners, some may try to short change us...I miss those bouncing tits man...
Ahhh sooooooooooooo. It seems maybe i was late a little. Thanks for the strip dance info. Very critical bit of info :D
17-11-2007, 12:28 AM
Hi to all,
very good sharing spirit...........Thanks
Bro Botar. Kunming no fight with CP worr :D
17-11-2007, 07:42 PM
Bro Botar. Kunming no fight with CP worr :D
Hahaha....true true, after a visit to CP....all the rest of the places (nearby countries)
can put one side. But if one have not been there, no harm trying lor.
27-12-2007, 03:18 PM
Just return from Kunming after 4 days of golfing. Visit a KTV next to Kunming hotel & pick up 2 chicks for the night. In kmg, you must go as early as 8pm to get good chicks. The ones I got was from the local area, damage is 1000 / nite. Any bro need contact PM me.
28-12-2007, 09:20 PM
Just return from Kunming after 4 days of golfing. Visit a KTV next to Kunming hotel & pick up 2 chicks for the night. In kmg, you must go as early as 8pm to get good chicks. The ones I got was from the local area, damage is 1000 / nite. Any bro need contact PM me.
8pm is about the correct time in China tro hit KTVs. My point for your contribution. Must be nice weather for golf now. But cold front moving in so weather will drop a few c's next week.
04-01-2008, 07:16 AM
These few days a bit cold. but yesterday was cool, with the sun shinning and the wind breezing.
Sure, the sex scene is not as good as CP, with all the ktv, sauna, bbs. I think in kunming, one good thing is the good weather you get. And cos Yunnan is a highland, ppl always regard ppl here as more innocent, friendly and direct, not as cunning as the coastal regions, which I felt so.
I am currently in Kunming, any bros visiting this city could pm me for info. will be glad to help.
04-01-2008, 01:13 PM
Bro GreenHorny.
Are you visiting or station in Kunming ? Plan to be there mid of January.
The ppl & culture is great.
05-01-2008, 04:52 AM
These few days a bit cold. but yesterday was cool, with the sun shinning and the wind breezing.
Sure, the sex scene is not as good as CP, with all the ktv, sauna, bbs. I think in kunming, one good thing is the good weather you get. And cos Yunnan is a highland, ppl always regard ppl here as more innocent, friendly and direct, not as cunning as the coastal regions, which I felt so.
I am currently in Kunming, any bros visiting this city could pm me for info. will be glad to help.
Dun be fooled by their innocence. Never let your guard down travelling in china. When u do is when u get into trouble.
CP has no comparison in CHina. :D
06-01-2008, 09:19 AM
Yo Bro Wilhuili,
I will be here until March most probably. So u coming to Kunming for golf or business or purely have fun?
Lets meet up for a brew of pu er around cui hu, the number of Singaporeans in Kmg as compared to other places are pathetic.
Btw, do let me know if you need any info on this city. Pm me yeah.
06-01-2008, 09:25 AM
As we know in China, sauna biz will be good if the weather is cold and really bad when the weather is hot. As kmg has cool weather all yr round, sauna biz is stable thus the number of sauna is realli a lot a lot...
I would suggest ppl to go to those professional big saunas than hotel saunas, as those pro one has meals all provided and their pools are cool.
A few suggestions will be
1. Shui Yi Tian Xia, Swatec club. (rank as the top notch in kmg)
2. Gan Lan Shu ( upcoming hot place but really crowded)
These saunas service mostly only stop at tits fuck, no full package but norm u can sian the gal den can get full job for free.
06-01-2008, 08:53 PM
the number of Singaporeans in Kmg as compared to other places are pathetic. .
Agree on this. The reason I make SZ and GZO my base for business discussion. Tried doing some stuff in KMG, but i think it has too many things going against it.
I will be back again after CNY to close up some business discussion.
06-01-2008, 08:56 PM
I would suggest ppl to go to those professional big saunas than hotel saunas, as those pro one has meals all provided and their pools are cool.
A few suggestions will be
1. Shui Yi Tian Xia, Swatec club. (rank as the top notch in kmg)
2. Gan Lan Shu ( upcoming hot place but really crowded)
These saunas service mostly only stop at tits fuck, no full package but norm u can sian the gal den can get full job for free.
Bro, are you saying that these Saunas dun offer full services ??? So its the normal Sauna + 2 hr massage session at between 200-250RMB ?
07-01-2008, 06:28 AM
Yeap. It is 2 hrs sexy massage with handjob, plus full day sauna and meals. When I first in kmg, I will prefer to stay in saunas overnight den hotels. Since the price is abt the same but I can get a release.
07-01-2008, 11:27 AM
I start going to kmg since 1999, at first its once a year, but the last 2 yrs I am making about 4 to 5 trips a year. I am there for golf & relax, have try to start some business but got no way.
Bro GreenHorny, I am very surprise that there are professional sanuas in kmg.
I will try one that you recommend. Once I confirm my flight, I will PM you.
By the way, do you golf ?
09-01-2008, 09:31 AM
Hi Bro Wil,
Sad to say so, I dun golf.
Sure, u let me know when you are coming and we can meet up for chit chat, tea, makan and some action if needed. haha....
11-01-2008, 02:51 AM
Yeap. It is 2 hrs sexy massage with handjob, plus full day sauna and meals. When I first in kmg, I will prefer to stay in saunas overnight den hotels. Since the price is abt the same but I can get a release.
OIC. Gotcha. :p . I suppose its better than PCC
26-01-2008, 08:31 PM
dudes, was stationed there for 5 years ... will try to answer any queries post here ...
12-02-2008, 01:43 PM
Hi bros,
Got a golf trip to Spring City coming with some CP regulars who are ultra concerned about the rumoured lack of action up in the mountains. Any advice you can give to calm them down? :)
17-02-2008, 09:43 AM
Hi bro,
Understand your concern. In terms of reputation, kunming is definitely not as sexually commercialized as cp. haha.. Just went to cp last in Jan. the number of gals in Jiayi flower street really daze me. However, in kunming, u could still find 'a piece of sky' for urself.
First, there is no bbs in kunming. or very few due to the clamming down on such activities.
Sauna, sauna in kunming is quite gd, but not all have full package. Only one with full package and cheap will be at 300 rmb.
Ktv in kunming is quite happening though and cheap. 500 rmb for a medium room with beer until 500 rmb, some need not have dj. The dj thing in cp is really waste of money i feel. tips at 100/200. 100 for gals in normal clothes. 200 for gals in gown. gals in gown will do a strip tease to underwear and use their boobs to rub at bros face. and in kunming, every room has a hidden dark cubicle for u to action. As for wad actions, its up to your sweet talking skills liao hor.
tats abt it...please up me if u tink i am worth tat. thanks.
17-02-2008, 06:43 PM
there are also "dark dancing halls" ... can rubba rubba girls for 10Y for 4mins ...
17-03-2008, 04:09 PM
In the spirit of sharing, bros who are going to Spring City may PM me for a very helpful contact number. :) To your doorstep, 600/700. Wise chiongsters will top up the 100. Had a lineup of 9 girls, two 7.5s, four 6.5s and three pork chops. All in all good value.
15-04-2008, 02:31 AM
Pls pm me contact going there in late april. Many thanks!
15-04-2008, 11:00 AM
Hi bros
will be going ard may, care to share any contacts?
Any KTV or massage to recommend?
25-04-2008, 06:34 PM
Hi bros
Veri quiet from this thread seems like no one is in kunming now.:confused:
Anyone give any good lobang, will be staying at empark hotel:D
03-05-2008, 06:01 PM
hi...if u still need info, do pm me...
11-05-2008, 10:50 AM
becareful when u go to lijiang 's massage centres, below is a scam in lijiang
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25-05-2008, 11:55 PM
hmmm...its really getting quiet in this thread.
anyway, wanna rec a gd ktv i went recently.
Its call Jin Kang Yuan ktv.
After a hearty dinner with a couple of my spore frends who came over for holi, we decide to have some havoc...
As usual, I call my local contact to ask for a reccomendation. He say Jin Kang Yuan not bad. As I know the local ktv scene, we actually finish our dinner by 6.30 so that we could get the more quality stocks..
off we go on a cab ride to Jin Kang Yuan. The place is not really that posh as compared to Jin Bi Hui Huang in Golden Dragon hotel, but its quite decent.
So I asked the manager to come in. And as usual starts some talking cock with him. There is 3 of us, so basically a small room is ok, but he upgrade us to a medium room saying that he scared we not enuff space to action.
Well, there is a hidden compartment in every room in kunming ktv for extra action.
So we asked for the spending style there, I told him it is a rec frm a local frend, and the rate we got is 280 rmb inclusive of room and free flow of beer. On man. and there is no rubbish like dj or tips to mummy. the tips for the gal is 200 rmb. So 12 bottles of beer opened on our table. and before we know, the manager starts to parade the babes. we request to see the 200 category gals as they are clad in revealing gown and have special performance later. wow, most of the gals are in 7-9 cat. not bad. after 2 rounds, we manage to select our gals, lucky for my frend, he got the ang pai there, cos ang pai there got a ribbon one.
Anyway, we started the usual talking cock. Squeezing here and there. Den the drinking make us a bit high liao..time for action to start. so the gals start there special performance. One by one did a striptease, they all have their own special song. Mine start first, go on to the table, and slowly dance, stripng to only her undies, 5 mins of solid performace man. den she will even go one by one to each of us, lap dance and use her ample boobs. haha. i asked my brothers not to lick cos its my supper later...ahaha...
anyway, after the dance, I just keep licking away, not allowing her to wear back...of cos , that is after all the gals lap dance on me...mai wasted mahz..
haha...den my supper came without me bring the gal back, she asked me if i wanted to go to the dark cubicle, one of my frend action faster than me, go inside 20 mins lioa, out wif a satisfied face..knn..cfm is bj or fj (later i confirm is a hj nia).so my turn. as we went inside, we started frenching like mad...esp with the high music background. i started to finger and roam her body..she also return by groping my dick and balls. very fast, i unzip and show her my dick...haha..i also took off her panties liao...but den, alamak..i really not used to fucking so commando style, and I am quite shag so I asked her if she wanna go back with me later. she say its her last day that day b4 she go back hometown early tml morn, so lan lan...I gave her the disappointed looks, and she started playing with my dick, den suddenly her mouth just went down and my dick is in her mouth liao...wa....shiok man...her warmth...her bbbj skills is really out of the world....imagine in the dark cubile, my frends outside singing some jacky cheung songs and here i am having a bbbj...she made me stand...and while sucking my rod, use her finger to gently tickle my nipples and scratch me...sibei song.... den she slowly go down to sucking my balls...really commando style...after 5 mins of sucking...buay tahan liao...i say i wanna release liao...den she say shoot at her breast i pull out and my cum is all over her...clean up, and out we go..
haha...soon its my last frend turn...knn, moan so loud her cfm is fj liao manz...
after we all release, we started to cheong the beer since its free flow..we got so high and 2 out of the 3 gals r drunk, we started to fondle their breasts our 'supper'.
at the end of the day, the room total was 280, but we gave 300 and ask them to keep the tipss....fucking cheap manz...knn
I gave my gal 200 plus 100 tips for the mind blowing bbbj...haa...she is quite happy and ask me to fuck her the next her number...
we did not bring any gals back since we alll shoot liao...
