View Full Version : Questions from GL newbie

07-09-2024, 03:06 PM
Preface that I'm a younger fella (mid 20s), never been to GL but interested to try.

Only ever had some experience in relationship, now single already cos breakup and want to go GL because no time for another relationship due to work.

The laojiaos and more experienced ones probably don't have this fear but as a young fella I legit scared of STDs, which is the main thing holding me back so far.

How safe is the legal side of GL in general? Mainly looking at PRC houses due to preference, if any tips or recommendations from experienced bros also very welcome.

Also do the WLs get unhappy or give bad treatment if someone like me have very little experience because I've only ever done with one gf in the past sadly (sry I ugly)

Thanks bros

07-09-2024, 11:48 PM
Preface that I'm a younger fella (mid 20s), never been to GL but interested to try.

Only ever had some experience in relationship, now single already cos breakup and want to go GL because no time for another relationship due to work.

The laojiaos and more experienced ones probably don't have this fear but as a young fella I legit scared of STDs, which is the main thing holding me back so far.

How safe is the legal side of GL in general? Mainly looking at PRC houses due to preference, if any tips or recommendations from experienced bros also very welcome.

Also do the WLs get unhappy or give bad treatment if someone like me have very little experience because I've only ever done with one gf in the past sadly (sry I ugly)

Thanks bros

Well dressed. Clean. Good breath. Decent and dignified will get you far in life. STD risk is there and high.

Guys dont have to be handsome (not saying that it doesn't help). Go to gym, be fit and confident. Find some normal gal who makes you happy.

Enter the world of GL too early and lose your way you will. If by 35 not settled, then come here you can. Get STD oso ok then.

You have been warned by Cheongster of 17 years experience. I only started in my mid 30s.

08-09-2024, 12:06 AM
Sharing with you my perspectives on this, although I wouldn't consider myself experienced or anything. My reasons for visiting GL is quite different from yours and I'm older by quite abit, but I share the same concerns about STDs. It took me quite abit of deliberation (and research) before finally engage in this.

GL is legal and regulated by the government. WL need to go for routine STD testing to continue working. That makes GL WL "safer" than clubbing ONS, massage ladies or random website freelancers, because its likely that the latter groups of people don't even do regular testing. That said, it's not a 100% safe thing cuz you never know if they are infected between test periods, or the reliability of the tests (I've heard of ways to "appear healthy" during testing).

Thus, my personal stand is to "play" but as safely as possible, even if it limits my play. Some of my personal rules includes "condom ALWAYS on for any activity" and "nothing involving the mouth". That means no kissing, no licking of female privates, no uncovered BJ, etc. This of course, does limit my enjoyment, but I feel much safer and mentally less stressed after every GL visit. I'm satisfied enough to blow my load, within the rules I set for myself.

Some bros might advise BBBJ is actually quite safe, and in my research it is indeed so, and BBBJ really does feel better, but I rather the peace of mind, even if it is >1% risk. Again, it is ultimately what your appetite for risk vs enjoyment is.

I don't think WLs will be unhappy with your inexperience. If anything, it gives them the control of serve you however they prefer, since you don't have any special requests, or know better. Just like how no employee will complain boss give too little work. "Bad treatment" is subjective, since it depends on your expectations and wants out of the session, just like how some bros might be unhappy not being able to suck on nipples, but I think you'll need to visit a couple of time first to ascertain what is "bad treatment" for you.

All the best!

08-09-2024, 12:58 AM
Sharing with you my perspectives on this, although I wouldn't consider myself experienced or anything. My reasons for visiting GL is quite different from yours and I'm older by quite abit, but I share the same concerns about STDs. It took me quite abit of deliberation (and research) before finally engage in this.

GL is legal and regulated by the government. WL need to go for routine STD testing to continue working. That makes GL WL "safer" than clubbing ONS, massage ladies or random website freelancers, because its likely that the latter groups of people don't even do regular testing. That said, it's not a 100% safe thing cuz you never know if they are infected between test periods, or the reliability of the tests (I've heard of ways to "appear healthy" during testing).