As my frends haven check into a hotel, I actually suggest them not to check in hotel and go to a sauna off we go to gan lan shu sauna...becos in sauna can sleep can tok can eat supper, breakfast once we reach the sauna, we took a dip in the hot pool..after that we are so awake liao, we arrange a clean massage for ourselves...after tat a gd sleep.. none of us woke up for breakfast, we wake up ard 11.30, had lunch in the sauna, and I bring them to check into their hotel...haha...after that its ktv again....haha
29-05-2008, 01:17 PM
any bros in kunming from 8 june onwards can pm me, i will be in the city for 1 mth...
24-06-2008, 09:38 PM
hmm..ktv scene here sounds quite happening..hehe
but as i will be going with my gf(so cannot bring back to hotel)..any bro got recommendations on saunas that provide full package..preferably with quite good/posh facilities? damage?
was also wondering whether any similar recommendations for dali, lijiang and shangrila? can't seem to find any thread of them.
will be planning a trip there in mid quite excited liao :D
25-06-2008, 03:50 AM
any bro got recommendations for saunas that offer full package? preferably with good/posh facilities. damage?
ktv sounds happening but i going with gf so can't dabao and 1 person go ktv quite silly also..hehe
was also wondering whether any info on dali/lijiang/shangrila as can't seem to find any thread on them?
planning a trip there in july...quite excited liao!! :D
26-06-2008, 12:19 AM
sorry for the double posting.
08-07-2008, 04:21 AM
Is this thread still active? Need updated info on the kunming scene urgently (my earlier post refers)...can any bro pls advice?
16-07-2008, 05:51 AM
have u left or are u still in spore?
pm me if u still need info
20-07-2008, 08:45 PM
getting quiet ah...
anyway wanna reccommend this hc call shui zhi yun in kmg. pm me for directions if needed
went there last week on a weekday nite.
went in n directly ask for a 550 full package.
Nice room with toilet and a gym ball. there is also red ropes stun which will be perform by the gal
in come the gal, wow a 163 at least with a minimum c cup(verified tat my estimation skill is cool after she strip)
so she started to help me undress to my birthday suit. and perform her bbbj on me. told me she is frm zhengzhou 20 yr old.
nice creamy skin with nice nips. sucking on them for long long time, making them really hard..
Den we started from missioonary, eventually fucking on the gym ball, increasing my speed and finally on the red ropes which o exploded in her. well... too long never fuck liao, after the fuck when she lie nakedly my cock stand again, so she throw in a complimentary bbbj with cim. damn shiok. totally dried...haha
21-07-2008, 01:45 AM
lijiang forget about it.
been there a few times. besides some massage parlour, i dont think there are playable KTV. what i heard , most KTV, massage gals are from Sichuan.
very hard to get the naxi group, or any of the minority gps.
some of the minority gps are very chio! tall, big boobs, nice voice and very cute!
anyone planning a trip to lijiang can pm me. i can give good tips on where to stay, where worth to play, where to avoid.
21-07-2008, 01:55 AM
good forums green horny! i up your pts!!
21-07-2008, 09:38 AM
thanks for upping me bro condor,
yeap. been to lijiang once, nothing to shout abt the sex scene there...
talking abt the minorities, i tried a few back in kmg, kind of different experience...haha... quite shiok..
anyway gals in ktv or massage in kmg are normally frm sichuan becos gals are sichuan is juz beside yunnan and sichuan gals r the chioer type, gals in yunnan tend to be dark.
ktv scene is kunming itself is not too bad actually. strip dance is a higlight I would say but not every gal allow dabao manz. ktv charges are cheap due to the heavy competition. tips art 100/200. 200 r better quality and will do strip dance.
but in terms of realli gd sex experience i rec bros to head down chongqing....haha...
21-07-2008, 10:00 AM
i die die also want to cheong kunming and chongching or chengdu.
but job wise, no chance to go.
if have a chance i sure msg you to be my guide!
21-07-2008, 05:02 PM
sure prob bro,
i will be in kunming most of the time, jus msg me whenever u r down in kmg.
as for chongqing, its still one of my fav, cheap good chio, we can arrange to meet up there as n when u there...everything is so cheap there..haha
chengdu i have a few flings there, but in terms of cheonging i tink its the most ex among the 3.
21-07-2008, 05:22 PM
lijiang forget about it.
been there a few times. besides some massage parlour, i dont think there are playable KTV. what i heard , most KTV, massage gals are from Sichuan.
very hard to get the naxi group, or any of the minority gps.
some of the minority gps are very chio! tall, big boobs, nice voice and very cute!
anyone planning a trip to lijiang can pm me. i can give good tips on where to stay, where worth to play, where to avoid.
Just went lijiang 2 weeks back, was warned by some hotel staff not to venture into the massage parlour along the streets as they are out to con tourist. Not sure how true, but didnt try anyway.
21-07-2008, 05:35 PM
Stayed at Kai Wah and tried their inhouse massage. Was told that not all the ladies provide extras. Anyway, the 2 ladies that I tried are around 5/10, not appetizing. Charges 168rmb for 2 hrs.
While walking back to the hotel around midnight, was approached by a lady pimp at the hotel back entrance asking me whether I want any chicks. Worried for my safety, I rejected her, anyone tried before?
Tried the inhouse massgage parlour at Jin Jiang hotel too, and the ladies are wearing uniforms like those students in bkk. Anyway, the pricing is cheaper than KW, HJ for only 50rmb.
22-07-2008, 12:30 AM
Stayed at Kai Wah and tried their inhouse massage. Was told that not all the ladies provide extras. Anyway, the 2 ladies that I tried are around 5/10, not appetizing. Charges 168rmb for 2 hrs.
While walking back to the hotel around midnight, was approached by a lady pimp at the hotel back entrance asking me whether I want any chicks. Worried for my safety, I rejected her, anyone tried before?
Tried the inhouse massgage parlour at Jin Jiang hotel too, and the ladies are wearing uniforms like those students in bkk. Anyway, the pricing is cheaper than KW, HJ for only 50rmb.
do you mean kunming or lijiang?
lijiang i never try though i went there 3 times and almost wanted to buy a bungalow in one of the lijiang golf resort. but thinking of the current housing crisis in china, i back out.
lijiang, is a nice place to visit. but sex wise, forget it. chances of us getting into scam is higher than joy. especially becareful of the "Yi" minority ppl. they are famous for being thugs and ruthlessness.
anyone going lijiang for holiday, i can recommend some itinary for you.
sex wise, i really cant help, coz i think it not so safe.
22-07-2008, 12:41 AM
hi green horny,
sure i will put you in my top guide list of kunming.
i have cheong places like few places in china.
i hope to cheong xinjiang. just saw a china hunan TV program about xianjiang beijing babes. wow!! they are mix of arabs and chinese! super duper chio!!
is the minority babes you try in kunming what groups? i am very interesed in naxi and mosou girls!.
22-07-2008, 08:50 AM
[QUOTE=reuters;2913608]Stayed at Kai Wah and tried their inhouse massage. Was told that not all the ladies provide extras. Anyway, the 2 ladies that I tried are around 5/10, not appetizing. Charges 168rmb for 2 hrs.
While walking back to the hotel around midnight, was approached by a lady pimp at the hotel back entrance asking me whether I want any chicks. Worried for my safety, I rejected her, anyone tried before?
I stayed in Kai Wah several times and tried their in-house service. The price quoted was RMB 1500. I paid once for the service as the girl sent to my room was from a minority race "Bai". She has fair skin and quite cute, and therefore could not resist the temptation and paid.
Kai Wah is near the train station and hence has large human traffic. There are several BBS/HC joint if you go south further, but my Kuming friends warned me about the con jobs. Therefore I did not try.
When you come out from Kai Wah, turn left and you would have to walk down a slope to a side road. On that road, there are always pimps standing around. I was approached once by a 13/14 yrs old gal and I questioned her about her age, then she pointed me to two girls further down the road and told me that she pimped for the two "elder sisters". Later I tried one of the pimps who brought 4 girls for me to choose, I took one of them and I think I must have paid 400-500 RMB for overnite. Of course the quality is not as good as the one I had last time from the in-house service of Kai Wah.
Next to Kai Wah, there is a KTV, and it is not expensive. I went there with friends, and ended up raba-raba with a girl in a separate compartment within the room where we were. Of course, I brought her back and paid RMB 1200 for overnite. We are still in contact.
On the whole, Kuming is not a safe place compared to Chongqing and Chengdu where I usually stay. This is especially so when you are near to the train station. Do exercise caution.
My 2 cent worth, and the details might not be up-to-date, please do excuse me for any inaccuracy.
22-07-2008, 09:00 AM
do you mean kunming or lijiang?
lijiang i never try though i went there 3 times and almost wanted to buy a bungalow in one of the lijiang golf resort. but thinking of the current housing crisis in china, i back out.
lijiang, is a nice place to visit. but sex wise, forget it. chances of us getting into scam is higher than joy. especially becareful of the "Yi" minority ppl. they are famous for being thugs and ruthlessness.
anyone going lijiang for holiday, i can recommend some itinary for you.
sex wise, i really cant help, coz i think it not so safe.
I meant Kunming.
Think the only thing worthwhile to see in Lijiang is the ancient city. Actually apart from Kunming, think the rest of the towns in Yunnan not much happening. Went to a few towns and all seems nothing, or at least I didnt manage to get much fun.
Off topic, I saw one damm chio customs officer at the Shangrila Airport, unforgettable. :D
22-07-2008, 09:12 AM
Dear Big Bro Putongren & all fellow bros in Kunming,
Hope all fellow bros are fine & do exercise extra cautions there......