Thus, my personal stand is to "play" but as safely as possible, even if it limits my play. Some of my personal rules includes "condom ALWAYS on for any activity" and "nothing involving the mouth". That means no kissing, no licking of female privates, no uncovered BJ, etc. This of course, does limit my enjoyment, but I feel much safer and mentally less stressed after every GL visit. I'm satisfied enough to blow my load, within the rules I set for myself.

Some bros might advise BBBJ is actually quite safe, and in my research it is indeed so, and BBBJ really does feel better, but I rather the peace of mind, even if it is >1% risk. Again, it is ultimately what your appetite for risk vs enjoyment is.

I don't think WLs will be unhappy with your inexperience. If anything, it gives them the control of serve you however they prefer, since you don't have any special requests, or know better. Just like how no employee will complain boss give too little work. "Bad treatment" is subjective, since it depends on your expectations and wants out of the session, just like how some bros might be unhappy not being able to suck on nipples, but I think you'll need to visit a couple of time first to ascertain what is "bad treatment" for you.

All the best!

Solid advice. I live by this

08-09-2024, 01:26 AM
Preface that I'm a younger fella (mid 20s), never been to GL but interested to try.

Only ever had some experience in relationship, now single already cos breakup and want to go GL because no time for another relationship due to work.

The laojiaos and more experienced ones probably don't have this fear but as a young fella I legit scared of STDs, which is the main thing holding me back so far.

How safe is the legal side of GL in general? Mainly looking at PRC houses due to preference, if any tips or recommendations from experienced bros also very welcome.

Also do the WLs get unhappy or give bad treatment if someone like me have very little experience because I've only ever done with one gf in the past sadly (sry I ugly)

Thanks bros

My advice is DON'T go to GL. Once you started, it's impossible to stop as it's additive.

I started when I was barely 20s, and become increasing more addicted to it over the decades.

Recently in a space of 4 weeks, I spent $2k on one WL as I was really attracted to her.

Regarding STD, the other bro already explained and i agree with him.

08-09-2024, 02:18 AM
Sharing with you my perspectives on this, although I wouldn't consider myself experienced or anything. My reasons for visiting GL is quite different from yours and I'm older by quite abit, but I share the same concerns about STDs. It took me quite abit of deliberation (and research) before finally engage in this.

GL is legal and regulated by the government. WL need to go for routine STD testing to continue working. That makes GL WL "safer" than clubbing ONS, massage ladies or random website freelancers, because its likely that the latter groups of people don't even do regular testing. That said, it's not a 100% safe thing cuz you never know if they are infected between test periods, or the reliability of the tests (I've heard of ways to "appear healthy" during testing).

Thus, my personal stand is to "play" but as safely as possible, even if it limits my play. Some of my personal rules includes "condom ALWAYS on for any activity" and "nothing involving the mouth". That means no kissing, no licking of female privates, no uncovered BJ, etc. This of course, does limit my enjoyment, but I feel much safer and mentally less stressed after every GL visit. I'm satisfied enough to blow my load, within the rules I set for myself.

Some bros might advise BBBJ is actually quite safe, and in my research it is indeed so, and BBBJ really does feel better, but I rather the peace of mind, even if it is >1% risk. Again, it is ultimately what your appetite for risk vs enjoyment is.

I don't think WLs will be unhappy with your inexperience. If anything, it gives them the control of serve you however they prefer, since you don't have any special requests, or know better. Just like how no employee will complain boss give too little work. "Bad treatment" is subjective, since it depends on your expectations and wants out of the session, just like how some bros might be unhappy not being able to suck on nipples, but I think you'll need to visit a couple of time first to ascertain what is "bad treatment" for you.

All the best!

I just want to add that I only started this year and used condoms for everything. I’ve had regular checkups every few months and haven’t had any STDs for about half a year.

However, I wanted to enhance my experience, so I started performing oral sex on them, which often also led to kissing. It felt really good, but about a month later, I contracted HSV-1 which is incurable. I’m not even sure who transmitted it to me, I feel like most of the WL have it.

It’s not a big deal since most people have it, but it can be tricky to explain to a future partner. I think many would want to avoid you because it sounds alarming, and most don’t know much about it.

08-09-2024, 02:32 AM
Dont start...It is like eating potato chips....

U tell yourself last piece, but U just cant stop once U start eating:rolleyes:

08-09-2024, 12:17 PM
Listen to us, don’t start. You are very young go find a decent GF. In GL if you meet a KC WL, you are dead! $$$, feelings all GONE! You will be in deep deep SHIT. Be a GOOD boy, go find a decent GF!