昆明公交车连环爆炸2死14伤 奥运保安更显紧张
(北京讯)距离北京奥运开幕不足三周之际,云南省会城市昆明昨天发生两起人为制造的公交车爆炸事故,导致2 人死亡14人受伤,再次升高奥运安保的紧张情势。
两起爆炸案都发生在昆明市中心,时间相隔大约一个小时,初步判断是“人为破坏案件”,爆炸物品均为硝胺 炸药。由公安部派出的刑侦专家组昨天下午已经抵达昆明,协助当地公安机关进行调查。
据新华社报道,云南省也随即加强全省公路、水路、边境口岸与通道的管控巡查工作,盘查可疑人物,防止犯 罪嫌疑人脱逃。
昨天的公交车爆炸案,第一起发生在早上7点,地点是昆明市内主要通道人民西路上的一个车站,造成一名妇 女死亡、10人受伤。警方说,爆炸造成车厢两侧玻璃全部破碎,部分座椅变形。
新华社引述一名目击者说,由于爆炸声太响了,自己被震晕了几秒。医院方面也透露,大多数伤者是双耳或单 耳震荡伤,耳膜已穿孔,并伴随着部分身体皮外伤。除了其中一人处于危险期,其他13人已脱离生 命危险。
当地一间酒店的外籍员工告诉法新社,爆炸案令市内氛围一向松弛的昆明陷入紧张:“人们都很害怕。事件太 令人震惊了。”
中国媒体所拍摄的爆炸现场画面显示,其中一辆出事公交车的车身给炸出一个大洞,车厢内毁坏不堪,马路上 则布满玻璃碎片。
22-07-2008, 09:16 AM
I stayed in Kai Wah several times and tried their in-house service. The price quoted was RMB 1500. I paid once for the service as the girl sent to my room was from a minority race "Bai". She has fair skin and quite cute, and therefore could not resist the temptation and paid.
Kai Wah is near the train station and hence has large human traffic. There are several BBS/HC joint if you go south further, but my Kuming friends warned me about the con jobs. Therefore I did not try.
When you come out from Kai Wah, turn left and you would have to walk down a slope to a side road. On that road, there are always pimps standing around. I was approached once by a 13/14 yrs old gal and I questioned her about her age, then she pointed me to two girls further down the road and told me that she pimped for the two "elder sisters". Later I tried one of the pimps who brought 4 girls for me to choose, I took one of them and I think I must have paid 400-500 RMB for overnite. Of course the quality is not as good as the one I had last time from the in-house service of Kai Wah.
Next to Kai Wah, there is a KTV, and it is not expensive. I went there with friends, and ended up raba-raba with a girl in a separate compartment within the room where we were. Of course, I brought her back and paid RMB 1200 for overnite. We are still in contact.
On the whole, Kuming is not a safe place compared to Chongqing and Chengdu where I usually stay. This is especially so when you are near to the train station. Do exercise caution.
My 2 cent worth, and the details might not be up-to-date, please do excuse me for any inaccuracy.
Many thanks for the great info pal.
Wa, the price damm exp for a cheapstake like me. Is it for 1 shot? She must be damm chio to make you part with 1500. Cant find any partners so can only try massage parlour. The Jin Long hotel also charges 168 for massage, quality so so. Anyway, I went to 1 mp near the hotel, Yun Tian or something like that, but the lady insist that the joint is clean when I requested for other services.
Seems that the vice trade is rather rampant around the area.
Talking about fraud, seems that the whole of Yunnan is infested with conman. Heard the locals saying that many of the conman are from Teochew.
22-07-2008, 09:19 AM
Dear Big Bro Putongren & all fellow bros in Kunming,
Hope all fellow bros are fine & do exercise extra cautions there......
昆明公交车连环爆炸2死14伤 奥运保安更显紧张
Thanks for the info, situation seems bad. Wonder is it related to the Tibet issue.
22-07-2008, 10:30 AM
Seems that the vice trade is rather rampant around the area.
Talking about fraud, seems that the whole of Yunnan is infested with conman. Heard the locals saying that many of the conman are from Teochew.
Yo Bro Reuters,
With what happened in Kunming downtown on the bus bombing incidents, better to exercise extra cautions and not patronise HC for now as I strongly believed that the public security will be very tight in Kunming, thus posing more raids & checks by the local Police authorities on HCs and all other illegitimate activities.
My cent worth of thoughts......
Play safe.............especially for now.....with so many unrest around...:(
22-07-2008, 11:09 AM
kunming city is not a good place to cheong as the girls are so-so and the rates in kunming seems higher than even in guangzhou, shenzhen or zhuhai. Lijiang is worse as limited girls and high prices.
22-07-2008, 06:46 PM
Many thanks for the great info pal.
Wa, the price damm exp for a cheapstake like me. Is it for 1 shot? She must be damm chio to make you part with 1500. Cant find any partners so can only try massage parlour. The Jin Long hotel also charges 168 for massage, quality so so. Anyway, I went to 1 mp near the hotel, Yun Tian or something like that, but the lady insist that the joint is clean when I requested for other services.
Seems that the vice trade is rather rampant around the area.
Talking about fraud, seems that the whole of Yunnan is infested with conman. Heard the locals saying that many of the conman are from Teochew.
Dear Brother,
We are here to share, and I am merely recounting the limited knowledge that I have gathered when I was there. Yes, the girl whom gave the service was from the 'Bai" Tribe, smooth skin and nice complexion, and the body is quite firm without excess fats.
Kunming is not a safe place especially near the train station. Where I always stayed, Kai Wah Hotel, its surrounding is really not a pleasant one.
Now with the bombing incidents, the Public Security will come down hard on illegal activities, brothers in Kunming, please exercise caution, as these Gong An need to produce results to show that they are doing something. Do not get caught in the process.
My 2 cent worth.
p.s Bro SGPshanghai69, did not know that you also drift into Kunming Thread to share with us. Actually, I have more things to write on Chongqing and Chengdu as you know that these are my favourite places.
23-07-2008, 08:51 AM
Play safe.............especially for now.....with so many unrest around...:(
Now with the bombing incidents, the Public Security will come down hard on illegal activities, brothers in Kunming, please exercise caution, as these Gong An need to produce results to show that they are doing something. Do not get caught in the process.
+1. Coupled with the Olympics, many entertainment establishments are closing or reducing the operating hours. A chick from Chu Xiong was telling me that her sauna is gonna be closed for a week, even those in small towns are gearing up for raids, what more for those in the bigger cities.
23-07-2008, 09:38 AM
p.s Bro SGPshanghai69, did not know that you also drift into Kunming Thread to share with us. Actually, I have more things to write on Chongqing and Chengdu as you know that these are my favourite places.
Yo Big Bro Putonren,
I'm merely sharing the news clip here with fellow bros in Kunming so as to forewarn all bros about the tense situation there.
You too, do exercise extra cautions big bro if you're heading there. Afterall, we're all foriegners on a foreign land so only good to be careful la big bro.....;)
23-07-2008, 09:43 AM
+1. Coupled with the Olympics, many entertainment establishments are closing or reducing the operating hours........... even those in small towns are gearing up for raids, what more for those in the bigger cities.
Hi Bro Reuters,
You're indeed right on the info you will told.
Not only all entertainment joints are to be closed in all particiating cities (Shanghai, Beijing, Tsingtao, etc) during the O' Games but also just this morning, the local radio announced that all air flights taking off & landing in Beijing Capital Airport on the 8 Aug 2008, the Grand Opening Day of O' Games will banned for the whole day!!!!!
So for any fellow bros who's planning to travel to Beijing or out of Beijing on the 8 Aug 2008, do take note & plan otherwise.
23-07-2008, 04:35 PM
the local radio announced that all air flights taking off & landing in Beijing Capital Airport on the 8 Aug 2008, the Grand Opening Day of O' Games will banned for the whole day!!!!!
Drastic move. They are betting everything to ensure a smooth start.
23-07-2008, 06:51 PM
yeap just heard frm frends back in kmg that the bombing has created a big hoohaa over there, ppl r avoiding the buses.
anyway, ppl thinking of gg kunming in august, all china eastern flights ceased in august so can only take silkair or thai or transit domestically. wujiaba airport now is heavily secured...
as for anti vice yeap, my freind telling me that some of the smaller hc will be closed, but those big hc with backgrd is still carrying on and is on the safe side.
06-10-2008, 03:00 PM
bros, any recent updates for Kunming. Will b going on mid of this month and will be staying at Spring City Resort n Hong Hua Qiao.
Thanks in advance.
06-10-2008, 04:47 PM
bros, any recent updates for Kunming. Will b going on mid of this month and will be staying at Spring City Resort n Hong Hua Qiao.
Thanks in advance.
Bro you can try this guys Ding Liang HP:13888723788 (most of golfer go there) in one of the hotel club Tangchi town
is very near to Spring city Golf & Lake resort about 20-30min (don’t ask those PPL in the resort as is the same place But price is very Ex unless you know them well).
Advice go there at 3.oopm to 5.oopm don’t go too late.
(RMB-300-400 S/time) mentions to them was introduced by MR LEE from Sin (famous old man 60+ who own of 1 unit of the Hill Resort in the Golf country club l there) (Not me for sure hehe).
Or else the price is like 600rmb 1round.
Hope the above info is useful? In town the HC is not Bad but just can’t re-call the Info sorry Bro
07-10-2008, 12:25 AM
cwvlchua - Many thanks for the info on Tangchi Town.
Now, just need some info for the city area as will be more free on Day 2 & 3 as will be staying at Hong Hua Qiao area.
Thanks in advance again
Bro you can try this guys Ding Liang HP:13888723788 (most of golfer go there) in one of the hotel club Tangchi town
is very near to Spring city Golf & Lake resort about 20-30min (don’t ask those PPL in the resort as is the same place But price is very Ex unless you know them well).
Advice go there at 3.oopm to 5.oopm don’t go too late.
(RMB-300-400 S/time) mentions to them was introduced by MR LEE from Sin (famous old man 60+ who own of 1 unit of the Hill Resort in the Golf country club l there) (Not me for sure hehe).
Or else the price is like 600rmb 1round.
Hope the above info is useful? In town the HC is not Bad but just can’t re-call the Info sorry Bro
07-10-2008, 11:42 AM
cwvlchua - Many thanks for the info on Tangchi Town.
Now, just need some info for the city area as will be more free on Day 2 & 3 as will be staying at Hong Hua Qiao area.
Thanks in advance again
Sorry Bro not so sure about this place, For the HC can’t find the name card (try to make friend with the Chef SIN&MY that station there) from the Hole 19 café he will know where as he was there with us, as is one of the Management staff bring us there, HC is just next to a local Supermarket in town.
FOR the HC tell them you want the Gymnastics style she will hang herself upside down a rope with your dick in her mouth going round and round beware of your s/bro get twisted whahaha and I try with 2meiemi 1500RMB for about 3/4hour n BJ with element style 冰火 Ice/Tea/.
The details might not be up-to date as I was there 07 NOV as is almost a year .
12-10-2008, 08:14 PM
Hi Bros in Kunming,
I will be there at the end of the month and will be staying at New Era Hotel, any recommendation of Massage / Spa and getting a good FL there?
Thanks in advance:D
02-11-2008, 09:46 PM
Juz got back from a few days' of R&R in the eternal spring city of kunming.
I thot i'll share a couple of activities horny bros can do over there.
1. Dancing Hall
There are dancing halls in kunming where you can invite the large no of girls (all age groups, mostly early 20s) for a dance. The dance is done in the middle of a big hall with the lights totally out. you don't see anything. so while you dance you can rubba rubba the girls for the duration of a song (5mins). just when the lights abt to come on, you pay the girl 10Y. or you can have the girl sit with you and rubba rubba when the lights are off throughout the duration of i think 13 songs, all for 100Y.
There are a couple of these.
The best i've heard is 红联舞厅at茭苓路西园北路路口
Another is 百灵舞厅at春苑小区
Open from 3pm to 5.20pm and 9pm to 11.20pm.
2. KTV
Some bros have covered this here. The one we went to is 尊龙 KTV, near 桃园路. Girls are 200Y tip and they'll accompany you throughout the nite, and throw in a strip dance in their panties. Minimum charge is 380Y, and you can either get a dozen of beer, or 2 red wine or 1 chivas with that minimum. The waiter is 100Y. There are mummies and we didn't tip them.
I'll go to L4 for better educated girls, think they can communicate better compared to the village girls on L6. Can try both levels and see which you fancy.
A small adjoining compartment or room in the KTV rooms where you can invite the girls to tongue, finger, rubba, fj. Additional tip of 100Y would suffice.
3. Massage Shops
This is just a front for whorehouse. There are a number of them along 丹霞路. Go in and ask for a massage, cost is 35Y. You'll be asked to pick a girl, from abt 4-5. Then led into this small cubicle, brightly lit though, and the girl will do bedek massage on you. If you get enough of it, ask for special, price shd be 100Y for fj. These operate from 11am.
4. FL
You'll also encounter FLs along 鱼翅街. As you walk past them, you'll be asked 要吗? Then you'll be led to a dark alley to choose your girl, so dark that you can't see whether old hag or SYT. They'll offer you 80Y but I believe can be bargained down to 50Y.
5. Spa
Bros have covered these. Didn't try any during this trip. Previously trip was offered a hj plus spa facilities at 168Y. Believe you can get a fj from 300Y no prob.
6. Night entertainment
Go to this pub. 太阳雨 at 西坝路 next to 海航酒店. You'll enjoy clean fun there with warm company from the hostesses.
Ask for 敏姐 and tell her you're from Singapore. She always entertain golfers from SIN.
Or go to the latest disco at 昆都 - 苏河, Suzhou has it, and it has come down to KMG. Or enjoy yourself at TOP ONE. Can try ONS there.
So based on my experience. Your day itinerary can be as such:
9am - 3pm : Sightseeing and shopping
3pm - 5.30pm : Dancing hall
5.30pm - 6.30pm : fj at massage shops
8pm to 12am : alternate yourself with KTV, pub, disco, dancing hall
Hope all of you can consider kunming as a place not juz for golf but for fun.
PM me if you need info
Any brother ever golf in Lijiang?
May I know some detailed information like how many golf courses are there, how far away from downtown Lijiang, green fees, how to make booking, rent a set of club ...etc. May have to play alone leh ...
Much appreciated.
09-12-2008, 02:40 AM
Just to remind brothers who are thinking to refer to forum when theyre in China, The great China Firewall blocks sammyboy, which i found out the hard way. Suggest to Copy this whole thread into your notebook for reference if you need to or memorize and copy down essential directions.
Wish I had....Was lost when i got there and couldnt access sammyboy.
Spend 6 days and only managed to try 2 saunas, Tian He Sauna and another I cant remember. But Tian He is not bad, a bit expensive, but has the hanging upside down service mentioned previously. Total cost for a threesome is 1500 including back scrubbing, and sauna costs.
Managed to find a friend's friend who took me to a disco and had some drinking fun without hostesses as I couldnt recall which KTV was recommended here.
Must make another trip down in future.
16-12-2008, 09:15 PM
Any brother ever golf in Lijiang?
May I know some detailed information like how many golf courses are there, how far away from downtown Lijiang, green fees, how to make booking, rent a set of club ...etc. May have to play alone leh ...
Much appreciated.
Try this site, Golf Course Reviews China, Hong Kong and Asia ( most courses are available here, but price here is a bit high.
21-12-2008, 11:34 PM
Thanks bro SureshMohinder
Your info is much appreciated.
Will be making a trip to Kunming/Lijiang in early Feb09.
Will PM when the time draws near for more detailed directions.
So you're a fan of the tv series as well, heh?
Will up your points when you are out of Moderation.
04-01-2009, 07:35 PM
feel free to PM, brudder Z.
was there for 5 years, so would think i know the place well enough.
yeh, fan of it, but this season is crap man.
05-01-2009, 03:44 AM
Been traveling to Kunming rather frequently, around once very 2 months.
Did not venture much due to tight schedule. There was once i put up at Bank Hotel (book through ctrip) and they have a ktv by the name of Orlando inside.
The gals are rather good looking (wide selection) and the KTV is quite grand. Even the small room is rather spacious. Rate wise is pretty acceptable at a minimum of 600+ to start with. Interestingly, there are 2 categories of gals - one that are in white and the rest in assorted colors. The ones in white are more expensive and will definitely join you for after KTV programs. The other assorted color category would depend on your luck but nothing guarantee.
Each of the KTV room has a small cubicle attached. Very dark and I guess it's for extra fun for one-on-one basis when you are tired of singing with your pals.
The hotel also have HC and you can either have your service at the HC or call them up to your room if you happen to put up at Bank Hotel.
The hotel is very centrally located (New Era Hotel is near to this place together with a whole area of shopping including Carrefour, Parkson, etc) and is only 15mins from the Airport.
Hope this little contribution helps.
Cheers and Happy New Year...:)
19-02-2009, 05:58 PM
Seems that the old kunming thread is gone.
Anyway, would like to rec this sauna to BJ lover.
tell any cabdriver, they shld be able to drive you there. its at the north of Kunming town.
I would rate this sauna to be of 4/5 star in term of the deco, facilities wise, not bad also, got hot n cold pool, sauna, steam room. After a good bath, went up to the resting area, not bad, got billard table, ping pong tables, movie room, book bar, computers to go online. The sofas quite comfortable, saw a few ppl sleeping.
Anyway, waited for quite some time b4 the supervisor approach me, maybe they think i too innocent. Ask me if i need massage, so ask her what package they have. 298 90 mins inclusive of bj, n inclusive of the entrance fee. Well, took the deal.
Was led to the massage room. Clean n tidy, dun really like the smell cos below is a steamboat restaurant. Again, ask her to give me a solid cai if not i will change. One minus point is that the gal come in one by one, unlike some place can parade. The first few came in, i almost faint. Cannot make it. I think only the fifth one, really not bad, can see her cleavage quite clearly and her face got the slutty look. Bad thing is I cant rem her number.
She started with a decent massage on a massage bed. After about 20 mins, move me to the big bed for the real action Started by licking me all over, using her tits to rub me. Got to say her tits quite nice. haha. A side B side all settle liao, den ask me if can cap. Since still got 30 mins left, i say ok, n she capped me, and started to blow me like theres no tml. N cum eventually.
Still got some time left, so we talk cock sing song.
Face: 8/10
Body: 8/10
Skills: 7/10
GFE: 6/10
Damage: 298 everything in
One thing to comment is that you could stay overnight, leave after breakfast the next day. Oh, and the dinner buffet spread is quite good, one of the better ones in sauna in Kunming
13-03-2009, 12:07 PM
Another rec,
For brothers out there looking for a fuck, can go to Pan Long Hotel, near the city area.
I cant remember which floor, but there are 2, one is clean one, the other is dirty.
Number of gals down there around 20-30. Quite a few Dongbei gals.
Looks: 75-90 depnds on luck really.
The environment down there is decent, dun expect 5 star hotel la.
Damage: 300 rmb.
Bros looking for higher class places can go Tianhe (400rmb) or Jiahua (600rmb).
20-03-2009, 10:14 PM
For Ktv goers in kunming, would like to share with you this place call Jin Fang Gong ktv JiangAn District.
Was there recently rec by a local. Well the room cost was around 480rmb, big room with 12 bottles of beer, titbits n fruits. unlike guangdong area, there was no need for dj.
gals selection was not bad, total strength around 200 gals i guess.
tips was at 200 rmb, the gal will sit with u all night, followed by a strip dance. how wild depends on the gal, the gal that sat with me ok, but the one with my friend quite stuck up, but boobs very big, and when she dance, slap her boobies on my face..haha...
erm, did not tabao home, but from wad the mummy told us, not all can tabao one...
any bros coming to kmg can pm me for info...
20-03-2009, 10:15 PM
For Ktv goers in kunming, would like to share with you this place call Jin Fang Gong ktv JiangAn District.
Was there recently rec by a local. Well the room cost was around 480rmb, big room with 12 bottles of beer, titbits n fruits. unlike guangdong area, there was no need for dj.
gals selection was not bad, total strength around 200 gals i guess.
tips was at 200 rmb, the gal will sit with u all night, followed by a strip dance. how wild depends on the gal, the gal that sat with me ok, but the one with my friend quite stuck up, but boobs very big, and when she dance, slap her boobies on my face..haha...there was this small dark cubicle for u to drag ur gal in to rubba rubba...
erm, did not tabao home, but from wad the mummy told us, not all can tabao one...
any bros coming to kmg can pm me for info...
31-03-2009, 01:16 PM
Yo, seems that Kunming is not a hot place for bros. Anyway would like to give a FR on the recent session I have.
A good brother of mine came over for golfing session, and he had 2 free day to bonk b4 his friends arrive for the golf, but as I was not around on the first day, I asked one of my local contact, Xiao Li who worked in the tour agency (sth like XGX, providing tour, sex, nightclub bla bla) to bring him around.
My friend arrived in Kunming airport, and XiaoLi was there to pick him up back to the hotel. Most kmg hotels are not really that new, because in 1999, expo was held in kmg, and many hotels were built to cater to that. In the end, there was an over supply of hotels, thus for the followin years very few new hotels were established. Anyway, XiaoLi booked for my friend a 4 star hotel in the city area, around 350 rmb. I went over to meet my friend the next day, and I think the hotel is quite decent and convenient.
Kmg sex scene is unlike other cities where you can find cheap thrills like BBS. In fact, a few years ago,BBS were totally wiped out in Kunming. Thus, only suanas have full service, and normally range from 300 to 800. The 300 cat, the environment barely can make it, the girls still ok though.