08-09-2024, 03:36 PM
Preface that I'm a younger fella (mid 20s), never been to GL but interested to try.

Only ever had some experience in relationship, now single already cos breakup and want to go GL because no time for another relationship due to work.

The laojiaos and more experienced ones probably don't have this fear but as a young fella I legit scared of STDs, which is the main thing holding me back so far.

How safe is the legal side of GL in general? Mainly looking at PRC houses due to preference, if any tips or recommendations from experienced bros also very welcome.

Also do the WLs get unhappy or give bad treatment if someone like me have very little experience because I've only ever done with one gf in the past sadly (sry I ugly)

Thanks bros

It's hard to say

On one hand, I want to join most of the old timer bros here who have done it all and say "DON'T START IT, YOUNGSTER!"

But on the other hand, if I think back to all my years of cheonging (not only in GL but in other countries and places out there), overall I have absolutely 0 regrets, in fact my only "regret" is not to "cheong much much more" than I did, especially considering how over the years and decades, the cheonging scene everywhere has sadly regressed a lot.

As for relationships, it seems that you were at least able to have girls wanting to be in a relationship with u, and even have sex with you. For me, from the very beginning, I can't even have any girls to go beyond "EWWW!" when I try to even talk to them. (that's why my only experience with women in my whole life is cheonging and nowhere else). But if u are able to pull ordinary girls, I would say just try to get girls that way it might be healthier overall.

But then again, we all know how women act nowadays and how crazy unrealistic their demands are no thanks to social media.

Plus, if u cheong, then u will experience many exciting things that ordinary girlfriends might not give you. For example, AR where they lick your asshole, or even anal sex (based on my experience cheonging overseas). Plus, even within GL itself you could have sexual experience with multiple nationalities of girls like Chinese, Thai, and Viet, (sadly no more Malaysian Chinese now)

As for STD, in all my years of cheonging, as far as I know, I never caught any STDs at all. If anything, since the very first time I started when I was still in my teens, and until today, my D size seemed to have increased by a few cm.

As for your little experience, I don't know how young you look like. But when I first started until I was around 24-25, (and it helps that even until today I look much younger than my actual age), WLs seemed to be "extra excited" and even "went the extra mile" when they found out that I was younger than them, and I was acting extra "nerdy, shy, scared innocent". Some even borderline r4ped me which was really exciting to say the least

But just be reminded that in 2024, the standards now is nothing compared to the olden days (for me it's mainly referring to 2007-2015 period)

Just to add to the "addicting" side of things mentioned by some bros. Yes, indeed this is a very addictive hobby and once you start you never want to stop. Even how the GL shops are like, where you could see girls lounging around asnd walking around, worse if you diligently read FRs in this forum, once you try a girl, you will see other girls, and you will be very curious to try ALL OF THEM

and there could be a slippery slope you should be prepared to navigate. Like for my experience throughout the years, my desires have evolved and getting "darker"

When I first started in my teens, all I wanted was "to get rid of my virginity and just fcuk a pussy"

Then it started expanding to "i want to try many different women", then to "I want to try different nationalities of women", then it expands again to "i want to try anal sex", and other kinks like "I want the girls to use dildos to fcuk my ass"

If you are prepared to open the pandora's box, to enter a whole new wide world, then dive in. But if not, then stick to finding girls the traditional way

08-09-2024, 05:08 PM
Preface that I'm a younger fella (mid 20s),

You are younger than the WL in GL as you are aware.
SEX addiction aside, Like a bro who mention if you meet a KC gal, She will lead you to a pitless hell that may
Scar you for the rest of yr life. You may never be able to
have a normal heathly relationship given you have experience how cheap sex is with a warp perception that relationship = sex and sex = $xxx .
I hope you stay away till later years for your own good

08-09-2024, 10:24 PM
You may never be able to
have a normal heathly relationship given you have experience how cheap sex is with a warp perception that relationship = sex and sex = $xxx .

I mean honestly a relationship to me is a lot more than sex anyways, relationship wise I don't start anything unless I'm very serious about it because to me it means so much more to be in a relationship than just sex. Imo paying for sex is just a way of release, although unhealthy (but so is smoking).