As I was not around, my friend was kind of bored, so after dinner, he asked XiaoLi if got Xiaojie not..haha...and damn, he wanted those quality ones, not those cannot make it kind. XiaoLi quoted 800 rmb and arranged 1 girl to come up to his hotel. According to my friend, service was top notch, and her looks to me was a 8.5/10. I saw her because I went to meet my friend the next day, she was just about to leave. Seein my friends sextisfied face, he told me he had 3 shots, and now legs a bit wobbly...haha...
That night, I got XiaoLi to book a nightclub room for me, was somewhere in the city area. As only 2 of us, we got a small room, costing us around 400 rmb including 12 bottles of beer, fruits. Selection of gals was quite good, around 200 young gals for us to choose from. Tips at 200 rmb. One thing to note is that the gals there has to do a strip dance. The gals told me they are trained to dance by professional dancer, and got their own song to dance to. I remembered my gal dance song was one sang by Kelly Chan, sexy. And at a point of time, the gals would have to lap me and my friend, and use her boobs to slap our faces. My gal boobs was ok ok nia, but the one that sat with my friend was a huge c-cuppers, almost suffocate when she squeezed my face using her assets.
Inside the ktv room, there was a hidden cubicle, or rather a so called dance area. After the strip dance, we were all quite high. I took my gal into the cubicle whereby I gave her a full body assessment, haha.. French kissing and touching here and there, b4 she pulled down my pants and started jerking my erected cock. Of cos, I exploded, shot my full load there. I did not pay her extra, and she did not ask also, maybe too high le or got some mutual feelings. My friend and her chick also went into the cubicle, haha, dunno what happen inside.
Xiao Li came in around 11 pm to check how we were enjoying, got the manager to gave us some free snacks and furthur discount. We did not tabaoed the gals back, as we got what we wanted already..haha.. and bringing gals back in kmg can be quite ex, maybe an additional 600 ontop of the 200 just for one shot.
Any bros going to kunming can pm me, can get XiaoLi to arrange for you. For XiaoLi service, if you book one night hotel and a overnight FL thru him, he could arrange free transport from airport to your hotel. And he could also arrange saunas and ktvs session at discounted price. I personally find his service quite reliable and safe, avoiding going to black shops.
31-03-2009, 02:48 PM
Thanks bro for the details of Kmg,
I was just there in feb, but unfortunately, couldn't find anything really exciting.
So the most fun was found on the golf courses.
We would like to visit this city again, if there are good fun places like you have mentioned.
Will definitely sound my kakis out about kmg, and have a change from the usual southern china trips.
a few humble point from me ;)
16-04-2009, 04:21 AM
Any bros going to kunming can pm me, can get XiaoLi to arrange for you. For XiaoLi service, if you book one night hotel and a overnight FL thru him, he could arrange free transport from airport to your hotel. And he could also arrange saunas and ktvs session at discounted price. I personally find his service quite reliable and safe, avoiding going to black shops.
Bro, how much does Xiao Li charge for his service?
17-04-2009, 10:39 PM
he does not charge us, he take comm from gals, hotels, n ktvs.
hi bro greenhorny, a friend of my is going kmg alone.
would like to have the number of your friend, xiao li, so that i can pass to my friend and let him have more choices to cheong if you are fine with it.
23-04-2009, 05:50 PM
any bros coming to kunming can pm me... can go cheong ktv together...
quite sad tat here unlike dongguan area with so many smaster...
27-04-2009, 01:27 PM
Just back from a ktv session last night, a spore brudder visit kunming(haha, u noe who u r ha)...
arrive this ktv in the city around 8pm after a hearty dinner...already book a medium size room though xiao li.
First time in this ktv, in terms of deco not too bad, lcd tv, computerized song system. Most important is got toilet in the room plus a private dance cubicle.
The manageress came in and of cos ask us what type of mm we want. the usual la, pretty, young, big boobs, playable... she claimed that playable confirm can play, as for looks n figure wise is subjective to each and every. As it was a Sunday, the number of mm may not be that many as compared to other days...
So, the parade came.. the first round was quite a let down. Nabei, young la, but looks wise cannot make it, totally fail. so in came the 2nd round, this time, got a bit of standard, but we decide to mirror a few more rounds, finally after 4 rounds, I settle for a 20yr old yunnan gal with short hair, slightly on the fleshy side, while my friend settle for a cute little gal, 18 yr old nia, slim but i think no boobs ( which i cfm i true later)..
My choice prove to be quite good later on..haha..she tried really hard to get us into the mood, calling me lao gong here and there. Nabei, we got 18 bottles of beer so better start drinking...and of cos all those snacks and fruits...
one thing to mention here is they have so called PR manager. They are mostly in their late 20s or early 30s, tasked to stir up the mood of the room. No need give them tips. So one of them came in, and start introducing games. knn, got once, she wanted to suck my friend nipple during the game. Sorry la, but her face really cannot make it,although her breast is damn fucking big. games went on, and sooner than we know, we finish 10 big bottles of Tsing Dao le and the 2 gals and the PR manager left only their undies. haha...only me my friend and the manageress stil have our clothes on.
half time. sing some songs, talk cock, build up emotions with our individual mm.. cuddling here and there... ask my mm to show me her nipple. One thing i like about this mm and the room toilet is, whenever i need to pee, she will accompany me to go, help me unzip,hold my little bro while i pee. after peeing still wipe my dickhead with a tissue..shiok..haha
almost 11.30 le. time to get wild as we were all a bit high over the drinks le. Lights off, Disco music on. start to dance, take off clothes etc, my mm start to cat lick my nipple while i start to fondle her boobs and rub her pussies..
almost time, grab my mm and head for the dark cubicle, so called dance floor, wth red lights. turn off the lights, draw th curtains, and start to attack my mm all over, while i left my friend with her mm using the big room. haha... as i rubbed her pussy softly, she started moaning softly. ahha.. she really automactic, unbuckle me, pull down my pants and starting jerking me off while suckin my nipples.. i was really drunk le, so i just sit back on the small sofa in the cubicle and allow her to carry on. dunno after how long, i shot my load and she lead me to the toilet to wash my dick..knn...first time i put my dick in a sink under running tap water to wash...feels really wierd..haha...
ok. got to get things to normal. get the mummy and pr manager to come in and finish the drinks, almost 1am le. time to go off...
the room, 18 bottles of Tsing dao, the fruits, snacks costs a total of 350 rmb... i think quite worthwhile..
the standard tip for the gal in this ktv is 100 rmb. I gave an additional tip of 20 rmb to my gal, she wanted to return me say standard 100 rmb is i say additional tip for helpin me wash my dick..
overall i think its value for money, 120 rmb for a gal company throughoutthe session plus a hj.. knn, go sauna in kmg, hj is like 180 le..
plus points is the playability. really can play to the very max ah...and of cos economical...
minus points is some gals really farking ugly, got to take time and choose slowly...
Gonna try other ktvs b4 i come back to this one again...
hi bro greenhorny, pm replied. :)
30-04-2009, 11:59 PM
golden pond sauna near airport
- 238 HJ+boob job
- 298 BJ
-big family sauna type
01-05-2009, 10:59 AM
nice info bro cscs,
by the way 238 is inclusve of entrance? hows the buffet spread and the deco of the place? r there many rowdy chinese ppl around?
call 金色池塘 yeap?
Went to another ktv last night, wish to give u guys an fr.
the ktv is an establishment inside a hotel.
Got a call from this sexy manager with tatoos to supprt her at her new joint. not sure how gd the place is, and yesterday was holiday eve, many friends got family events, and she told me can get mini room just to support her, so lan lan go down alone lor..sibei sian..
once reached, she greeted me at the doorstep and thanked me for supporting her. I was bring brought to the mini room. well, the room was slightly below my standard, no lcd, and the ktv system not so good. but its like 68 rmb with snacks, fruits n 2 bottles of beer. of cos not enuff la, so i ordered another 12 bottles at 68 rmb. room size enuff for 2 bros n 2 mms la, a bit like the size of BS room in spore. no toilet attached for mini room, but got a small elongated small cubicle n a nice sofa..heehee...
the manager was wearing a v neck gown, knn, shes quite delicious seriously...she brought in some chicks for me to choose and told me the tip is 100 rmb. cheap, cos the fact that the mms are wearing uniform and will need to do strip dance. guess financial crisis hit this place as well..
I manage to choose one from the first round, too lazy to choose le, just wanna drink. a local kunming gal at 18 yr old. nabei so young..haha...
so started playing dice and sing songs. shes quite a good singer.. figure wise, think haven fully developed yet ah. after about 10 bottles a bit there le. so get her to strip tease dance. den drag her into the cubicle for private dance..
conned her into playing games into cubicles, so that i could get my pants down as well. soon, my pants are halfway down, her bra down as well. haha... and my hands were all over her. shes quite responsive, can feel that she a bit wet. and her nipples easily hardened at my tongue flicking..haha..
I guided her hands towards my erected little bro. she was a bit relutant at first. den she just grabbed it. den she started stroking up n down. I did not stop my attack on her as i hastened my circling action on her nips and rubbing of her pussy...hoohoo... i got her to speed up the stroking. and finally shotmy load. clean up with tissue and get back outside to carry on singing and drinking...
got what i want. a release. norm hj is not inclusive, is how u communicate with the gal, guess i am quite lucky to get a 2 consecutive successful hit.
damage is 68 (room) + 68 (12 bottles) + 15 (box of tissue) = 150
for the tip, i gave her 150 rmb instead of 100, cos quite a nice company, and make my dull night quite happening, with a full release. i think if i ever go back n find her again, i can on her.
overall, quite a worthwhile place.
02-05-2009, 11:01 AM
2 friends from spore came kunming, so as usual, kTV..haha.
this time we went to this ktv along bai yun road..
got a newly renovated room. large lcd, good sound and song system, with attached toilet and dark cubicle.
as usual selection of mms, due to the public holi n heavy rain, selection was quite limited. after a few rounds, each of us finally settle for our own gal.
so the usual dice games went on with lots n lots of drinking.
the real fun came after 11, when the i call the mummy in and the gals not very fun.
so strip dice!. haha.. manage to get the mummy to strip to nth.haha. shes those fleshy type with fucking big boobies..kena a D-cup. I cupped my hands on them and could really feel the vibs..haha..
n of cos, dancing went on. the mummy shake her big boobies, and touch my little bro here n there... the gals also started to get warm up and one by one off clothes n went into cubicle...
my gal tits were quite small, kind of sian ah..haha... but nice nipples...
overall the damage was around 550 in total for rooms, fruits n almost 30+++ bottles of beer. gals tip at 100 rmb.
ermm...i would give this place a 6/10.
02-05-2009, 10:54 PM
by the way 238 is inclusve of entrance?
>> yes
hows the buffet spread and the deco of the place?
>> average meal, but i don't complain since price is so cheap. about 30 plus different courses, but mostly vege, not too much meat selection. plus standard fruits, soup etc. quite decent actually.
r there many rowdy chinese ppl around?
>> nope as it "appears" on the outside to be a family style sauna. so u see women, old men and ladies, some kids etc.
>> to get special service, u'll see it on the menu next to your lounge chair, just ask manager to arrange. they know what u want.
call 金色池塘 yeap?
>> yup, they have 3 shops in kunming. 2 are older, this one near airport just opened late last year. foot massage is dirt cheap as well, i don't even remember how much it is....
>> only problem is, no FS.
07-05-2009, 10:05 AM
went to a sauna yesterday, would like to give a FR.
the sauna name was hai run tian hong sauna.
as usual took a bath and opt for the package deal.
the package deal include 2 hrs of body massage/facial, 30 mins of footy massage, back rub, digging ears. total damage 140rmb, if you become member, pay 10 times in advance, den it will be 110rmb each time..
the resting place was quite spacious where i did my footy. not too bad.
soon, i was led into the massage room, gal came in, nothing to shout about.
started her massage with a facial, quite a good fullbody massage,before she asked me if i wanna oil rub on my dick. of cos!
pulled down my boxers n underwear. tickle my balls abit, got my cork hardened, pour some baby oil on my prick and started rubbing...
rubbed for a good 15 mins, slow n sensual before i unload on her hands.
not too bad if u need a massage n a release. massage is so so la...
30-05-2009, 10:32 AM
hello bro - we have a group of 3 planning to visit kuming on week 29 jun, love the ktv escapades can you either pm the mummy's name /number and you are more than welcome to join us, pls also provide this xiaoli's contact, we need logistics arrangements :)
31-05-2009, 01:34 PM
Hi Bro GreenHorn,
My first post in this forum...
Had been traveling to China since 2001.... started KTVs escapades since then in shanghai .. then Beijing .. then WuHan. Most of my experiences are in shanghai and Beijing, but haven't been trvaleing for the past 3 months to china.
Been to DG, Xiamen, Nanjing and outskirts of Shanghai too.
Will be traveling to Kunming 09 Jun- 14 Jun.
Dun mind meeting up (I have a group of Taiwanese and Korean colleagues) for Sauna and KTV runs.
Any really good recommendations - venues and Momi contacts? From your posts, Kunming is relatively cheaper than those places I have been to in the other provinces. Any really good places to recommend? Girls quality and service are very important.
You seems to order 1 girl per night every trip, any restrictions to getting 2 girls or more to sit with you for the night.
Maybe we can meet up if you are still there ... PM me your contact no# in Kunming?
31-05-2009, 05:40 PM
Yo bro trailblazer,
how long will be you staying in Kunming? i am now in Sgp, will be back kunming on 14 Jun. Are you guys looking at budget hotels or high end ones? cos Xiaoli norm do 4/5 stars hotel... you could pm me yeah... we could always meet up...
Yo bro Black Ass,
Only be back on 14 june, too bad unable to meet ya guys.. of cos no restrictions on the number of gals you want. what do you guys prefer?sauna with full sex service? sauna with partial service? ktv with gals going with you home overnight? ktv with strip dancing? or pure escorts? tell me more abt your preferences so i could rec the ones that suits me..
01-06-2009, 07:35 PM
Kunming Lao Da is going strong .. :D well done
Ahh Fatt
02-06-2009, 01:36 PM
SQ Promo ~ $388 for rtn all in....... :D
04-06-2009, 06:45 PM
Hi Bro GreenHorny
Any recommendation for KTV that can tabao back to hotel & price tag.
07-06-2009, 11:27 AM
One not gd thing abt Kunming Ktv is that there is standard rate in tabao in ktv becos this is not their sop service...
they may anyhow shout prices like 2000 for overnight which is crazy... but if they high n u on gd terms, can be even free, or finish the job in the dark cubicle...
i heard in some ktv, they got firing squad. A group of special gals will go aroung the rooms around 12 plus to ask if any bros need a private dance...go to the dark cubicle dance n let u fuck once. 20-30 mins...100 rmb..but imagine the cocks she received a day. n i heard some quite chio...
12-06-2009, 08:56 AM
SQ Promo ~ $388 for rtn all in....... :D
Hehe.. got any outlet open in Kunming ar ? :rolleyes: .. then can do Site Visit :p
12-06-2009, 08:58 AM
prices like 2000 for overnight which is crazy... but if they high n u on gd terms, can be even free, or finish the job in the dark cubicle...
i heard in some ktv, they got firing squad. A group of special gals will go aroung the rooms around 12 plus to ask if any bros need a private dance...go to the dark cubicle dance n let u fuck once. 20-30 mins...100 rmb..but imagine the cocks she received a day. n i heard some quite chio...
Price expensive or affordable depend on horniness level :p .. but i like the 100rmb firing squad. Just DONT PAINT :eek:
26-06-2009, 09:50 AM
another ktv field report. a brudder frm sgp came over, called my usual mummy. realize she change venue le, say her new place not bad..
although only the 2 of us, but we decide to go for a big room becos we want to have a more spacious place as well as attached toilet and dark cubicle..
the room comes with 18 bottles of beer, but the mummy gave me another 12 bottles. i told her additional 6 ok le, cant finish manz...
the room n the ktv system really not bad...quite good..
anyway,the selection came, they have 100 or 200 one, but 100 de really very few, so we jux ignore...
the 200 selections was a mixture of bad n good...some really cannot make it, fat old ugly...really spoil the view...anyway we manage to get our dish of the night..
as usual, sing songs, play dice, strip.... den came the sexy dance, the gals took off and shake boobies...
oh this ktv got an sop. if u wanna fuck the gal, add 200 rmb can go dark cubicle fuck. muz go one, the gal cannot reject. if wanna bring home, need to nego, but most gals wont cos a bit scared...
both of us quite high la after the session.. we din fuck in the cubicle cos afternoon juz f le..
room drinks damage: 400 rmb plus 100rmb tips for dj = 500 rmb in total
26-06-2009, 04:02 PM
wow KMG seem the next playground.....:D
+ weather superb :)
26-06-2009, 05:47 PM
Oh yesh,
My friend went to Panlong Hotel for a sauna fuck. he was really disappointed in terms of the quality and choice there.... so maybe should stay away frm there in the meanwhile...
anyone bros visiting kmg recently?
29-06-2009, 12:00 PM
Hi all,
Let me post my reviews for my trip to Kunming recently.
First of all, I would like to thank Bro GreenHorn for the recommendations!
Trip 09 Jun - 15 Jun - Company Meeting cum de-stress trip.
09 Jun - Brought my guys to de-stress at Sauna @ Tianhe. I would not recommend any bros to go there.
Was told that it has been operating for many years, one of the most "senior" one. facilities are a bit old. But it is one of the most expensive ones. Cabby told me not to go there anymore - on the way back home after the entire session. Girls are really average and below (even though they are from outside of Kunming), I had one from ZheJiang. Young but average. Service is poor, asked the manager if there are any more choices besides the round 1 of ~8 girls, he replied with one word - firm NO.
The packages:
580 - message + BJ + HJ + Sex
680 - message + Body + BJ + HJ + Sex
780 - all above with toys ... I can't remember what 880 will get you, but think it involves a red cloth and hanging in the air ...
I helped my Korean guys arranged for the package, told that not to waste money and get the 680 package.
I was so pissed off the the girls the Korean ordered, they kept persuading them to pay for more and get other options .... and they kept calling me (in the room) to translate and buy the services - many times. I was so pissed off that I threatened to leave with the whole group, if they keep going on with it.
When the bill came, I had to pay 680 for the service, 280 for the facilities and a soft drink ... etc.
I can get a really nice service with beautiful girls + water-bed treatment + big and nice quality room for 900 RMB flat in Shanghai right in the city!!
Cabby told us that we should try the new and sprouting saunas that provide services at a FLAT rate - ~500 RMB or less. New rooms, better girls, better service.... e.g xi-Chiao (hope bridge).
Next few nights were spent in this new Karaoke outside of Kunming city (where the mommy Greenhorn recommended, is working at - 13888542417 Zhao Jing). Though she is not usually honest about the quality of the girls and the fake whisky (I am a seasoned whisky drinker, one smell and I can tell). Name of the joint is Ren Ren Hui Huang. Room is new, high tech and nice (we ordered the luxury one with 3 bottles of whiskies in the package - RMB 1500 nett), but the girls are really average. They are a lot of fun, they stir up the atmosphere, play games, strip you down, strip themselves down.... and so on. Once you get over the fact that they are so so in terms of looks, the fun doesn't stop until you are all drunk or tired. Most of the girls are local and from the minority ethnic groups - you can tell by their hairstyle - hahaha.
My group was among the last to leave the place every night for 3 nights. We wanted to try a different place on the 3rd night, the mommy took leave and brought us to another place she used to work in the city. But really the girls also cannot make it and looks sad, and the place is quiet (not much customers) and the price is slightly higher. We left the place without paying a single cent (tea and towels and snack served) as the Mommy said she would settle it for us, and went back to Ren Ren Hui Huang. Same old party for the 3rd night, but hey, if we are getting equally average girls, might as well get those who are fun and willing to play. I discussed with the Mommy and got some of my guys their wish to DaPao back to the hotel .. 1000 RMB flat for the tips on site and services back at the hotel. The usual tip is 200 RMB, and 300 for really special ones (which I found them to be disappointing too, maybe just taller since most women in Kunming are short).
About the whiskies, its known secret that most of the joints provide fake whiskies. You can tell by the smell and taste. some are more fake than the others. but what to do? The managers always say that if you find their whiskies fake, they will pay you 10 bottles as compensation - I would have collected a whole warehouse of whiskies by now if I get my way. You probably get the real ones in high class joints, like zhuan shi ren jiang (diamond lifestyle), jin bi hui huang (glittering gold and gems), tian shang ren jian (living in heaven) etc... but these joints charges at least 1500 rmb for basic and small rooms (from my experience) with maybe on 1 bottle of whisky in the package. girls would collect 500 RMB onwards for tip. Guys who would enjoy drinking to go along with the fun, would easily cough somewhere around 4000 RMB minimum per night for a group of 3 - 4. BTW, Chivas 12 yrs, Ballantine 12 yrs and Jonny Walker black labels are usually fake in those lower class joints. If you can order Glenffidich single malt (green bottles), the chances of them being fake is lower.