08-09-2024, 10:34 PM
It's hard to say

If you are prepared to open the pandora's box, to enter a whole new wide world, then dive in. But if not, then stick to finding girls the traditional way

That's an interesting perspective out of all the ones saying not to go (which I fully understand and is something I've thought about as well). Frankly aside from that one relationship which ended already I don't think I can get anywhere with girls (probably cos I'm ugly) so anything with the opposite gender just ends up as pure friendship. One thing I'm sure of those is that going to clubs and getting some action which is what many younger fellas do doesn't work at all for me nor am I able to find or have the effort to put in for another relationship at the moment.

I just saw this as a way to release my urges of young raging hormones and get better at it too because the first time unsurprisingly didn't feel or go that well.

If I ever end up going it'll definitely be with plenty of safety precautions too, fully capped and no other funky things because I don't want to risk ruining my own future for a moment of shiok.

Then again out of curiousity did chionging also made you feel less awkward around women because back when I was under 20 and clubbed a few times when brought by friends, the random dancing and body contact made me a lot less awkward around them in (although never had successes of getting anything outside of dancing/hugging because they can't see that I'm ugly in the dark) as I felt like there's less of a barrier

08-09-2024, 10:37 PM
Listen to us, don’t start. You are very young go find a decent GF. In GL if you meet a KC WL, you are dead! $$$, feelings all GONE! You will be in deep deep SHIT. Be a GOOD boy, go find a decent GF!

If I could find myself a decent GF or even any I think I wouldn't be here. Also don't know much about the whole KC WL thing but I really cant fathom myself having any connection with them further than having sex, just because I view this whole thing as I'm paying to have sex and feel good and nothing more, so like buying a pocket pussy that is actually real

09-09-2024, 09:01 AM
If you can clearly define / understand your needs / urges, you will less likely kena KC by WL. Do not underestimate WL KC power, once you are hooked by WL KC….GOOD LUCK 🍀

09-09-2024, 10:07 AM
It's pretty safe if you don't try to do anything crazy and silly without preparation. You'll spend SGD 200 most of the time for PRC girls, which is quite expensive. So, you'll have to read reviews before heading to them. The best treatment part for me is the foreplay. It will be done before the girls recognize your skills unless you keep returning or doing something to make them remember you badly. Otherwise, there would be a tiny chance they will mistreat you.

09-09-2024, 10:21 AM
If I could find myself a decent GF or even any I think I wouldn't be here. Also don't know much about the whole KC WL thing but I really cant fathom myself having any connection with them further than having sex, just because I view this whole thing as I'm paying to have sex and feel good and nothing more, so like buying a pocket pussy that is actually real

It will always start off thinking you won’t view anything more than just sex. But this feeling of finding new excitement once you get hooked will change you. Because you will start wanting more and exploring more. I was just like you too. Wanted to release but now I find myself wanting paid sex every week. I don’t think you wanna get addicted so it’s really best not to start unless you are very disciplined.

09-09-2024, 10:25 AM
I mean honestly a relationship to me is a lot more than sex anyways, relationship wise I don't start anything unless I'm very serious about it because to me it means so much more to be in a relationship than just sex. Imo paying for sex is just a way of release, although unhealthy (but so is smoking).

Since you are all set to go down this route, just bear in mind.
Like you hv said ( no pun ) you aint attractive then always remember
NO WL will fall for you and whatever you feel with them is just part of their scope as a wl.

09-09-2024, 10:32 AM
If I could find myself a decent GF or even any I think I wouldn't be here. Also don't know much about the whole KC WL thing but I really cant fathom myself having any connection with them further than having sex, just because I view this whole thing as I'm paying to have sex and feel good and nothing more, so like buying a pocket pussy that is actually real

This year is my 20th year of chionging. Some words of wisdom I followed from the ultra OG seniors here when I started. (Also pls rtff)

1) never fall in love with a girl you pay money to fuck. There are exceptions, but 99% of the time you're just an ATM and they're playing a role.

2) if you just need "release", use your hand. At most go ML and get a handy. Cheaper, minimizes risk across all fronts (sexual,social, AV)

3) if you want to overcome awkwardness, GL is not the place and WL are not your teachers.

4) there are always exceptions however, and you need to balance your risk/reward. I bring my clients to chiong because I want to close deals. But given your stated situation, just focus on career and handjobs. Or with WL that will ditch you asap, the time will come when you have fuck you money and can get 5 girls to rim each other.

5) last but the best advice I received in club cubic in macau: "I don't pay the girls for company, I pay them to fuck off after I cum". I never understood that in my 20s. Now I absolutely appreciate the scarred wisdom.

May the force be with you

09-09-2024, 12:30 PM
Dont start...It is like eating potato chips....

U tell yourself last piece, but U just cant stop once U start eating:rolleyes:

Very true analogy:D

09-09-2024, 01:12 PM
That's an interesting perspective out of all the ones saying not to go (which I fully understand and is something I've thought about as well). Frankly aside from that one relationship which ended already I don't think I can get anywhere with girls (probably cos I'm ugly) so anything with the opposite gender just ends up as pure friendship. One thing I'm sure of those is that going to clubs and getting some action which is what many younger fellas do doesn't work at all for me nor am I able to find or have the effort to put in for another relationship at the moment.

I just saw this as a way to release my urges of young raging hormones and get better at it too because the first time unsurprisingly didn't feel or go that well.

If I ever end up going it'll definitely be with plenty of safety precautions too, fully capped and no other funky things because I don't want to risk ruining my own future for a moment of shiok.

Then again out of curiousity did chionging also made you feel less awkward around women because back when I was under 20 and clubbed a few times when brought by friends, the random dancing and body contact made me a lot less awkward around them in (although never had successes of getting anything outside of dancing/hugging because they can't see that I'm ugly in the dark) as I felt like there's less of a barrier

It seems like you are quite aware and mindful of why you are doing this, and what you are expecting out of it. The rest of the bros are just showing their genuine care and concern, when they advise you to think twice about this, and I totally agree with their points, even though I'm on Team YOLO for your case. Borrowing your analogy, "knowing that smoking is harmful" and "quit smoking" unfortunately is two very different matter altogether.

I wouldn't say seeing WL will add much experience or skill for your dating life. You can literally do nothing and lie there, shake a few times (badly), blow your load, and both of you will be happy after the session (u releasing & WL making $$$). Real world fucking is quite different in that you need to know how to (or bother with) pleasing a girl sexually. Perhaps you can practice on WL, but then it goes into the territory of "more risk" as I mentioned earlier.

If we are talking about confidence, it's a maybe/yes/no thing.

Maybe it might boost your confidence to talk to girls if you have more physical interactions with WLs (although i don't sense that this is an issue bothering you).
Maybe it might change you to behave in a dick-ish manner, thinking girls are as easy as WLs, or behave similarly to WLs.
Maybe the experience will further solidify your perception that GL WL is all you need, and you are unable to get a normal relationship irl. (BTW, I 100% disagree with this, and hope you do not fall into this)

All in all, just be mindful that GL is just a place to blow your load, and not let it affect your personal life in any way. As another bro mentioned, there are many things we guys can do to level up our dating game, and physical looks is just one of the many many factors. Just look at Jack Ma.

09-09-2024, 02:10 PM
That's an interesting perspective out of all the ones saying not to go (which I fully understand and is something I've thought about as well). Frankly aside from that one relationship which ended already I don't think I can get anywhere with girls (probably cos I'm ugly) so anything with the opposite gender just ends up as pure friendship. One thing I'm sure of those is that going to clubs and getting some action which is what many younger fellas do doesn't work at all for me nor am I able to find or have the effort to put in for another relationship at the moment.

I just saw this as a way to release my urges of young raging hormones and get better at it too because the first time unsurprisingly didn't feel or go that well.

If I ever end up going it'll definitely be with plenty of safety precautions too, fully capped and no other funky things because I don't want to risk ruining my own future for a moment of shiok.

Then again out of curiousity did chionging also made you feel less awkward around women because back when I was under 20 and clubbed a few times when brought by friends, the random dancing and body contact made me a lot less awkward around them in (although never had successes of getting anything outside of dancing/hugging because they can't see that I'm ugly in the dark) as I felt like there's less of a barrier

To answer your question there,

Absolutely 0 change in terms of "awkwardness" with women. It's still the exact same thing where women will give me the "EWWWWWW" (whether directly or indirectly) when I dare to even think about trying to interact with them beyond "we are talking because we absolutely have to due to work/assignments/business"

I notice some bros also mention this what I am about to say, but yea, been cheonging since 2007 and all these years have absolutely altered (or damaged) my perception about women and "normal" relationship.