Anyways, back to Kunming, after being guaranteed real whiskies, I tasted the black label, ballantine and Chivas - all 12 yrs old; all are fake. I was so mad.... about their empty promises. Finally concluded that their Royal Guard - Scotch whisky is the least fake one. It tasted more "scotch whisky" that the others. At least we did not get bad hangovers and headaches the next day, therefore we continued with this brand for the next few nights. Another interesting note, the KTV rooms in Kunming, in general, has a dark corner / compartment in every room, with a chair or stool... really for one on one sessions.
I continued my business trip to Shanghai from 15 - 18 Jun. Was treated to another 2 nights of KTV by our business partners in Shanghai. One of them is of the higher class, our business partner paid 6000 RMB for only 4 pax. its a different experience altogether, girls of class and elegance, simply chatting drinking and playing dices ... admiring their looks and body....
Will be in Beijing and Shanghai again mid Jul 09 :D
29-06-2009, 12:36 PM
Thanks bro Blackass for the field reports...
forgot to tell u guys go for beer or local red wine, cos many fake chivas here....
anyway hope u enjoyed....yeah the ktv was a plus plus in kmg..
but the sauna, i muz say cannot compare to dongguan/zhuhai...esp the full service ones...
And the TIAN HE sauna, they surely muz have think u guys all foreigners den anyhow call price...its only 450 rmb all in... sorry abt the rec manz, never went there for a long time le....
The most recent i went was Shui Zhi Yun@ 550. still not worth if u compare dongguan...haha...
10-08-2009, 04:40 PM
I am making this thread alive again to see whether there are more information coming....
I will be making a trip to Kun Ming by the end of the month..
25-08-2009, 05:42 PM
Me too, will be golfing there soon. Any recent updates from well travelled bros to Kunming much kum sia :D
25-08-2009, 05:43 PM
Will be golfing there soon. Any recent updates from well travelled bros to Kunming much kum sia
27-08-2009, 11:55 PM
Kun Ming is being 严打. All HC do provide only proper massage. We went to this supposed well connected HC with the local guys... it turns out only proper massage. He called his friends to ask the one open by the military... also no gals.. and being informed Yan Da....
26-09-2009, 09:39 AM
Kunming mid of Dec, any bros going can pm me. Able to show you some exciting KTVs in Kunming..
29-09-2009, 05:36 AM
Kunming mid of Dec, any bros going can pm me. Able to show you some exciting KTVs in Kunming..
Bro Greenhorny, I will be in Kunming in mid Oct for 2-3 nights. Can you PM me the KTV joint that is with nice deco, LCD tv, Nice sound system, and nice gals. Cost is not a consideration. Thanks.
My local business partner might also attempt to bring me to KTV for sure.. I just want to compare notes to the place he brings me and yours...
29-09-2009, 09:34 AM
Many in fact since cost is not a consideration.
Diamond Club, Zhuan Shi Nian Dai, which is a CuiHu Hotel, just the class but not fun.
Jin Bi Hui Huang @ Jin Long Hotel, same as above.
Mo Deng Jia Ri, Modern Holiday @ the North
Caesar Palace, Kai Sa Gong
29-09-2009, 09:36 AM
For HC try to go Yun Hai Lan Tian, provide full job..
29-09-2009, 10:56 AM
I went through the whole post and find the following. How do you rate them ?
1. Jin Kang Yuan
2. 金房宫
29-09-2009, 03:52 PM
In fact, all these belong to the middle class ktv, not the posh kind as I mentioned earlier..
except for Jin Kang Yuan, is for the affluent crowd, ex but i dun think the deco is worth shouting about...
as for the others, Xin Ren Ren I went 3 yrs back..
Jin Fang Gong many Syts, but the service a bit stuck up...
Zun Long is the old brand in kmg, can try ...
Wei Long, very little selection
30-09-2009, 07:16 AM
What would you recomend now Bro Greenhorny... Nice deco, nice sound, nice meimei with strip dance, genuie whiskey... I did not pick up any in the recent FR posted by other bros.
30-09-2009, 09:16 AM
for kunming ktv, best is go for beer instead of hard liquor...
In terms of Deco, try Jin Fang Gong, got some newly renovated rooms, and many Uni meimeis working there...just that sometimes the gals a bit dao... dun anyhow let them order snacks, they might just cost more than the beer.
I think Jin Kang Yuan is quite fierce, such that you might get to fuck the girl in the cubicle, or get a BJ..haha..
01-10-2009, 08:08 AM
Thanks Bro Greenhorny for the advice... I am certainly sure that my host will bring me to sauna and KTV during this trip. I would just post an FR when that happen.
01-10-2009, 08:35 AM
What would you recomend now Bro Greenhorny... Nice deco, nice sound, nice meimei with strip dance, genuie whiskey... I did not pick up any in the recent FR posted by other bros.
Hi Bro,
genuine whisky and strip dance almost do not co-exist at the same place in the whole of China.
most of the whisky in China are fake, unless you go to high class joints, but the girls there restrict their service to only chatting and playing dices.
unless you patronise those high class joints, the meimeis in the lower class ktvs are not no pretty. however, during our 4 nights spree in KMG in Jun, we went to the same ktv every night.
1,500 RMB for a big nice room with modern and new facilities + 3 bottles of not so branded whiskies, which tasted more real than fake. The MM are not so pretty but we went back there every night because the MM are fun and spontaneous. You can find the contact of the Mommy on my FR in this thread, which was provided by Bro Greenhorny earlier. There was also a lesson learnt from HC choice in KMG in the same thread.
I recently had a bad experience in HangZhou, which for the 1st time in many years, I went into a "black shop" with my foreign colleagues. Will post my FR there some other time.
Remember to always check the prices thoroughly before ordering. I mean really thoroughly, leave no doubts.
In any case, if you are really worried about the fake whiskies, you can drink red wine (locally brands) or just beer (which I personally dislike because its gassy and often not served chilled in China).
Good Luck and have fun.
01-10-2009, 06:45 PM
Bro BlackAss... I read your FR where you spent 3 nights with your Korean and other foreign colleagues... I knew about the fake whiskey thingy and I will always brought my own supply with me wherever I go unless I knew the joint such in Shanghai #9 club or Earl club where they serve genuine whiskey.
So the joint that you went which I mentioned to bro Greenhorny has good ambience but not good looking meimei... Sometimes, I also cheong to those places too... I will give it a try and see what happen but then again, my local host will surely asked me where I want to go but I will tell him I want to have fun with meimei nakedly and see where he brought me... :D Ofcourse, I will post FR...
11-10-2009, 11:10 PM
After lavish dinner in 迎宾馆 hosted by my local contact, I was brought to this sauna along with senior officer from Beijing. The location is on the 3rd floor of 中玉大酒店at Guandu district. When you alight from the lift, there is a KTV on the left side called 缤纷年代 and the right side is the sauna. Inside the sauna, there is a Hair Salon. The hardware is nothing to shout about lah.. very bare even the changing room. After shower, the led you to this discreet door and once you pass the door, there are rooms... Gals are parade to the rooms for your picking.. gals quality is average. I was force to pick one as the senior guy is there.. Pick #76 from Harbin with 36 boobs size. Service is SOP. I don't know the charge as it is paid by the local....
But interesting things is when I get out from the room, I saw quiet a few chiobu, way nicer than those in parade in different uniform. After I sit on the hall, I realize that they sit inside the Hair Salon.. I guess this must have been more expensive.. As a matter of fact, I kind of suspect that my local orders these gals for us but they were not avialable (with clients) as we were waiting in the "resting hall".. I heard they speak in local dialect saying of that nature...
So if you go to this place, I think the gal in the hair salon is worth a try provided the price is not outrageous...
Let's see where they are going to bring me tomorrow night..
The KTV deco from outside seems to be nice.. didn't go inside as 领导 don't like KTV.
16-10-2009, 03:34 PM
Went to this KTV in Bank Hotel in KunMing last monday night after drinking a few bottles of 白酒 with the local. The deco and sound system are quiet new and nice but I think this is a high end joint.
They charge Rmb 1000 per bottle corkage fee for my DFS MaCallen. Gal quality is above average at about 7.5. One of the better gal quality in my recent memories in China. I would revisit this place on my next trip to see better as I was already a bit drunk when I got there.
17-10-2009, 10:33 AM
We went to KTV 金房宫 but strangely they don't provide hostess services.. so we left for the KTV in Bank Hotel.
08-12-2009, 11:21 PM
Last Sunday, local contact brought us to 天地豪情 at 昆明饭店. It was suppose to be well arrange night out... Manager brought out first 3 rows which can taobao (Rmb 1200 not inclusive of Rmb 300 tips) but the quality is so so... the next few rounds which cannot tabao is a bit better (Rmb 300 tips)... This KTV is not posh in my opinion and the selection of liquor is very limited. It is an old KTV...
We went to Bank Hotel KTV on the 2nd round coz we stayed there. We reach there around mid night and was told that there is no more gals...
I think Kunming is seriously lack of good KTV... will try again next month...
22-12-2009, 04:53 AM
Was running around KunMing and took up recommend from GreenHorny to PangLong Hotel. Went up to 5 floor as show on hotel directory for sanua but when lift is total darkness. Gone up to 15 floor for foot massage, talk to one of the incharge, ask me foot or body massage. Reply body massage and he seems to understand my intention, bring me to a room. Passby and peep into the gals rest room, around 5 to 6 of them and none are near pretty. The first gal was sent in, i rejected it and my gut feelin tell me there are no fun here. Saw the second gal, worst than the first 1. Left the place.....:(
22-12-2009, 05:07 AM
While exploring along beijing road, found this place near 环城北路, beside TianHe Inn. (Cross junction is Winston KTV if i remember correctly)
There are many OKT standing at the road side, gals are young and inexperience. Room condition are terrible and after my ST i nearly fell from the stairs cause there are no light in the buildin, ST 50rmb and Overnight is 200rmb. (1 of the cheapest ST i have done). Left the place after 1 ST around 9pm but came back around 12 midnight lookin for 1 overnight. Out of the group, there are 1 gal i like but with a stuck up face. Decide not to take up the offer and went back hotel.
22-12-2009, 04:23 PM
KunMing information is very sketchy... I was once brought to a HC in a place unknown to me by a local. The quality is below par... We need more people to contribute the information. I will go there again on Jan and see where the local will bring me.. I think my local contact is suck at this sort of information... even the KTV he brought us is below par. I think I need to be more adventurous and going out on my own instead of relying on him. I am not the street side OKT provide gal type of guy but I can accept Sauna gals.
23-12-2009, 03:18 AM
KunMing information is very sketchy... I was once brought to a HC in a place unknown to me by a local. The quality is below par... We need more people to contribute the information. I will go there again on Jan and see where the local will bring me.. I think my local contact is suck at this sort of information... even the KTV he brought us is below par. I think I need to be more adventurous and going out on my own instead of relying on him. I am not the street side OKT provide gal type of guy but I can accept Sauna gals.
not a good place to cheong, will give the place a miss. The last time i was in LiJiang, supply was average but service sucks.
23-12-2009, 04:28 AM
not a good place to cheong, will give the place a miss. The last time i was in LiJiang, supply was average but service sucks.
Bro Demarco, please don't be dishearten by your misadventure there... I will be going to Kun Ming on monthly basis next year to kick start a project. I will put more FR (good or bad) and better information so that other bro can enjoy Kun Ming. I think with more patient and exploration, Kun Ming is waiting for us to discover... specially the many minority gals.:D
23-12-2009, 11:11 PM
Bro Demarco, please don't be dishearten by your misadventure there... I will be going to Kun Ming on monthly basis next year to kick start a project. I will put more FR (good or bad) and better information so that other bro can enjoy Kun Ming. I think with more patient and exploration, Kun Ming is waiting for us to discover... specially the many minority gals.:D
Kunming remind me a sad story, anyway thanks for all the FR. As the minority said 骚多立,好骚,好骚,好骚...means very pretty mei mei.
14-03-2010, 08:44 AM
I was in 昆都 David 88 Club last night... lots of young gals there. Very good chance and to hits ONS. Good service attidute from the floor manager. Fair price on beer and champage.
Before there, I spend the whole afternoon in 文化巷/文林街 which is close to YunNan University... lots of foreigner there and lots of bars... Most of the people that drink beer or coffee here are mostly Uni students.
17-03-2010, 12:46 PM
We went to Orlando Club in Bank Hotel in Kun Ming as we stayed there. The club is located on the 18th floor. Gal quality is average but sport to play all sort of dice games.. As usual, there is a dark cubicle to raba raba.. The gal in this joint has model which cost you Rmb 400 but I don't think it is worth the take. I think my Rmb 300 gals is way cuter and chio than the Rmb 400. We took Obsolute Vodka with orange juice as we were warry of the fake whiskey... the cost of the vodka is Rmb 680. The cost of small size room is Rmb 800. The small size room is good for 10 - 12 people. 2 mama-san joint us for our dice games and they knock off within 1 hours... it's a fun club..
BTW, they also provide taobao for Rmb 1300.. Don't know if this is inclusive of the tip ?
30-08-2010, 01:08 AM
Hi n my buddy will be chionging in kunming in oct.....anyone hv any info on kunming KTV.....pls pm me....tks.....
07-10-2010, 01:34 AM
To all bros, I'm going Kunming next wk....any info on FL or KTV?
07-10-2010, 02:42 PM
Dear Bro,
If you are going for Golf up in the hills forget it. There is nothing up there, all KTV's have been scrubbed clean. Except for the resort bell boy who will recommend some OKT with chicks thats comes out from a van in the carpark. The OKT will bring and recycle them. 600RMB for ST or 800RMB for overnight but the chick will ask to leave in the middle of the night. Really not my taste.
Downtown, we found some action in Jia Hua hotel on the 6th floor the Spa join. Once the managers or the boys recognise you are not local, they will ask if you want xiao mei mei. 600RMB whole package. Girls were limited. Do pick if not suitable reject.
Can't remember the KTV (i think it was Horizon) but got some chicks to sit and sing BUT no action when we said we want to take home. Ask the mama-san for ones that you can spend the night. Otherwise reject.
Good luck with your hunt!
08-10-2010, 04:16 PM
Bro, u shld try to stay at empark(check spelling) hotel. The hotel has a 5 star wing and a 3/4 star wing. Has a good KTV there but must go very early to get the model cat. girls. We went there str8 after early dinner(ard 7pm) at hotel which is a 2min walk and was plesantly surprised with the quality. Model cat. are in cheongsam uniform and are comparable to the best i've seen in other china cities but Must go early. I was wif a big group and ae wanted to book all of the model cat but mamasan say some alrdy pre-booked.
If playing golf in the mountains, try to da-pao one from KTV, it can and was done during my trip. Those girls that the bellboy bring round in a van are reallly really really baaadd. Bring cards to chor-di just in case.
12-10-2010, 01:45 AM
Hi bros....tks for the info...appricate it.....
25-03-2011, 06:54 AM
Any advice on nightlife in Kunming will be greatly appreciated.
25-03-2011, 12:50 PM
Any advice on nightlife in Kunming will be greatly appreciated.
Great place to play golf, no night golf though. Driving ranges have lights....:D
27-03-2011, 05:29 AM
Hard to believe so many people visit the city of eternal spring and yet no one seems to know anything about life after golf. Can't anyone recommend any karaoke or massage services there?
27-04-2011, 05:54 PM
to all bros
do try this guangzhou chick traveling up Lijiang and kunming this weekend.
lee dan ting
holy mother fuck! cheap and good whore
20-05-2011, 06:13 PM
Hi bros,
I am going up to Kunming in early June for a biz trip in early June. Have things changed recently? Any updates? Appreciate help. Btw, I do not speak Mandarin. Any help here on where I could go without getting skinned? Lol. Help me please. :)
11-06-2011, 06:05 PM
Hi Bro,
anyone looking for cheongster kaki , count me in
[email protected]
22-09-2011, 03:37 PM
After a long hiatus, the project in Kunming kick start again and I was there last Sunday. We went to this KTV in 恒天大酒店 for KTV session. The KTV is located on the 5th floor. In terms of hardware, the KTV should be an up market with good sound system and hardware. The gals has 3 category in Rmb 400, Rmb 500, and Rmb 600 respectively. If you asked me what are the different, i guess it's only the height. Gals quality is average even for Rmb600 which is very disappointing. Minimum charge for a medium room is Rmb 1800. Tips for mami is Rmb 400 and KJ is Rmb400. We think the KJ is more fun than the gals. Will not RTF this place.
We felt it is expensive and not fun.
Any SBF brudders in Kunming next week? Perhaps we can cheong together. Rather unfamilar to kunming ktv scene. please advise.
any bro to cheong together in kunming this sunday? PM me pls...
09-11-2011, 02:19 AM
Will be in kunming for a couple of days .. 19-20 November, so far haven't seen positive feedback from SBF about it .. Are there any new updates or recommendations?
09-12-2011, 07:03 PM
I am currently in Kunming. I went to the KTV on the 5th floor of Kai Wah Plaza International Hotel, which is along Beijing Road. I was alone and the waiter brought me to the KTV room. I was told that the minimum is RMB 900 for the room. KJ is RM300, hostess RM400 and mamasan I did not check. I tried to bargin it down and the manager attended to me. He initially gave me a 20% discount for the KTV room but I told him that it is still expensive. He finally came down to 30% and I accepted it. The mamasan came in with 3girls, one from Chengdu, one for Kunming and one Yi minority. I took the Yi minority but was fore warn by mamasan that she is a little stuck up. Mamasan told me that up to 70% discount for weekdays and 60% for weekends are extended to customer! They will be closed for renovation after the Lunar New Year. The hostess did not want to go back with me. Mamasan came to pacify here and told me she will arrange. I told her that I am not keen as she has refused me. After some private talk between the management and the hostess, she says she wants to follow me back but I courtesly told her not to force herself. She explained that she thought I was not interested in her as I had not shown my affection during the whole night. Mamasan explained that it is because I did not know about the price. I was told is RMB2000, including the tips for the whole night. I told myself not to submit to temptation as it would means RMB3600 (Room and fruits and beer (18 bottles) RMB 900, kj 300, mamasan 400 and hostess 2000) for the night! Nevertheless, the mamasan is from Xishuangbana and her name is Ah Pu (15825291919). Will write another report should I pay them a visit.
13-12-2011, 01:55 PM
I visited the Spa/Sauna on the 8th floor of the hotel. Opted for RMB 288 massage which is for one and half hour. Was led to the room by the captain. A short while later, the massaue in a white top and blue skirt came in. She asked me if I had opted for the RMB 288 massage and I say yes. She says the RMB 288 does not include the "san jiao" massage. Nothing what it meant I say ok to her RMB 388 san jiao massage. The difference is actually RMB 388 includes a hand job. I was told they need a quota of 5 customers per month for the san jiao massage, failing which the face a fine of RMB 50 per shortfall. I also learn from the captian that a different set of girls provide full job only, price is RMB 1,100 and RMB 1,500 based on age. It can be done either at the Spa/Sauna or at your hotel room. However, he informed me that certain act cannot be done if in hotel room. I did not try the full job service as I consider it expensive.
13-12-2011, 02:01 PM
I visited the KTV again in the evening. However, I opted for the hall as I wanted a comparision. The minimum charges for the hall is RMB 280 for seats in the centre of the hall and those around the hall is RMB 320. You are allowed to mix the minimum charges with beer, juices, soft drinks, nuts, finger food. There are a number of girls for you to pick to accompany you to drink. You can reward them by hanging flowers, RMB 100 to I think RMB 888. For RMB 300, they will get a cracker busted and a crown! For RMB 500, they get a cracker busted, crown and a pair of angel wings! They also have dancers on stage, which in my opinion, are better looking. I sat with one and gave her RMB 100 flowers as she was with me for a short while. As for the girls, I sat with one of the better looking one and gave her a RMB 200 as she was accompanying me all the while. She is 18 years old. I played dice, drink and watch stage performance. I did not asked anyone of them if they can be 'dao bao"!
07-01-2012, 08:51 AM
Any bros in Kunming now? I will be here over the weekend till Monday...
25-06-2012, 11:34 PM
hello, will be going km soon. any updates?? seems like its quite dead for this kind
26-06-2012, 10:19 AM
will be in kunming from 23 July...
any keen bros wanna party?
its been some time since i went back. not sure if things r still the same..haha
29-06-2012, 06:27 PM
Ok once I post this, I am sure a lot of my skulking friends will know who I am.
We have an event in kunming from 10th till 15th July. MOST nights will be KTV sessions and there is close to 30 guys.....
Any bros have lobang for a medium to high class KTV to recommend please? Need not have a room to accommodate all.... I think its quite impossible (guys plus girls add up to min 60 liao!). We can split into 3 or 4 large rooms.
But we want girls of some quality....
Bro Greenhorny, your previous contacts still available? It will be good business for him/her/them....this group are all big drinkers so it will be worth their while to speand time helping us arrange these parties....
Pm me if any contacts bros.... Kum sia!!!!
30-06-2012, 01:26 PM
Haiz... this is very sad... no replies at all. I think I will go there to recce and come back with updates and recommendations for bros here.....
13-07-2012, 09:47 AM
Hai looks like kun Ming is really not a party place
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