When I knew I can throw like ~$150-200 (in GL and overseas), and literally get the kind of mindblowing sex with various exotic girls who in the current social media age can easily become an influencer with hundreds thousands of followers, and get the kind of sex acts that otherwise can only be seen in porn clips,

Once I tasted all that, and with those kinds of girls, is it of any surprise I can no longer fathom the thought of having to wine and dine, pamper, and *GASP!* marry ordinary "Tan Ah Moois" out there with substandard looks and bad attitude to boot? and I can bet you $$$, that those "normal girls" will not do half of what those girls in my cheonging years have done with me. Not even close

If you are prepared for your perceptions of women and sex to be permanently damaged and disrupted like me, then go full steam ahead. There will be no coming back from this.

Not telling you what to do and not to do, but just trying to lay out some of the possible consequences like what I have experienced so far.

09-09-2024, 02:57 PM
Since you are all set to go down this route, just bear in mind.
Like you hv said ( no pun ) you aint attractive then always remember
NO WL will fall for you and whatever you feel with them is just part of their scope as a wl.

Agreed on this, can't even find a gf in school there's no way any WL will have any genuine interest seeing hundreds/thousands of men LOL.
And honestly maybe because I have a more traditional mindset but there's no way I can accept anyone of such a profession as anything more than me paying for a service

09-09-2024, 03:19 PM
If you are interested in something sure why not give it a try you only lived once. As usual as everything in life, got good and bad some tried once can forget some addictive for life. The best answer is always go try to do it get it done, then you will know you like it or not. Simple as that

09-09-2024, 05:59 PM
If u navigate properly...i think gg this route has many more benefits than cons but if u dun navigate properly...then its very damaging.
1thing for sure, i dun view pretty gers in awe n much admiration anymore....i hav fark so many of them n we thoroughly enjoy ourselves, yes we.

09-09-2024, 06:20 PM
You are as good as a little virgin boy in the eyes of this women

Most of them will give u favourable treatment but take note !! If they treat u extra nice then they expect u to stay "loyal" to them, so never call anyone else in the same house as them and never admit to calling another working lady

But strangely enough, they can accept u having sex with a normal girlfriend but cannot accept u having sex with another sex worker

10-09-2024, 01:09 PM
But strangely enough, they can accept u having sex with a normal girlfriend but cannot accept u having sex with another sex worker

A normal gal usually cant intimidate / match up to any WL sex service standard, but another WL is always a threat. tiobo ?

13-09-2024, 04:15 PM
A normal gal usually cant intimidate / match up to any WL sex service standard, but another WL is always a threat. tiobo ?

Really? I find that local girls, especially those in their early 20s, are the most willing to do kinky or slutty sexual acts. It's not that they can't match the sex service standard, they just don't have the right instructions and they don't really know what guys would like. Generally if you're frank and specific about how you'd like to get serviced, I've had a much easier time getting the sex I want from local fwbs/gfs than WLs. WLs generally have 1 set way of doing things and they don't really deviate from that since its their bread and butter. Even with my regular WLs they generally don't like to be given too many instructions and won't do anything out of their comfort zone (e.g. no CIM, no AR, no AJ, no COF/COB if they don't offer those). Also many don't enjoy sex toy play because it puts too much wear and tear on their private parts and cause redness/soreness if done too often.

Never received much resistance from sg girls when I requested AR, catbath or if I wanted to use a new sex toy with them. In fact most (especially younger, more impressionable ones like around uni age) generally enjoy giving such services if you're a gentleman and observe hygiene/respect when requesting they service you in that manner.

Of course there are some WLs that naturally love performing amazing sex services for their customers, genuinely exude sexual desire, get wet naturally, and will passionately grant you access to intense realms of pleasure... but they're the exception rather than the norm I'd say.

13-09-2024, 05:57 PM
WL has no issues once you walk out the door.

As another bro said: pay to fk off

Really priceless to be able to keep a distance.